› Foros › PlayStation 3 › Modchips y Softmods
pinais30 escribió:osea que si la tengo en 3.73 no hay manera de poder hacer el downgrade? segun dicen en http://www.espalteam.com/foros/showthread.php?t=8033 parece ser que si que la puedes sacar del factory mode mirarlo a ver vosotros que entendeis ya que seria un gran paso para todos los que estamos metios en esta putada
pinais30 escribió:ok gracias por ala ayuda y lo siento por las molestias yo de estas cosas no entiendo, eso de soldar donde lol puedo hacer cerca de cerdanyola del valles (barcelona)
musico30 escribió:Se podria usar ps3jig para desbrickear una consola en waninkoko ?
juanchuloperron escribió:el que esta haciendo esto acaba de poner lo siguiente:
OK some nice news related to my works but not the PSP for now.
Another experiment ->
We can launch the game 3.60+ on 3.55 but the method it's a little bit annoying
Forget about dongle Cobra/TB2
We can play PSP/PS1/PS2 games, etc..
and have many possibilities
I will explain all that and how to do that but i need to focus to put that on a stable way ! and also annoying when you need somebody and it's not here lol...
I was battle with the PS3 system and actually every firmware can support all that... that's why i also make something i can't tell now on the PSP but it would be free and have a software way possibility, don't worry.
I still need to check something but yeah we are soon gonna be free on the PS3 (just small problem i was talking with some friends and cfwprophet about the next update of the PS3 this year that Sony prepar to reduce the kernel, not anymore xmb,
etc... that it's annoying because the PS3 will completely different all the stuff)
And please !!!!!!!!!!!!!! everybody need to boycott the next SSX and Kingdom of Amalur from EA that kill completely the video game !!!! please don't accept this.
drake19 escribió:juanchuloperron escribió:el que esta haciendo esto acaba de poner lo siguiente:
OK some nice news related to my works but not the PSP for now.
Another experiment ->
We can launch the game 3.60+ on 3.55 but the method it's a little bit annoying
Forget about dongle Cobra/TB2
We can play PSP/PS1/PS2 games, etc..
and have many possibilities
I will explain all that and how to do that but i need to focus to put that on a stable way ! and also annoying when you need somebody and it's not here lol...
I was battle with the PS3 system and actually every firmware can support all that... that's why i also make something i can't tell now on the PSP but it would be free and have a software way possibility, don't worry.
I still need to check something but yeah we are soon gonna be free on the PS3 (just small problem i was talking with some friends and cfwprophet about the next update of the PS3 this year that Sony prepar to reduce the kernel, not anymore xmb,
etc... that it's annoying because the PS3 will completely different all the stuff)
And please !!!!!!!!!!!!!! everybody need to boycott the next SSX and Kingdom of Amalur from EA that kill completely the video game !!!! please don't accept this.
y que significa?
Raines escribió:drake19 escribió:juanchuloperron escribió:el que esta haciendo esto acaba de poner lo siguiente:
OK some nice news related to my works but not the PSP for now.
Another experiment ->
We can launch the game 3.60+ on 3.55 but the method it's a little bit annoying
Forget about dongle Cobra/TB2
We can play PSP/PS1/PS2 games, etc..
and have many possibilities
I will explain all that and how to do that but i need to focus to put that on a stable way ! and also annoying when you need somebody and it's not here lol...
I was battle with the PS3 system and actually every firmware can support all that... that's why i also make something i can't tell now on the PSP but it would be free and have a software way possibility, don't worry.
I still need to check something but yeah we are soon gonna be free on the PS3 (just small problem i was talking with some friends and cfwprophet about the next update of the PS3 this year that Sony prepar to reduce the kernel, not anymore xmb,
etc... that it's annoying because the PS3 will completely different all the stuff)
And please !!!!!!!!!!!!!! everybody need to boycott the next SSX and Kingdom of Amalur from EA that kill completely the video game !!!! please don't accept this.
y que significa?
