Tony Skyrunner escribió:This page has been reported because its contents may be harmful.
Opera Software strongly discourages visiting this page.
Esto es lo que me dice la nueva versión al entrar a EOL (hasta ahora no me había dicho nada, ha sido cosa de hace 3 minutos).
coyote escribió:Y ahora esa pifia de detectar ciertas páginas como fraudulentas...
enekono escribió:¿es ligero?
Fixed DSK-306069 (Google Calendar compatibility)
Fixed DSK-284608 (Unite listening on UDP 1900 even if UPnP service discovery is off)
Mac, Linux, and FreeBSD
Fixed DSK-297976 (Crash in POSIX host resolver)
kenshin_spirit escribió:Que se dejen por un momento de mejorar el motor para la interpretacion de javascript y mejoren el rendimiento al abrir y cerrar la aplicacion!!!! Tengo que esperar mas de 30 segundos para que se cierre Opera -__-U y con ello para que pueda reiniciar OS X. En el caso de Windows no tengo queja, lo hace instantaneamente, pero es que en OS X es una pena que suceda eso!
* Fixed DSK-306593 (Crash when running out of cache memory)
Mac, Linux, and FreeBSD
* Fixed DSK-297976-2 (Crash in POSIX host resolver)
ZeusII escribió:a ver, tengo un problema y estoy totalmente perdido... no le encuentro solucion![]()
cuando abro un enlace desde el cliente de correo, un acceso directo o desde cualquier programa se me abre en una pestaña nueva PRIVADA... no consigo que se abra en una pestaña normal T_T
alguna idea? he probado con un perfil nuevo y con la 10.7 y nada oO
alguna opcion debe haber por ahi perdida
edit. fixed... yendo al panel de contró: Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Default Programs\Set Associations y volviendo a asociar el HTTP con Opera![]()
MrkHateGuiris escribió:A mi lo que me pasa es que en el feisbuk no me va el "messenger", siempre sale con el simbolo de exclamacion, a vosotros tambien?
srpatato escribió:Por cierto, a ti te va lento lento lento al arrancar? Es desesperante, 1 minuto en arrancar en un i3 330M con 4 GB de ram no es normal nop? Además, los objetos flash se me descojonan en webs como la de Cuatro cuando haces scroll hacia arriba/abajo. Se me peta demasiado
CORE-29377 (In some cases widgets don't run)
CORE-29887 (Crash on
CORE-30690 (Setting onload property of XMLHttpRequest blocks document memory from being garbage collected)
CORE-31141 (Opera treats binary files as plain text (opening it in the browser instead of showing download dialog))
CORE-31269 (Crash on Canvas demo)
CORE-31379 (Printing from print preview results in either a freeze or corrupted page)
CORE-31426 (Widgets don't have access to network after restart)
DSK-298346 (Start Bar blanked out after opening background tab)
DSK-307788 (Relative paths in Filename setting for Speed Dial background doesn't work)
DSK-307987 (Rename "Fraud Protection" to "Fraud and Malware Protection")
Numerous crash and stablity fixes
Linux and FreeBSD
CORE-30804 (Common plugin crash)
DSK-258729 (Linux Special Web Keys Do Not Work (XF86Back/XF86Forward))
DSK-275098 (double click popup menu does not go away)
DSK-276410 (Popup menus are poorly styled in KDE)
DSK-280594 (Checkmarks and Radio buttons (Option marks) in menus look different from native)
DSK-287681 (Can't right-click in Bookmarks menu under UNIX)
DSK-288406 (Menu seperators are the wrong colour)
