Creo este hilo para que cada cual,deje sus impresiones,fallas o problemas con su PS3,y evitar un poco los MultiPost que hablan de los mismo una y otra vez,y tener que explicar lo mismo 1000 veces a cada uno,aquí se podrá resumir,e informar mas rápido...
Podremos ayudarte/consolarte e informarte en la medida de lo posible,no dudes en preguntar cualquier cosa,cuantas mas opiniones/soluciones aportemos entre todos,el foro estará mas organizado y todo el mundo ayudara en lo que pueda....
Fallos que se han visto a día de hoy:
Lentes que ya no leen los discos.
Muerte con luz amarilla.
Salida de HDMI ya no emite señal.
Error 80010514 : Code Of Death.Los que tengan problemas con su Ps3,este es tu Hilo oficial,aquí podrás exponer tu experiencia.............
Soluciones para la gente que les ha dejado de leer el Lector:
Para los que ya no tienen garantía (Que conste que son 2 años de garantía,y a nadie se le ha podido pasar todavía,pero hay excepciones)y a su Ps3 les ha dejado de leer los discos,existe un bloque nuevo con su lente para sustituir por el dañado.
Es el nuevo modelo del bloque KEM-410ACA. con un precio de unos 59$(Gracias al User de EOL luisdiego que nos aporto la Info hace unas semanas).
De venta en(por ejemplo):ágenes: KEM-410ACA:
Anterior modelo: KEM-400AAA.
Es mas barato que los 250€ que pide Sony por arreglar tu Ps3 fuera de garantia(creo que esto es para las primeras versiones 60Gb?)y evitas también los 2 meses que tardan en arreglártela o traerte un modelo nuevo de 60GB.
Si te atreves a cambiar el bloque,creo que el usuario luisdiego os podrá informar de como se hace.
También tenéis la posibilidad de solo cambiar la Lente.
Lente actual de los modelos de Ps3 60Gb y 20GB,y 40GB?(se dice que los modelos nuevos de 40GB ya incluyen el nuevo bloque mas lente Doble,que se supone que disipa un poco los errores su antecesor.
KES-400AAA:De venta en nuestro patrocinador
ChipSpain por el precio de 49.95€ :
También tenéis la Lente individual del bloque nuevo KEM-410ACA.
El usuario bobgar,nos ha aportado un video tutorial de como reemplazar la lente,Thanks bobgar.........Video 1 Video 2Muerte con luz amarilla.
Esta es la mas critica de todas,nada mas encender se ilumina la luz del Standby en amarillo,no se obtiene señal de vídeo/audio,no responde a nada,la consola ha muerto literalmente,no se sabe tampoco si el SAT la arregla(aquí hubo un caso,no se supo que pasó,pues era de Importación),puede ser que con un flasheo con un nuevo firmware via SAT se arreglara el problema..
Solución para casos de que la salida de HDMI ya no emite señal.
Puedes resetear la PS3 dejando apretado el detector de encender unos 10 segundos,con esto restaura los valores y configuraciones de fabrica,muchas veces soluciona muchos problemas de cambio de salida de vídeo que da a veces.
Error 80010514 (Code Of Death)
Error 80010514 : llamado Code Of Death(codigo de la muerte)nada mas que tiene una solución,ser enviada al SAT para su reemplazo,en caso de no tener garantía vigente no se sabe aun cuanto cobra Sony por su arreglo.
Posibles causas de ello?
Al parecer, dicho error se debe, según confirma GameRevolver, a un sector defectuoso en el disco duro interno de la consola o a una instalación defectuosa de una actualización de firmware o software; provocando a su vez una reacción que inutilizará de alguna manera la consola (sólo podremos ver películas en DVD o Blu-Ray), al igual que las conocidas “tres luces rojas” de Xbox 360. La única forma de resolver este error es reemplazando la propia consola o el firmware, que lo deberá hacer el propio servicio técnico de Sony.
Para prevenir este error, lo mejor es conseguir una conexión a internet con una estabilidad mayor al 80 por ciento para evitar actualizaciones defectuosas del firmware de la consola, limpiar la consola con regularidad y seguir cautelosamente las instrucciones de toda actualización con tal de evitar cometer algún tipo de error.