Mi inglés no es profesional ni avanzado pero esto se resume en que se pueden jugar a juegos que requieren 3.6X+, juegos de PS2, PSX Y PSP en PS3 sin necesidad de dongle, que lo está investigando y blablabla...
A ver en qué acaba todo, de NabNab me fio
LUCKYMAS escribió:no he querido comentar nada antes peroes que este que hace referencia me ha despitado el tema , (cfwprophet )
bode27 escribió:entonces creeis que esto no va a acabar bien?
es decir, estaba muy esperanzado en esto, pero segun entiendo se esta desviando hacia un cfw...
soy uno de los muchos que esperamos un downgradeo sin soldar ni pagar
en mi caso tengo 2 consolas en 3.61 y 3.65
Sorry for all
I will reveal all my works this week and i will leave the PS3 scene, i lost too much time and PS3 on that, i try to fix some stuff
and i will reveal all, the method, etc...
You can say thanks to a certain team, a certain guy from Cobra, etc... that they don't have any respect for other and want to be so famous and think with di... than mind, also don't trust anybody that sell the dongle like Cobra/TB2 (please)
make business with free work, free stuff.
I was talking about something last weeks, they completely follow what i said and i receive some free insult from them and others
About the PSP, it was a test to help anyone that have a PS3 up than 3.60+ and want to install a debug firmware (for the people who have a PS3 that come with a firmware up 3.60) and a possibility of free downgrade
for the people that have a PS3 come down 3.60+ and want do downgrade
They don't want to reveal anything because that will kill the business they made
Not CFW 4.0 it's a lie
Not possibility to launch PS3 3.60+ it's a lie
Not possibility to have cobra functionnality it's a lie
All is a lie from this dev that don't want to help you, that want to keep stuff for them, they use Sony SDK to make stuff, they use the SDK to boot and check everythings they want.
they scared because actually if you put your PS3 into a debug, you would have a strong access to the system that allow you to launch everythings you want
Cobra/TB2 use a syscall/payload that allow to execute self into kernel mode and with special attribute debugging
the self you saw on the PS3 -> PSP/PS1/PS2 can be executed under debug, you can even make a pkg debug app of that...
You want to extract elf from a self, simple you take elf_builder and you make your own self with your own signature... don't need npdrm that can be boot under debugger mode
you want to launch game up 3.60+ -> debugger mode that allow everythings to be executed if you have a simple self (you don't need multiman, just a file manager)
You want to disassemble a self -> use ppu-lv2-objdump
This is just the small part, everythings will be here this week.
After all that, i want to thanks everyone that supported me and my works, also thanks for your help guys to test and check everythings
I will reveal also what i did that the PS3 4.0 can detect the jig as a know device (it's simply, stupid and a fail of Sony)
Please don't trust some dev that lie to you... why some dev said that they leave the scene, stop that etc... it's just because they have enough stuff that they need it... they don't care to help
Like a certain team don't do anything for few month, like this guy that many people respect and he said so much BS about some secret they want to keep... that make me piss off
First they don't thanks anyone, i post a big info and how to make something, they release and thanks to GRAF finally, they need to wait until now to say some stuff like that
TB2 will die, cobra will die... forget about this dongle you waste your time because anyway they make this with stuff from other and it's the same people that is behind some cfw, some free stuff...
like to lie to you and laugh behind you, they are so dumb, they buy the stuff we sell that we make with free and crappy small code
Read more: http://www.ps3news.com/forums/ps3-hacks ... z1lbvqoeQl
Raines escribió:Ñop Ñop, a ver entonces que postea este finde.
DE TODAS FORMAS dejo aquí el texto original, por que en español no se entiende nada...Sorry for all
I will reveal all my works this week and i will leave the PS3 scene, i lost too much time and PS3 on that, i try to fix some stuff
and i will reveal all, the method, etc...
You can say thanks to a certain team, a certain guy from Cobra, etc... that they don't have any respect for other and want to be so famous and think with di... than mind, also don't trust anybody that sell the dongle like Cobra/TB2 (please)
make business with free work, free stuff.