DSK-291882 (Widget installed globally does not appear in widgets panel)
DSK-292229 (Lines painted on top of scrolled area)
DSK-294121 (Page scrolls up when moving scrollbar knob and styles using double arrows are used (plastique, Polyester, oxygen, qtcurve))
DSK-297393 (Tab cycler too high when menu bar is enabled)
DSK-297409 (Cannot type in Cyrillic with Ukranian or Bulgarian keyboard layout and ru_UA.utf8 or bg_BG.utf8 locale on Ubuntu)
DSK-297648 (Package installer description needs corrections)
DSK-301066 (Keyboard shortcuts with Dvorak layout use qwerty layout)
DSK-302055 (Many preference dialogs can be opened for widget on Linux)
DSK-302682 (Menus and submenus are opened and closed all too fast)
DSK-303089 (Scrollbar doesn't reach all the way to the top and bottom in certain GTK styles)
DSK-303588 (Difficult to create new lines with scim)
DSK-303809 (IME characters not highlighted during conversion)
DSK-304242 (If you have compositing enabled and use a skin with transparency the speed dial will look ugly)
DSK-304646 (Missing translation in Widget installer)
DSK-305044 (Opera crashes in download dialog when trying to chose the application to open a downloaded file with)
DSK-306342 (Checkmark in checkbox is not centered in x11 mode)
DSK-306398 (Crash when saving certain files or starting a torrent)
DSK-307119 (Status bar doesn't appear)
DSK-307173 (Crash when drag/dropping link)
DSK-307226 (Scrollbar has wrong background color for some GTK themes)
DSK-307332 (Scrollbar button corners should be rounded for some GTK themes)
DSK-276410 (Popup menus are poorly styled in KDE)
KoseN escribió:¿Existe alguna forma de tener la barra personal por debajo de la de direcciones, como aparecen las barras de marcadores del resto de navegadores? Es que la ponga donde la ponga, queda fea (y encima, a la derecha, donde sí podría ponerla, tiene un bug que hace que se superponga con el botón de cerrar ventana)
So, the problem was solved in my case with the following:
I've created /etc/xftoverride containing:Xft.rgba: rgb
Xft.hintstyle: hintslight
Xft.lcdfilter: lcdlight
Adjust this to your font configuration. Now you only need to add this to autostart. Using ".xinitrc" is good when you're launching X with xinit, but when using a DE, just make a script (in my case "~/scripts/") with the following contents:#!/bin/sh
xrdb -override /etc/xftoverride
Make it executable and add to your DE autostart. That's all.
* Fixed a few memory leaks
* Fixed a couple of Canvas crashes
* Reverted fix for DSK-298346 (Start Bar blanked out after opening background tab): causes regressions, including DSK-308645 (Window is not repainted after resizing it)
* DSK-297976 (Crash in POSIX host resolver)
* DSK-307987 (Rename "Fraud Protection" to "Fraud and Malware Protection")
* DSK-308488 ("Accept cookies" and "only from the site I visit" settings wrong in Preferences dialog UI)
* DSK-305562 (Opera crashes on startup under Windows 98)
* DSK-304367 (Crash on start-up when starting with URL from Terminal)
* DSK-305707 (Crash when closing the Opera window)
* DSK-305708 (Crashes when playing a wav file)
* DSK-305739 (Crash when printing)
* DSK-306593 (Opera runs ouf of memory)
* DSK-303044 (Geolocation for FreeBSD)
DSK-180617 (Links from external applications close page if page is opened from a panel or mail)
