[Hilo Oficial] Consortium


Hace unas semanas ví éste proyecto en Kickstarter y se me olvidó comentarlo por aquí. Me parece muy interesante la interactividad que parece incluir y las muchas opciones de diálogo y decisiones a tomar.

El juego está prácticamente terminado. Como han llegado a los 55.000, se traducirá al español.

Aquí os dejo el enlace al proyecto donde podreis ver el vídeo que me ha convencido:


Por cierto, banda sonora por Jeremy Soule.

Dejo alguna imagen:


PNJs con carácter e historia personales variadas:



Posibilidad de jugarlo según tu propio estilo de juego:




Lo acabo de "apoyar" por 17$ me la voy a jugar, el echo de que salga en castellano de primeras me mola :)
Actualizado el mensaje principal con algún detalle e imágenes.
Se ve curioso!

Estaremos pendientes!

Aqui otro mas que a pagado 15 dolares.

El video se ve espectacular y puede estar muy interesante.

Si puedes pon mas info en el post y asi se animaran mas eolianos.
Menuda pinta tiene, una lastima haberme enterado tan tarde, gustoso habría dejado mi aporte [burla3]
To commemorate the successful completion of the CONSORTIUM Kickstarter campaign, the team will be conducting a publically broadcasted Google Hangout , tomorrow, April 18th, 2013.

Buff.. que chungo lo veo. Me da a mi que se van a quedar a las puertas de los 70.000 y lo van a poner como excusa para no implementar todos los extras de realismo...

EDIT: Lo han conseguido. :)
Justito pero al final se supreraron los 70.000.

Esperando mas noticias ya que el juego promete.
Una pena haberme enterado tan tarde, la verdad es que me interesa bastante.

Por cierto cuanto trabajo tiene Jeremy Soule, espero que no se termine quemando como suele ocurrir.
Mas informacion, creo que aun se puede "donar" de alguna manera :) tengo que leerlo bien, que no se mucho de ingles jeje.

Project Update #25: What are we up to?
Posted by Interdimensional Games Inc

Hello everyone!

We wanted to give you all a general update as to where we are at...

Crunching towards the finish line...
We've been quiet lately, but ever since the completion of the campaign we've all had our heads down in our individual tasks, working hard and making excellent progress towards the finish line! Still lots to do, but we're getting there one step at a time.

Some of the things we’re currently working on include:

Working to completely finalize and prepare the core combat mechanics, H.U.D. and inventory systems for the upcoming first phase of Beta testing, which is all set to begin on May 21st. If you're a $20 or higher backer, make sure that you get onto our private development forum where all the details for getting your hands on a build will be found. A private message was sent to each of your KS accounts with instructions on forum access.
We're putting the finishing touches on the Zenlil environment and all of the choreography for the first half of the game.
We’ve started work on the Zenlil Extreme Simulation event, by creating the damage states for each of the plane’s many airlock doors. We can’t wait to get this all functioning and show to you all!
We’ve made a breakthrough of sorts with regards to what we internally call the Zenlil Defence Mini-Game. I won’t say too much now, but we’ve all agreed on what we ultimately want and I can’t help but feel now that it’s going to be a really fun aspect of the Consortium experience.
We are also in high-gear now with the final voice over recording sessions. All characters have been cast and Steve has since been knee-deep in scheduling actors and doing final passes on their lines. We're nearly all set and scheduled to record approximately 1,500 lines before the end of May, across twenty-one characters.
Are you in the $65, $75 or $120 tiers?
If you’re in the $65 tier but have not yet given us a name you’d like to use in our lore, please send us a direct message! We have gotten a reply from Most of you, but not all.

If you’re in the $75/$120 tiers and are waiting for your private forum to be opened up, we ask for your patience! We have a lot of people to get through but we DO have over two months to do so. Our writer’s primary task once the final V.O. recordings are complete is 150% lore building and working with you folks full-time. We’ve already gotten some really, really awesome ideas from many of you so it’s working out beautifully!

Lastly, if you have not yet signed up for the forum because you never received instructions OR if you would rather discuss your idea via email or some other means, please throw us a private message and we’ll get you sorted out

What language, besides English and Spanish, do you want to play CONSORTIUM in?
If you have an answer to this question, please respond with your answer as a comment on this post. We will collate the responses to help us decide what the third language will be.

Still want to back us or upgrade your pledge?
We are keeping our PayPal pledge page up until the end of May...

If you did not get a chance to back us during our principal campaign, or are a backer thinking wistfully to yourself something like, "Now that it's pay day and I've settled the bills and such, I wish I could update my pledge for Consortium to that cool looking tier I wanted but just couldn't afford to upgrade before the Kickstarter ended," or "I really wanted to add-on the nifty IDGI DVD," you still can!

If you're a $10-$17 backer and want access to the upcoming Beta build on May 21st, now is your chance to get in:

Just follow these steps:

Go to the Consortium PayPal Pledge Page.
Review the tier you wish to upgrade, then press the donate button. Enter the amount you wish to increase your pledge and your PayPal information on the IDGI/PayPal page: So, if you wish to upgrade from $15 to $35 pledge ('cause you need that Jeremy Soule soundtrack), then you would enter $20.
Confirm your payment method on the next page, then click the little +button to expand the text box titled "Select Rewards and/or Add-Ons." In the text box, identify your KS email address if are already a backer (if not the same as the one you are using to purchase your PayPal).
If you are pledging for an add-on, after identifying your KS email address list your current tier, the add-on of your choice and the new total pledge amount of both combined. If you are pledging to move to a new tier, after identifying your KS email identify your current tier, the new tier you'd like to be part and the total charge combined: (i.e. Jenny (@)Playgames.com - Current tier: Gimmie the Game, pledging $20 to upgrade to Consortium Rook for a total pledge of $35).
You can combine upgrading a pledge and buying an add-on simultaneously, just indicate that in your message with your selections and the new total.
Complete the transaction, after checking it over before you hit send.
Enjoy a sense of satisfaction and anticipation!

That's it for now! Back to the trenches for us...

Oh, and one final announcement... we are pleased to tell you that we have cast Shirley Millner as the Consortium Queen! Many of you I’m sure would remember her best as the voice of Hexadecimal from a little Canadian show called Reboot, and we’re honoured to have her aboard.

-The iDGi Team

Sí, dice que aun puedes backear hasta el final de Mayo. Cosa que yo voy a hacer porque no tenía ni idea de este juego, y tiene muy buena pinta lo que se ve.
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