Anda pues, voy a probar lo del Link jaja, muy buena idea tio. Hay de todo en la web, pero he encontramos muchos (de los que no tengo) que no tenia, total de Marvel y todo eso, creo que tengo todo ya...
Por ejemplo acabo de probar a Protoman/Blues que no lo tenia y es MAGNIFICO.
EDIT: De nada tio. Jajajaja, confusion mia, pusiste Capcom y te entendi Marvel...En todo caso busco el Screenpack de Marvel Super Heroes, donde salen los heroes de las pantallas, al igual que en el videojuego, saltan hacia el suelo, muy chulo, si lo teneis ya sabeis, gracias. Aqui dejo la config de mi MUGEN.CGF A ver si te sirve tio, y si, asi es el MUGEN, no se por que no se me oiran a mi los audios del DB

. Si necesitas mas ayuda dimelo. Oye, otra duda que tengo es, que en el E.V.E. El tiempo de las peleas, se acaba muy rapido, incluso en 99 segundos...¿Como se puede poner a 600 o 999 secs? En fin, aqui lo tienes:
; Sound configuration (Windows)
; Note: WavVolume and MidiVolume here are not the same
; as the ones in [Options], but they all affect the volume.
[Sound Win]
;Set the following to 1 to enable sound effects and music.
;Set to 0 to disable.
Sound = 1
;Set the following to 1 to enable stereo effects in-game
;Set to 0 to disable.
StereoEffects = 1
;This is the width of the sound panning field. If you
;Increase this number, the stereo effects will sound
;closer to the middle. Set to a smaller number to get
;more stereo separation on sound effects.
;Only valid if StereoEffects is set to 1.
PanningWidth = 240
;Set the following to 1 to reverse left and right channels
;on your sound card.
ReverseStereo = 0
;Wave device to use. Choose from:
; NONE - No wave device
; AUTO - Autodetect
; DX? - DirectSound: replace ? with a the device number (from 0 to 9)
; DXA? - DirectSound with Allegro mixer: replace ? with a the device number (from 0 to 9)
; WAVEOUTA- High-quality wave-out
; WAVEOUTB- Low-quality wave-out
WavDevice = DX0
;Voice Channels to use. Values are from 1 to 16.
;If sound quality is poor, try setting a smaller number, such as 8 or 4.
WavChannels = 16
;Maximum number of voices used for MODs. This number reduces the
;number of available WavChannels. ModVoices must be less than
;WavChannels. If equal, then MODs will get all the available
;channels and therefore no sound effects will play.
ModVoices = 6
;Midi device to use. Choose from:
; NONE - No midi device
; AUTO - Autodetect
; MAPPER - MIDI Mapper
; MID? - MIDI Device: replace ? with a the device number (from 0 to 9)
; DIGMID - Allegro's Digimid driver
MidiDevice = Auto
;This is the master volume for all wav sounds (affects mp3 volume).
;Valid values are from from 0 to 255.
MasterWavVolume = 128
;Set the volume of wav, midi, mods and CD audio.
;Note: WavVolume does not affect mp3 or mod volume.
;Valid values are from from 0 to 255.
;For CDAVolume only, using -1 will leave the volume unchanged.
WavVolume = 128
MidiVolume = 192
MP3Volume = 255 ;This affects all Winamp-compatible plugins as well
ModVolume = 80
CDAVolume = -1
;Set the following to 1 to enable and 0 to disable MIDI, MP3, MOD and CD
PlayMIDI = 1
PlayMP3 = 1 ;This affects all Winamp-compatible plugins as well
PlayMOD = 1
PlayCDA = 1
;Set the drive letter of your CD-ROM (if you have more than one
;drive). eg, To use drive E, put the following:
; CDADevice = E:\
;Leave blank to use your default CD-ROM drive.
CDADevice =
;Set the following to 1 to pause BGM playback when switching
;away from the MUGEN window.
PauseBGMOnDefocus = 1
;List Winamp-compatible plugins here.
;Specify the filename of the plugin and the list of file types to
;use the plugin for. One plugin per line.