DSK-300470 (Posix crash on page load)
DSK-306032 (Impossible to maximize widget in application mode)
Fixed a few non-reproducible crashes
Fixed a few WebStorage crashes
CORE-1930 (Selection.selectAllChildren not implemented)
CORE-15358 (Add OnAboutToLoadUrl())
CORE-19329 (Support CSS3 object-fit and object-position)
CORE-22402 (EcmaScript debugger improvements)
CORE-27275 (SVG Optimizations)
CORE-29727 (Add HTML5 HashChangeEvent)
CORE-8204 (Remove IE Compatibility: document.getElementsByName doesn't distinguish between id and name attributes)
CORE-12667 (Need to add incorrectly issued "Microsoft" object signing certificates to online repository)
CORE-13803 (doDataURL() with non-primary and non-solid colours)
CORE-18808 ("v" shortcut in Google Reader opens about:blank (ignores same thread that opened popup setting location))
CORE-19618 (Fix for CORE-18808, failure to load page in newly opened popup)
CORE-22043 (Unable to load page's own URL into (i)frame)
CORE-22489 (Add to pubsuffix list)
CORE-23432 (Added phrase flags to search and highlighting)
CORE-24101 (Fix for Ctrl+End which didn't move the caret anywhere on Google Docs)
CORE-25558 (Referrer of XMLHttpRequest response is wrong when request is initiated in a call from another frame)
CORE-26183 (Memory fix for changing offline mode to online)
CORE-27256 (Random-ish crash in YUI test suite)
CORE-27917 (Crash when deleting a paragraph with an image)
CORE-28221 (Crash when browsing with cached images)
CORE-28346 (setTimeout(function, Infinity) should be handled as 0)
CORE-28745 (hashchange event fires incorrectly when stepping back and forward through pages in DOM cache)
CORE-28890 (Correct behavior for getComputedStyle of 'object-fit: auto')
CORE-28941 (Underline text-decoration doesn't seem to be filtered if the text is rendered with an SVGFont)
CORE-29227 (Div with content:-o-skin("Smiley Happy"); crashes)
CORE-29284 (Frozen UI and Flash not loaded when clicking link in Flash and going back)
CORE-29410 (Opera crashes on SVG images that include CSS stylesheets via @import)
CORE-29579 (Error.{stack,stacktrace} are identical)
CORE-29806 (Defining "href" getter on a Location object should throw TypeError)
CORE-29905 ( with a single argument "a" !== "a")
CORE-29919 (Need to run setTimeout < 10 ms in correct order)
CORE-29922 (Error.stack/stacktrace should be writable)
CORE-30096 (Non-enumarable properties are not returned)
CORE-30130 (Redeclaring Event object does not reflect within other scopes)
CORE-30168 (Carakan doesn't properly terminate strings to identifiers in some cases)
CORE-30523 (Blocked URL should display error page, like when host is not found)
CORE-30690 (Setting onload property of XMLHttpRequest blocks document memory from being garbage collected)
CORE-31426 (Widgets don't have access to network after restart)
CORE-31482 (UPnP memory issue with IPv6 and non-local addresses)
DSK-306226 (Crash when launching browser after upgrade)
DSK-300182 (Crash in no-Carbon build)
All Linux/FreeBSD fixes in 10.61 RC1 are included in this build
CORE-31040 (Text strings to be used if print dialog can not be started)
DSK-300106 (Dragonfly crash with 16-bit color depth)
# Maintainer: ruario
# Contributor: Skunnyk
# Contributor: totoloco
pkgdesc="A fast and secure web browser and Internet suite. Development/Snapshot version."
