[HO] Escape From Tarkov [MMO] [FPS]

@rafalillo10 Escape From Tarkov, una mezcla rusa de MMO y FPS

De la mano de Battlestate Games nos llega un shooter hardcore (hiperrealista), con mecánicas de un MMO, FPS/TPS y RPG. La acción transcurre en la ciudad rusa de Takov, sitiada por las fuerzas de la UN y el ejército Ruso. El jugador tendrá que tomar el papel de un mercenario contratado por una de las 2 facciones rivales.
Apunta alto, esperemos que salga una joya! [tadoramo]

Nos tendremos que enfrentar entre mercenarios en un "entorno hostil" ya que la muerte nos podrá llegar de numerosas maneras, enfermedades, lesiones, cansancio, envenenamiento por radiación, etc.

El juego va a contar con multitud de mecánicas realistas, entre ellas, una de balística 100% real. Los jugadores recibirán experiencia y esta se podrá utilizar para mejorar las habilidades repartidas en 4 ramas, física, cognitiva, práctica y combate.
En Tarkov siempre podremos encontrar algo que hacer, desde el asalto a bases enemigas, a operaciones de sigilo, cooperación, comercio o exploración (recogida de recursos, etc)

comunidad española: https://discord.gg/6ehckh8

Tiene una pinta buenisima, pero buenisima. Viendo los videos me parece que le van a dar a The Division... ya tengo ganador.
Hacía tiempo que no decía joderjoderjoder por un FPS, pero es que...¡jooooder! :O :O
Ostias, pero que pintaza, parece otro rollo distinto a BF y siempre he fantaseado con un MMO de tiros, puede ser juegazo.
Como siempre, la ambientación rusa es sublime. Si encima el juego es rollo realista pues ya me lo han vendido [carcajad] . Aunque tengo una duda ¿el juego está enfocado sólo para multiplayer, o tendrá campaña single player?
Guau... le sigo la pista al juego. Me he subscrito para cuando pongan la Beta Cerrada, que luego lloro cuando todos tengan clave menos yo jajaja
Me suscribo para ver que sale de esta gran idea.
Se aniquila al enemigo Ruso?Si es así me lo compro
Me subo al tren del hype.
Otro empalmado con el juego. A ver en que queda todo esto.
Pinta muy bien, pero hace falta ver más para saber las posibilidades que ofrece.
Brutus Malone escribió:Como siempre, la ambientación rusa es sublime. Si encima el juego es rollo realista pues ya me lo han vendido [carcajad] . Aunque tengo una duda ¿el juego está enfocado sólo para multiplayer, o tendrá campaña single player?

Aun no se sabe, pero no creo que tenga campaña, estara enfocado al multiplayer. Aunque segun he leido habra actividades offline curar, comercio, espionaje, mejora de armas y personalización etc..

Tiene una pinta brutal, ya se puede apuntar para la beta cerrada para principios del 2016. [sonrisa]
Kamikaze 11 está baneado por "Troll"
juamfra escribió:
Brutus Malone escribió:Como siempre, la ambientación rusa es sublime. Si encima el juego es rollo realista pues ya me lo han vendido [carcajad] . Aunque tengo una duda ¿el juego está enfocado sólo para multiplayer, o tendrá campaña single player?

Aun no se sabe, pero no creo que tenga campaña, estara enfocado al multiplayer. Aunque segun he leido habra actividades offline curar, comercio, espionaje, mejora de armas y personalización etc..

Tiene una pinta brutal, ya se puede apuntar para la beta cerrada para principios del 2016. [sonrisa]

Gracias por avisar! Ya me he apuntado, tengo muchas ganas de probar este juego
Tiene buena pinta pero a ver como acaba todo por que ya sabemos que los proyectos tan "ambiciosos" al final se terminan deshinchando xD.

Lord Duke escribió:Tiene buena pinta pero a ver como acaba todo por que ya sabemos que los proyectos tan "ambiciosos" al final se terminan deshinchando xD.


Calla que me gafas el juego!! [sonrisa] Todo es posible, Survarium se parece un poco y acabo prometiendo demasiado creo yo, así que ya veremos lo nos ofrece en la alpha o beta.
Pintaza, pero no me manda el formulario de la página, se satura y me da un unavailable [+furioso]
Lo que aun no me queda claro es como va a ser el mundo del juego, osea si sera por servidores permanentes con mundos constante o si serán como "pantallas" o misiones que entras en una partida.

kiras escribió:Pintaza, pero no me manda el formulario de la página, se satura y me da un unavailable [+furioso]

Es posible que este saturada la pagina, el video se lanzo hoy y tiene 13k visitas, y la beta cerra pone Q1 2016 si no se retrasa.

