› Foros › Xbox 360 › Exploits y homebrew
28 Abril 2012, Xecuter escribió:
27 Abril 2012, Xecuter escribió:
17 Abril 2012, Xecuter escribió:
<@ Juvenal> su build.py del rgh2.0 no funciona en Linux debido a la forma en que se hicieron los paths :/ <@ Juvenal> en lugar de utilizar barras invertidas dobles para delimitars los paths debieron hacer: os.path.join ('common', 'CB', 'file.bin')
<@ Juvenal> que lo haría independiente de la plataforma
15 Abril 2012, Xecuter escribió:
25 Febrero 2012, Xecuter escribió:
El recién formado Equipo de Desarrollo de RGH en la sede de Xecuter está orgulloso de anunciar que todas las consolas Phat han sido derrotados y son totalmente capaces de Glitchear, aún sin contar con un volcado de la NAND o la CPUkey de antes de actualizarlas (Necesita aún un volcado de la Nand, instalación de un RGH chip y la obtención de la CPUkey, solo que ahora se puede hacer estando en la última actualización 2.0.14719) (lo mismo se aplica a las Slim Trinity que se han actualizado al dash 14717 / 14719)!
Con nombre en código RGH 2.0, las nuevas características introducidas son:
- El Hack ahora trabaja en los nuevos CBs (actualizaciónes 14717/14719)
- El Hack funciona ahora con todos los CBs divididos (4577, 5772, 6752)
- Zephyr CB 4575, 4577
- Falcon / Opus CB 5772, 5773
- Jasper CB 6752, 6753
- Trinity (Slim) CB 9230 (2012-Marzo-05: Ya es posible Glitchearlo gracias a Vola y Marchisio80)
Para confirmar, ahora podemos glitchear todas las Phats con cualquier Kernel o Bootloader. Tan pronto como tengas la CPUkey, y estes utilizando el Xecuter DemoN usted SIMPRE será capaz de cambiar a una NAND totalmente hackeada y nunca podra ser detenido sin importar que actualices y que los efuses se quemen!
Vamos a ayudar al equipo del J-Runner para ejecutar la totalidad del nuevo código que le permitirá crear un ECC parcheado para cualquier NAND Phat / kernel / Bootloader.
El hack RGH de las Xenon también se dará a conocer sin embargo la calidad es mala y parece ser tan pobre como el infame Zephyr. Sin duda, una vez este por ahí los usuarios podrán ajustarlo y obtener unos mejores resultados, la sensación aquí es que es tiempo perdido en el momento y que deberíamos estar usando para trabajar en las Coronas. En la actualidad se trata de un método de "reparación" para rescatar a las DVDkeys (2012-03-07: Ya es posible glitchearlo solo hasta el dash 14699 y es inestable, gracias al TX).
Este es un nuevo estilo de RGH hack (entiendase el RGH 2.0) y habrá un nuevo archivo JED, cambios en el diseño del CoolRunner, cambios en el QSB's y posiblemente nuevos métodos de instalación (que también le mostrará cómo cambiar su versión anterior de TX CoolRunner para ser compatible con el nuevo hack, y las pruebas iniciales han demostrado que otras versiones más baratas de Chips RGH no funcionarán en absoluto).
El trabajo en afinar el hack está actualmente en curso para que sea lo más sólida posible, sin embargo esperamos tener todo listo lo antes posible.
Los miembros de nuestro equipo están trabajando duro en el nuevo modelo de Corona Slim y puedo decir que han hecho un gran progreso allí también. Vamos a decir que nos sentimos mal por cualquier persona que haya pagado un buen dinero por cualquier Chip RGH que haya sido anunciado como "Corona Ready".
Estén atentos para más noticias
Gracias a Tiros y gligli por su trabajo inicial sobre el hack RGH. Sin ellos nada de esto hubiera sido posible.