depends=('gcc-libs' 'gstreamer0.10-good' 'libxt' 'freetype2' 'libxext')
optdepends=('gtk2: GTK integration' \
'kdebase-runtime: KDE4 integration' \
'gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg: HTML5 H.264 support' \
'gstreamer0.10-bad-plugins: HTML5 H.264 support')
options=(!strip !zipman)
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
conflicts=('opera' 'opera-beta')
[ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ] && _arch=x86_64
[ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ] && md5sums=('5ba2792c38f9613a0d7383e7216dba5b')
build() {
cd ${pkgdir}
bsdcpio -id < ${srcdir}/opera-${_bigrelease}-${_buildver}.${_arch}.rpm
sed -i usr/share/opera/package-id.ini -e "s|\(Package Type=\)rpm|\1tar|"
install -D -m 644 usr/share/opera/defaults/license.txt usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/license.txt
DSK-236194 ( mailproviders SMTP entry does not use submission port)
DSK-265492 (Sender name in mail view area is taken from contact list rather than the From header)
DSK-271885 (Tracking of which of the default Speed Dials are removed)
DSK-286882 (Show Properties dialog and informational message when trying to bookmark page that is already bookmarked)
DSK-290437 (No error message on widget installation customization dialog if widget name is too long)
DSK-292617 (HTML5 Video stops playing after right clicking and saving file to local disk)
DSK-294443 (In Mail Tab, when i cliking on any folder - incoming or sent - Opera crashes)
DSK-298929 (Zoom menu appears too high on the screen when enabling the menu bar)
DSK-300559 (Opera freezes when you try to change the URL while viewing a PDF having start bar enabled)
DSK-301560 (opera:help not in auto-complete list)
DSK-302065 (The "Searches" string in Opera Link is confusing)
DSK-303021 (Crash on page with certificate)
DSK-303102 (No bookmarks shown in bookmarks manager after restart)
DSK-303210 (Cannot clear previous search from drop-down menu)
DSK-303369 (Vertical scrollbar in advanced preferences due to new local storage section)
DSK-304060 (Crash when adding a contact to the personal bar)
DSK-304177 (No tooltips when hovering Speed Dials)
DSK-304377 (Crash when downloading files from Links panel)
DSK-304435 (wrong ID for Teszvesz search in Hungarian search.ini)
DSK-304463 (Search URL for Taobao is wrong)
DSK-304540 (Yandex search suggestions don't work)
DSK-307168 (Tooltip string when the turbo button is disabled)
DSK-308559 ( should be added to mailproviders.xml)
DSK-308722 (FastMail domains missing from mailproviders.xml)
DSK-302708 (Downloading Voice with MemGuard causes Opera to crash)
DSK-306318 (Voice download dialog goes behind the preference dialog)
DSK-306319 (Opera initiates multiple voice plug-in downloads)
DSK-273098 (Dropping .webloc or links on crash dialog crashes Opera)
DSK-287896 (Crash/freeze when closing tab with "Save" dialog open)
DSK-293917 (Modal dialog hides below browser if opera is clicked)
DSK-304367 (Crash on start-up when starting with URL from Terminal)
DSK-305708 (Crashes when playing audio files)
DSK-301071 (Ever-growing memory consumption when hovering over thumbnails)
Vancete escribió:vaya puto cachondeo de builds, y vaya puto cachondeo os lleváis vosotros 2, me voy a acomodar yo por aquí para subir posts como vosotros
DSK-281862 (Mouse gestures can incorrectly remove the dialog overlay)
DSK-283583 (Missing string: 'done' tooltip on find toolbar and password toolbar)
DSK-296732 (Panel opens when Opera is loaded)
DSK-296887 (Scrolling address history sometimes scrolls underlying page)
DSK-306162 (Opera Closes on closing the last tab if the Dragongly (detached) window is open)
DSK-306329 (Save as text file function saves page as source codes)
DSK-300083 (UI focus lost in lots of cases, causing shortcuts to fail)
DSK-295426 (Triple and quadruple clicking does not select text/line/paragraph, and hides the Hotclick menu)
DSK-182083 (Menus appear on second screen)
DSK-304468 (Freeze when enabling sound in webpages)
DSK-303558 (PDF painted black when Address bar is focused with Start Bar enabled)
DSK-300344 (Opacity not applied to Aqua buttons)
DSK-302040 (Web Fonts and garbling Japanese text)
DSK-254702 (Should use Ayuthaya as monospace font for Thai)
DSK-306002 (Dragging image to folder with a space in the path creates new folder with "%20" instead of space)
DSK-306926 (Disable inline print preview): Remove print preview menu item and shortcut key
Fixed some common crashers reported via crashlogging tool
coyote escribió:Vancete escribió:vaya puto cachondeo de builds, y vaya puto cachondeo os lleváis vosotros 2, me voy a acomodar yo por aquí para subir posts como vosotros
Que malas pulgas tienes...