I was talking about something last weeks, they completely follow what i said and i receive some free insult from them and others
About the PSP, it was a test to help anyone that have a PS3 up than 3.60+ and want to install a debug firmware (for the people who have a PS3 that come with a firmware up 3.60) and a possibility of free downgrade
for the people that have a PS3 come down 3.60+ and want do downgrade
They don't want to reveal anything because that will kill the business they made
Not CFW 4.0 it's a lie
Not possibility to launch PS3 3.60+ it's a lie
Not possibility to have cobra functionnality it's a lie
All is a lie from this dev that don't want to help you, that want to keep stuff for them, they use Sony SDK to make stuff, they use the SDK to boot and check everythings they want.
they scared because actually if you put your PS3 into a debug, you would have a strong access to the system that allow you to launch everythings you want
Cobra/TB2 use a syscall/payload that allow to execute self into kernel mode and with special attribute debugging
the self you saw on the PS3 -> PSP/PS1/PS2 can be executed under debug, you can even make a pkg debug app of that...
You want to extract elf from a self, simple you take elf_builder and you make your own self with your own signature... don't need npdrm that can be boot under debugger mode
you want to launch game up 3.60+ -> debugger mode that allow everythings to be executed if you have a simple self (you don't need multiman, just a file manager)
You want to disassemble a self -> use ppu-lv2-objdump
This is just the small part, everythings will be here this week.
After all that, i want to thanks everyone that supported me and my works, also thanks for your help guys to test and check everythings
I will reveal also what i did that the PS3 4.0 can detect the jig as a know device (it's simply, stupid and a fail of Sony)
Please don't trust some dev that lie to you... why some dev said that they leave the scene, stop that etc... it's just because they have enough stuff that they need it... they don't care to help
Like a certain team don't do anything for few month, like this guy that many people respect and he said so much BS about some secret they want to keep... that make me piss off
First they don't thanks anyone, i post a big info and how to make something, they release and thanks to GRAF finally, they need to wait until now to say some stuff like that
TB2 will die, cobra will die... forget about this dongle you waste your time because anyway they make this with stuff from other and it's the same people that is behind some cfw, some free stuff...
like to lie to you and laugh behind you, they are so dumb, they buy the stuff we sell that we make with free and crappy small code
Read more: http://www.ps3news.com/forums/ps3-hacks ... z1lbvqoeQl
Raines escribió:Ñop Ñop, a ver entonces que postea este finde.
DE TODAS FORMAS dejo aquí el texto original, por que en español no se entiende nada...Sorry for all
I will reveal all my works this week and i will leave the PS3 scene, i lost too much time and PS3 on that, i try to fix some stuff
and i will reveal all, the method, etc...
You can say thanks to a certain team, a certain guy from Cobra, etc... that they don't have any respect for other and want to be so famous and think with di... than mind, also don't trust anybody that sell the dongle like Cobra/TB2 (please)
make business with free work, free stuff.
I was talking about something last weeks, they completely follow what i said and i receive some free insult from them and others
About the PSP, it was a test to help anyone that have a PS3 up than 3.60+ and want to install a debug firmware (for the people who have a PS3 that come with a firmware up 3.60) and a possibility of free downgrade
for the people that have a PS3 come down 3.60+ and want do downgrade
They don't want to reveal anything because that will kill the business they made
Not CFW 4.0 it's a lie
Not possibility to launch PS3 3.60+ it's a lie
Not possibility to have cobra functionnality it's a lie
All is a lie from this dev that don't want to help you, that want to keep stuff for them, they use Sony SDK to make stuff, they use the SDK to boot and check everythings they want.
they scared because actually if you put your PS3 into a debug, you would have a strong access to the system that allow you to launch everythings you want
Cobra/TB2 use a syscall/payload that allow to execute self into kernel mode and with special attribute debugging
the self you saw on the PS3 -> PSP/PS1/PS2 can be executed under debug, you can even make a pkg debug app of that...
You want to extract elf from a self, simple you take elf_builder and you make your own self with your own signature... don't need npdrm that can be boot under debugger mode
you want to launch game up 3.60+ -> debugger mode that allow everythings to be executed if you have a simple self (you don't need multiman, just a file manager)
You want to disassemble a self -> use ppu-lv2-objdump
This is just the small part, everythings will be here this week.
