[Anunciado] Yakuza 4 · Primavera 2011 EUROPA

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- Primavera 2010, Japon.

- Field has gained 3-dimensionality and it is now possible to go on rooftops and underground
- Actions such as jumping from rooftop to rooftop included
- Weather will change
- Panchincko slots return
- Karaoke has been improved; now includes duets
- Hotsprings dates, pingpong during dates as well
**Whoa below**
- 3 main characters in addition to Kiriu
- 4 storylines played separately merge into one story

Nagoshi/Kikuchi/Yokoyama interview
- Free camera movement. Towns have become 3 dimensional and you can now go into manholes and what not.
- 4x the enjoyment compared to before
- We'd like to deliver to our fans and everyone on the staff has the thinking "this is my job" so it's meeting and exceeding the best of our expectations.
- It's not non-cannonical, but rather, a new start
- We'd like for you to be able to see that the staff is really enjoying the freedom in developing this title

- Nagoshi: This will become the most fun title in the RGG series








cojonudo, con este ya serian 3 sin traer a Europa
joder, yo quiero jugar aunque sea al 3, en ingles me conformo :-|
Molaria que igual que el Kenzan estuviese ambientado en otra época(a ver si hacen uno en un futuro tipo Blade Runner [amor] ).
Otro pepinazo que dispará las ventas de la consola.
Yo probé la demo de Ryu Ga Gotoku 3 y no me gustó.
joder han metido la directa con esta saga, pero me gustaria mas leer la noticia de que traeran a europa el 3, seguiremos esperando.
Bueno, supongo que esta noticia aumenta las posibilidades de ver un lanzamiento en territorio americano/europeo de algunos de los anteriores, especialmente la tercera parte, pues no van a tener muertos de risa tres juegazos para el uso y disfrute de los japoneses unicamente. ¡Que estamos en un mundo globalizado!

Una ambientación a lo Blade Runner/ Snatcher con este sistema de juego sería lo puto mejor del mundo.
Que asco de noticia }:/

asco porque va a ser otro Yakuza que no nos va a llegar cawento

A ver si se animan y nos traen aunque sea el Yakuza 3.
Mas motivos para llorar, otro juego que no saldrá de japon. ¿De que sirve tener este tipo de exclusividades?. Joder como fastidia el tema ya.

Ryu GA Gotoku 3 y Kenzan ya fuera de japon, leñe, como minimo en USA. Y por otra parte no creo que cueste mucho currarse solo los textos al castellano.
Grandísima noticia, ganas de que salga en japón. Dios Kiryu apalizando zombies en el espacio sería la leche xDDDD
Con que saliese el 3 de Japón me conformaría. Pero es que ni en eso confío...
Yo les dejo de margen al E3 para que anuncien Yakuza 3 en occidente, si entonces no lo hacem me lo pillo en japo como el Kenzan! y a tirar de guias, que parece ser que se disfruta un montón igualmente y siempre es mejor que no jugarlos.
Si sega nos trae al menos el yakuza 3 en inglés beso el culo naranja de Nagoshi. ¡¿Pero tan caro es distribuir un juego?!!
Nagoshi esta buscando a Chicas Japonesas para recrearlas en el Nuevo Yakuza [+risas] [+risas]

Uhhhhhhh que recreen a hitomi shimatani, que mujer [amor]
Hibiki-naruto escribió:Nagoshi esta buscando a Chicas Japonesas para recrearlas en el Nuevo Yakuza [+risas] [+risas]

Podria colgar en la red las fotos de las candidatas y que los futuros jugadores del juego deciden que chicas deben aparecer en el juego [sonrisa]
chachi..... para cuando el yakuza 3 en eur? Saben que si no lo sacan correrá la sangre?
Namco69 escribió:chachi..... para cuando el yakuza 3 en eur? Saben que si no lo sacan correrá la sangre?

Me da que no lo saben y cuando empiecen a rodar las primeras cabezas, ya será tarde!

