Mordeo escribió:A mi el arma también me ha desaparecido, una lastima porque era muy guapa (además con los trajes daba el pego que no veas xD)....
DJCaRLoS escribió:NewDump escribió:A ver si vamos a estar un año entero esperando pa mas misiones y los bancos...![]()
A este paso...
En algún momento r* confirmo de forma oficial los atracos , las misiones y el casino?
Si, y ademas salia en el trailer/gameplay de gta online, atracando el banco que hace un par de meses abrieron.
KoX escribió:Los trailers de R* no son de fiar. Ya lo vimos con los del RD:R que daban a entender cosas que no se parecian en nada en la version final.
Top Changes
New Clothing items have been added to clothes stores.
New Tattoos have been added to the Tattoo parlours.
Four new Hairstyles (2 Male, 2 Female) have been added to all Barbers and Salons.
New Masks have been added to Vespucci Movie Masks.
Two new tire smoke colours are available from Los Santos Customs in Online (Green & Purple).
Four new vehicles (3 cars, 1 plane) have been added to their respective dealers: Grotti Turismo R, Dinka Jester, Albany Alpha, and Buckingham Vestra
Two new weapons have been added to Ammunation: Heavy Pistol, Special Carbine
Three celebrations have been added to Online – Dock, Knuckle Crunch, and Air Thrusting.
Players who are not the host of a job are now shown the ”View Joined Players’ Info” option while on the settings screen. This allows the player to access the list of players in their lobby, allowing muting or viewing profiles and stats.
Fixed an issue where players were unable to claim vehicles after being destroyed in the impound lot.
Fixed an exploit where players were able to give their vehicles nitrous boosts.
Fixed an exploit where players were able to bring vehicles from Single Player into Online.
Fixed an issue in Story Mode where a Titan would blow up when stored in a Hangar.
If a player has already ranked up a character to Rank 20 they will be given the option to skip the tutorial.
A number of vehicles have been added back to vehicles that can be stored in player garages: Karin Rebel (Clean), Beater Albany Emperor, Bravado Bison versions, Bravado Rumpo, Vapid Speedo, Canis Seminole
Full Change List
Players now have the ability to highlight their own blip during Missions.
Head to Head mode is no longer in Beta.
Fixed issue where Leaderboard option was missing from mini-game coronas.
Corrected a small issue where Elf Hats remained on players after the Christmas DLC.
After timing out players are no longer returned to Single Player but will be returned to Online in a new lobby when they choose to return after being kicked.
Matchmaking option is now available within Minigames, defaulting to ‘Off’.
Team colors are now used for “Wasted” messages.
The option to turn off Slipstreaming in Races has been added.
Fixed an issue where it was possible to waste a vehicle boost in a Race whilst on foot.
Rockstar Verified Jobs will now have the ”R* Verified” logo over the photo within coronas.
Enemy players’ blips will now show on the mini map if they are in a player’s direct line of sight.
Removed Rockstar logo for display of Rockstar Verified jobs in the pause menu. This is to help in differentiating between Rockstar Created & Rockstar Verified.
Passengers are no longer stuck respawning if the driver completes the Rally without them.
Fixed an exploit where it was possible for players to repeatedly kill enemies in Missions without completing the Mission.
Fixed an exploit where it was possible to kick another player from a session without the required amount of votes.
Fixed an issue where it was occasionally possible for a character’s face to change after applying a title update.
Fixed an issue where a player’s map blip and HUD could go missing after accepting a NPC invite while in the cinema.
Fixed an issue where Races could be held up by lobby hosts going AFK.
Fixed an issue where it was possible to sell a vehicle immediately after purchasing it for a much higher price.
Fixed an issue where players could be forced into strange poses when being shot when using the switch menu.
Fixed an issue where vehicles were going missing from player’s garages.
Fixed an issue where the Pistol .50 was not being taken into account when being used for the “Pistol Whipped” award.
Fixed an issue where blips showed incorrectly in Survivals.
Corrected a spawning issue with Boats.
