ps3news are lamers<Mathieulh>
and demonhades doesn't seem to be much better<r3pek> Mathieulh: don't even mention him

<r3pek> his even worst then ps3news
<r3pek> btw, just submitted the news on ps3news. i bet you it won't get published

<Mathieulh> lol
<Mathieulh> oh! it will
<Mathieulh> they can't ignore something of this magnitude
<r3pek> well, they won't publish it all

<Mathieulh> but they will still go at geohot for not "sharing" how he did it
<r3pek> "After all GeoHot isn't that EgoGot"

<Mathieulh> I know how it's been done though, not like I will go and tell them xD
<megazig> lol
<megazig> thanks Mathieulh
<Mathieulh> np
<Icekiller> Mathieulh

<Davee> yo
<Icekiller> lo Davee

<Icekiller> Aaron
<Davee> Icekiller: yo yo
<r3pek> Mathieulh: just out of curiosity. is it actually _that_complicated? Geo managed to do something in a week that nobody did or even thought about it in 3 years
<Mathieulh> it isn't THAT complicated once you have what we have here
<r3pek> well, contgrats to you guys then

<megazig> asians programming for us?
<Mathieulh> lv2 dump looks like shit next to what we really got but I rather not elaborate
<Infel> 07<@Mathieulh> 01Infel actually a friend of mine did get his console to brick after updating07<@Mathieulh> 01that could be a cohincidence though
<Infel> i haven't updated
<Infel> i usually wait a week to see what happens
<r3pek> Mathieulh: don't

<r3pek> or i will be coding c and ppc asm (that i don't even know) in a sec

<Infel> if it is true
<Infel> i wonder if sony will do something about it
<Mathieulh> yeah they will fix this trick
<halokitty> ban you from psn
<Mathieulh> which is why I wasn't that keen on doing something like this
<Mathieulh> I told geohot about it and how it would only bring hype but he wouldn't listen xD
<Mathieulh> and there is no reasoning him on something like this
<r3pek> lol
<r3pek> well, after this 3.21oo is out, who will update to a ofw?
<Mathieulh> it will eventually happen
<Mathieulh> when sony releases 3.22 or the like
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-9wLWQ4-uA<diabloman> great video lol
<Mathieulh> though geohot will know better than to release before there are actually any 3.21+ games out thete
<Mathieulh> there *
<Mathieulh> (obviously)
<halokitty> some blu-ray movies will require 3.21 like avatar etc.
<r3pek> Mathieulh: well. it depends. i don't know how much "custom" is this fw but if it can bypass updates, or check them on another server, problem solved. something like psp-m33 update checker
<Mathieulh> it is more of an hybrid firmware right now
<Mathieulh> it is easy to mess it up, just reflash a rco or change it in the EID
<Mathieulh> it is a part of the EID that isn't signed per console
<Mathieulh> so you can change it
<Mathieulh> not that it really matters
<r3pek> Mathieulh: but will you actually change the mac or just what's shown?
<Mathieulh> just what's shown
<r3pek> ah

<r3pek> there's some chars there that aren't that much hex

<Disane> hi again Mathieulh
<Mathieulh> changing the real mac would certainly not be as trivial I am not even sure it can be done
<Mathieulh> hi Disane
<r3pek> not that it matters anyway
<Disane> heh, so geo made the video?, what kind of video camera did he buy eventually ?
<diabloman> So was Geohot first to mod a cfw?
<Mathieulh> it is more of an hybrid firmware
<Mathieulh> and publically yeah he was the first
<diabloman> so Is it easy to add a module like that?
<Mathieulh> of course not
<diabloman> what about debug features?
<diabloman> could u add that?
<Mathieulh> you could but it would not work
<r3pek> i'm guessing he probably could... but if i know geo, he won't
<Mathieulh> you can't flash a debug coreos on a retail
<Mathieulh> it would brick