De todas formas, si os encontráis con este error, deberéis contactar con el servicio técnico de Sony, reportar tal problema y pedir una nueva PlayStation 3 de reemplazo, acción que durará alrededor de un mes.
Fueente del texto de Error 80010514 : megaconsolas
Lista de Codigos de Errores
Error/Dec. Error/Hex Error Description
-2147418113 (8000FFFF) Catastrophic failure
-2147467263 (80004001) Not implemented
-2147024882 (8007000E) Ran out of memory
-2147024809 (80070057) One or more arguments are invalid
-2147467262 (80004002) No such interface supported
-2147467261 (80004003) Invalid pointer
-2147024890 (80070006) Invalid handle
-2147467260 (80004004) Operation aborted
-2147467259 (80004005) Unspecified error
-2147024891 (80070005) General access denied error
-2147483647 (80000001) Not implemented
-2147483646 (80000002) Ran out of memory
-2147483645 (80000003) One or more arguments are invalid
-2147483644 (80000004) No such interface supported
-2147483643 (80000005) Invalid pointer
-2147483642 (80000006) Invalid handle
-2147483641 (80000007) Operation aborted
-2147483640 (80000008) Unspecified error
-2147483639 (80000009) General access denied error
-2147483638 (8000000A) The data necessary to complete this operation
not yet available.
-2147467258 (80004006) Thread local storage failure
-2147467257 (80004007) Get shared memory allocator failure
-2147467256 (80004008) Get memory allocator failure
-2147467255 (84009) Unable to initialize class cache
-2147467254 (8400A) Unable to initialize RPC services
-2147467253 (8000400B) Cannot set thread local storage channel control
-2147467252 (8000400C) Could not allocate thread local storage channel
-2147467251 (8000400D) The user supplied memory allocator is
-2147467250 (8000400E) The OLE service mutex already exists
-2147467249 (8000400F) The OLE service file mapping already exists
-2147467248 (80004010) Unable to map view of file for OLE service
-2147467247 (80004011) Failure attempting to launch OLE service
-2147467246 (80004012) There was an attempt to call CoInitialize a
second time while single threaded
-2147467245 (80004013) A Remote activation was necessary but was not
-2147467244 (80004014) A Remote activation was necessary but the server
name provided was invalid
-2147467243 (80004015) The class is configured to run as a security id
different from the caller
-2147467242 (80004016) Use of Ole1 services requiring DDE windows is
-2147467241 (80004017) A RunAs specification must be \ or simply
-2147467240 (80004018) The server process could not be started. The
pathname may be incorrect.
-2147467239 (80004019) The server process could not be started as the
configured identity. The pathname may be
incorrect or unavailable.
-2147467238 (8000401A) The server process could not be started because
the configured identity is incorrect. Check the
username and password.
-2147467237 (8000401B) The client is not allowed to launch this server.
-2147467236 (8000401C) The service providing this server could not be
-2147467235 (8000401D) This computer was unable to communicate with the
computer providing the server.
-2147467234 (8000401E) The server did not respond after being launched.
-2147467233 (8000401F) The registration information for this server is
inconsistent or incomplete.
-2147467232 (80004020) The registration information for this interface
is inconsistent or incomplete.
-2147467231 (80004021) The operation attempted is not supported.
