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/_/ \_\______/| ||_/ \_||_|_| \___)_|\___)_|\___/|_| |_|\____)_|
================| |=============================================================
|_| Xbox Hard Drive Partitioner and Formatter
Thanks to h3inrich, kl0wn, and oz_paulb.
Thanks to
www.modchipsource.com for donation of a 250GB drive.
Version 1.1 - 30/05/2008
Update by Bomb Bloke (see end of document for my moment on the soapbox).
Cluster size update correction.
Automatically uses 64k clusters when formatting ] 512GB partitions,
128k clusters when formatting ] 1TB partitions, and so forth.
(New system does not allow for users to 'toggle' cluster size via Y button).
Switched display of megabytes to equal 1,048,576 bytes (1024^2).
Extended partitions are now displayed in gigabytes.