31 Marzo 2012, Xecuter escribió:
RGH2, actualización
Como se informó anteriormente, el desarrollo del RGH2 nos ha llevado en una dirección totalmente nueva y ahora es irreconocible para cuando empezamos. El trabajo está aún en curso, pero confiamos en que los mejores chicos están trabajando en esto y hemos diseñado el nuevo hardware de desarrollo que ha abierto nuevas puertas, y a su vez un nuevo conjunto de desafíos. Este es un proyecto que es muy importante para nosotros ya que ayudará a crear un nivel totalmente nuevo de Glitching y una nueva forma de hacer las cosas para la comunidad homebrew.
Vamos a conseguir un flameo por los enemigos habituales por decir esto y eso está bien si tienen un argumento válido, pero por supuesto que lo hacen rara vez............... Le sugerimos que ignore todas las nuevas versiones de los mods de glitch (glitch chips) que están llegando al mercado. Simplemente son remodelaciones de hardware que no le dan absolutamente nada nuevo de lo que ya tiene. Ninguno de ellos parece ser desarrollado con una comprensión real de lo que el RGH realmente hace bajo el capó – es por eso que usted los verá diciendo "soporte muy pronto para 14719", pero nunca será de parte de ellos. Usted no tiene que ser un genio para saber de donde vendrán todos los nuevos hacks.
Los cínicos pensarán "por supuesto que Xecuter lo diría por que los demás productos son de la competencia". Ni siquiera estamos diciendo que usted debe comprar el TX CoolRunner (aunque por supuesto, creemos que es el mejor disponible para el actual método del RGH) - usted puede comprar varios otros mods de chips glitch que están entre $ 10 - $ 15, que hacen el trabajo para el actual método de gitcheo. Como siempre hemos dicho, el hack original es un GLITCH HACK - lo que significa que no es perfecto. Si usted tiene la instalación hecha correctamente entonces funcionará bien - a veces con un arranque instantáneo, a veces hasta de un minuto - eso es sólo por la forma en que el hack original trabaja. Un hardware más caro no va a cambiar eso por lo que no crea en ello. La única manera de que esto vaya a mejorar es por un método completamente nuevo - que es de lo que se trata el RGH2.
14 Abril 2012, Xecuter escribió:
En este momento hay 2 versiones del RGH2.0
Uno que funciona en el TX CoolRunner con un poco de trabajo alrededor (hicimos la promesa de lanzar una versión para los usuarios actuales de CoolRunner si pudiéramos).
La versión principal es para una herramienta dispositivo completamente nuevo. No es un CoolRunner y no es un Xilinx. Se ve muy, muy bueno hasta ahora y será la próxima cosa nueva en la modificación Glitch - súper estable, súper rápido, súper sólido. No me anticiparé a hablar demasiado sobre ello hasta que tengamos algo bueno para mostrar, sin embargo, pero ahora que el Demon está casi terminado (probablemente está en su última semana de desarrollo) nosotros podremos trabajar a tiempo completo en el nuevo RGH2.
29 Abril 2012, Xecuter escribió:UPDATE 04/29/12:
There is a typo in the build.py which stops Xell booting on some refurbed Jaspers
Here is the correct build.py - just replace with the one in the RGH2.0 Jasper Fix release pack
DOWNLOAD HERE27 Abril 2012, Xecuter escribió:Xecuter RGH2.0 - Jasper Fix Release
Team Xecuter RGH2.0 For CoolRunner Rev A and B (JASPER FIX RELEASE)
There were certain Jasper configurations that would boot Xell but not boot to dash. We found that our XEBUILD patches were not quite correct.
Apologies for taking so long to fix the issue - this pack should work fine.
Please report any problems to the usual places.
DOWNLOAD HERE17 Abril 2012, Xecuter escribió:Xecuter RGH2.0 JED Files & Other Updates
Here are the JED and XSVF files for the Xecuter RGH2.0 Release - DOWNLOAD HERE
A few questions were raised that we should clarify.
If you are on 14699 or below with no DVD Drive and no Drive Key you can still use original RGH to get your CPU Key if you are on CB 6750
If you are on 14699 or below with no DVD Drive and no Drive Key you can still use the Xecuter RGH2.0 to get your CPU Key if you are on CB 5772/6752
If you are on 14717 or above with no DVD Drive and no Drive Key you can still use the Xecuter RGH2.0 to get your CPU Key if you are on CB 6752/6753
Simply use our RGH2.0 builder and the TX CoolRunner instructions and you will be able to run Xell and get your CPU/DVD Key.
