||/|/|/|/|/| Hilo Oficial Shadow Run |\|\|\|\|\|| (#2)



DISTRIBUIDO por Microsoft Game Studios

GÉNERO FPS Acción en Primera persona

LANZAMIENTO: 20 de Junio de 2007

PAGINA OFICIAL: http://www.shadowrun.com


Introduction to Shadowrun™

“Microsoft wants to transform the way multiplayer action games are played, and with Shadowrun, it has an impressive case for change.” – Gamespot.com

Shadowrun is an intense multi-player focussed FPS experience that rewards cleverness and split-second improvisation through a unique combination of modern weapons, ancient magic and advanced technology.


“Combine teleporting with a backpack glider and you can go anywhere in levels that are designed with lots of vertical space. It's unbelievably fun.” –Kotaku.com

“Too many action games rely on the same verbs. In other words, all you do is run, shoot, throw a grenade, and maybe drive a vehicle. In comparison, you'll almost need a small dictionary to describe all the actions in Shadowrun due to the sheer variety of actions that are possible in the game” –Gamespot.com

“The insanity that ensues when you rush into a firefight and see your fallen buddies only to resurrect the entire group to turn the tide of battle is a total rush.” – EvilAvatar.com


The combination of ancient magic, high technology and deadly weapons opens up new tactical possibilities for the player. Find yourself behind enemy lines, separated from your team? Teleport up through the ceiling to the roof then glide over to join your teammates. Or maybe use enhanced vision to find your enemies on the other side of a wall, turn the corner, toss a couple grenades, then once they notice you turn into smoke and walk off invulnerable to their weapons. Or just summon a minion to attack them up close while you stand back with a sniper rifle.

“Playing the game did, though, remove concerns about the difficulties in balancing players on PC and console in the same game.” –1UP.com

“Perhaps the best news is that it was impossible to tell which players were playing on an Xbox 360, which ones were using the PC's keyboard-and-mouse setup, and which were playing with a controller on a PC. We played a bunch of games, and no one had the upper hand thanks to their chosen setup.” – Gamespy.com

And, using LIVE Anywhere, Shadowrun is the first game ever to allow PC and 360 users play together. Be it keyboard and mouse or 360 controller, Shadowrun proves that it isn’t the buttons that matter, it’s the brains behind them.

“FASA is gearing up to deliver what should prove to change the way we not only think of first-person shooters, but the ways in which we play them as well.” –TeamXbox.com

Shadowrun. Rewrite the Rules of Engagement.
















Continuación de '||/|/|/|/|/| Hilo Oficial Shadow Run |\|\|\|\|\||'

Capi America escribió:
firewire escribió:Por si no os habéis enterado, han cerrado el estudio creador del ShadowRun, lo de los mapas lo veo un poco difícil...


ah si? donde lo dice eso?
Bién, como he dicho en el hilo anterior, por si alguién no lo ha visto:

Por si no os habéis enterado, han cerrado el estudio creador del ShadowRun, lo de los mapas lo veo un poco difícil...

Lo podéis leer en la portada de EOL juegos.

Necesito que me digan en que parte debo ponerle para sacar en modo historia
5 respuestas