Fixed an issue with characters overlapping when viewing hairstyles in the Hairdressers / Barbers.
Catch-Up is now turned off in Races when only one Checkpoint remains.
Corrected an issue where first place messages were being shown incorrectly.
Fixed an issue where a player's vehicle was damaged when it was driven into a garage.
Fixed an issue in the Del Perro Apartments where the buzzer does not work when another player is in the garage.
Fixed an issue where weapons were available in normal (non-GTA) races after dying.
Fixed several exploits where players were able to duplicate vehicles.
Fixed an issue where players could become stuck when entering another player’s garage as a passenger in that player’s vehicle.
Fixed an issue where a player could become stuck if buzzed into an apartment and immediately left.
Fixed an issue where it was possible for players to appear in odd positions when selecting to trade a car for a bike whilst in their garage.
Fixed an exploit where it was possible to set bounties on idle players in Deathmatches.
Fixed an issue where horns did not play their previews fully in LS Customs.
Fixed an issue where players could potentially be moved between garages when the owner left the game.
Fixed an issue where players were not kicked from their apartment after buying one in the same building.
Fixed an issue where it was possible for players in the same Crew to not be placed together.
Added audio to allow players to know when their team / the opposing team has delivered a package.
Height indication arrows have been enabled for players in Versus Missions and CTF.
Fixed an issue with “Timed Out” errors when attempting to join Online from the boot Online option.
Fixed an exploit where players were able to sell free DLC vehicles.
Fixed an issue where custom vehicles could sometimes be used in locked UGC races.
If a Race is locked to a Sanchez model, the player will now be able to pick both the normal and livery version of the Sanchez.
Fixed an issue where invites to Contact Missions could read as “0 players”.
Added functionality to allow Personal Vehicle delivery for when a player is close to their garage.
Fixed an issue where using the Quick GPS before leaving an apartment would not always select the closest location.
The Quick GPS list now contains the Wanted Vehicle option for Simeon.
Earrings are now removed when a player puts on a Mask.
Fixed an issue where Lamar would play the wrong celebration animation if he wins the tutorial race.
Fixed an issue where there would be a slight delay on some celebration animations.
Fixed an issue where an incorrect player name would be displayed above Lamar on celebration screens.
Fixed an issue where some celebrations would clip the camera.
Players in the Cheater Pool will now see a release date rather than a countdown of how long they have left.
Fixed an issue where Aim Settings were not saving correctly when accepting invites into sessions with different Aim Settings.
Fixed an issue where a version of the Sanchez did not have all of the modding options available to it.
Fixed an issue where players could become stuck when entering their garage if a secondary player was in their garage at the same location.
Fixed an issue where using animations to end a phone call could block them from being used again.
The Barber Shop and Tattoo Parlour have been added to the Quick GPS option.
Fixed an exploit where players could teleport into locked vehicles.
Fixed an issue where players could become stuck watching their cars drive around at the end of a Race.
Fixed an issue where the incorrect player name could be highlighted on Leaderboards.
Fixed an issue where it was possible to receive no Cash or RP for finishing first in a Parachuting Race.
VILLAformer escribió:El Turismo R necesita un parche algunas veces se buguea y las aceras son como muros para el y no puede pasar por el bordillo, y eso que le tengo la altura máxima de suspensión.
cercata escribió:KoX escribió:Los trailers de R* no son de fiar. Ya lo vimos con los del RD:R que daban a entender cosas que no se parecian en nada en la version final.
A que te refieres ? Yo lo segui bastante, y no me defraudo para nada. Los gráficos serán mejores, como paso con los primeros vídeos de GTA V, pero el resto que yo sepa es real.
Mordeo escribió:Un detalle...¿me sucede solamente a mi o las peticiones de coches de Simeon ahora son super escasas?. Porque según recuerdo, antes cada vez que iniciaba sesión siempre me llegaba un mensaje de este solicitando algun coche de la lista que te enviaba, mientras que ahora, desde esta última actualización, muy de vez en cuando pide algún coche. Lo cual es una mierda porque al menos te asegurabas una media entre 7000 y 9000 dolares frescos por sesion cada vez que iniciabas.
