Esta es una posible solución para la gente que al igual que yo, se le queda
la pantalla en negro al ver divx por VGA y solo se le oye sonido.
When trying to play 25 or 50 fps content, I don’t get any video over VGA
This only affects consoles which output PAL-50 and PAL-60 output modes. There is a known issue in which 25 or 50 fps video sometimes doesn’t display over a VGA connection if you have previously connected your Xbox over component video output.
The workaround for this issue is as follows:
1. Connect your Xbox 360 to a display device using a component video cable
2. Go to the System Blade
3. Go to Console Settings
4. Go to Display
5. Set your display settings to a different resolution than is currently selected (e.g., set it to 480p if your current setting is 720p)
6. You should see a slider with the words “Your display settings have changed. You can keep this setting or try another. Do you want to keep the new settings? If you keep the new settings, your TV will be tested to see if it also supports this setting at 50Hz.” Answer “Yes, keep these settings” to this prompt.
7. After this your display will be tested for 50Hz output
8. You should see a slider with the words “Now displaying at 50Hz. Does this display appear correctly?” Answer “No” to this prompt even if the display is correct. Again, make sure to answer “No” to this prompt.
9. Connect your Xbox up via VGA again. The videos should now play correctly.
O sea. En cristiano.
1) Hay que conectar la 360 a la tv con el cable de componentes
2) Hay que ir a la configuracion yde la 360 donde la configuracion de resoluciones de la tele y cambiar la resolucion a otro modo (por ejemplo si esta a 480p ponerlo a 720p o al reves, (esto es para forzar que haga prueba de 50Hz)
3) Cuando te hace, pregunta que se va a cambiar el modo y que va a probar 50Hz dices que SI
4) EL PASO MAS IMPORTANTE: cuando ya pregunta "si ves algo a 50Hz" , aunque lo veas CONTESTAS QUE NO!!!!
5) Desconectar y volver a poner el VGA
Yo he probado y ya funciona!!
Un saludo.