Lord Duke escribió:Lo que aun no me queda claro es como va a ser el mundo del juego, osea si sera por servidores permanentes con mundos constante o si serán como "pantallas" o misiones que entras en una partida.


Pues no se como lo implementaran, por lo que se en Tarkov reina la anarquia y tendremos misiones para ver la historia de tarkov. Economia controlada por la ia influenciada por los jugadores y multitud de actividades fuera de línea. Sanación?, el comercio, el espionaje, la mejora de las armas y la personalización, gestión de los alijos de botín, investigaciones, etc.

Espero que no sea f2p... [mad]
Muy vasto lo que he visto.

Deben aclarar bastante lo de MMO en el juego.

Si es al estilo de The Division puede ser un pelotazo.
Ya me ha llegado el correo para crear mi cuenta y poder hacer la pre-order [sonrisa]





Ahí están las 4 ediciones.

EDIT: Precios en Rusia.

- Standard: 20.3€
- Left Behind: 33€
- Prepare for Escape: 45.6€
- Edge of Darkness: 63.4€

Aunque en la parte baja de la web muestra el siguiente mensaje:

WARNING! Purchases are locked to a specific georgaphic region you are in. The game can only be launched if your current region is the same where the purchase was made. Your current region is: Russia and CIS countries. [+risas]

Aclaro: Este mensaje sale por usar el proxy ruso para ver sus precios, por si nosotros pudiesemos comprar aquí. En las imágenes que he puesto se ven los precios para Europa, con el mismo mensaje, que solo podremos jugar desde Europa con esa versión.
mick666 escribió:WARNING! Purchases are locked to a specific georgaphic region you are in. The game can only be launched if your current region is the same where the purchase was made. Your current region is: Russia and CIS countries. [+risas]

¿Entonces qué? x'D

¿Nos vamos a quedar con los dientes largos? Porque no recuerdo tener tanto hype por un fps... jajajaja
314KO escribió:
mick666 escribió:WARNING! Purchases are locked to a specific georgaphic region you are in. The game can only be launched if your current region is the same where the purchase was made. Your current region is: Russia and CIS countries. [+risas]

¿Entonces qué? x'D

¿Nos vamos a quedar con los dientes largos? Porque no recuerdo tener tanto hype por un fps... jajajaja

Lo digo por los precios en Rusia que había puesto para comparar, por si alguien iba a arriesgarse a pagar en rublos. Parece que van a hacerlo por regiones, los servidores: Rusia, Europa, NA... Y no se podrá mezclar o arrancar el juego fuera de tu región.
Tú puedes comprar la versión de Europa por los precios de las imágenes que he puesto, sin problema.

Demasiada poca información para tanto precio, en mi opinión...
314KO escribió:
mick666 escribió:WARNING! Purchases are locked to a specific georgaphic region you are in. The game can only be launched if your current region is the same where the purchase was made. Your current region is: Russia and CIS countries. [+risas]

¿Entonces qué? x'D

¿Nos vamos a quedar con los dientes largos? Porque no recuerdo tener tanto hype por un fps... jajajaja

A mi me sale que mi región es europa. Así que de diente largos nada XD.
314KO escribió:
mick666 escribió:WARNING! Purchases are locked to a specific georgaphic region you are in. The game can only be launched if your current region is the same where the purchase was made. Your current region is: Russia and CIS countries. [+risas]

¿Entonces qué? x'D

¿Nos vamos a quedar con los dientes largos? Porque no recuerdo tener tanto hype por un fps... jajajaja

Me imagino que sera por el tema de precios, vamos para no hacer la típica de comprar en otra región mas barato para ahorrarte pasta.

@mick666 Entiendo, fallo mío, entonces por lo visto lo único ruso que oiremos seran los diálogos XD
El enlace de pre-order, por si alguien quiere verlo directamente, que se me olvidó ponerlo.


EDIT: Interesantísima entrevista donde aclaran muchos aspectos del juego, modos, funcionalidades...