-2147221504 (80040000) Invalid OLEVERB structure
-2147221503 (80040001) Invalid advise flags
-2147221502 (80040002) Can't enumerate any more, because the associated
data is missing
-2147221501 (80040003) This implementation doesn't take advises
-2147221500 (80040004) There is no connection for this connection ID
-2147221499 (80040005) Need to run the object to perform this operation
-2147221498 (80040006) There is no cache to operate on
-2147221497 (80040007) Uninitialized object
-2147221496 (80040008) Linked object's source class has changed
-2147221495 (80040009) Not able to get the moniker of the object
-2147221494 (8004000A) Not able to bind to the source
-2147221493 (8004000B) Object is static; operation not allowed
-2147221492 (8004000C) User cancelled out of save dialog
-2147221491 (8004000D) Invalid rectangle
-2147221490 (8004000E) compobj.dll is too old for the ole2.dll
-2147221489 (8004000F) Invalid window handle
-2147221488 (80040010) Object is not in any of the inplace active states
-2147221487 (80040011) Not able to convert object
-2147221486 (80040012) Not able to perform the operation because object
is not given storage yet
-2147221404 (80040064) Invalid FORMATETC structure
-2147221403 (80040065) Invalid DVTARGETDEVICE structure
-2147221402 (80040066) Invalid STDGMEDIUM structure
-2147221401 (80040067) Invalid STATDATA structure
-2147221400 (80040068) Invalid lindex
-2147221399 (80040069) Invalid tymed
-2147221398 (8004006A) Invalid clipboard format
-2147221397 (8004006B) Invalid aspect(s)
-2147221396 (8004006C) tdSize parameter of the DVTARGETDEVICE structure
is invalid
-2147221395 (8004006D) Object doesn't support IViewObject interface
-2147221248 (80040100) Trying to revoke a drop target that has not been
-2147221247 (80040101) This window has already been registered as a drop
-2147221246 (80040102) Invalid window handle
-2147221232 (80040110) Class does not support aggregation (or class
object is remote)
-2147221231 (80040111) ClassFactory cannot supply requested class
-2147221184 (80040140) Error drawing view
-2147221168 (80040150) Could not read key from registry
-2147221167 (80040151) Could not write key to registry
-2147221166 (80040152) Could not find the key in the registry
-2147221165 (80040153) Invalid value for registry
-2147221164 (80040154) Class not registered
-2147221163 (80040155) Interface not registered
-2147221136 (80040170) Cache not updated
-2147221120 (80040180) No verbs for OLE object
-2147221119 (80040181) Invalid verb for OLE object
-2147221088 (800401A0) Undo is not available
-2147221087 (800401A1) Space for tools is not available
-2147221056 (800401C0) OLESTREAM Get method failed
-2147221055 (800401C1) OLESTREAM Put method failed
-2147221054 (800401C2) Contents of the OLESTREAM not in correct format
-2147221053 (800401C3) There was an error in a Windows GDI call while
converting the bitmap to a DIB
-2147221052 (800401C4) Contents of the IStorage not in correct format
-2147221051 (800401C5) Contents of IStorage is missing one of the
standard streams
-2147221050 (800401C6) There was an error in a Windows GDI call while
converting the DIB to a bitmap.
-2147221040 (800401D0) OpenClipboard Failed
-2147221039 (800401D1) EmptyClipboard Failed
-2147221038 (800401D2) SetClipboard Failed
-2147221037 (800401D3) Data on clipboard is invalid
-2147221036 (800401D4) CloseClipboard Failed
-2147221024 (800401E0) Moniker needs to be connected manually
-2147221023 (800401E1) Operation exceeded deadline
-2147221022 (800401E2) Moniker needs to be generic
-2147221021 (800401E3) Operation unavailable
-2147221020 (800401E4) Invalid syntax
-2147221019 (800401E5) No object for moniker
-2147221018 (800401E6) Bad extension for file
-2147221017 (800401E7) Intermediate operation failed
-2147221016 (800401E8) Moniker is not bindable
-2147221015 (800401E9) Moniker is not bound
-2147221014 (800401EA) Moniker cannot open file
-2147221013 (800401EB) User input required for operation to succeed
-2147221012 (800401EC) Moniker class has no inverse
-2147221011 (800401ED) Moniker does not refer to storage
-2147221010 (800401EE) No common prefix
-2147221009 (800401EF) Moniker could not be enumerated
-2147221008 (800401F0) CoInitialize has not been called.
-2147221007 (800401F1) CoInitialize has already been called.
-2147221006 (800401F2) Class of object cannot be determined
-2147221005 (800401F3) Invalid class string
-2147221004 (800401F4) Invalid interface string
-2147221003 (800401F5) Application not found
-2147221002 (800401F6) Application cannot be run more than once
-2147221001 (800401F7) Some error in application program
-2147221000 (800401F8) DLL for class not found
-2147220999 (800401F9) Error in the DLL
-2147220998 (800401FA) Wrong OS or OS version for application
-2147220997 (800401FB) Object is not registered
-2147220996 (800401FC) Object is already registered
-2147220995 (800401FD) Object is not connected to server
-2147220994 (800401FE) Application was launched but it didn't register a
class factory
-2147220993 (800401FF) Object has been released
-2146959359 (80080001) Attempt to create a class object failed
-2146959358 (80080002) OLE service could not bind object
-2146959357 (80080003) RPC communication failed with OLE service
-2146959356 (80080004) Bad path to object
-2146959355 (80080005) Server execution failed
-2146959354 (80080006) OLE service could not communicate with the object
-2146959353 (80080007) Moniker path could not be normalized
-2146959352 (80080008) Object server is stopping when OLE service
contacts it
-2146959351 (80080009) An invalid root block pointer was specified
-2146959344 (80080010) An allocation chain contained an invalid link
-2146959343 (80080011) The requested allocation size was too large
-2147352575 (80020001) Unknown interface.