Un saludo
tras las Peticiones de Nagoshi de Chicas japonesas para incluiras en este Nuevo Yakuza, Nagoshi regresa para pedir ayuda al publico Japones.

Ahora Nagoshi, esa pidiendo al publico Japones que le escriban historia Reales que hayan vivido para Incluiras/Recrearlas en este Nuevo Yakuza en desarrollo, y aquellas historias elegidas aparte de aparecer en el juego aparecera el nombre de la persona en los Creditos del juego.

Sega looking for real-life host club stories for use in next Yakuza game

Imagen de Yakuza3

Familiar with host clubs? Most likely not. The concept of paying for a date with an attractive, attentive female may seem ludicrous to Americans, but it's a service that's easily found in Japan's urban centers. Sega is calling out for fans to submit their real-life club experiences for use in the next Yakuza game for PS3. At least one submission will be used in the game, with the author highlighted in the game's credits.

The Yakuza series has frequently used some bizarre, very-Japanese promotions to showcase its titles, but this might be the strangest yet. Imagine an American game that asked fans to submit stories of their experiences with prostitutes -- how much response would that get? Wait -- we're actually somewhat surprised Grand Theft Auto hasn't done that yet.

PD: el que sepa Japones ya sabe XD a intentarlo haber si lo publican
si sacaran el 3... pero bueno si para navidades no se sabe nada, se lo pedire a los reyes [boing]
Bueno, como os comente Nagoshi buscaba a japonesas para recrearlas en el juego para los Bares de Citas pues... ese Casting ya fue realizado y aqui os traigo la Scan con las Fotos de las Japonesas elegidas.

Hibiki-naruto escribió:Bueno, como os comente Nagoshi buscaba a japonesas para recrearlas en el juego para los Bares de Citas pues... ese Casting ya fue realizado y aqui os traigo la Scan con las Fotos de las Japonesas elegidas.


[amor] [amor] [amor]
A ver si se acuerdan de nosotros y nos traen el 3 y el Kenzan ni que sea en inglés.

Todavía tengo esperanzas, sino habrá que jugarlos en japo dentro de unos años xD
Tina Yuzuki en este nuevo yakuza... quien no la conozca... pues que se informe.


y aqui la web con los datos de todas las chicas...
Que ricas [babas]

Por cierto onyvla, esa es la ganadora? Porque de todas ellas en mi opinion es de la que esta mas potable si no la mas..
de las 16 chicas, 6 estan en cabeza gracias a los votos de los Japoneses (y supongo que no japos tambien habran votado) en la web oficial del juego, para que una de estas chicas aparezca en el Juego -Yakuza4-

El Ranking esta asi:


Como veis va ganando Rio (Tina Yuzuki), la Actriz Porno Japonesa.

Aqui teneis una Foto de las Participantes en la Zona de doblaje.

Copiar&Pegar URL
te me has adelantado Hibiki...
Finalizo el sorteo para ver las chicas que entraran en el juego y las Ganadoras son:

D izquierda a derecha: Noa Mizutani, Maya Mori, Shizuka Saito, Rio, Himeka Kawasaki, Elena Aihara, y Chihiro Ikki.

estas 7 Chicas son las ganadoras y apareceran en los Club de citas en el Juego.

y esta Chica, Maiko Shirosaki, tambien ha ganado, pero no aparecera en los Club de citas si no en publicidad en el juego.


PD: Juas, lo sabia que ganaria "Rio" era de extrañar [+risas]
Necesito que salga ya el yakuza 4 [looco]
ya me pase el yakuza 3 y kenzan tengo mas mono de yakuzaaaa [+furioso] [uzi]
Dentro de 10 dias es decir el 24, el 1er dia de la TGS se Mostrara por fin Yakuza 4.

Por favor que salgan en spanish que el primero me enamoro
Pues los scans confirman que es secuela directa, por si el título no lo dejaba claro, aun había la duda de los primeros datos de spin off o precuela xD
Me alegro que sea secuela directa, sin Kazuma y Majima no sería lo mismo.