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b9H ... fS6g/edit#
Yo de momento me abstengo de hacer preorder hasta no ver el juego en beta o hasta su posible salida final en Steam.Ya me an dado bastante gato por liebre con los early y mas aun con los rusos (Infestation,Survarium,etc).

Aun así el sistema de inventario y el gameplay mostrados pintan como el juego que siempre quise.Ahora solo falta saber si sera mundo abierto a lo Dayz o similares o bien si sera por zonas o mapas como cualquier fps.De cualquier forma si el juego tiene buen rendimiento,y incluyen todo lo que prometen podría ser un pelotazo.

Me gustaría que un juego de este calibre tuviera la acogida de Star Citizen y que se haga mas y mas grande (en futuras expansiones o actualizaciones) e intergeneracional.
turok escribió:Yo de momento me abstengo de hacer preorder hasta no ver el juego en beta o hasta su posible salida final en Steam.Ya me an dado bastante gato por liebre con los early y mas aun con los rusos (Infestation,Survarium,etc).

Aun así el sistema de inventario y el gameplay mostrados pintan como el juego que siempre quise.Ahora solo falta saber si sera mundo abierto a lo Dayz o similares o bien si sera por zonas o mapas como cualquier fps.De cualquier forma si el juego tiene buen rendimiento,y incluyen todo lo que prometen podría ser un pelotazo.

Me gustaría que un juego de este calibre tuviera la acogida de Star Citizen y que se haga mas y mas grande (en futuras expansiones o actualizaciones) e intergeneracional.

Para responder bastantes preguntas, incluidas esas, leed la entrevista que puse en el post de arriba [oki]

Ahora a ver en que queda y si sacan partido a la parte rpg que es la que mas me interesa. Por mi que rebajen el nivel grafico y se centren en la supervivencia.
Mendrolo escribió:Pintaza.

Ahora a ver en que queda y si sacan partido a la parte rpg que es la que mas me interesa. Por mi que rebajen el nivel grafico y se centren en la supervivencia.

no que hagan las 2 cosas que estamos en 2016 ya!!! Año del nuevo presente-futuro de la realidad virtual.ejeje.si esto va estar ya, no hay que dejar que se relajen en ningun aspecto del juego jejeje.Saludos
yameli escribió:
Mendrolo escribió:Pintaza.

Ahora a ver en que queda y si sacan partido a la parte rpg que es la que mas me interesa. Por mi que rebajen el nivel grafico y se centren en la supervivencia.

no que hagan las 2 cosas que estamos en 2016 ya!!! Año del nuevo presente-futuro de la realidad virtual.ejeje.si esto va estar ya, no hay que dejar que se relajen en ningun aspecto del juego jejeje.Saludos

Pues yo que soy una putilla gráfica pienso que por mi parte también pueden tema gráfico en favor de aumentar el numero de objetos en pantalla,tamaño de los mapas,etc.Pero que no me toquen el motor de física ni la iluminación que las veo buenas.Todo en favor de que el componente rpg sea lo mas importante.

Me canso de casos en los que los juegos pasan años hasta que el juego rinde decentemente y ya el juego a perdido toda la frescura que tenia cuando fue anunciado.O otros que ofrecen el oro y el moro y luego no llegan a nada.Os pongo el ejemplo de Survarium que después de cuatro años de desarrollo aun no an sacado el modo PVE.

Hablo sin conocer como rendiría el juego una vez salga.Lo mismo nos dan una sorpresa y Unity 5 con Directx12/Vulkan lo hacen grande,con buenos gráficos y un rendimiento genial.

Para mi los pilares serian los siguientes:

Motor gráfico optimizado.Donde la fluidez sea lo mas importante.
Sandbox con mapas grandes.
Un numero de jugadores elevado sin tirar por tierra el rendimiento del juego.
Intergeneracional.Que el juego aumente su tamaño y mejore en el tiempo sin que recurran a sacar una segunda parte del mismo.Incluso pagaría por una mejora de este tipo,pero no por el precio de un juego nuevo.
No es un Dayz al uso.

Va por objetivos o misiones que tenemos que ir cumpliendo para ir avanzando en la "campaña"

El objetivo final es escapar de la ciudad "Tarkov"

Mezclara enemigos controlados por la maquina y otros jugadores reales, por ahi he leido que seran 64 en un mapa de unos 15 kilometros cuadrados.