-2147352573 (80020003) Member not found.
-2147352572 (80020004) Parameter not found.
-2147352571 (80020005) Type mismatch.
-2147352570 (80020006) Unknown name.
-2147352569 (80020007) No named arguments.
-2147352568 (80020008) Bad variable type.
-2147352567 (80020009) Exception occurred.
-2147352566 (8002000A) Out of present range.
-2147352565 (8002000B) Invalid index.
-2147352564 (8002000C) Unknown language.
-2147352563 (8002000D) Memory is locked.
-2147352562 (8002000E) Invalid number of parameters.
-2147352561 (8002000F) Parameter not optional.
-2147352560 (80020010) Invalid callee.
-2147352559 (80020011) Does not support a collection.
-2147319786 (80028016) Buffer too small.
-2147319784 (80028018) Old format or invalid type library.
-2147319783 (80028019) Old format or invalid type library.
-2147319780 (8002801C) Error accessing the OLE registry.
-2147319779 (8002801D) Library not registered.
-2147319769 (80028027) Bound to unknown type.
-2147319768 (80028028) Qualified name disallowed.
-2147319767 (80028029) Invalid forward reference, or reference to
uncompiled type.
-2147319766 (8002802A) Type mismatch.
-2147319765 (8002802B) Element not found.
-2147319764 (8002802C) Ambiguous name.
-2147319763 (8002802D) Name already exists in the library.
-2147319762 (8002802E) Unknown LCID.
-2147319761 (8002802F) Function not defined in specified DLL.
-2147317571 (800288BD) Wrong module kind for the operation.
-2147317563 (800288C5) Size may not exceed 64K.
-2147317562 (800288C6) Duplicate ID in inheritance hierarchy.
-2147317553 (800288CF) Incorrect inheritance depth in standard OLE
-2147316576 (80028CA0) Type mismatch.
-2147316575 (80028CA1) Invalid number of arguments.
-2147316574 (80028CA2) I/O Error.
-2147316573 (80028CA3) Error creating unique tmp file.
-2147312566 (80029C4A) Error loading type library/DLL.
-2147312509 (80029C83) Inconsistent property functions.
-2147312508 (80029C84) Circular dependency between types/modules.
-2147287039 (80030001) Unable to perform requested operation.
-2147287038 (80030002) %1 could not be found.
-2147287037 (80030003) The path %1 could not be found.
-2147287036 (80030004) There are insufficient resources to open another
-2147287035 (80030005) Access Denied.
-2147287034 (80030006) Attempted an operation on an invalid object.
-2147287032 (80030008) There is insufficient memory available to
complete operation.
-2147287031 (80030009) Invalid pointer error.
-2147287022 (80030012) There are no more entries to return.
-2147287021 (80030013) Disk is write-protected.
-2147287015 (80030019) An error occurred during a seek operation.
-2147287011 (8003001D) A disk error occurred during a write operation.
-2147287010 (8003001E) A disk error occurred during a read operation.
-2147287008 (80030020) A share violation has occurred.
-2147287007 (80030021) A lock violation has occurred.
-2147286960 (80030050) %1 already exists.
-2147286953 (80030057) Invalid parameter error.
-2147286928 (80030070) There is insufficient disk space to complete
-2147286800 (800300F0) Illegal write of non-simple property to simple
property set.
-2147286790 (800300FA) An API call exited abnormally.
-2147286789 (800300FB) The file %1 is not a valid compound file.
-2147286788 (800300FC) The name %1 is not valid.
-2147286787 (800300FD) An unexpected error occurred.