Si no te gusta, no entres y listo.
ZeusII escribió:coyote, mejor que la /coña, sacate la /ban y tal![]()
Windows MSI / Windows Classic
Mac (Universal) / Mac (Intel-only)
Vancete escribió:Estoy con 10.60 y buscando actualizaciones no me sale ninguna, por lo que supongo que las builds esas serán opcionales, o como va la cosa?
Core (general)
CORE-10146 (WF2 autofocus attribute should be optional)
CORE-19728 (Rename -o-text-overflow to text-overflow, and support ellipsis on multi-line blocks)
CORE-24184 (Persistent Storage implementation for User JavaScript)
CORE-24896 (Update Unicode support to Unicode version 5.2)
CORE-27509 (Reflow crash in opera:config when SVGCacheSize=0)
CORE-28592 (Server-Sent Events are not working)
CORE-28847 (Link: Crash when synchronizing typed history without "last typed")
CORE-29377 (Widgets not loading (config.xml not found))
CORE-29982 (Compressed plugin streams are never cached)
CORE-30118 (Plugin related crash with "submit form to insecure server" warning)
CORE-30193 (Memory problem related to certificates (
CORE-30257 (Memory problem with regular expression literals)
CORE-30310 (Carakan syntax error if the do-while statement was the true branch of an if-statement with an else)
CORE-30352 (Windowed Flash on Youtube not mouse accessible)
CORE-30372 (Broken PKCS #12 certificate import)
CORE-30391 (JIT related memory issue at
CORE-30488 (Clean up Application Cache better when closing window)
CORE-30489 (Application cache request sent twice for a single Window, and cancel message sent with wrong id)
CORE-31175 (Ensure correct prototype chain for Dragonfly)
DSK-294403 (Mail: multipart/alternative parts that are not true alternatives are invisible)
CORE-16099 (Faster traversal of relatively positioned elements)
CORE-29469 (Slowdown on traversing and changing CSS properties)
CORE-29547 (Selector performance regression)
CORE-29510 (Style properties/presentation attributes (
CORE-28440 (Freeze caused by nested tables, overflow, and align)
CORE-30229 (Crash caused by huge BMP image with CSS height:0)
CORE-27808 (Crash when reflowing pages)
CORE-30661 (Crash trying to find the offsetParent of an element without a layout box)
CORE-29750 (getClientRects returns wrong offsets for tables)
CORE-30667 (TinyMCE insertHR test regressed)
CORE-30672 (Unnecessary horizontal scrollbar caused by tall block with absolutely positioned child)
Dragonfly seems to make Opera crash on every page. Just open Dragonfly and click on any link.
CORE-29918 (Crashes when using vBulletin's WYSIWYG editor)
CORE-31142 (When loading an animated png, CPU usage goes high and the browser doesn't respond)
CORE-31618 (Calling cloneNode(true) on a form creates a form with an empty "elements" array.)
DSK-236194 ( mailproviders SMTP entry does not use submission port)
DSK-301823 (Disk cache don't work correctly in turbo mode)
DSK-308907 (Default cookie preference should be 'Accept all cookies')
Several stability fixes
DSK-304850 (installing opera 10.60 windows over-writes saved search preferences)
Linux and FreeBSD
DSK-309052 (Yahoo search crashes Opera for some users)
DSK-308495 (Can't type in Gnome/Metacity (or xmonad) after the F2 URL dialog has displayed)
DSK-304517 (Flash not receiving mouse release events when run under Openbox/Awesome (or KDE-kwin with 'focus follows mouse'))
DSK-307765 (Pages failing to load after a DNS update/change)
Further fix to DSK-280594 (Checkmarks and Radio buttons (Option marks) in menus look different from native)
DSK-308907 (Default cookie preference should be 'Accept all cookies')
DSK-304517 (Flash not receiving mouse release events when run under Openbox/Awesome (or KDE-kwin with 'focus follows mouse'))