The fact is we do not use the XOR hack on 5772/6752 - we use the rc4/keystream trick so no XOR hack at all is required or used below 14717. Of course we can give you this info as it's our code in the first place. Funny how that works......
We appreciate any feedback and results from your own tests. All input is welcome.
Also thanks to Juvenal in #libxenon for pointing out some linux corrections in the build.py
<@Juvenal>your build.py from rgh2.0 does not work on linux because of the way you did paths :/
<@Juvenal> instead of using double backslashes for path delims you should do: os.path.join('common', 'CB', 'file.bin')
<@Juvenal> that will make it platform independent
Here is our updated RGH2.0 build.py script for Xell to make it cross platform compatible: http://pastie.org/3804506
To the haters - if Xecuter has ever used someone elses work credits have ALWAYS been given and compensation has ALWAYS been offered - we also collaborate with many creators of original works directly - we steal nothing! If we use someone else's work we credit it and we improve it if and when possible. More often than not it is our work that is used by others, which is fine as long as its credited. Regarding the haters who say that this code was not stolen - yes it was - there are parts of the code that are 1:1 ours that was never made public before. We know who leaked and we know who stole the code, it's also been admitted to behind the scenes. Those that gloat over this only show what trolls they are with zero regard to scene development. Yes we are a business but have provided top shelf development for the last 10 years. Thankfully the trolls are in the minority.15 Abril 2012, Xecuter escribió:Team Xecuter RGH2.0 For CoolRunner Rev A and B
We were not quite ready to release this due to it's unstable boot times on older glitch hardware, but as our code was leaked from a team member AGAIN we had to release this due to another team stealing the code and claiming as their own work. They were even too lazy to change any of the patches to make it look like their own - they are 1:1 same as our original sources. Super lame. It seems some teams think this is the Wii or PlayStation scene and you can act like this. They don't even give credits to cOz for his SMC patcher - because they didn't even know that code was from him of course.
We don't want to get dragged down into bullshit scene politics - most of you won't care anyway, but a lot of guys work very hard on this stuff only to have it stolen with no effort and no credits is just sad. Anyway......
The Xecuter RGH Development Team are pleased to announce the official release of the RGH2.0 hack for all CoolRunner Rev A and Rev B dev boards. All Phat consoles have now been defeated and are totally glitch-able without having a previous NAND dump or CPU KEY (the same applies to Slim Trinity that have been updated to 14717/14719).
We have included all of the build.py and xebuild scripts for your convenience. Please give the correct credits if you use our work.
Xecuter RGH2.0 Features introduced:
Hack now works on new CB's (14717/14719 update)
Hack now works with all Refurbished Split CB's (4577, 5772, 6752)
Zephyr CB 4578, 4575, 4577
Falcon/Opus CB 5771, 5772, 5773
Jasper CB 6750, 6752, 6753
Trinity (Slim) CB 9188, 9230
To confirm, we can now glitch Phats with any kernel and any bootloader. As soon as you have your CPU KEY, and you are using an Xecuter DemoN you will
ALWAYS be able to switch to a fully hacked NAND and it can never be stopped no matter what update you apply and no matter which efuses are blown !
Technical Info:
In the slim boot chain the 2nd bootloader (CB) is split into two pieces. The first part simply starts encryption and loads the second part, which does fuse checks and all the things that the old single CB did. By glitching the first part (CBA), we take control of the system before the fuse checks occur and can patch them out. The slim bootchain has always used this layout and some groups have even tried bringing the slim CBA to phat and using the old single phat (RGH1) CB as CBB. Glitching this way will work if you set it up right, but there are actually phat xboxes that already have their own split CB boot chain which were mostly ones that had been refurbished (CB 5772, 6752, 4577).
What we have done is simultaneously find glitch timings for these refurbs, dump their cpu_key, decrypt the boot chain, and port it to run on every other phat! This means that on phats we can now glitch before the fuse check and thus have an unpatchable hack just like trinity!
