Recopilación de algunos mensajes interesantes del foro de Gaijinworks:
1) Las encuestas de interés empezarán a finales de mayo o en junio, y si se alcanzan los mínimos de interés, un mes después de su finalización empezaría la preventa (la cual duraría unas 4-6 semanas): ... #post36638vicireland escribió:04-23-2015, 11:20 PM #108
Polls should be up late may/early june, then, assuming we hit the minimums, presales start within a month of their closing and will run for 4-6 weeks or so.
2) Para que haya versión física, CoH3 necesita alcanzar 3000 votos de interés como mínimo y Summon Night 5 el doble. ... #post36940banditwolf escribió:Today, 01:37 PM #228 From Vic on Neogaf,
CoH3 needs to be in the same range as 2 and 2G at minimum, like 3000ish units. SN5 needs to be about twice that to do a physical run. Both are very small numbers in the big picture.
Let's get those numbers when the poll is up!
3) Pretenden usar las portadas japonesas. ... #post36675vicireland escribió:04-24-2015, 03:41 AM #126Yamasura escribió: Hey Vic if the Summon Night 5 physical poll goes through, will you be using the original JP box art that's posted on the main page ?
That's the main plan.
4) Los tiempos de manufactura de copias físicas de PSP cada vez son más largos, y llegará un momento en que dejen de manufacturarse UMDs físicos... y más adelante, podría tocarle el turno a la certificación digital de juegos de PSP. ... #post36678vicireland escribió:04-24-2015, 03:46 AM #129daylightdies escribió: Hey Vic, nice to see you around for a bit. You keep talking about the "window" for PSP games- are you speaking of physical only, or do you foresee a time where you will be unable to offer the games digitally as well?
Both. I think the physical manufacture will end before the digital window closes (as evidenced by the manufacture lead times for PSP lengthening later this year), and PSTV compatibility helps, but, yeah, there's a finite amount of time left and the clock is ticking loudly.
5) No hay presupuesto para licenciar las voces japonesas o para pagar un doblaje en los juegos. ... #post36815vicireland escribió:Yesterday, 05:05 AM #182FlamingFirewire escribió: Definitely gong to order at least Summon Night 5 - it'd be sweet if Bamco were surprised and let you do a release for something like .hack//LINK. ^^
Something I asked earlier, but I didn't get a response to yet - will the games have their original JPN audio as per their Japanese releases, or will the voice acting be taken out to save money on licensing (the voices?) I would expect nothing would be cut from either game, but I wanted to ask to make sure we're going to see the voices in both games (if they both originally had voice acting).
No budget for voice license or dubbing, unfortunately. We need to get into the 25k-30k unit sales range before we can get back to that with titles. I think the demand for SN5 will be pretty strong, but I don't think it will get to that level. We'll see.
6) CoH3 y SN5 funcionarán también en PS TV/Vita TV, además de en PSP y Vita. ... #post36856vicireland escribió:Yesterday, 08:09 PM #196wd4lifelolz escribió: So Victor your saying the games SN5 and COH 3 are going to work on PS TV for those of us that don't own psp right? There is also only maybe going to be a ps3 version, but not guaranteed right?
That about sums it up.
Victor Ireland también ha dicho que siguen trabajando en obtener nuevas licencias (no descarta el Far East of Eden IV), y desde luego si Summon Night 5 vende decentemente, ello les ayudaría.
De licencias de juegos de Taito, imposible, pues las tiene Square-Enix, y como el perro del hortelano ni come ni deja comer: no hacen nada con ellas, pero tampoco las licencian.
Edito: Gamespot se ha hecho eco de la noticia: ... 0-6426888/