;Example: plugin = plugins/my_plugin.dll, mp3, mp2, mpg
;If music is not looping with a particular plugin, you can try an
;optional first argument looptype=1 (seek to zero; may stutter)
;or looptype=2 (reload plugin; slow).
;Example: plugin = looptype=1, plugins/my_plugin.dll, mp3, mp2, mpg
plugin = looptype = 1, plugins/in_mp3.dll, mp3, mp2, mpg
plugin = plugins/In_cube.dll, adx
plugin = looptype = 1, plugins/in_snes.dll, spc
; Sound configuration
; Note: WavVolume and MidiVolume here are not the same
; as the ones in [Options], but they all affect the volume.
[Sound Linux]
;Set the following to 1 to enable sound effects and music.
;Set to 0 to disable.
Sound = 1
;Set the following to 1 to enable stereo effects in-game
;Set to 0 to disable.
StereoEffects = 1
;This is the width of the sound panning field. If you
;Increase this number, the stereo effects will sound
;closer to the middle. Set to a smaller number to get
;more stereo separation on sound effects.
;Only valid if StereoEffects is set to 1.
PanningWidth = 240
;Set the following to 1 to reverse left and right channels
;on your sound card.
ReverseStereo = 0
;Wave device to use. Choose from:
; NONE - No wave device
; AUTO - Autodetect
; OSS - Open Sound System
; ESD - Enlightened Sound Daemon
; ALSA - ALSA sound driver
WavDevice = Auto
;Voice Channels to use. Values are from 1 to 16.
;If sound quality is poor, try setting a smaller number, such as 8 or 4.
WavChannels = 12
;Maximum number of voices used for MODs. This number reduces the
;number of available WavChannels. ModVoices must be less than
;WavChannels. If equal, then MODs will get all the available
;channels and therefore no sound effects will play.
ModVoices = 6
;Midi device to use. Choose from:
; NONE - No midi device
; AUTO - Autodetect
; OSS - Open Sound System
; ALSA - ALSA sound driver
; DIGMID - Allegro's Digimid driver
MidiDevice = Auto
;This is the master volume for all wav sounds (affects mp3 volume).
;Valid values are from from 0 to 255.
MasterWavVolume = 255
;Set the volume of wav, midi, mods and CD audio.
;Note: WavVolume does not affect mp3 or mod volume.
;Valid values are from from 0 to 255.
;For CDAVolume only, using -1 will leave the volume unchanged.
WavVolume = 128
MidiVolume = 128
MP3Volume = 135
ModVolume = 80
CDAVolume = -1
;Set the following to 1 to enable and 0 to disable MIDI, MP3, MOD and CD
PlayMIDI = 1
PlayMP3 = 1
PlayMOD = 1
PlayCDA = 1
;Set the drive letter of your CD-ROM (if you have more than one
;drive). eg, To use drive E, put the following:
; CDADevice = E:\
;Leave blank to use your default CD-ROM drive.
CDADevice =
;Number of extra players to cache in memory.
;Set to a lower number to decrease memory usage, at cost of
;more frequent loading.
PlayerCache = 1
;Set to 1 to allow precaching. Precaching attempts to start loading
;player data as early as possible, to reduce apparent loading times
;between matches. To get the best performance, set PlayerCache to at
;least 1. The optimal number for PlayerCache is 4 when precaching is
;enabled. Precaching is not available in DOS.
Precache = 1
;Set to 1 to enable large-buffer reads of sprite and sound data.
;Set to 0 (off) to decrease memory usage, at cost of slower
BufferedRead = 1
;Set to 1 to free system.def data from memory whenever possible.
;This decreases memory usage, in exchange for loading time
;before system screens.
UnloadSystem = 0
;Set to 1 to pause MUGEN when the MUGEN window loses focus (will also
;pause BGM regardless of the PauseBGMOnDefocus setting).
;Leave at 0 to let MUGEN run in the background.
;Regardless of this setting, MUGEN will always pause on defocus if
;it is running fullscreen.
PauseOnDefocus = 1