<eussNL> rms: 3rd byte from syscall 0x363 0x19004 (psmrenigma): reftool=81, debug=82, japan=83, north america=84, europe/middle_east/africa=85, south korea=86, uk/ireland=87, mexico=88, australia/new_zealand=89, singapore/malaysia=8A, taiwan=8B, russia/india=8C, china=8D, hongkong=8E
<adrianc> eussNL console status?
<eussNL> what do you mean adranc?
<eussNL> adrianc ? ??
<adrianc> that info about 3rd byte from syscall
<hi3> Wutangrza: http://pastie.org/private/s2sqxitmqc9eufjgc8cnlq
<DarukBot> (title) Private Paste - Pastie
<eussNL> it's the value you get from consoles from those regions, when using rms or ps3mrenigma info tool. Only region 10 is not confirmed by any region with 3rd byte info.
<adrianc> might be oceana
<eussNL> Could be Oceania indeed, I have no info about that specific region. South America: Brasil, Argentina, Chili etc. i read mostly reports USA/ntsc / north america, imports and not a special region.
<KaKaRoTo> 3.56 app keys pushed
KaKaRoTo ya tiene las llaves para app, creo que ahora ya se puede firmar de nuevo el hombrew para trabajar en 3.56.