No termino de ver lo del tema de las misiones y el PvE, me hubiera gustado quiza un juego mas puro donde cada uno es libre de explorar y solo te enfrentes a la amenaza de otros jugadores

Vamos, lo que viene siendo un Dayz sin zombies, pero mas realista e immersivo
New pack of answers for your questions.
+ we remind you that site now have new section ABOUT, where you can find some more information about the game.
Q: I have signed up to the beta test, how and when will I know if I’m invited?
A: You will receive a letter with invitation to join Beta as soon as it starts.
Q: Will there be any closed beta draft criteria? If I make it to beta, will I have to buy the game after release?
A: There are no criteria for selecting players for beta, but we will gather the player statistics. If you got into closed beta by signing up on the website, you will be provided with a free test version; however, after the testing ends, you will have to buy the game to continue playing.
Q: Will the Beta be available after the game release?
A: No.
Q: Will there be a bug report system in beta?
A: Of course, there will be one.
Q: Will the game feature explosives, beside grenades and under-barrel grenade launchers?
A: We are also going to include mines and rocket propelled grenade launchers with antipersonnel charges and mines
Q: Will there be a PvE in the game?
A: Yes, basically, most of the Scavs encounters are PvE.
Q: Will Scavs be playable?
A: Yes
Q: Can I gather loot when playing as Scav?
A: Yes
Q: In that case, isn’t there a risk that everyone will play as Scav instead?
A: No, since playing as Scav is, ultimately, harder, as you won’t be able to choose starting equipment, and the number of playable Scavs on the raid location is limited.
Q: How large will locations be?
A: The Free Roam location will be 16 sq. km..
Q: Will the game be available in English?
A: Yes
Q: Will the game be PC-exclusive or there is going to be a console release as well?
A: We are considering a release on consoles, however, the game is “PC first”, there is going to be no feature compromise.
Q: How the third-person view will be used in the game?
A: We are probably going to make separate servers with third-person as an option.
Q: Will the game allow adding player mods, player quests, raids, etc?
A: For the most part, no, since it is an online game. However, we favor the idea of letting players add their own items, as long as they pass our check and get approved.
Q: How will the reputation system work? How do you plan to avoid the game turning into yet another “douchebag simulator”?
A: We have prepared an extended separate material on this, please stay tuned for updates.
Q: Do you intend to do a live stream to dissolve the “pre-render” septicism?
A: Certainly.
Q: Will there a be a Steam Greenlight announcement, and when?
A: Yes, as soon as the Beta is ready.
Q: Will we be able to make our own hidden drops?
A: Yes, but within raid session only.
Q: Will there be any kind of free-running in the game? Maybe mounting obstacles higher than character or cutting chain-link fences?
A: Nothing of that sort was planned so far.
Q: How will the PC and console versions differ in terms of graphics?
A: It’s still a bit early to talk consoles, but the PC graphics quality will obviously be higher.
Q: Will there be radios, comms interception, binoculars?
A: Yes.
Q: Are there going to be narrative videos, as in some other projects?
A: Yes, there are going to be pre-scenario engine-based cinematics.
Q: Do you plan to include stationary heavy weapons?
A: We’re considering it.
Q: How will the maps be limited and what obstacles will keep the character from escaping the city?
A: Roadblocks, minefields, snipers, slashings etc.
Q: Does weapon modding and maintenance require tools? Will the weapons have an operating resource?
A: Yes, you will need a repair kit for maintenance and a multitool for some of the modding. The weapons will have a durability resource, it will deteriorate both physically and visually.
Q: In a huge city like Tarkov there are bound to be some banks, are we going to be able to rob them?
A: Yes, there will be one of the TARBANK branches.
Q: Is there going to be a subway as separate location?
A: We can’t tell about subways yet.
Q: Are you going to continue working with "Main Road | Post" studio?
A: Yes.
Q: How many weapons can I take with me into the raid?
A: One on the belt, one on the back, pistol in a holster, knife in a scabbard. You can also take a small-sized weapon in your backpack.
Q: Are you going to post some game developer video blogs or you will keep everything in secret until the release?
A: Yes, we will certainly make some developer diaries later.
Q: You were saying that weapons will jam if deteriorated, will this happen to the gun mods?
A: Yes, this is also planned.
Q: How do you eat in this game? Are there going to be safe zones, where you can eat?
A: There will be no safe zones at the game locations, you will be safe only outside of the raid.So you will have to eat carefully.
Q: Players will manage their own prices for the items, don’t you think that this will make some items incredibly cheap?
A: This is economy and this is how it works in real life. If the item is cheap, then it is widespread enough to be cheap.
Q: Is there going to be an animation of the healing?
A: Possibly.
Q: Will there be a map? Are we going to able put markers on the map?
