Le he hecho unos retoques a la parte que has traducido del readme.txt, a ver que te parecen:
About Cached Games
You can launch games with splitted bigfiles from external hard drive (FAT32) the same way as the Open Manager (extension .6660xx).
These games must be placed in folder "GAMEZ" typing before the game name the character "_ ", used in Open Manager to mark a game as non executable ("Marked as non executable"). You can add this mark using the function "Test Game" in a game that contains splitted files. For example: /dev_usb000/GAMEZ/_BCES-00000
When you press CROSS to run the game, the message "Marked as non executable. Trying to install in HDD0 cache" will be displayed in case you do not have a cache entry, showing then "Want to copy from USB00X to HDD0 CACHE?"
If you answer YES it starts to do a free space test of the HDD0 (if there is not enough space it will show the "Delete Cache Tool" for you to choose entries to delete, displaying the required and the available space on your hard disk. Remember to leave enough space for the PS3 system).
When it is done, it proceeds to install the bigfile in the cache. Only one bigfile per game is supported.
Later, you can delete the cached BigFiles pressing START -> "Tools " -> "Delete Cache Tool" if you want.
The advantage of launching a game from external hard drive is that the size of its bigfile, usually takes much less space than the complete game (and also requires less time to install the game).