Easy Freeboot v5.33 For 13599Changes since EFB 5.32
SMC Config editor
added more donor files
fixed jasperyness
Ability to change donor file region
Ability to bring cpukey dialog up
New IO ( no more packet io virus warnings ) thanks Stoker25
Easy Freeboot v5.32 For 13599An updated version of Easy FreeBoot to support the recent release of the 13599 rebooter.
Changes since Easy Freeboot v5.20
Many Many thing I cant remember!
Fixed Many Many Bugs
Bye bye Cygnos Glitch
Added FbBuild .32 (13599)
GUI Rearanged (fucking Gomson and his drop box)
Fixed XeLLous Images
Fixed SMC Shiz
Added NAND Compare
Fixed Stock SMC Error
Changed Graphics
Fixed Save Settings
JTAG Me (experimental)
CPU Key Grab (experimental)
SMC Detection (experimental)
Auto Load 360 Flash Tool
Fixed Warning Message Endless Loop
Added Help Button
Option for 360 Flash Tool Loader, Gomson you bitch
More Warnings About KV Hash Check Mismatch
Donor File Optimised
Easy FreeBoot 5.31 (13599)
New Easy FreeBoot supporting the new dash 13599
whats new some fixes and some more validation to stop you killing your Xbox
Easy FreeBoot 5.3 (13146)
What's new/fixed:
* changed graphics
* fixed saving settings
* autojtag (experimental)
* Cpukey grab (experimental)
* smc detection (experimental)
* auto execute 360flash tool
* fixed warning message endless loop
* added help button
* option for 360flash tool loader, gonson you bitch
* more warnings about hash check mismatch
* donor file optimised
Things todo:
* Save to usb (not really needed but would be interesting to try)
* Auto updater
Easy Freeboot v5.20 (13146)An updated version of Easy FreeBoot to support the recent release of the 13146 rebooter.

Also has multiple bug fixes that include:
Fixed full audclamp on jasper
Added cygnos Smc's
Implemented 13146
Removed unimportant stuff
Code optimisation
Easy Freeboot v5.12 (12625, 12611, 9199)New version of EFB, main differences are multiple bug fixes along with the addition of XeLL Reloaded as an option for your XeLL

FFS stop asking if this is for 12625 get over it jtags will never be online again
If you cant use it you shouldnt own a Jtag

Changes since EFB 5.10
Added in more SMC options
fixed odd.bin,crl.bin error from building leaked 12625 rebooter
streamlinded some code
implimented the improved xell
removed hdmi xell
fixed overwriting images
commented more code
fixed smc selection
fixed broken error exeption
Things todo:
Maybe add xellous
Save to usb (not really needed but would be interesting to try)
Auto jtag (would implement but i dont want to brick hundreds of boxes)
Auto updater
Freeboot team (ibuild and fsbuild)
Felix (for the jtag hack)
JJMPSP (teaching me stuff)
iHc James (bug fixing, helped with fixing the never ending loop problem)
Tagknife (testing and advice)
V3n3 (when hes not being a cock) (for telling me fuck all and never helping <3)
II FE4RL3SS II (lead tester and publisher) (generally being sexy)
Virus (for nothing atall)
Coolshrimp (dunno really kinda helped each other out)
Tuxuser (for being pro), and new xellplus
Repo Nigs / Danny / Death x12 (tester and being slightly useful for ideas), fixing the crl.bin error :'(
krato John (for being a scammer + hes a cool guy)
Kiff (for putting up with my shit)
Bemused Peanut (for nothing)
Tai1z (for nothing)
Homelesscat (for being cool)
Pauly Paul (Becuse hes pauly paul

Microsoft (for perma-banning my account. stealing my live + resetting me) (yes there is a bad side to the jtag scene)
Jtag Noobs (made me lol)
AssemblerGames (No reason)
SwindonSprayer (testing noob proofness)
and any one else that helped test this
Contact :
if you have any problems with this or want to use the source contact : sneakypeanut@live.com

added in new Fbuild
fixed a few bugs
added in 9199,12611
removed multiple patches didnt see the need seeing as they change so offten
hashchecks removed on all but 12625 as patches dont exist yet
gui tweeks
recoded sections
commented code as i am going to release source as i dont have time to play with this any more really
Things todo:
Maybe add xellous
Save to usb (not really needed but would be interesting to try)
Auto jtag (would implement but i dont want to brick hundreds of boxes)
Auto updater
Freeboot team (ibuild and fsbuild)
Felix (for the jtag hack)
JJMPSP (teaching me stuff)
iHc James (bug fixing, helped with fixing the never ending loop problem)
Tagknife (testing and advice)
V3n3 (when hes not being a cock) (for telling me fuck all and never helping <3)
II FE4RL3SS II (lead tester and publisher) (generally being sexy)
Virus (for nothing atall)
Coolshrimp (dunno really kinda helped each other out)
Tuxuser (for being pro)
Repo Nigs / Danny / Death x12 (tester and being slightly useful for ideas)
krato John (for not being a scammer + hes a cool guy)
Kiff (for putting up with my shit)
Bemused Peanut (for nothing)
Tai1z (for nothing)
Homelesscat (for being cool)
Pauly Paul (Becuse hes pauly paul

Microsoft (for perma-banning my account. stealing my live + resetting me) (yes there is a bad side to the jtag scene)
Jtag Noobs (made me lol)
and any one else that helped test this
Contact :
if you have any problems with this or want to use the source contact: sneakypeanut@live.com