Carladeadware escribió:¿Por cierto no se podian vender los coches que costasen más de 100.000? Por qué a mi me han dejado vender el Voltic y el Adder.
KoX escribió:Hola
Yo y mi primo al final hems pillado gold para jugar al online del GTA. Solo un mes para probar. Pero debemos ser tontitos o algo porque no sabemos bien bien como jugar en el mismo server.
Uno se une al otro, todo bien. Hacemos una actividad, todo bien, salimos a mundo abierto juntos, bien, Pero a veces hacemos otra actividad y a la vuelta al mundo abierto él está en un server y yo en otro.
Incluso me ha pasado creando eso de partida solo con amigos, la creo se une y en un momento dado le llevan a otro server despues de una actividad.
Con lo que tarda en cargar cada vez es pues es un rollazo. ¿que hacemos mal?
gracias por la ayuda
KoX escribió:Bueno por lo menos sé que no es que seamos tontitos![]()
Y una preguntilla más, yo soy nivel 17 y él 9, y yo tengo actividades que he visto que pone que hay que ser de un nivel para jugar, ¿quiere decir que todas las actividades deberán ser activadas por él para que juguemos juntos? porque si activo yo las misiones imagino que no le dejarán entrar.
Dimitri escribió:¡Ostia tu! ¿¿Cuando han ampliado el creador?? acabo de enterarme por la captura de pantalla![]()
Si termino pronto la peli me pongo un rato, y mañana otro, a ver que cositas se pueden hacer.
Legna83 escribió:Buenas:
Agovia, gracias por la ayuda, pero no he entendido el final; cuando ya tengo el paracaidas... ¿has dicho que coja el helicoptero? Si puedes explicarlo mejor, te lo agradezco.
Un saludo
pargorax escribió:Tengo problemas con gta online estoy jugando tranquilo y pum se congela el juego ni los controles reaccionan y tengo que apagar la Xbox directamente
DJCaRLoS escribió:pargorax escribió:Tengo problemas con gta online estoy jugando tranquilo y pum se congela el juego ni los controles reaccionan y tengo que apagar la Xbox directamente
Eso le pasa a mucha gente, a mi me pasaba también... tienes los dos discos instalados?
Si la respuesta es afirmativa, especifica si es HD o Pendrive.
Legna83 escribió:Buenas:
Agovia, gracias por la ayuda, pero no he entendido el final; cuando ya tengo el paracaidas... ¿has dicho que coja el helicoptero? Si puedes explicarlo mejor, te lo agradezco.
Un saludo
Wolfstein escribió:Hola estamos creando partidas de polis y ladrones como las de nexxuzhd en ps3, pero nosotros para xbox, quien quiera jugar que nos agregue , lmc juanqq y lmc wolfstein. Necesitamos mas gente que hable español para poder viciar y explicar bien como va el tema.
El poderoso Bullpup Rifle, nuevos elementos de vestuario , la motocicleta "Dinka Thrust" y tres nuevos coches lujosos para elegir , incluyendo "Super class Pegassi Zentorno" .
The Life Update alta también contará con el debut de la propiedad multi- propiedad en GTA Online , lo que significa que será capaz de poseer dos propiedades distintas ( con garaje ) simultáneamente
Y a finales de este año , busca aún más adiciones a la Grand Theft Auto Online y Grand Theft Auto V , incluyendo más actualizaciones con las Fiestas , algunas muy emocionante modo Historia DLC y mucho más .
Como parte de nuestro compromiso continuo para orientar a los tramposos y mantener el juego lo más justo posible , estamos cerrando hazañas RP y ajustaremos los totales RP de jugadores que sabemos a ciencia cierta de haber ganado RP ilegítima por el engaño . Su RP sólo se ajustará si usted participó en mods , hacks, redirecciones DNS, manipulación de archivos en la nube , o cualquier otro comportamiento similar nefasto .