Primavera 2010, Japon[/url]

Seran 2 Personajes Jugables: Kazuma -DIOS- kiryu y otro mas.

[babas] [babas] [babas] [babas]

A los japos les llega en primavera de 2010 y aqui aun estamos que de forma oficial confirmen los rumores que corren por la red de redes respecto a la salida del 3 en occidente. Eso de levar a otro personaje será curioso, pero espero que no sea durante mucho rato, que todos queremos llevar a la "vieja leyenda".

PD parece que jugar a Ping-Pong será bastante entretenido [jaja]
INFO, seran 4 Personajes Jugables y mayor libertad

Field has gained 3-dimensionality and it is now possible to go on rooftops and underground
Actions such as jumping from rooftop to rooftop included
Weather will change
Panchincko slots return
Karaoke has been improved; now includes duets
Hotsprings dates, pingpong during dates as well
**Whoa below**
3 main characters in addition to Kiriu
4 storylines played separately merge into one story

Nagoshi/Kikuchi/Yokoyama interview
-Free camera movement. Towns have become 3 dimensional and you can now go into manholes and what not.
-4x the enjoyment compared to before
-We'd like to deliver to our fans and everyone on the staff has the thinking "this is my job" so it's meeting and exceeding the best of our expectations.
-It's not non-cannonical, but rather, a new start
-We'd like for you to be able to see that the staff is really enjoying the freedom in developing this title

Nagoshi: This will become the most fun title in the RGG series
El otro personaje seleccionable puede ser Daigo Dojima? Me gustó bastante el personaje(no tengo idea si sale en el Yakuza 3)
Hibiki-naruto escribió:INFO, seran 4 Personajes Jugables y mayor libertad

Field has gained 3-dimensionality and it is now possible to go on rooftops and underground
Actions such as jumping from rooftop to rooftop included
Weather will change
Panchincko slots return
Karaoke has been improved; now includes duets
Hotsprings dates, pingpong during dates as well
**Whoa below**
3 main characters in addition to Kiriu
4 storylines played separately merge into one story

Nagoshi/Kikuchi/Yokoyama interview
-Free camera movement. Towns have become 3 dimensional and you can now go into manholes and what not.
-4x the enjoyment compared to before
-We'd like to deliver to our fans and everyone on the staff has the thinking "this is my job" so it's meeting and exceeding the best of our expectations.
-It's not non-cannonical, but rather, a new start
-We'd like for you to be able to see that the staff is really enjoying the freedom in developing this title

Nagoshi: This will become the most fun title in the RGG series

Los personajes jugables se reproducen como setas, ahora hemos pasado de 2 a 4 [qmparto]
Si las historias estan bien entrelazadas seguro que será cierto que este será el mejor titulo de la serie. Parece que se estan empleando a fondo.

PD que ganas que llegue el TGS parece que este año va a ser de los mas grandes de la historia (almenos para mi gusto)
Que ganas de hecharle el guante! pero antes q aparezca el anterior q aun no han dicho anda y temo lo peor!!
A mi me gusta la idea de los 4 personajes, Kiryu es una bestia parda pero llevamos 3 juegos con los mismos combos prácticamente, tengo ganas de jugar como ese pistolero a ver, y seguro que cada uno tendrá su estilo propio, además, Kiryu debería de ir olvidándose de la camorra de kamurocho ya, que tiene un orfanato que cuidar en Okinawa xD no creo que lo quiten de la saga, pero algo me da que cada vez va a aparecer menos (tampoco tendría sentido que siguiera batallando tanto, desde el primer juego que no quiere estar en el mundo de los Yakuza pero siempre es arrastrado a él de nuevo xD)

Este juego solo podría ser más bombazo aun si añadieran un modo multiplayer, esos 4 personajes hacen saltar la imaginación XD sería como ver revivir los orígenes del juego, o sea, el Spikeout ^^
La verdad es q seria muy chulo jugar online y que cada persona se pillase un personaje...con su argumento y todo eso
Yakuza 4 contará con publicidad "dinámica"

Sega ha confirmado que Yakuza 4, la nueva entrega de la saga anunciada para PlayStation 3, utilizará publicidad dinámica gracias a la tecnología de Double Fusion Japan, compañía con experiencia en el sector publicitario en juegos como Pro Evolution Soccer de Konami y otros títulos de Eidos y Ubisoft.

