1. Abrir el archivo fsd2config con el bloc de notas (boton derecho) 2. Entre <locale></locale> hay que poner de donde eres. Yo pongo: <locale>es-ES</locale> 3. Ahora entre <paths> y </paths> hay que poner las rutas. Ejemplo:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <config> <locale></locale> <paths> <!-- Retail and devkit attributes are used to configure the tab on which the title is displayed if it is a retail or devkit executable. Options are: 360, HOMEBREW, EMULATOR and XBOX1 (can be left blank). Example: <path retail='360' devkit='EMULATOR'>hdd1:\emulators</path> --> </paths> <feeds> </feeds> <skin>Default.xzp</skin> <Music Path='game:\Music\' MUST be in GAME:\ /> <DVDCopy 360Path='' OrigPath=''/> <weather location='undefined' /> <display horizoverscan='0' vertoverscan='0' horizdisplacement='0' vertdisplacement='0'/> <ftp xboxip='' port='21' username='xbox' password='xbox' /> <gamelistopt background='1' preview='1' semitransparent='0' covers='0' /> <mainscreenopt tempstatus='1' diskstatus='1' celsius='1' parent='0' showip='1' showstatus='1' showavatar='1' /> <moreoptions fanspeed='40' ledformat='1' /> <timeformat time='0' date='0' ntponstartup='1' /> <autoupdater ondash='1' onskin='1' onplugin='0' onbeta='0' installer='0' /> <Version XEX='0' /> </config>
ay que poner algo asi:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <config> <locale>es-ES</locale> <paths><path retail='360' devkit='games'>hdd1:\games</path> <!-- Retail and devkit attributes are used to configure the tab on which the title is displayed if it is a retail or devkit executable. Options are: 360, HOMEBREW, EMULATOR and XBOX1 (can be left blank). Example: <path retail='360' devkit='EMULATOR'>hdd1:\emulators</path> --> </paths> <feeds> </feeds> <skin>Default.xzp</skin> <Music Path='game:\Music\' MUST be in GAME:\ /> <DVDCopy 360Path='' OrigPath=''/> <weather location='undefined' /> <display horizoverscan='0' vertoverscan='0' horizdisplacement='0' vertdisplacement='0'/> <ftp xboxip=' de la xbox)' port='21' username='xbox' password='xbox' /> <gamelistopt background='1' preview='1' semitransparent='0' covers='0' /> <mainscreenopt tempstatus='1' diskstatus='1' celsius='1' parent='0' showip='1' showstatus='1' showavatar='1' /> <moreoptions fanspeed='40' ledformat='1' /> <timeformat time='0' date='0' ntponstartup='1' /> <autoupdater ondash='1' onskin='1' onplugin='0' onbeta='0' installer='0' /> <Version XEX='0' /> </config>
276 mensajes desde ene 2009
Editado 1 vez. Última: 19/07/2010 - 19:03:13 por alvaro2.
Se me ve todo en negro. No se si es que no me carga el skin o que. Tengo acceso por ftp y lo estoy ejecutando desde hdd1:\aplicaciones\fsd\
este es el principio de mi log
TimerManager|Init Timer Manager FTPServer|XNetGetTitleXnAddr returned Settings| does not exist Settings|Reading fsd2config.xml Settings|Default Settings Loaded- no config file found Settings|Reading hdd1:\fsd2data\fsd2config.xml Settings|File exist, proceed Settings|Loading Config Settings|DoSaveSettings Settings|Saving settings to hdd1:\fsd2data\fsd2config.xml DVDMonitor|DVDMonitor Started as dvd drive not mounted
<!-- Retail and devkit attributes are used to configure the tab on which the title is displayed if it is a retail or devkit executable. Options are: 360, HOMEBREW, EMULATOR and XBOX1 (can be left blank). Example: <path retail='360' devkit='EMULATOR'>hdd1:\emulators</path> --> </paths> <feeds> </feeds> <skin>Default.xzp</skin> <Music Path='game:\Music\' MUST be in GAME:\ />(ruta de la musica) <DVDCopy 360Path='' OrigPath=''/> <weather location='undefined' /> <display horizoverscan='0' vertoverscan='0' horizdisplacement='0' vertdisplacement='0'/> <ftp xboxip='' port='21' username='xbox' password='xbox' /> <gamelistopt background='1' preview='1' semitransparent='0' covers='0' /> <mainscreenopt tempstatus='1' diskstatus='1' celsius='1' parent='0' showip='1' showstatus='1' showavatar='1' /> <moreoptions fanspeed='40' ledformat='1' /> <timeformat time='0' date='0' ntponstartup='1' /> <autoupdater ondash='1' onskin='1' onplugin='0' onbeta='0' installer='0' /> <Version XEX='0' /> </config>
Lthium Ray
Neon Knight
928 mensajes desde nov 2008 en Eating The Cannibals