A: Yes.
Q: Are we going to be able to paint our weapons or put some stickers?
A: There will be patterns and paint to paint your weapons with camouflages.
Q: Will the playable character model move its head to look around?
A: We do plan to make the head movement control.
Q: Will there be a way to interrupt the reloading of another player if we shoot him in the hand?
A: We haven’t thought of that… yet.
Q: Is there going to be level destruction?
A: The levels and level elements will be destructible to a certain extent, but we don’t promise total destruction.
Q: Will weapon deteriorate over time and how will it affect weapon?
A: It will affect its stats negatively, it will jam and misfire more often, and fall to all other sorts of trouble.
Q: Will different weapons have different durability?
A: Yes.
Q: Will game have standing / crouch / lying positions?
A: Yes.
Q: Are we going to fire from the cover? Can we blindly fire from cover?
A: Yes, this is planned.
Q: Are we going to “stick” to covers?
A: Most definitely, there will be no sticking to cover.
Q: Is there an ability to customize gear for your own needs? Will it affect gameplay?
A: Yes. It will affect accessibility of mags to reload your weapon (only mags that stored in the vest and pockets are counted). Also we plan to make a vest editor for MOLLE system based vests.
Q: How does the player damage system works?
A: There will be no regeneration. There will be bleedings, fractures, pain shocks and so on - you will have to treat it all with special medical items, apply them to the damaged parts, watch for side effects and so on.
Q: Is there going to be any checkpoints?
A: No, there will be no checkpoints - it is online game.
Q: Will our progress and loot be saved if we will survive?
A: Everything that you’ve gained during the raid, will be yours, if you will leave the raid location alive.
Q: How does the loot items look like in the game? How, where and at which conditions it will spawn?
A: There will be loot of various rareness and it will spawn at locations at different places, in containers. Specific loot will spawn at specific locations (facility, center of the city). Rare loot items will spawn at places, where no one looked, (hard to access places, closed rooms and so on). For each raid, lootable items are being generated over again.
Q: How random will the story-essential loot be? Will there any particular place where we can easily spot it?
A: The loot of this kind will always switch the spawn locations and discovery conditions (e.g. door access codes).
Q: Will there be rare or even unique items in game - weapons, equipment, etc - with a low chance of finding?
A: Yes.
Q: We would like to know more about the Arena game mode. You said it will be like gladiator fights. Just how similar it will be to the gladiator fights?
A: There will be various arena modes, but the main arena fight will allow you to pick any equipment, with previously taking a look at your enemy (if there is a possibility). For the most part, it will be 1 vs 1 fights to death on a closed arena.
Q: Do you plan to include weapons like bow and crossbow?
A: We don’t plan to include bow and crossbow.
Q: Is there a chance to meet pack of wild dogs in the Free-roam location?
A: Possibly.
Q: Will the game world be based on one server? If yes, will it be international? Or there is going to be some subdivision?
A: There will be numerous game servers (one for every raid/free roam). There is going to be no national filtering, only ping and player level will matter.
Q: Can the internal clan/squad member comms (e.g. over radio) be overheard by other players at some particular distance?
A: Yes, we are planning to have the extended radio management - frequency search, loop bearing, scrambling, etc.
Q: It would be great to learn more about the clan system, will there be any sort of base-building?
A: No base building is planned at this time, but there is going to be a detailed clan management system.
Q: How are things going with ingame bullet ballistics?
A: The game has completely realistic ballistic model, as well as the damage model.
Q: Do you plan to add transport?
A: At this moment - no.
Q: Is there going to be VR support?
A: Possibly.
Q: Will there be some sort of a death penalty? For instance, necessity to heal critical wounds or skill reset?
A: Yes, you will have to do healing, but the skills won’t be reset.
Q: Will all the modifications be installed on a separate screen? Or there is going to be capability of changing some of the elements on the go?
A: Some easy-to -use mods can be applied on the go, however, an in-depth modification will only available outside the raid.
Q: Are you planning to add some sort of firing range?
A: Possibly.
Q: After completing the story location, will it still have timer?
A: Yes, there will still be timer.
Q: Are you going to make DLC’s for the Free-roam location?
A: Yes.
Q: Where can I preorder the game?
A: At our official website: http://escapefromtarkov.com/preorder-page
Q: Is there going to be an option to buy game not in Steam?
A: At first we will sell the game at our site, before releasing it on Steam.
Q: After all of the planned projects are done (and successful), do you plan to buy rights for STALKER and develop it?
A: No. We haven’t thought of that.
Q: Is there some sort of PR mail, where we could contact you for some sort of partnership?
A: info@battlestategames.com

