He creado este post con la finalidad de diferenciar el hilo del juego con los problemas tecnicos ya sean con los graficos, el registro, cuelges y demas de lo que es el propio juego con su argumento y dudas sobre objetos, misiones, etc..
El motivo es porque empieza ha haber una mezcla de post peligrosa y se cuela mas de un spoiler.
Si os parece bien ya sabeis....
Requisitos:Minimum requirements: Processor: Core 2Duo 2.2 GHz or dual core AMD 2.5 GHz
RAM: 1 GB Windows XP, 2 GB Windows Vista/7
Graphics: GeForce 8800 512 MB or Radeon (HD3850 512 MB)
HDD Space: 16 GB
Recommended requirements: Processor: Quad Core Intel or AMD
RAM: 3 GB Windows XP, 4 GB Windows Vista/7
Graphics: GeForce 260 1 GB or (HD4850 1 GB)
HDD Space: 16 GB
Web oficial: http://www.en.thewitcher.com/FAQ oficial: http://www.en.thewitcher.com/support/faq/Webs con consejos y soluciones: http://segmentnext.com/2011/05/18/the-witcher-2-crashes-fps-fix-sli-fix-ati-graphics-nvidia-performance-no-sound-errors-and-fixes/http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=430456PARCHE 1.1 Y DLC (DESCARGA DIRECTA)Version física http://wpc.420c.edgecastcdn.net/00420C/files/P1_1/Patcher_International.exe
Version digital GOG.COM http://wpc.420c.edgecastcdn.net/00420C/files/P1_1/Patcher_GOG.exe
Todas las versiones http://www.en.thewitcher.com/patch/
Nota El parche incluye tambien el DLC "Problema con los Troll"
Extracto del nuevo README.TXT del parche donde se pueden ver los enlaces de descarga de ambas versiones del parche
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings ReadMe file
Update - May 25, 2011
This patch is designed for all game editions except for those available via GOG.com and Steam. A version for the Steam edition is available via the Steam client (work in progress as of May 25), while a version for the GOG.com edition is available for manual download at http://wpc.420C.edgecastcdn.net/00420C/ ... er_GOG.exe and on The Witcher 2 product page at http://www.gog.com (work in progress as of May 25).
Any copy of the game installed and activated prior to the release of Patch 1.1 must be updated using the relevant file downloaded manually either from http://wpc.420C.edgecastcdn.net/00420C/ ... tional.exe or via the “Downloadable content” option in the game launcher (latter is a work in progress as of May 25).
PLEASE NOTE: Launcher-based auto-patching will not work on Patch 1.1.
Game copies installed and activated subsequent to the release of Patch 1.1 will be automatically updated to include this patch.
PATCH 1.1 (lista de cambios/mejoras)1. Simpler and more reliable game installation and activation. Details to be revealed soon.
2. Fixed the free Troll Trouble DLC download. It is now included n the patch so there's no need to download and install it separately.
3. Fixed an issue that prevented some users from downloading other free DLCs (the ones given out with some pre-orders, special promotions, etc). The launcher now properly refreshes the list of available DLCs and allows for installation.
4. Performance improvements: approximately 5% to 30% better framerate and faster game loading for many users, depending on their individual systems and game versions. Owners of retail versions can expect the biggest improvements.
5. Fixed random crashes occurring on some systems, especially after saving and loading saves.
6. Key mapping – allows the arrow and number keys to be used for movement.
7. Added the option to invert the mouse.
8. nVidia surround vision now works properly.
9. More accurate assessment provided by the "auto-detect settings" option will help improve game performance.
10. Removed a bug that prevented completion of the “Blood Curse” quest.
11. Fixed a bug that prevented the additional link in "Extras" from being unlocked after winning the dice game against the GOG.com monk.
12. GOG.com credits now work properly.
The full list of all changes will be available upon the release of the patch. If you have experienced any issues that are not on the list above, please don't worry. We have already started working on the next patch, which will address other difficulties and bugs, including those related to specific hardware setups; e.g.. Logitech g35. You may expect this second patch to be ready next week.
PATCH 1.2 (listado de cambios/mejoras)Patch 1.2
Patch will be available on 3.06.2011
New DLC!
"Barbers and Coiffeuses"
Some traders also provide barbershop services. For a small fee, Geralt can get them to change his hairstyle. Search notice boards for information about barbers and coiffeuses offering services of this nature in a given location. In Flotsam, in Chapter 1 of the game, these services are available from the antique book dealer Einar Gausel. In Chapter 2, look either for Sambor in Henselt’s Camp or for Felicia Cori in Vergen. This apprentice sorceress also provides hairstyling services in Loc Muinne, in Chapter 3 of the game.
Patch 1.2 Corrections/Amendments (June 3, 2011)
All previously released DLC packages are installed with Patch 1.2:
"Blue Stripes Combat Jacket"
Ultimate Alchemist's Outfit"
Ultimate Mage's Outfit"
"Ultimate Swordsman's Outfit"
"Finisher Pack"
"Mysterious Merchant"
"Troll Trouble"
Patch 1.2 adds a new free DLC package titled “Barbers and Coiffeuses.” To take advantage of barbershop and hairstyling services, look for Einar Gausel in Chapter 1 of the game, Sambor in Henselt’s Camp in Chapter 2, Felicia Cori in Chapter 2 if you travel to Vergen, and Felicia Cori once again in Chapter 3.
