DesarrolladoresProducer: Tomoya Asano (FF3 DS, FF4 DS, Fullmetal Alchemist series)
Character design and art director: Akihiko Yoshida (Ogre Battle saga, FFT, FF12, FF3 DS)
Sound director: Tomohiro Kamiya (FF3 DS, FF4 DS)
Developer: Matrix (DQ5 PS2, FF3 DS, FF4 DS, FF4 The After Years)
Director: Takashi Tokita (FF4, Chrono Trigger, Live-a-Live, Parasite Eve, FF4 The After Years, Half-boiled Hero series)
2 Primeros Videos1 Minuto de Gameplay8 Segundos de CombateEl Gameplay recuerda mucho al Animal Crossing con esa forma de moverse el escenario como si fuese redondo.