Esta tecnología permitirá crear anuncios dinámicos en los numerosos locales y carteles promocionales con los que ha contado siempre la saga, pero que cambiarán según los intereses publicitarios.

Yakuza 4 está previsto para el mercado japonés en primavera de 2010.



Esto podria no interesarnos o si. Si ingresan mas dinero mayores posibilidades de que hagan despues las respectivas localizaciones sobretodo si algunas empresas occidentales deciden publicitarse en el juego.
La he ripeado de la web oficial...

Será interesante ver como entrelazan la historia de los 4 personajes y si en algun momento podremos ir con todos en el mismo grupo manejando a uno de ellos, en plan 4 VS miles de enemigos [rtfm]
Review sobre el trailer con una pequeña introducción de cada personaje (de los desconocidos)

Imagine a game that depicted a living, breathing London - not 1940s London, not post-apocalyptic London, but today's London, with every homeless drunk, ambling pedestrian and dingy side-street intact, every brand name, every overflowing bin. Imagine there was one Pret a Manger outlet for every six residents of the city, and you could walk in and choose from a selection of actual products they sell in real life - if practically every shop and brand in the whole game were a real one, fully endorsed and realistically reconstructed. This is what Yakuza is to Japan, and Tokyo in particular. Kamurocho might be a fictional, sleazy corner of the city, but it might as well be real; everything in it is true to life, even the adverts on the vending machines.

Of course, you run around this eerily accurate facsimile of the real world beating up gangsters who randomly throw down in the streets, often using nearby lampposts and/or motorcycles. This is a video game, after all. Yakuza's realism is all in the detail. It's the world's biggest-budget, most ambitious attempt at grounding a game's fiction in our own, tangible reality; outside of Shenmue there is nothing else that comes close to realising a world so immediately recognisable. Few people would call the Yakuza games realistic - the enjoyably overwrought plot and excessive violence see to that - but their authenticity is beyond compare.

SEGA's unveiling of Ryu ga Gotoku 4 at the Tokyo Game Show last month really focused on that authenticity. The presentation was equal parts footage of the game and behind-the-scenes chats with the various digital actors and voice talent lending credence to the game's characters. There are virtual likenesses of Japanese drama stars Kitaoji Kinya and Maju Ozawa, the female lead, and many other famous names providing voice work. Yakuza 3's half-million sales clearly made an impression on Japan - Yakuza 4 is going to be absolutely huge.
'Yakuza 4' Screenshot 1


Homeless bum to money-lender in one easy bank explosion: Shun Akiyama!

It's clearly built on the same engine as Yakuza 3 in that it looks exactly the same. The motion-captured digital acting is still very impressive, the environments still look eerily real, there are evidently no significant changes to exploration and combat save some wince-worthily violent new finishing moves. But there is one massive, series-defining change - our stern-faced yakuza hero Kiryuu is rolling with a crew now. Ryu ga Gotoku 4 has four playable main characters, their stories (and destinies, proclaims the melodramatic trailer) interwoven over the course of the game.

The unveiling trailer introduces them all separately before showing the three new characters strutting in black-and-white slow motion down a street in the company of Kiryuu, who naturally gets his own awesome slow-pan intro. Yakuza 4 is gearing up to tell a story more complex than ever before. Shun Akiyama is a scrupulous moneylender who was homeless until an explosion at a bank sent millions of yen fluttering down into the streets - we see him scrambling delightedly for the notes, bottle of paper-bagged Suntory whisky left abandoned on the pavement, then reappearing in a smart red suit. He lends his money where he thinks it's right, proclaims the voice-over, but it evidently gets him into trouble. The following scene shows him standing in the rain over a dead body in an alley whilst a stern, older gangster-type advises him to be careful whom he enables with his cash.

