3DS userland exploit for Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon
supermysterychunkhax utilizes a savegame heap overflow in order to run *hax. To install such a savegame, an existing homebrew entrypoint such as browser hax, Smash Bros or Cubic Ninja is required.
To launch *hax, first make sure you download and extract the latest homebrew starter kit to the SD card.
To install the exploit to a Super Mystery Dungeon cartridge or digital download use the installer found here, extract it to your SD card and run it using the Homebrew Launcher. In the installer you will be prompted to select the appropriate version for the system and then the selected exploit version will be downloaded and installed.
Note that installing supermysterychunkhax will wipe any existing savegame data, and the original game will not be able to be used while supermysterychunkhax is installed. As such it is suggested that a savegame backup be made before installing. For uninstallation, see below.
Updating and Removal
supermysterychunkhax includes a payload which allows the *hax payload to be updated in the event that a system update is released, without requiring the installer to be run again. To access this functionality, hold SELECT while the game is loading and you will be taken to a menu. In this menu, select Update *hax payload and select the version of the *hax payload you wish to install, and then press A to have it downloaded and installed to the savegame.
In the event that you wish to return the cartridge to it's original cleared save state, you can also select Clear savegame and your save will be wiped.
Exploit discovery (writeup here) and implementation by Shiny Quagsire
Region porting, installer and payload additions by Dazzozo
SALT greetz @ WulfyStylez
ironhax by smealum for ROP build system/payload base
sploit installer by smealum and yellows8
What firmwares does this exploit work with?
This exploit works on firmwares >=9.9 for US and JPN, >=10.2 for EUR systems due to the games requiring cartridge updates for these versions.
Se acaba de lanzar:
nekukun97 escribió:Ya salio(?)
supermysterychunkhax funciona en la versión actual de firmware.
Es un entrypoint secundario, todavía se ocupa instalar en un 3DS que ya tenga homebrew.
Descarga y más info:
Gracias a @nekukun97 por la noticia.
Nuevo Exploit confirmado en Pokémon Mundo Megamisterioso:
Nuevo exploit en desarrollo para el juego Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon, creado por ShinyQuagsire, el cual mostró un vídeo por
error antes de tiempo y fue eliminado, aunque asegura que el exploit si será liberado:
To clarify: Yes, the hax is being released, but the video was intended to be private until then.
Gif del vídeo eliminado:
FuenteMas info
Smealum ha anunciado un nuevo exploit:
thinking of *finally* doing that new 3ds entrypoint hax stream this weekend if i can set things up in time. people up for that ?
Estoy pensando "finalmente" en hacer un nuevo *hax para retransmitirlo en streaming este fin de semana, si soy capaz de hacer algunas cosas a tiempo. Hay gente interesada en esto?
Se rumorea que puede tratarse del Brunswick Pro Bowling, aunque no hay nada confirmado.
Nuevo exploit:
3DS userland exploit for VVVVVV
VVVVVV utilizes multiple savegame buffer overflows in order to run *hax. To install such a savegame, an existing homebrew entrypoint such as browser hax, Smash Bros or Cubic Ninja is required.
To launch *hax, first make sure you download and extract the latest homebrew starter kit to the SD card.
To install the exploit to VVVVVV use the installer found here, extract it to your SD card and run it using the Homebrew Launcher. In the installer you will be prompted to select the appropriate version for the system and then the selected exploit version will be downloaded and installed.
Note that installing (v*)hax will wipe any existing savegame data, and the original game will not be able to be used while (v*)hax is installed. As such it is suggested that a savegame backup be made before installing. For uninstallation, see below. To launch *hax once (v*)hax is installed, start the game and load the main save.
Updating and Removal
(v*)hax includes a payload which allows the *hax payload to be updated in the event that a system update is released, without requiring the installer to be run again. To access this functionality, hold SELECT while the exploit is loading and you will be taken to a menu. In this menu, select Update *hax payload and select the version of the *hax payload you wish to install, and then press A to have it downloaded and installed to the savegame.
In the event that you wish to return the game to it's original cleared save state, you can also select Clear savegame and your save will be wiped, or use the in-game menu's save clearing.
Exploit discovery (writeup here) and ROP implementation by Shiny Quagsire
Region porting, installer and ROP fixes by Dazzozo
Installer icon by WulfyStylez
ironhax by smealum for ROP build system/payload base
sploit installer by smealum and yellows8
Special thanks to FIQ for some VVVVVV background information.
What firmwares does this exploit work with?
This exploit works on all firmwares 2.1.0 and higher, however *hax only supports 9.0.0-7 and higher.
Source Code?
The source code for this exploit can be found here