Ficha Técnica.Publicado por: Ubisoft.
Desarrollado por: Eugen Systems.
Género: RTS.
Precio: sin confirmar.
Fecha de lanzamiento en USA: 7 Septiembre.
Fecha de lanzamiento en UK: 10 Septiembre.
Fecha de lanzamiento en Europa: 9 Septiembre.
Web Oficial: http://www.rusegame.comLocalizacion.Próximamente.
Historia."Desarrollado por Eugen Systems, R.U.S.E. revolucionará el género de estrategia, introduciendo técnicas de engaño que te permitirán tirarte un farol ante tu enemigo y llevar al ejército de tu nación a la victoria. Camufla tus tropas, engaña a tus enemigos con unidades falsas, sabotea su logística... La estrategia nunca había sido tan intuitiva ni tan amplia.
R.U.S.E. ofrece gráficos y efectos de última generación, el increíble motor IRISZOOM, un combate que te sumerge en el juego y un interfaz sencillo para establecer la estrategia de tu país y para luchar contra tus enemigos."


FAQ Oficial. What sort of game is R.U.S.E.?R.U.S.E. is a new type of RTS game that focuses heavily on the ability to deceive and mislead the enemy to determine success. A first in a strategy game, R.U.S.E. reinvigorates the genre by using deception to give new-found depth to the game play.
When will it be released?It is currently set to be released in winter of 2009. This is, however not certain and is subject to delay.
On what platforms will it be released?The first announcements say it will be released on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3.
It this another Tom Clancy title?No this is NOT a Tom Clancy title.
What kind of technology will this game be usingIt's too early too say. However Ubisoft has said that the game will be using the "Iris engine"
Who will be working on this game?The game will be developed and published by Ubisoft. Eugen Systems, the man behind Act of War will also be playing a big role in the development.
What kind of setting will this game be using?The game will be set in WWII.
What about singleplayer?R.U.S.E. will feature a deep singleplayer campaign that is set in WWII.
What about multiplayerThe game will feature a "PvAI" and "PvP" skirmish up to 4 vs 4.
Who/what are the factions? The Allied factions are:
Soviet Union
United Stated of America
United Kingdom
France(not yet confirmed)
The Axis factions are:
Nazi Germany/Third Reich
Italian Social Republic
unknown faction (???)
How will resource management be handled?You can build supply depots to mine for gold and produce money, but resources can only be transferred around the map by supply lines such as a network of roads. You can take advantage of these bottlenecks to intercept trucks and stop them from reaching your enemy. While much of the structures in R.U.S.E. can be broken, roads cannot, but you can use roadblocks to halt your enemies’ progress. The economy level gives you greater control over resources, but you can also access build menus from any level of the game, and at any point on the map.
What are RUSES?Ruses are various cards that give you a special ability on a chosen sector of the battlefield, such as deploying fake tanks and soldiers that appear real to the enemy. Ruses can be used at only one sector of the map at a time, but you can redeploy them as many times as you wish on other areas.
(Ya la ire traduciendo si el hilo se anima

Pues con esto y un bizcocho
![fumando [fumando]](/images/smilies/nuevos/fumando.gif)
A medida que salga mas material e información la voy poniendo.
Los videos in-game bastante impresionantes, a destacar el zoom y la falta de poping, solo se nota un poco la carga de las texturas pero nada que no puedan solucionar supongo. Solo falta ver como adaptan el juego al pad, sigo teniendo fe en un buen RTS para consola.
En la página oficial tenéis una pequeña demostración en flash del zoom, curioso.