After all that, i want to thanks everyone that supported me and my works, also thanks for your help guys to test and check everythings
I will reveal also what i did that the PS3 4.0 can detect the jig as a know device (it's simply, stupid and a fail of Sony)
Please don't trust some dev that lie to you... why some dev said that they leave the scene, stop that etc... it's just because they have enough stuff that they need it... they don't care to help
Like a certain team don't do anything for few month, like this guy that many people respect and he said so much BS about some secret they want to keep... that make me piss off
First they don't thanks anyone, i post a big info and how to make something, they release and thanks to GRAF finally, they need to wait until now to say some stuff like that
TB2 will die, cobra will die... forget about this dongle you waste your time because anyway they make this with stuff from other and it's the same people that is behind some cfw, some free stuff...
like to lie to you and laugh behind you, they are so dumb, they buy the stuff we sell that we make with free and crappy small code
Read more: http://www.ps3news.com/forums/ps3-hacks ... z1lbvqoeQl
basslover escribió:Raines escribió:Ñop Ñop, a ver entonces que postea este finde.
DE TODAS FORMAS dejo aquí el texto original, por que en español no se entiende nada...Sorry for all
I will reveal all my works this week and i will leave the PS3 scene, i lost too much time and PS3 on that, i try to fix some stuff
and i will reveal all, the method, etc...
You can say thanks to a certain team, a certain guy from Cobra, etc... that they don't have any respect for other and want to be so famous and think with di... than mind, also don't trust anybody that sell the dongle like Cobra/TB2 (please)
make business with free work, free stuff.
I was talking about something last weeks, they completely follow what i said and i receive some free insult from them and others
About the PSP, it was a test to help anyone that have a PS3 up than 3.60+ and want to install a debug firmware (for the people who have a PS3 that come with a firmware up 3.60) and a possibility of free downgrade
for the people that have a PS3 come down 3.60+ and want do downgrade
They don't want to reveal anything because that will kill the business they made
Not CFW 4.0 it's a lie
Not possibility to launch PS3 3.60+ it's a lie
Not possibility to have cobra functionnality it's a lie
All is a lie from this dev that don't want to help you, that want to keep stuff for them, they use Sony SDK to make stuff, they use the SDK to boot and check everythings they want.
they scared because actually if you put your PS3 into a debug, you would have a strong access to the system that allow you to launch everythings you want
Cobra/TB2 use a syscall/payload that allow to execute self into kernel mode and with special attribute debugging
the self you saw on the PS3 -> PSP/PS1/PS2 can be executed under debug, you can even make a pkg debug app of that...
You want to extract elf from a self, simple you take elf_builder and you make your own self with your own signature... don't need npdrm that can be boot under debugger mode
you want to launch game up 3.60+ -> debugger mode that allow everythings to be executed if you have a simple self (you don't need multiman, just a file manager)
You want to disassemble a self -> use ppu-lv2-objdump
This is just the small part, everythings will be here this week.
After all that, i want to thanks everyone that supported me and my works, also thanks for your help guys to test and check everythings
I will reveal also what i did that the PS3 4.0 can detect the jig as a know device (it's simply, stupid and a fail of Sony)
Please don't trust some dev that lie to you... why some dev said that they leave the scene, stop that etc... it's just because they have enough stuff that they need it... they don't care to help
Like a certain team don't do anything for few month, like this guy that many people respect and he said so much BS about some secret they want to keep... that make me piss off
First they don't thanks anyone, i post a big info and how to make something, they release and thanks to GRAF finally, they need to wait until now to say some stuff like that
TB2 will die, cobra will die... forget about this dongle you waste your time because anyway they make this with stuff from other and it's the same people that is behind some cfw, some free stuff...
like to lie to you and laugh behind you, they are so dumb, they buy the stuff we sell that we make with free and crappy small code
Read more: http://www.ps3news.com/forums/ps3-hacks ... z1lbvqoeQl
No dice que sea el fin de semana, dice esta semana por lo que espermos que sea antes del fin de semana
LittleMan escribió:basslover escribió:Raines escribió:Ñop Ñop, a ver entonces que postea este finde.
