Bienvenidos al Hilo Oficial de Trophy Hunter's. Este Hilo consiste en un grupo de amigos dedicados a ayudar a las personas que tengan dificultades para completar un juego, dudas sobre ese juego o para conseguir el Platino de dicho juego. Para entrar a formar parte de este grupo, solamente necesito vuestra Firma (como la que encontraréis abajo) y vuestra lista de Platinos conseguidos y no conseguidos, ordenados alfabéticamente. Así de simple. Un saludo y mucha suerte en vuestro camino
El objetivo es simple y ya está dicho: Obsequiar toda la ayuda necesaria para saltar ciertos bloqueos de videojuegos. Solo podrán apuntarse personas que usen PlayStation 3.
Este es el momento para darte a conocer y recibir ayuda de auténticos fanáticos y profesionales de videojuegos.
PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: AC La Hermandad, AMY, Battlefield 3, Borderlands, Call of Juarez The Cartel, Crysis 2, Dead Nation, Dead Space 2, Deus Ex Human Revolution, Duke Nukem Forever, El Shadai Ascension of the Metatron, Enslaved Odyssey to the West, Fallout New Vegas, Far Cry 2, Final Fantasy XIII, God of War II, God of War III, God of War Chains of Olympus, God of War Ghost of Sparta, GTA IV, Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock, James Bond 007:Blood Stone, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, LittleBigPlanet 2, Max Payne 3, Medal of Honor Frontline, Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, Oddwolrd:Stranger´s Wrath,Renegade Ops, Skyrim, Switchball, Vanquish y Wolfenstein.

PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: AC Brotherhood, After Burner Climax, Anarchy: Rush Hour, Apache: Air Assault, Army Of Two: The 40th Day, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Battlefield Bad Company 2, BioShock 2, Borderlands, Brutal Legend, BulletStorm, Burn Zombie Burn!, COD Classic, COD Black Ops, Dead Nation, Demon´s Souls, DJ Hero 2, Dragon Age: Origins, Dungeon Siege 3, EA Sport Active 2, EyePet, F1 2010, F1 2011, FALLOUT 3, Family Game Night 3, Far Cry 2, FIFA 09, FIFA 10, FIFA 11, FIFA 12, Final Fight: Double Impact, Flower, GhostBusters, God Of War 1, Gran Turismo 5, GTA IV, Heavy Weapon, HomeFront, Hunted: The Demon´s Forge, Just Cause 2, Kany & Linch 2: Dog Days, KillZone 2, KillZone 3, L.A Noire, Limbo, Little Big Planet 1, Little Big Planet 2, Midnight Club: Los Angeles, Mirror´s Edge, COD Modern Warfare 2, Moto GP 09/10, Naughty Bear, Overlord 2, Planet 51, Pure, Red Dead Redemption, Resident Evil 5, Singularity, Skyrim, Sonic´s Ultimate Genesis Collection, SplatterHouse, Stree Fighter IV, Superstars V8 Next Challenge, Tekken 6, The House Of The Dead 3, The Saboteur, The Simpsons, TMNT, Tom Clancy´s H.A.W.X, Tomb Raider: Underworld, Trine, Tron: Evolution, Tumble, Virtual Tennis 2009, WipEout, Wolfestein y ZEN Pinball.
PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: Another Centurys Episode R, Dead Space, Dead Space 2, Dead Space Extraction, DiRT 2, Gran Turismo 5, LOST PLANET 2, NINJA GAIDEN Σ2, PixelJunk Monsters and Encore, Renegade Ops, Shadow of the Colossus, Soldner-X: Himmelssturmer, SUPER STREET FIGHTER Ⅳ, VANQUISH y WipEout HD.

PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: 3D Dot Game Heroes, AC Brotherhood, Alpha Protocol, Band Hero, Batman: Arkham Asylum, BAYONETTA, BioShock 1, BioShock 2, Borderlands, Braid, Brutal Legend, Buzz: Brain of..., Buzz: Quiz World, Buzz: Quiz TV, Comet Crash, De Blob 2, Dead Nation, Dead Space 1, Dead Space Ignition, Deadstorm Pirates, DJ Hero, Enslaved: Odyssey Of The West, EyePet, FairyTale Fights, Far Cry 2, Final Fantasy XIII, FlOw, Fuel, Ghostbusters, GTA IV, Guitar Hero 5, Heavy Rain, Hustle Kings, Infamous 1, Kane & Linch 2: Dog Days, Katamari Forever, KillZone 2, LEGO Rock Band, Little Big Planet 1, Mainichi Issho, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, Mirror´s Edge, ModNation Racers, Naughty Bear, Noby Noby Boy, Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time, Rag Doll Kung Fu, Razing Storm, Resistance 2, Rock Band 2, Rock Band 3, Sackboy´s Prehistoric Moves, Shank, SingStar, Sonic: The Hedgehot 2, SplatterHouse, Sport Champions, Streets Of Rage 2, The Beatles: Rock Band, The Lord Of The Rings: Aragorn´s Quest, The Secret Of Monkey Island, The Shoot, TMNT: Turtles In Time Re-Shelled, Tom Raider: Legend, Toy Story 3, Trine, TV Superstars, UNO, Vanquish, WipEout, Wolverine y Yoostar 2.

PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: 2010 FIFA World Cup, AC Brotherhood, Alien vs Predator, Alone In The Dark, Alpha Protocol, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Batman: Arkham City, Battlefield 1943, Battlefield Bad Company, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Battlefield 3, BioShock 1, BioShock 2, Braid, Brain Challenge, Brink, Burn Zombie Burn!, COD World At War, Call Of Juarez: Bound In Blood, Castlevania: Lords Of Shadows, Dead Nation, Dead Rising 2, Dead Space 1, Demon´s Souls, DJ Hero 2, Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2, EyePet, F1 2010, Far Cry 2, FIFA 09, FIFA 10, FIFA 11, FIFA 12, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fight: Double Impact, Frogger Returns, Ghostbusters, God Of War 1, God Of War 2, God Of War 3, Gran Turismo 5, GTA IV, GTI Club + Rally Cote D´Azur, Guitar Hero 5, Guitar Hero Hits, Gunstar Heroes, Heavy Rain, Infamous: Festival Of Blood, Joe Danger, KillZone 2, KillZone 3, Leisure Suit Larry Box Office Bust, Little Big Planet 1, Mass Efect 2, Medal Of Honor, Mercenaries 2: World In Flames, Midnight Club: Los Angeles, Mortal Combat vs DC Universe, MotorStorm: Pacific Rift, MotorStorm RC, Mushrooms Wars, NBA 2K11, Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit, Need For Speed: Shift, Need For Speed: Undercover, Numblast, Prince Of Persia, Prince Of Persia: The Forgotten Sands, Prototype 1, Quantum Of Solace, Rayman Origins, Red Dead Redemption, Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil: Code Veronica X, Resistance 2, Rock Band 2, SBKX SuperBike World Championship, Skate 2, Sly 1, Sonic CD, Sonic Generations, Sonic: The Hedgehog 2, Sonic: The Hedgehog 4 Episodio 1, Sports Champions, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2, Terminator Salvation, The Beatles: Rock Band, The Lord Of The Rings: Conquest, The Lord Of The Rings: War In The North, The Secret Of Monkey Island, The Shoot, The Sims 3, TMNT Turtles In Time Re-Shelled, Tomb Raider: Anniversary, Tom Raider: Leguend, Tom Raider: Underworld, Trine 1, Trivial Pursuit, Uncharted 1, Uncharted 2, Unreal Tournament 2, Virtual Tennis 4, WET, Wheelman, WipEout, Wolfestein, Worms 1, Worms 2 Armageddon y WWE SmackDown vs Raw 2011.
PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: Assassin's Creed: La Hermandad, BioShock 2, Dead Nation, Little Big Planet 2, Motorstorm Apocalysis y Red Dead Redemption.
PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: 2010 FIFA World Cup, Braid, COD Classic, Crysis 2, Dead Space Extraction, FALLOUT: New Vegas, Far Cry 2, FIFA 10, FIFA 11, Gran Turismo 5, GTA IV, GTI Club + Rally Cote D´Azur, Inferno Pool, Marvel vs Capcom 3, Punisher: No Mercy, Puzzle Quest Galactrix, Resistance 2, Smash Cars, Street Fighter IV, Streets Of Rage 2, Virtual Tennis 2009 y ZEN Pinball.

PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: Battlefield 1943, Battlefield 3, Braid, Brutal Legend, Buzz: El Multiconcurso, COD: Classics, COD: World At War, Costume Quests, Crazy Taxi, Critter Crunch, Cuboid, Dead Island, Dead Nations, Dead Space 1, Demon's Soul, DJ Hero, DJ Hero 2, Dungeon Siege 3, EA Sports MMA, Far Cry 2, FIFA 09, FIFA 11, FIFA 12, Fight Night Round 4, Final Fantasy XIII, FlOw, Flower, GhostBusters, Gran Turismo 5, GTA IV, Guitar Hero: Hits, Guitar Hero: Metallica, Guitar Hero: Warriors Of Rock, Hydrophobia, Just Cause 2, Killzone 2, Lumines Supernova, Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom, Marvel Pinball, Midnight Club: Los Angeles, Mirror's Edge, MK9, MKvsDC, Moto GP 10/11, Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit, Need For Speed: SHIFT, Noby Noby Boy, Pain, Plants VS Zombies, Prototype, Resident Evil: 5, Resistance 2, Rocksmith, Sacred 2, Scott Pilgrim Contra el Mundo, Shank 2, Singstar, Sonic Adventure, Sonic CD, SF IV, Streets Of Rage 2, Supersonic acrobatic Rocket-powered Battle-Cars, The Simpsons: Arcade Game, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell HD, Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X., UFC Undisputed 2009, Virtua Tennis 2009, Winter Stars, Wipeout HD y Zuma.
PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: Battlefield 3, Borderlands, Dead Nation, Far Cry 2, FIFA 09, FIFA 10, FIFA 11, FIFA 12, GTA IV, KillZone 2, Little Big Planet 1, COD Modern Warfare 3 y Spider-Man Dimensions.
PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: Bayonetta, Bioshock 1, Borderlands, Brutal Legend, Buzz: Quiz TV, Castlevania Lords Of Shadow, COD Classic, COD Black Ops, COD Modern Warfare 2, COD World At War, Dead Nation, Dead Rising 2, Demon´s Souls, Deus Ex Human Revolution, DJ Hero, DJ Hero 2, Enslaved: Odyssey To The West, FALLOUT 3,Final Fantasy XIII-2, Gran Turismo 5, GTA IV, Hustle Kings, Infamous 2, Just Cause 2, KillZone 2, KillZone 3, Little Big Planet 2, Metal Gear solid 4, Mirror´s Edge,No More Heroes 2, ModNation Racers, MotorStorm: Pacific Rift, Need For Speed: Shift, Pure, Rage, Razing Storm, Red Dead Redemption, Red Faction Guerrilla, Resident Evil 5, Resistance 2, Sega Mega Drive, SingStar, Sport Champions, Street Fighter 4, The Shoot, Uncharted 2, Uncharted 3, UNO, Vanquish y WipEout.
PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: Borderlands, COD Black Ops, Call Of Juarez: Boun In Blood, Deux EX, FIFA 13, Infamous 2, KillZone 2, Top Spin 4, Tornado Outbreak y WET.
PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: Dead Nation, COD Black Ops, Magic: Duel of planeswalker, Portal 2, Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One, Uncharted 2, WipEout y Worms 2 Armagedon.
PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: Buzz! Concurso Universal, Dead Rising 2, DJ Hero 2, FEAR 2, Gran Turismo 5, Little Big Planet 1, Lost Planet 2, MotorStorm Pacific, Red Dead Redemption, SingStar, TC HAWX 2, Yoostar 2.

PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: Assassin´s Creed 2, AC Brotherhood, Batman: Arkham Asylum, BAYONETTA, BioShock 1, Borderlands, Braid, Buzz: Quiz World, Buzz: Quiz TV, COD Black Ops, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Dark Souls, Darksiders, Dead Nation, Dead Rising 2, Dead Space 1, Demon´s Souls, Deux Ex: Human Revolution, DJ Hero, Dragon Age: Origins, F.E.A.R. 2 Project Origin, FIFA 09, FIFA 10, Final Fantasy XIII, Flower, God Of War 1, God Of War 2, God Of War 3, Gran Turismo 5, GTA IV, Heavy Rain, Infamous 1, KillZone 2, Lara Croft and The Guardian of Light, Little Big Planet 1, Magic Orbz, Mirror´s Edge, COD Modern Warfare 2, COD Modern Warfare 3, Mortal Kombat, Nat Geo Quiz, Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit, Pure, RAGE, Red Dead Redemption, Resident Evil 5, Sacred 2, SingStar, Skyrim, Sonic: The Hedgehog 2, Street Fighter IV, Streets Of Rage 2, The House Of The Dead, The Sims 3 Pets, Trine, Uncharted 3, UNO, Vanquish y Voodoo Dice.

PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: Assasin's Creed: La Hermandad, Assassin's Creed: Revelations, Batman Arkham Asylum, Bioshock 1, Buzz, Dead Space 1, Deus Ex, Gran Turismo 5, GTA IV, Fallout New Vegas, Final Fantasy XXIII, God Of War 1, God Of War 2, God Of War 3, Killzone 2, LA Noire, Little Big Planet 1, Ninja Gaiden 2, PES 2011, Rage, Red Dead Redemption, Street Fighter 4, Skyrim, Top Spin 4 y Uncharted 3.
PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: God Of War: Ghost Of Sparta, Infamous 1, L.A. Noire, Metal Gear Solid 2, Portal 2, Resident Evil: Operación Raccon City y Top Spin 4.

PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: AC Brotherhood, Astro Tripper, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Batman: Arkham City, Battlefield Bad Company 2, BioShock 1, Blur, Burnout Paradise, Castle Crashers, Castlevania: Lords Of Shadows, DarkSiders, Dead Nation, Dead Space 1, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Ball: Raging Blast, Faery: Legends Of Avalon, FIFA 09, FIFA 11, GhostBusters, God Of War 3, GTA IV, Guitar Hero 5, Guitar Hero Hits, Infamous 1, LIMBO, Marvel vs Capcom 3, Metal Gear Solid 2, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, COD Modern Warfare 2, Moon Diver, MotorStorm: Pacific Rift, Naughty Bear, Prototype 1, Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil: Code Veronica X, Ricochet, RISK: Factions, Sacred 2, Saints Row: The Third, Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Skyrim, Sonic The Hedgehog, Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions, Sports Champions, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Super Stardust, Swarm, Tetris, The Sims 3, Top Spin 4, WipEout y Wolverine.
PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: COD, World At War, COD Modern Warfare 2, Lost Planet 2, Mirror's Edge, Prince Of Persia: El Alma del Guerrero, Prince Of Persia: Las Dos Coronas, Red Dead Redemption, Resistence 2, Tom Clancy's HAWX, Tom Clancy's HAWK 2 y Virtual Tennis 2009.
PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: AC Revelations, Call Of Juarez: Bound In Blood, Dark Souls, Dead Nation, Demon´s Souls, F.E.A.R. 2 Project Origin, FIFA 12, God Of War 2, God Of War 3, Heavy Rain, Infamous 1, Little Big Planet 1, Mafia 2, Mirror´s Edge, COD Modern Warfare 2, COD Modern Warfare 3, Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit, Red Dead Redemption y Uncharted 2.

PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Bayonetta, BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger, BlazBlue: Continuum Shift, Bleach: Soul Ignition, Brutal Legend, Burn Zombie Burn!, Burnout Paradise, Castle Crashers, Darksiders, Dead Nation, Dead Rising 2, Demon's Souls, Disgaea 3, Disgaea 4, Dragon Age: Origins, Earthworm Jim HD, Fallout 3, Final Fantasy XIII, Grand Theft Auto IV, GundeadliGne, Gundemonium Recollection, Hitogata Happa, InFamous, Killzone 2, Last Rebellion, LittleBigPlanet, Marvel vs Capcom 2, Mirror's Edge, Planet 51, Prince of Persia, Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands, Quantum Theory, Resonance of Fate, Rocket Knight, SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD: THE GAME, Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus, SOULCALIBUR V, Star Ocean The Last Hope: International, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, STREET FIGHTER X TEKKEN, Tekken 6, The Godfather II, The Sly Collection: Mini Games, Toy Story 3: The Video Game, Trinity Universe, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, WET, WipEout HD y Yakuza 4.
PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: AC Brotherhood, Assassin´s Creed 2, Battlefield 3, Burnout Paradise, Buzz: The Ultimate Music Quizz (
), COD Black Ops, Dead Nation, FIFA 10, FIFA 12, Gran Turismo 5, GTA IV, Guitar Hero 5 (
), Infamous 1, KillZone 3, Little Big Planet 1, Mafia 2, COD Modern Warfare 3, NBA 2K11, NBA ELITE 11, Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit, PES 2011, Red Dead Redemption, SingStar (
), Top Spin 4, UFC Undisputed 2010, WipEout HD, WWE All Stars y WWE SmackDown vs Raw 2011. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: Dead Space 2, Gran Turismo, LBP 1, Red Dead Redemption y Resident Evil 5.
PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: Battlefield 1, Battlefield 2, Battlefield 3, COD Modern Warfare 2 y Uncharted 3.
PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: Assassin's Creed: La Hermandad, FIFA 13, Kanne & Linch 2: Dog Days y Little Big Planet 1.
PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: Battlefield 3, Bionic Commando, Bionic Commando Rearmed, Dante´s Inferno, Dark Souls, Dead Nation, Dead Space 2, FALLOUT 3, Far Cry 2, FIFA 09, FIFA 11, FIFA 12, GTA IV, High Stakes of The Vegas Strip: Poker Edition, Infamous 1, KillZone 2, Little Big Planet 1, Lost Planet 2, Mercenaries 2: World in Flames, Red Dead Redemption, Resident Evil 5, Resistance 2, Savage Moon Veteran´s Award, Sniper: Whost Warrior, The Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena, Tom Clancys H.A.W.X, Uncharted 1 y Vanquish.
PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: AC Brotherhood, AC Revelations, Army Of Two: The 40th Day, Assassin´s Creed 2, Dante´s Inferno, Dead Nation, God Of War 1, God Of War 2, Gran Turismo 5, GTA IV, Heavy Rain, Infamous 1, KillZone 3, Little Big Planet 1, ModNation Racers, Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time, PES 2010, Uncharted 1, Uncharted 2, Uncharted 3 y WipEout.
PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: Army Of Two: The 40th Day, Assassin´s Creed 2, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Burnout Paradise, COD Black Ops, COD World At War, Dead Nation, FALLOUT 3, FALLOUT: New Vegas, FIFA 09, GhostBusters, High Stakes On The Vegas Strip: Poker Edition, Hustle Kings, Infamous 1, Infamous: Festival Of Blood, Little Big Planet 1, COD Modern Warfare 2, COD Modern Warfare 3, MotorStorm RC, Need For Speed: Undercover, Red Dead Redemption, Resident Evil 5, Resistance 2, Resonance Of Fate, Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars, Tom Clancy´s EndWar, Uncharted 1, Uncharted 2 y Uncharted 3.
PLATINOS NO CONSEGUIDOS: Battlefield: Bad Company 2, COD: Black Ops, COD: Modern Warfare 3, Dead Nation, Fifa Street, FIFA 12, Final Fantasy XII, GTA V, KillZone 3 y NBA 2K12.
Para mejorar el Hilo debéis de ir comentando vuestro progreso periodicamente. Si obtienes un Platino y no tengo constancia de ello, nunca podré actualizarlo. Por eso, cada vez que obtengáis un Platino, error en vuestra Firma, etc. debo ser informado. Espero que os apuntéis y que compartáis vuestras opiniones, sugerencias y experiencias
Un saludo TH. (Trophy Hunter's), os estaré esperando