Requisitos de Hardware temporales:

Dear players, we are announcing APPROXIMATE system requirements of Escape from Tarkov.
During tests game will be optimized, so by the release system requirements may change, but not that much.
If you have system which is lower than listed requirements, it doesn't mean that the game won't work.
And again, this is just approximate system requirements.
OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64 Bit)
Processor:dual-core processor 2.4 GHz (Intel Core 2 Duo, i3), 2.6 GHz (AMD Athlon, Phenom II)
Graphics Card: DX9 compatible graphics card with 1 GB memory
Sound: DirectX compatible audio card
Network: permanent connection to the Internet
Disk space: from 8 GB
OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64 Bit)
Processor: quad-core processor 3.2 GHz (Intel i5, i7), от 3.6 GHz (AMD FX, Athlon)
RAM: from 8 GB
Graphics Card: DX11 compatible graphics card with 2 GB or more of memory
Sound: DirectX compatible audio card
Network: permanent connection to the Internet
Mas preguntas y respuestas.

Third pack of answers for your questions!
We remind you that Alpha test is planned for February of 2016.
And Beta test is planned for first quarter of 2016.
Q: How large is the arsenal going to be?
A: Large enough. USSR/Russian-made weapons will predominate for the obvious reasons, but there will be plenty of guns from the rest of the world as well. Weapons will also be regularly added after the game release.
Q. What types of weapons will be the most common?
A: Depends on the location. The rule of thumb here, however, is that weapons do not appear scattered around the map for no good reason. The easiest way is to buy or barter it with traders.
Q: How does the spawning system work? Is there a chance that oldies will stalk the spawning locations?
A: There is no respawn, you only get one life for the raid. Initial spawn at the raid beginning will be equidistant from other players. Stalking the locations is impossible, as all PMC operators spawn at the same time.
Q: How does penetration of equipment and human body work?
A: It is based on a physical model. Penetration may vary by the type of the bullet. The bullet can pass clear through, split or deflect after penetration of obstacle. The same goes for human body.
Q: What size are the secure containers?
A: Different. From 1x2 to 3x3 slots, maybe even 3x4.
Q: Are there going to be female characters?
A: No female characters are planned.
Q: What kind of data will be there in the player card beside the username?
A: Effective results, level, experience-based classification and various other stats.
Q: Can traders be in conflict with each other? Will they accept only specific goods or everything at all?
A: Yes, if you buy from one trader, some other trader might not like it, and they all may have personal and business level conflicts with each other. Every trader is unique - he buys and sells a particular range of goods and provides specific services.
Q: What kind of missions will traders give?
A: Various tasks related to acquiring data. searching for items, contract kills, location discoveries, etc.
Q: Does this mean the Free Roam will be expanded? Will there be more raids? DLCs?
A: Yes, that’s right.
Q: Can I see dirt on the weapons? Or deformed slugs that failed to penetrate the vest?
A: The weapons will visually deteriorate, so the dirt and scratches will be visible. No deformed slugs in the vest, though.
Q: Will we be able to see the character’s body?
A: Yes.
Q: Can the weapon be destroyed if hit by a bullet?
A: Haven’t thought about it yet.
Q: On character death - can the player return into the same raid location where he died? Can he recover the equipment from the cor[se, provided, of course, that it wasn’t looted by anyone else?
A: No, return to the same raid instance is impossible.
Q: If the group loses a fighter in the raid, can he rejoin it, or they will have to carry on with irrecoverable casualties? In the latter case, can they pick up his equipment (provided that situation allows it) to return it?
A: KIA operator can’t return to the group until next raid. His weapons and equipment can be picked up as usual.
Q: What is the Free-roam going to be? On death, the lobby is loaded, and I will have to choose equipment from stash again, is that right?
A: Yes, that is related to scenario progress.
Q: Please tell me if I was right in my guess that there is one stash for all game modes and it is accessed from the game menu?
A: Correct.
Q: Let’s suppose I got lucky in the raid and got out alive with a rare weapon. Can I place it in the stash to later use it in the Free-roam?
A: Yes, that’s right.
Q: Will I lose loot if I die in the Arena mode?
A: Yes.
Q: Regarding the exchange of items within clan or group - will there be a common clan stash outside of the raid mode? Can the group exchange items within the raid?
A: Yes, there will be a common clan stash. Group member can exchange items by removing them from inventory and picking them up.
Q: Will the player limits be different in the story mode and freeroam mode?
A: Yes.
Q: What is the current player limit at this moment?
A: Right now it’s 12 PMC operators in the scenario mode. This and the number of playable Scavs is yet to be determined by tests.
Q: Will there be a spawn system like “get in where you got out”?
A: No, both raid and free roam can only be exited in the specified spots.