New Xecuter CoolRunner v2 Hardware:
There have been many obstacles to cross with this because CBA glitching does not behave quite the same as CB glitching. The Coolrunner revisions A&B will glitch for RGH2.0 but results will vary and with some, boot times can be worse than trinity and with others they may be instant. These boot times are unacceptable and this is why we have spent the last few weeks designing a new glitch chip that will solve all these problems and will even help with trinity and corona boot times
New Xecuter CoolRunner v2 Upcoming Features:
Corona support !
Much better glitch times for RGH1 and RGH2
All-in-One code for all versions
Demon integration
Level shifted POST output
....and much more
Development is almost complete - find an image of the CR v2 dev unit in the release pack.
Building an Image:
With RGH2, a cpu_key is necessary for building the NAND image. The reason for this is because cpu_key encryption starts at CB, and in RGH1 there was only one CB which meant that CD was encrypted with cpu_key but CB could be "zero paired" which meant that the cpu_key would not be applied. When split-CB was added, they started the encryption at CBA and removed the zero pairing option, which means that cpukey encryption on CBB is mandatory. Because of a vulnerability in the way they use RC4, if you have a stock NAND image that already has a CBB encrypted on it, we can derive the keystream used in that image because we know what the CBB looks like decrypted (we have already decrypted that version before). Because of this, we can embed the older vulnerable CBB into the NAND image using the keystream.
Bottom line is, after the 14717 update they turned all phats into a split CB boot chain but using unglitchable bootloaders. We can still glitch these boxes even when we don't know the cpu_key because we can use the "XOR hack" to embed the RGH2 bootloaders. For older images (pre-14717) we need the cpu_key to encrypt the new loaders because there is not a CBB already in the image that we can derive a keystream from.
Once the cpu_key is retrieved, you can always build a NAND image for RGH2'ing your machine. You can flash back to stock, update, even burn all your fuses and you would still be able to run RGH2.
For building a xell image, read the readme in XECUTER_RGH2_Xell.
For an xebuild image (if you have your cpu_key already) browse to XECUTER_RGH2_Xebuild.
First wire up your Xecuter CoolRunner according to the diagram provided. RGH2.0 Requires that you either already have your cpu_key or you are on dashboard 14717/14719. This means that if you do not have your cpu_key, you must run xell first to retrieve your fuses.
The XSVF files are located in \xsvf folder. Start with the xsvf recommended below, however every xsvf should run on every motherboard, but one of them will work best for your setup.
Falcon/Opus: Program either TX_RGH2_B.xsvf, or TX_RGH2_C.xsvf
Jasper: Program either TX_RGH2_A.xsvf, or TX_RGH2_D.xsvf
Zephyr: Program either TX_RGH2_D.xsvf, or TX_RGH2_C.xsvf
Please enjoy this release and report any interesting tweaks you may find. Our forums at http://www.team-xecuter.com/forums offer excellent support and we would be glad to help and receive feedback from you.
If you are going to use RGH2.0 please give credits to the Team Xecuter RGH development Team. Don't be lame and try to claim the work as your own.
Thanks to Tiros & GliGli for their original RGH work.
Thanks to cOz for his universal SMC patcher.
Thanks to all the Xecuter developers and official testers. You know who you are.
Thanks to Ubergeek for the diagram.
Thanks to the asshole who leaked our code for others to steal and claim as theirs. Super lame.
25 Febrero 2012, Xecuter escribió:Team Xecuter Presents RGH 2.0
The newly formed RGH Development Team at Xecuter HQ are proud to announce that all Phat consoles have now been defeated and are totally glitch-able without having a previous NAND dump or CPU KEY (the same applies to Slim Trinity that have been updated to 14717/14719) !
Codenamed RGH 2.0, new features introduced:
Hack now works on new CB's (14717/14719 update)
Hack now works with all Refurbished Split CB's (4577, 5772, 6752)
- Zephyr CB 4577, 4575
- Falcon/Opus CB 5772, 5773
- Jasper CB 6752, 6753
- Trinity (Slim) CB 9230
To confirm, we can now glitch Phats with any kernel and any bootloader. As soon as you have your CPU KEY, and you are using an Xecuter DemoN you will ALWAYS be able to switch to a fully hacked NAND and it can never be stopped no matter what update you apply and no matter which efuses are blown !