-2147286786 (800300FE) That function is not implemented.
-2147286785 (800300FF) Invalid flag error.
-2147286784 (80030100) Attempted to use an object that is busy.
-2147286783 (80030101) The storage has been changed since the last
-2147286782 (80030102) Attempted to use an object that has ceased to
-2147286781 (80030103) Can't save.
-2147286780 (80030104) The compound file %1 was produced with an
incompatible version of storage.
-2147286779 (80030105) The compound file %1 was produced with a newer
version of storage.
-2147286778 (80030106) Share.exe or equivalent is required for
-2147286777 (80030107) Illegal operation called on non-file based
-2147286776 (80030108) Illegal operation called on object with extant
-2147286775 (80030109) The docfile has been corrupted.
-2147286768 (80030110) OLE32.DLL has been loaded at the wrong address.
-2147286527 (80030201) The file download was aborted abnormally. The
file is incomplete.
-2147286526 (80030202) The file download has been terminated.
-2147418111 (80010001) Call was rejected by callee.
-2147418110 (80010002) Call was canceled by the message filter.
-2147418109 (80010003) The caller is dispatching an intertask
SendMessage call and cannot call out via
-2147418108 (80010004) The caller is dispatching an asynchronous call
and cannot make an outgoing call on behalf of
this call.
-2147418107 (80010005) It is illegal to call out while inside message
-2147418106 (80010006) The connection terminated or is in a bogus state
and cannot be used any more. Other connections
are still valid.
-2147418105 (80010007) The callee (server [not server application]) is
not available and disappeared; all connections
are invalid. The call may have executed.
-2147418104 (80010008) The caller (client) disappeared while the callee
(server) was processing a call.
-2147418103 (80010009) The data packet with the marshalled parameter
data is incorrect.
-2147418102 (8001000A) The call was not transmitted properly; the
message queue was full and was not emptied after
-2147418101 (8001000B) The client (caller) cannot marshal the parameter
data - low memory, etc.
-2147418100 (8001000C) The client (caller) cannot unmarshal the return
data - low memory, etc.
-2147418099 (8001000D) The server (callee) cannot marshal the return
data - low memory, etc.
-2147418098 (8001000E) The server (callee) cannot unmarshal the
parameter data - low memory, etc.
-2147418097 (8001000F) Received data is invalid; could be server or
client data.
-2147418096 (80010010) A particular parameter is invalid and cannot be
-2147418095 (80010011) There is no second outgoing call on same channel
in DDE conversation.
-2147418094 (80010012) The callee (server [not server application]) is
not available and disappeared; all connections
are invalid. The call did not execute.
-2147417856 (80010100) System call failed.
-2147417855 (80010101) Could not allocate some required resource
(memory, events, ...)
-2147417854 (80010102) Attempted to make calls on more than one thread
in single threaded mode.
-2147417853 (80010103) The requested interface is not registered on the
server object.
-2147417852 (80010104) RPC could not call the server or could not return
the results of calling the server.
-2147417851 (80010105) The server threw an exception.
-2147417850 (80010106) Cannot change thread mode after it is set.
-2147417849 (80010107) The method called does not exist on the server.
-2147417848 (80010108) The object invoked has disconnected from its
-2147417847 (80010109) The object invoked chose not to process the call
now. Try again later.
-2147417846 (8001010A) The message filter indicated that the application
is busy.
-2147417845 (8001010B) The message filter rejected the call.
-2147417844 (8001010C) A call control interfaces was called with invalid
-2147417843 (8001010D) An outgoing call cannot be made since the
application is dispatching an input-synchronous
-2147417842 (8001010E) The application called an interface that was
marshalled for a different thread.
-2147417841 (8001010F) CoInitialize has not been called on the current
-2147417840 (80010110) The version of OLE on the client and server
machines does not match.
-2147417839 (80010111) OLE received a packet with an invalid header.
-2147417838 (80010112) OLE received a packet with an invalid extension.
-2147417837 (80010113) The requested object or interface does not exist.
-2147417836 (80010114) The requested object does not exist.
-2147417835 (80010115) OLE has sent a request and is waiting for a
-2147417834 (80010116) OLE is waiting before retrying a request.
-2147417833 (80010117) Call context cannot be accessed after call
-2147417832 (80010118) Impersonate on unsecured calls is not supported.