Q: Considering FPS and TPS, what will the main mode be?
A: FPS. TPS will be a rare thing, only turned on separate servers with no progress save.
Q: How about strafing? Will the sidestep shooting be restricted somehow?
A: No artificial restrictions; however, accuracy will plunge due to high weapon oscillation.
Q: Will the game be optimized for SLI/Crossfire?
A: Tests will show.
Q: What will the stash look like?
A: Stash is a set of slots that can be used as an out-of-combat warehouse, i.e. in the menu/lobby.
Q: How will the friend-or-foe system be implemented? Will the allies have any marker if you play with friends?
A: Maybe we’ll show them on the map.
Q: How will the blood pressure affect the character?
A: Duration and severity of bleeding, headaches.
Q: Will we be able to move bodies?
A: That was not planned.
Q: How will the voice commands like “Hello” / “Need help” be implemented? Is there such thing in the game at all?
A: We plan to do a separate command menu.
Q: Will the game have gestures?
A: Probably.
Q: Beside knife and the tomahawk, will there be any other melee weapons in the game, and, maybe, even a trenching spade?
A: There will be several types of knives, and maybe a trench spade as well.
Q: Can the doors be kicked down or unlocked by shooting the lock down?
A: Just as the first action video shows, the doors can be kicked down, and shooting locks is planned as well.
Q: Can we make the copies of the keys?
A: That’s an interesting idea, maybe.
Q: Will the character be able to swim, climb trees or ropes?
A: We haven’t planned anything like this, except maybe for swimming some time in the future.
Q: Is there a possibility to encounter neutral civilians who failed to evacuate?
A: Maybe, but not just yet.
Q: What kind of small living things are planned?
A: Birds.
Q: Beside auctions and trading, will there be any kind of free-of charge donation of items?
A: No, but they can be exchanged/given by dropping.
Q: Will the developers manage the trading prices in any way?
A: The market will have its way all the same, so we do not intend to tamper with prices.
Q: How many people can the clan or group have?
A: There won’t be tight restrictions on clan size, but the raid group can have up to 5 fighters in it.
Q: Will the clans or groups be tied to factions?
A: Most probably there will be several types of clans, faction-wise.
Q: Are the alliances between groups and clans possible?
A: This is still under discussion.
Q: Will the game feature any old, WWII weapons?
A: Some. For now, we plan SKS, SVT and TT.
Q: Can we somehow customize the character appearance, along with equipment? Camo, maybe?
A: Maybe.
Q: What will happen if the player is disconnected from the server? Does he die or return to base with all loot and experience?
A: He stays on the server. If he does not reconnect, he can be killed or simply won’t have the time to find an exit.
Q: Can I acquire everything that is mentioned in the pre-order packs in the game, by myself?
A: Partially.
Q: Can I lose all equipment from the pre-order pack in the game?
A: Yes, certainly.
Q: Will there be paired mags (with clip-on or duct tape)?
A: Most probably.
Q: How is the account security implemented?
A: We are considering the phone number-based authentication and launch control (if you launch the game from a new device or from new IP, you will have to enter a code).
Q: Will the clothes wear out?
A: No.
Q: Will the different scenarios have different player limit?
A: Yes, that’s right.
Q: Can we join the ongoing scenario, or do we always start at the beginning?
A: Only Scavs can join in midgame.
Q: We know about three playable factions. Will there be more in the future?
A: No.
Q: Will there be a pain shock in the game?
A: Yes.
Q: Will there be any kind of interaction between players and Scavs?
A: Playable Scavs have the same interaction abilities as the PMCs, and you can reason with them. However, NPC Scavs are always hostile.
Q: Will there be a limit for Scav spawn on the location? E.g. kill 10 Scavs and you’re relatively safe.
A: The limits will be determined by location.
Q: Will there be a demo or an open beta?
A: No demo, but there will be an open beta.
Q: Free access to DLCs in the Edge of Darkness Edition means free DLCs for life, or expirable season pass?
A: Free DLCs forever.
Q: Can I heal other players?
A: You can give them a medkit.
Q: If I lose everything I had late in the game, what do I do?
A: It’s virtually impossible to use everything, if you resort to secure containers and insurance services.
Q: Will there be any bonuses for the most active testers?
A: Quite probably.
Q: Are flashlights and laser designators turned on by separate keys?
A: Correct.
Q: What about tripwires, can we make them?
A: We are considering it.
Q: Will the food supplies spoil?
A: Not yet.
Q: Can a hit in the grenade in player’s tactical vest cause explosion?
A: No.
Q: Can we get to the Norvinsk?
A: No.
Q: Can we shoot the weapon out of enemies’ hands?
A: We haven’t planned that.
Q: Can we damage the weapon by shooting it when the character holds it or it just lies on the ground?
A: No.
Q: Will there be any natural disasters that will influence the story progress (phenomenal heat waves, for instance)?
A: No disasters were planned, but the game will have the weather changes.
@turok tendrias que poner las preguntas y respuestas en spoiler que no veas el peazo tochaco que hay que pasar para ver si hay algun mensaje nuevo [+risas].