We will be helping the J-Runner team to implement all of the new code which will allow you to build a patched ecc for any Phat NAND / Kernel / Bootloader.
The Xenon RGH hack will also be released however the quality of glitching seems to be as poor as the infamous Zephyr. No doubt once its out there users can tweak away at it and get some better results, the feeling here is that it's time wasted at the moment when we should be working on Corona. Currently it's a "repair" method at best to rescue DVD keys.
This is a new style of RGH hack (hence RGH 2.0) and there will be a new JED file, changes to the CoolRunner design, changes to the QSB's and possibly new install methods (we'll also show you how to change your older version TX CoolRunner to be compatible with the new hack, and initial tests have shown that other cheaper versions of RGH hardware will not work at all).
Work on fine tuning the hack is currently ongoing to make it as solid as possible, however we hope to have everything ready asap.
Members of our team are also working hard on the new Slim Corona model and can tell you that great progress has made made there too. We'll just say that we feel bad for anyone who paid good money for any glitch mod that was advertised as being "Corona Ready".
Stay tuned for more news
Thanks to Tiros & GliGli for their initial work on the RGH hack. Without them none of this would have been possible.
31 Marzo 2012, Xecuter escribió:RGH2 Update
As we reported before, the development of RGH2 has taken us on a totally new direction and is now unrecognizable to when we first started. Work is still on going but feel confident that the very best guys are working on this and we have designed new development hardware that has opened up new doors, and in turn a whole new set of challenges. This is a project that is very important to us as it will help create a totally new level of glitching and a new way of doing things for the homebrew community.
We will get flamed by the usual haters for saying this and that's fine if they have a valid argument, but of course they rarely do...............We will suggest that you ignore any new versions of glitch mods that are coming on to the market. They are simply re-hashed hardware that give you absolutely nothing new from what you already have. None of them seem to be developed with any real understanding of what the glitch really does under the hood - that's why you may see them saying "14719 support coming soon" but it will never be from them. You don't have to be a genius to know where all the new hacks will be coming from.
The cynics will think "of course Xecuter would say this as the other products are from competitors". We are not even saying you must buy the TX CoolRunner (although of course we feel it is the best available for the current RGH method) - you can buy several other glitch mods that are between $10-$15 that do the job for the current glitching method. Like we have always said, the original hack is a GLITCH HACK - that means it's not perfect. If you have the install done correctly then it will work - sometimes instant boot sometimes up to a minute - that's just the way the original hack works. More expensive hardware isn't going to change that so don't buy into it. The only way this is going to get better is by a completely new method - which is what RGH2 is all about.
[/quote][/quote]14 Abril 2012, Xecuter escribió:There are currently 2 versions
One that works on the TX CoolRunner with a little hacking around (we did promise to rls a version for current CR users if we could)
The main version is for a completely new dev tool. Its not a CoolRunner and its not Xilinx. It's looking real, real good so far and will be the next new thing in glitch modding - super stable, super fast, super solid. I don't ant to talk too much about it until we have something nice to show you though, but now that Demon is almost finished (probably in its final week of development) we can work full time on the the new RGH2 stuff
numallos escribió:el collrunner no es el mismo "perro" con diferente collar que todos los chips que hay en el mercado???????? no entiendo entonces esto ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a no ser que sea tactica comercial .............
nexxzus escribió:No nombran las Zephyr CB 4578 que aunque supuestamente ya eran glicheables son muy problemáticas y 3 de 5 no funcionan.
ROTOR escribió:YO tengo una xenon esperando y la pienso glichear cueste lo que cueste.
Edito lo único importante aquí son los JED, como tengamos eso es lo único necesario para adaptarlo a cualquier chip.
adrilopez escribió:ROTOR escribió:YO tengo una xenon esperando y la pienso glichear cueste lo que cueste.
Edito lo único importante aquí son los JED, como tengamos eso es lo único necesario para adaptarlo a cualquier chip.