DE TODAS FORMAS dejo aquí el texto original, por que en español no se entiende nada...Sorry for all
I will reveal all my works this week and i will leave the PS3 scene, i lost too much time and PS3 on that, i try to fix some stuff
and i will reveal all, the method, etc...
You can say thanks to a certain team, a certain guy from Cobra, etc... that they don't have any respect for other and want to be so famous and think with di... than mind, also don't trust anybody that sell the dongle like Cobra/TB2 (please)
make business with free work, free stuff.
I was talking about something last weeks, they completely follow what i said and i receive some free insult from them and others
About the PSP, it was a test to help anyone that have a PS3 up than 3.60+ and want to install a debug firmware (for the people who have a PS3 that come with a firmware up 3.60) and a possibility of free downgrade
for the people that have a PS3 come down 3.60+ and want do downgrade
They don't want to reveal anything because that will kill the business they made
Not CFW 4.0 it's a lie
Not possibility to launch PS3 3.60+ it's a lie
Not possibility to have cobra functionnality it's a lie
All is a lie from this dev that don't want to help you, that want to keep stuff for them, they use Sony SDK to make stuff, they use the SDK to boot and check everythings they want.
they scared because actually if you put your PS3 into a debug, you would have a strong access to the system that allow you to launch everythings you want
Cobra/TB2 use a syscall/payload that allow to execute self into kernel mode and with special attribute debugging
the self you saw on the PS3 -> PSP/PS1/PS2 can be executed under debug, you can even make a pkg debug app of that...
You want to extract elf from a self, simple you take elf_builder and you make your own self with your own signature... don't need npdrm that can be boot under debugger mode
you want to launch game up 3.60+ -> debugger mode that allow everythings to be executed if you have a simple self (you don't need multiman, just a file manager)
You want to disassemble a self -> use ppu-lv2-objdump
This is just the small part, everythings will be here this week.
After all that, i want to thanks everyone that supported me and my works, also thanks for your help guys to test and check everythings
I will reveal also what i did that the PS3 4.0 can detect the jig as a know device (it's simply, stupid and a fail of Sony)
Please don't trust some dev that lie to you... why some dev said that they leave the scene, stop that etc... it's just because they have enough stuff that they need it... they don't care to help
Like a certain team don't do anything for few month, like this guy that many people respect and he said so much BS about some secret they want to keep... that make me piss off
First they don't thanks anyone, i post a big info and how to make something, they release and thanks to GRAF finally, they need to wait until now to say some stuff like that
TB2 will die, cobra will die... forget about this dongle you waste your time because anyway they make this with stuff from other and it's the same people that is behind some cfw, some free stuff...
like to lie to you and laugh behind you, they are so dumb, they buy the stuff we sell that we make with free and crappy small code
Read more: http://www.ps3news.com/forums/ps3-hacks ... z1lbvqoeQl
No dice que sea el fin de semana, dice esta semana por lo que espermos que sea antes del fin de semana
Perdona pero esta semana que pasa?? xD
It's not a conspiracy, it's what's going on... check my next post, some PS3 users would understand what's going on
Ok let's begin
Part 1 -The true about ID DEX -> http://www.mediafire.com/?073c5icjw74enja
Part 2 -They want to play, fine, i will play too, you can put into a DEX, a CEX easily by using the service mode/kernel mode
Part 3 -You can patch the PSP/PS1/PS2 Self that they can be load under PS3 Release mode
More more soon
pedronso escribió:Hace una hora nabnab ha escrito esto en ps3news:It's not a conspiracy, it's what's going on... check my next post, some PS3 users would understand what's going on
Ok let's begin
Part 1 -The true about ID DEX -> http://www.mediafire.com/?073c5icjw74enja
Part 2 -They want to play, fine, i will play too, you can put into a DEX, a CEX easily by using the service mode/kernel mode
Part 3 -You can patch the PSP/PS1/PS2 Self that they can be load under PS3 Release mode
More more soon
Yo aun no lo he bajado porque parece mas de coders no?