-2147417831 (80010119) Security must be initialized before any
interfaces are marshalled or unmarshalled. It
cannot be changed once initialized.
-2147417830 (8001011A) No security packages are installed on this
machine or the user is not logged on or there are
no compatible security packages between the
client and server.
-2147417829 (8001011B) Access is denied.
-2147417828 (8001011C) Remote calls are not allowed for this process.
-2147417827 (8001011D) The marshalled interface data packet (OBJREF) has
an invalid or unknown format.
-2147352577 (8001FFFF) An internal error occurred.
-2146893823 (80090001) Bad UID.
-2146893822 (80090002) Bad Hash.
-2146893821 (80090003) Bad Key.
-2146893820 (80090004) Bad Length.
-2146893819 (80090005) Bad Data.
-2146893818 (80090006) Invalid Signature.
-2146893817 (80090007) Bad Version of provider.
-2146893816 (80090008) Invalid algorithm specified.
-2146893815 (80090009) Invalid flags specified.
-2146893814 (8009000A) Invalid type specified.
-2146893813 (8009000B) Key not valid for use in specified state.
-2146893812 (8009000C) Hash not valid for use in specified state.
-2146893811 (8009000D) Key does not exist.
-2146893810 (8009000E) Insufficient memory available for the operation.
-2146893809 (8009000F) Object already exists.
-2146893808 (80090010) Access denied.
-2146893807 (80090011) Object was not found.
-2146893806 (80090012) Data already encrypted.
-2146893805 (80090013) Invalid provider specified.
-2146893804 (80090014) Invalid provider type specified.
-2146893803 (80090015) Provider's public key is invalid.
-2146893802 (80090016) Keyset does not exist
-2146893801 (80090017) Provider type not defined.
-2146893800 (80090018) Provider type as registered is invalid.
-2146893799 (80090019) The keyset is not defined.
-2146893798 (8009001A) Keyset as registered is invalid.
-2146893797 (8009001B) Provider type does not match registered value.
-2146893796 (8009001C) The digital signature file is corrupt.
-2146893795 (8009001D) Provider DLL failed to initialize correctly.
-2146893794 (8009001E) Provider DLL could not be found.
-2146893793 (8009001F) The Keyset parameter is invalid.
-2146893792 (80090020) An internal error occurred.
-2146893791 (80090021) A base error occurred.
-2146762751 (800B0001) The specified trust provider is not known on this
-2146762750 (800B0002) The trust verification action specified is not
supported by the specified trust provider.
-2146762749 (800B0003) The form specified for the subject is not one
supported or known by the specified trust
-2146762748 (800B0004) The subject is not trusted for the specified
-2146762747 (800B0005) Error due to problem in ASN.1 encoding process.
-2146762746 (800B0006) Error due to problem in ASN.1 decoding process.
-2146762745 (800B0007) Reading / writing Extensions where Attributes are
appropriate, and visa versa.
-2146762744 (800B0008) Unspecified cryptographic failure.
-2146762743 (800B0009) The size of the data could not be determined.
-2146762742 (800B000A) The size of the indefinite-sized data could not
be determined.
-2146762741 (800B000B) This object does not read and write self-sizing
-2146762496 (800B0100) No signature was present in the subject.
-2146762495 (800B0101) A required certificate is not within its validity
-2146762494 (800B0102) The validity periods of the certification chain
do not nest correctly.
-2146762493 (800B0103) A certificate that can only be used as an
end-entity is being used as a CA or visa versa.
-2146762492 (800B0104) A path length constraint in the certification
chain has been violated.
-2146762491 (800B0105) An extension of unknown type that is labeled
'critical' is present in a certificate.
-2146762490 (800B0106) A certificate is being used for a purpose other
than that for which it is permitted.
-2146762489 (800B0107) A parent of a given certificate in fact did not
issue that child certificate.
-2146762488 (800B0108) A certificate is missing or has an empty value
for an important field, such as a subject or
issuer name.
-2146762487 (800B0109) A certification chain processed correctly, but
terminated in a root certificate which isn't
trusted by the trust provider.
-2146762486 (800B010A) A chain of certs didn't chain as they should in a
certain application of chaining.Fuente AVforum.