A young chap in a purple parka advises him to run, saying the police will force a confession out of him. He's Masayoshi Tanimura, a slightly crooked cop; he's shown betting money in local bars, then accepting bribes from the bar-owners in return for not turning them in for illegal gambling; he evidently has ties with the Chinese community, too. In a combat montage, we see him slapping handcuffs on downed gangsters after kicking them squarely in the balls.

The last character, Taiga Saejima, is introduced with the best, most gruesome cut-scene we've seen in the series. He's a burly, emotionally damaged escaped convict, locked away 25 years ago for massacring 18 rival gangsters in a ramen bar. The game's depiction of this massacre is absolutely brutal - with two handguns in his pockets, two in his jacket, two in his hands and one in his mouth, Taiga strolls into the bar and starts shooting customers whilst others flee in terror or try in vain to wrestle him to the floor - he shoots one assailant in the stomach, another in the face. There's evidently a conspiracy behind this incident that is at the heart of Yakuza 4's story.
'Yakuza 4' Screenshot 2

Badass gangster-massacring bad guy with a gun in his mouth and two more in his hands: Taiga Saejima!

Yakuza 3's amazingly annoying Chase Battles are back - they were quick-time fights, essentially, where you had to keep up with someone and follow button prompts to avoid obstacles - as are the in-battle button prompts that unleash back-snapping, head-smashing special moves, which seem even better choreographed than before. There's lots of switching between third-person and close up to emphasise the juicier moments and a trail of blue, as ever, denotes the trajectory of punches and kicks. The other three characters' fighting styles are distinctly different from Kiryuu's - Masayoshi in particular seems far more acrobatic. 4's world, claims the trailer, is much broader, with rooftops and sewers and underground carparks joining the previous games' city streets as a backdrop to the action. The subways and rooftops particularly evoke Japan's strange, angular urban architecture perfectly.

It's the new brand-based, 'play spot' and creepy girl-grooming mini-games that really broaden the offering, though. For the first time, Yakuza 4 has actual pachinko, endorsed by one of Japan's biggest and most ubiquitous pachinko parlours. There's improved karaoke, with a new duet mode and the opportunity to, er, sing with schoolgirls. Fishing's back, and darts, and so is baseball - the trailer shows Taiga hitting baseballs at a billboard to reveal a reclining lady in underwear. All the arcade games - Answer X Answer, the UFO machines - are back in Club SEGA outlets, and there's a Japanese ryoukan (sort of like a spa-based inn) where you can take cabaret girls, enjoy the hot springs and play table tennis in your dressing gowns - the trailer shows a ping-pong ball bouncing balletically in slow-motion off a nearly-exposed bosom.
'Yakuza 4' Screenshot 3

Dirty cop with selective scruples: Masayoshi Tanimura!

The trailer also takes a minute or two to expand on the extremely creepy cabaret-girl grooming from Yakuza 3. It's a very sinister subgame where you take a smart-looking career woman off the street and transform her into a made-up hostess doll in a sparkly dress for the entertainment of bar patrons. All the hostesses are voiced now, too - usually by famous Japanese drama stars.

Yakuza 4's only just been announced, but it looks practically finished - it's built on exactly the same architecture as 3, clearly, so all SEGA has had to do is come up with a new story to frame Yakuza 3's iconic brawling, exploration, completion lists, nonsense mini-games and hostess-grooming. Assuming the publisher doesn't change its stance on localising the series for the West, though, most of us will have to enjoy it either via fan translation or in the original Japanese. If we rally the troops to get 3 released, though, there's a much better chance that this will follow.
Hibiki-naruto escribió:...

Parece que mis posteos en diferentes juegos te recuerdan que tienes cosas por postear, tu me quieres hacer boicot [qmparto]

Como siga la cosa asi solo vamos a postear tú y yo en este hilo, porque todas las últimas respuestas son nuestras XD
136 respuestas
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