Raines escribió:pedronso escribió:Hace una hora nabnab ha escrito esto en ps3news:It's not a conspiracy, it's what's going on... check my next post, some PS3 users would understand what's going on
Ok let's begin
Part 1 -The true about ID DEX -> http://www.mediafire.com/?073c5icjw74enja
Part 2 -They want to play, fine, i will play too, you can put into a DEX, a CEX easily by using the service mode/kernel mode
Part 3 -You can patch the PSP/PS1/PS2 Self that they can be load under PS3 Release mode
More more soon
Yo aun no lo he bajado porque parece mas de coders no?
Lo que ha publicado es muy MUY valioso... estoy mirándolo, pero con esto se está a un paso de "desvirgar" PS3 cual PSP... (Si es lo que creo que es claro)
Raines escribió:pedronso escribió:Hace una hora nabnab ha escrito esto en ps3news:It's not a conspiracy, it's what's going on... check my next post, some PS3 users would understand what's going on
Ok let's begin
Part 1 -The true about ID DEX -> http://www.mediafire.com/?073c5icjw74enja
Part 2 -They want to play, fine, i will play too, you can put into a DEX, a CEX easily by using the service mode/kernel mode
Part 3 -You can patch the PSP/PS1/PS2 Self that they can be load under PS3 Release mode
More more soon
Yo aun no lo he bajado porque parece mas de coders no?
Lo que ha publicado es muy MUY valioso... estoy mirándolo, pero con esto se está a un paso de "desvirgar" PS3 cual PSP... (Si es lo que creo que es claro)
pedronso escribió:Ok yo tambien lo he descargado ya que veo que es tan importante. Alguien que sepa podria decirme que se puede hacer con esto exactamente??
LUCKYMAS escribió:si señor tiene muuuuuuuuuuucho valor![]()
creo que alguno no le va a sentar bien la liberacion. ir guardando por si desaparece
Raines escribió:LUCKYMAS escribió:si señor tiene muuuuuuuuuuucho valor![]()
creo que alguno no le va a sentar bien la liberacion. ir guardando por si desaparece
Yo creo que no solo a uno no le va a sentar bien esto... y si, al 85% es lo que creo que es
FUCK TB, FUCK COBRA (modo raper y todo) xD, mañana cuelgo un rap a lo GeoHotz xD
solera48 escribió:Esto significa que se puede downgradear a una versión debug desde una retail?![]()
Como odio no saber ingles..... aunque pensandolo bien creo que entendería mas bien poco
drake19 escribió:solera48 escribió:Esto significa que se puede downgradear a una versión debug desde una retail?![]()
Como odio no saber ingles..... aunque pensandolo bien creo que entendería mas bien poco
en debug creo que te la convierte.
Raines escribió:drake19 escribió:solera48 escribió:Esto significa que se puede downgradear a una versión debug desde una retail?![]()
Como odio no saber ingles..... aunque pensandolo bien creo que entendería mas bien poco
en debug creo que te la convierte.
Para convertirla a debug hay que tener acceso a los servidores de SCEI, y que yo sepa, no se tiene acceso. De todas maneras sigo diciendo que esto es MUY valioso, a ver si se pasa algún entendido
Nabnab escribió:Also have a bad fail made in Sony that allow you to downgrade in a software way every PS3 that come with a firmware under 3.60+ and was updated to 4.0
Read more: http://www.ps3news.com/forums/ps3-hacks ... z1ldCTuzYy
matias1823 escribió:Hace unos minutos tambien escribio esto:Nabnab escribió:Also have a bad fail made in Sony that allow you to downgrade in a software way every PS3 that come with a firmware under 3.60+ and was updated to 4.0
Read more: http://www.ps3news.com/forums/ps3-hacks ... z1ldCTuzYy
En español, que existe un gran fallo de sony que permitiria downgradear via software cualquier ps3 que vino con OFW3.60 (o menor) de fabrica, y luego actualizado a OFW4.0