Lord Duke escribió:@turok tendrias que poner las preguntas y respuestas en spoiler que no veas el peazo tochaco que hay que pasar para ver si hay algun mensaje nuevo [+risas].


[+risas] Lo siento.Ahora lo hago con este y los anteriores

Abierto el foro oficial del juego

Un developer diary en ruso.


Las animaciones son pura delicia.


Pongo un par de imágenes extraídas del vídeo.


tiene pintaza la verdad...no habia visto nada antes de el y lo que hay por aqui me mola...a ver si como dice el compañero antes no nos dan gato por liebre y es lo que parece y se convierte en un juegazo...

se sabe fecha de salida??
Wolford escribió:tiene pintaza la verdad...no habia visto nada antes de el y lo que hay por aqui me mola...a ver si como dice el compañero antes no nos dan gato por liebre y es lo que parece y se convierte en un juegazo...

se sabe fecha de salida??

De salida no.La alpha dijeron que se haría este mes y en marzo se esperaba una beta.Mas tarde esta previsto que salga el early acces en Steam.
turok escribió:Un developer diary en ruso.


Las animaciones son pura delicia.


Pongo un par de imágenes extraídas del vídeo.



Joder me han puesto muy perra.
El vídeo muestra un detallismo increíble en las animaciones y el comportamiento de las armas, muy bueno.
Por cierto, que sale un tío con un Oculus Rift en la frente, me imagino que lo usará para probar el juego con él ¿Os imagináis este juego en realidad virtual? Bufff...
currololo escribió:El vídeo muestra un detallismo increíble en las animaciones y el comportamiento de las armas, muy bueno.
Por cierto, que sale un tío con un Oculus Rift en la frente, me imagino que lo usará para probar el juego con él ¿Os imagináis este juego en realidad virtual? Bufff...

Si no recuerdo mal tenían pensado añadir la opción de usar VR.
a dia de hoy no se puede jugar aun no??aunque reserves...
Wolford escribió:a dia de hoy no se puede jugar aun no??aunque reserves...

No.Aun no se puede de ninguna forma.
turok escribió:
Wolford escribió:a dia de hoy no se puede jugar aun no??aunque reserves...

No.Aun no se puede de ninguna forma.

bufff tengo unas ganas de catarlo que no veas...pero he visto que solo te aseguras la entrada en alfa comprando el pack mas caro no??en los otros hay posibilidad de entrar pero no te lo aseguran...pagar ese pastizal nose yo...y mira que tengo un hype con el juego que no veas...
Que guapo lo de la mira reflex en el lateral y por fin un juego donde se descuadre el puntero de la reflex, que en la realidad es imposible llevarla centrada al disparar.
Vaya locura de trailer y de juego... Ojalá no decepcione.
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