Por fin ScummVM se ha añadido a la pagina web oficial de ScummVM:
http://www.scummvm.org/Nueva versión 40153 27/04/2009
http://forums.scummvm.org/viewtopic.php ... sc&start=0Nueva versión 38363 16/02/2009
- Enabled virtual keyboard (dpad down).
- Remapped some buttons (may change again later)
home = GMM (F6 instead of F5)
down = virtual keyboard
left = keypad 3 (untested yet)
right = keypad 9 (untested yet)
- DVD support with DVDX
- Added latest usbkeyboard fixes
- Fixed virtual keyboard, 0-9 keys (vkeybd.xml in vkeybd.zip)
Descarga aqui:
http://www.mediafire.com/?2tzzwjodziyDwegh ha sacado una nueva versión,
http://forums.scummvm.org/viewtopic.php?t=5746 rev35894 18/01/09
rev 35894: 18/01
* fixed a bug in the filesystem backend, tucker is now playable
* startup time for games with many files is way better now. tucker takes ~5s instead of ~15m (and that is not a typo)
added 2009/01/11:
* Fixed the deadlock in newlib's fwalk(), this one was responsible for lockups in various games
* Enabled IHNM and SAGA2
Dice que arreglaron un bug responsable de "cuelgues" en varios juegos.
Puedes probar con este último, a ver si se te sigue colgando....
http://static.hackmii.com/dhewg/scummvm-wii-r35811.zipUna nueva versión compilada por dhewg, con las siguientes mejoras:
* Compiled with devkitPPC r16 and its updated libogc and libfat, boosting the overall SD performance
* Renamed the Wii's internal sd slot device back to "fat:", so it loads properly with the homebrew channel (The initial change got introduced by the new libfat version)
* SDHC support (Wii internal SD only)
* Readded SD Gecko support for Wii
* USB mass storage support
* The root directory now yields a list of mounted devices, you can now use any combination of internal SD/SD gecko/USB at the same time
* Tweaked the video mode a little, hopefully this will eliminate the black borders
* Dropped MPEG2 video support, please use DXA instead (available on the download page)
* Proper Component/480p detection for Gamecube (contributed by Hkz)
* Fixed a libogc bug, Drascula and 7th Guest don't hang anymore
* Updated Tremor and FLAC, .ogg audio files should work fine now
* Enabled new game engines: Groovie and Tucker
Descarga aqui:
http://static.hackmii.com/dhewg/scummvm-wii-r35709.zipPara mas info aqui:
http://forums.scummvm.org/viewtopic.php ... b335e2e33bLa versión oficial (antigua), la podéis descargar aquí:
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/scum ... p?downloadComo cambios mas importantes de la versión 12 oficial fueron, añadir soporte para los siguientes juegos:
- The Legend of Kyrandia: Book Two: Hand of Fate.
- The Legend of Kyrandia: Book Three: Malcolm's Revenge.
- Lost in Time.
- The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble.
- Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back.
rev 32506 * restructured the runtime paths
o files from the selected game are now correctly loaded (check the READMII)
* increased the virtual screen size for the IR pointer
o its now easier to exit the sam & max inventory
o fixes the goblins 3 scroll issue
* added the keys "y" and "n" to the dpad (for simon the sorcerer)
DRaGMaRe escribió:Canal ScummVM con Banner, soporte para Wiimote y RGB!Canal: ScummVM con Banner
Modos de Vídeo: PAL50, PAL60 RGB, MPAL, NTSC 480i/p
Versión: rev32231
Coder del ScummVM: dhewg
Créditos del Banner a sus creadores.
Archivo Injectado y compartido por
DRaGMaRe.Descarga:MegauploadMediafireInfo:Es la versión que viene incluida en el Canal HC, con la Skin moderna.
La versión es muy estable. He jugado un buen rato a Monkey Island 3 y no me ha dado ningún error (Pero no me guarda)
No he probado mas juegos, pero por lo que pude probar vale mucho la pena.
Los que tengáis otro canal ScummVM sólo deciros que éste no REEMPLAZA, así que tendréis que desinstalar el anterior.
Canal de Paradox ScummVM con Wiimote (Creditos BeaKManiak ) 29/04/2008
Canal ScummVM Wiimote (Creditos DRaGMaRe) 27/04/2008
Versión inicial con soporte de wiimote 2/04/2008
ScummVM mirror TEST1 Video Demo de ScummVM corriendo Sam and Max Hit the Road Carga desde la SD interna, para que os funcione necesitáis el hack del Zelda, una consola con chip o el canal alfa Homebrew.
- screen is only updated if necessary
no more flicker on the BASS intro
better performance
- games with higher screen resolutions are now drawn correctly
- fixed some palette bugs
this is an early test version
svn revision 31355
all but the HE and AGI engine is compiled in
- sd card
- gamecube controller
FEATURES worth mentioning (wii port specific)
- GX hardware scaling
- usage of the wii's internal sd slot
- copy the "scummvm" folder to the root of your sd card
- copy demos and/or your games onto the same sd card
freeware version:
http://scummvm.org/downloads.php#extras demos:
- run scummvm-wii.dol or scummvm-wii.elf on your wii
- if you have a usbgecko in slot b, you have to read the debug messages with
a terminal app, or it will hang
controls: gc pad
analog stick: mouse movement
a: left mouse button
b: right mouse button
x: escape
y: "." (skip current line of text)
z: enter
start: f5 (scummvm menu)
dpad up: shift (mass add for the gui)
dpad left: "0"
l+r: quit