Supongo que si. Aunque para las Xenon igual es necesario un chip con oscilador interno, recuerda que estas consolas no tienen chip Hana.
davidx escribió:Esperemos y pronto vemos esto, y eso de que solo el coolrunner sera compatible suena mas a comercial que a verdad.
ejavi escribió:Ohhh,que grande como se le pueda hacer a las Xenon,tendre que cambiar la imagen del perfil,alguien me explica eso de que sera gilch tan pobre como las Zepryh? significa que fallara mucho.
REYSHARK escribió:Siguen sin hablar de las corona, ke es lo mas importante xDD
pasnake escribió:REYSHARK escribió:Siguen sin hablar de las corona, ke es lo mas importante xDD
+1, yo creo que es mas importante las coronas que esto , aunque tambien es una buena noticia
Moogle escribió:¿para los que ya tenemos echo el rgh abra algo nuevo?¿o esto es solo para las consolas que no eran compatibles con el exploit?
tribalero_102 escribió:Moogle escribió:¿para los que ya tenemos echo el rgh abra algo nuevo?¿o esto es solo para las consolas que no eran compatibles con el exploit?
esto tambien me interesa a mi
blaKCat escribió:Lastima que este team nunca publique fuentes como gligli, freeboot team, rgloader...
Sera una via cerrada solo a sus avances.
Siempre nos quedara el reverse.
blaKCat escribió:Lastima que este team nunca publique fuentes como gligli, freeboot team, rgloader...
Sera una via cerrada solo a sus avances.
Siempre nos quedara el reverse.
k1ller escribió:Hola foreros una pequeña pregunta, con todo esto anunciado del nuevo RGH 2.0 de parte del teamxecuter. Lei que estan fabricando un nuevo Chip, eso no significa que tengo que cambiar obligatoriamente me chip CoolRunner , no???
Porque la verdad que ya se esta haciendo algo costoso esto del RGH.
Saludos a todos
askis escribió:si vale para el coolruner vale para todos los chips, todos funcionan igual.
yo he puesto matrix, el coolruner, el de los chinos y alguno mas y todos funcionan igual asi que si el coolruner funciona los otros tambien solo seria usar los esquemas. en el coolruner se decia que llebaban unos jed especificos y eso es una trola ya que los compare con los de gligli y son exactamente iguales, asi que si su modificacion necesita otros *.jed con meterle esos jed a los otros chips deverian de funcionar igual.
blaKCat escribió:Lastima que este team nunca publique fuentes como gligli, freeboot team, rgloader...
Sera una via cerrada solo a sus avances.
Siempre nos quedara el reverse.
y son totalmente capaces de Glitchear sin tener un volcado de memoria NAND antes o la CPUkey
luisykes escribió:y son totalmente capaces de Glitchear sin tener un volcado de memoria NAND antes o la CPUkey
Osea que ya no habrá que meter Xell? Uy! a esperar si es cierto
...todas las consolas Phat han sido derrotados y son totalmente capaces de Glitchear, aún sin contar con un volcado de la NAND o la CPUkey de antes de actualizarlas (Necesita aún un volcado de la Nand, instalación de un RGH chip y la obtención de la CPUkey, solo que ahora se puede hacer estando en la última actualización 2.0.14719) (lo mismo se aplica a las Slim Trinity que se han actualizado al dash 14717 / 14719)!
ROTOR escribió:Lo han anunciado a bombo y platillo pero hasta que no tengan la solución hardware lista para vender, no sueltan prenda de los detalles.
Así que todos a esperan por dos esquemas y tres ficheros Jed.
ROTOR escribió:parece que se tienen algo más guardado por ahí:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxY9yodN ... r_embedded
Xecuter Fusion
Esto ya está mejor
Tmv_Josue escribió:@Rotor:
Tal ves debas abrir un hilo nuevo para hablar sobre el Xecuter Fusion.
ROTOR escribió:parece que se tienen algo más guardado por ahí:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxY9yodN ... r_embedded
Xecuter Fusion
Esto ya está mejor
ROTOR escribió:parece que se tienen algo más guardado por ahí:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxY9yodN ... r_embedded
Xecuter Fusion
Esto ya está mejor