Quin es exactamente al qaeda???
chomsky responde:
Returning again to Ronald Reagan, I’m looking at a book by Eqbal Ahmad called Terrorism: Theirs & Ours. The cover shows the great communicator sitting in the White House with Afghan mujahideen. This is not a photograph that is being widely circulated in any of the major media. The Reagan administration was instrumental in supporting the mujahideen, elements of which later morphed into the Taliban and al-Qaeda.Respuesta:
They went beyond supporting them.
They organized them.
They collected radical Islamists from around the world, the most violent, crazed elements they could find, and tried to forge them into a military force in Afghanistan. You could argue that would have been legitimate if it had been for the purpose of defending Afghanistan. But it wasn’t. In fact, it probably prolonged the war in Afghanistan. It looks from the Russian archives as though they were ready to pull out in the early 1980s, and this prolonged the war. But that wasn’t the point. The point was to harm the Russians, not to defend the Afghans. So, the mujahideen were carrying out terrorist activities right inside Russia, based in Afghanistan. Incidentally, those terrorist activities stopped after the Russians pulled out of Afghanistan, because what they were trying to do is just what they say, in their terminology, protect Muslim lands from the infidels. When the infidels pulled out, they stopped carrying out terrorist attacks in Russia from Afghanistan. They’re now carrying them out from Chechnya, where Russia is carrying out a murderous, devastating repression with U.S. support. And, yes, Islamists were brought to Afghanistan. They were armed, trained, directed by Pakistani intelligence mainly, but under CIA supervision and control, with the support of Britain and other powers, for the purpose of trying to harm the Russians as much as possible at that time. And, yes, they morphed into what became al-Qaeda. Eqbal Ahmad recognized right away, and warned–a lonely voice–that the U.S. and its allies were creating a terrorist monster, reviving concepts of "jihad" as "holy war" that had been dormant for centuries in the Islamic world.
http://www.chomsky.info/interviews/200408--.htmhttp://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noam_ChomskyAvram Noam Chomsky (7 de diciembre de 1928 en Filadelfia, Estados Unidos) es un lingüista, filósofo, activista, autor y analista político judío estadounidense. Es profesor emérito de Lingüística en el MIT y una de las figuras más destacadas de la lingüística del siglo XX, es sumamente reconocido en la comunidad científica y académica por sus importantes trabajos en teoría lingüística y ciencia cognitiva. A lo largo de su vida, ha ganado popularidad también por su acercamiento al estudio de la política, siendo hoy reconocido como un activista e intelectual político que se caracteriza por una visión fuertemente crítica de las sociedades capitalistas y socialistas, habiéndose definido políticamente a sí mismo como un anarquista[1] [2] o socialista libertario.
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