Game saves are now compressed automatically, lowering the amount of disk space they utilize.
An option has been added to the game menu allowing game saves to be deleted. To delete a game save, highlight the relevant item and press the ‘Delete’ key.
The game menu now loads at a markedly accelerated pace.
The game now supports Logitech G35 headphones and other USB headsets with on-board sound cards.
A number of fixes have been added to the key binding functionality (actions can now be mapped to number pad and cursor/arrow keys).
Analog sticks on gamepads now work correctly in the GUI panels.
A number of game balance fixes have been introduced in the Prologue.
Lock on targets is not lost when the distance to targets increases.
A number of fixes have been made in blocking functionality during combat. Also, player character responsiveness in combat has been improved, and Geralt can attack more than one target during normal combat.
A number of corrections have been made in the statistics displayed in item diagrams in the Crafting panel.
The Witcher 1 saves are now imported correctly.
An auto–save has been added before the fight against the draug.
Flare bomb duration is now 2 (two) minutes.
Issue involving the equipping of bombs (or other items) even if they were not present in the character Inventory has been fixed.
Islamic–themed and similar textures have been deleted and/or replaced.
A number of fixes have been made in game dialogues.
Issue that blocked advancement to the next level at the start of Chapter 3 has been fixed.
Issue involving the occurrence of T-poses upon the destruction of nekker nests has been corrected.
Guards can no longer block Geralt when he is on a ladder.
Knives no longer affect friendly NPCs.
Bug related to using some containers has been fixed.
Ostmurk (an ingredient required to complete a quest) can no longer be sold.
Ingredients required to complete the “Melitele's Heart” quest have been added to the game.
A fix has been introduced in the “Troll Trouble” quest whereby the she–troll’s head can be won in a game of dice poker.
The Ghost of the Banner can no longer be killed by wraiths.
Issue involving the Operator being neutral and thus susceptible to being killed before any conversation occurs has been fixed.
A number of fixes have been introduced to prevent selected NPCs from being blocked (king in siege tower, knights when destroying a gate in the Prologue, etc.).
The “Three Sisters” quest has been fixed so that the door does not remain locked forever once the quest has been completed.
A number of progression breaks have been fixed, including instances of blocked meditation, inability to save game, and blocked combat after use of static cameras (e.g. game could not be saved after completion of the “Indecent Proposal” quest).
The progression break during the fight against the dragon in Chapter 3 (exploration not working properly) has been fixed.
The progression break during the fight against Dethmold (whereby he sometimes remained behind his barrier, doing nothing) has been fixed.
The progression break (black screen) in the "Little Shop of Dreams" quest has been fixed.
The progression break following failure to complete the ritual with Anezka has been fixed.
The progression break during the dialogue on the beach in the “Hung Over” quest has been fixed.
Rendimiento de The Witcher 2 en diversas gráficas
Explicacion de la configuracion grafica (readme.txt):
- Reducción de escala de texturas: los valores más altos ofrecen una calidad de texturas más baja.
- Tamaño de la memoria de textura: establece la cantidad de memoria de la tarjeta gráfica asignada a las texturas. Los valores más altos reducirán la cantidad de streaming que tiene lugar en el juego y harán que este funcione mejor, pero también pueden agotar la memoria de la tarjeta gráfica e incluso hacer que el juego se detenga. Selecciona un valor razonable en función de la memoria disponible en tu tarjeta gráfica.
- Calidad de las sombras: afecta al rendimiento gráfico. Consume potencia de la GPU sin afectar al rendimiento de la CPU.
- Número de luces sombreadas: establece el número máximo de luces que proyectan sombras. Afecta al rendimiento gráfico. Consume potencia de la GPU sin afectar al rendimiento de la CPU.
- Distancia del límite de detección: la escala de distancia para el nivel de detalle de las mallas. Los valores más bajos mejoran el rendimiento del juego, pero se reduce el detalle en los modelos.
- Bloom: este efecto mejora considerablemente la calidad de los gráficos del juego sin consumir demasiada GPU.
- Ejes de luz: efecto visual recomendado para equipos de gama media-alta/alta. Es mejor desactivarlo en sistemas más antiguos.
- Suavizado de líneas: es un efecto que consume muchos recursos y puede reducir el rendimiento considerablemente, por lo que debe desactivarse en equipos de gama baja y media.
- Efectos de desenfoque: efectos de desenfoque especial y desenfoque radial que consumen mucha potencia de hardware pero que apenas se utilizan en el juego.
- Profundidad de campo (durante el juego): es un efecto visual sutil. Esta opción determina la apariencia del efecto solo durante las secuencias de juego y no afecta a la profundidad de campo en las escenas.
- Viñeta:opción estética que produce una viñeta fotográfica alrededor de la pantalla de juego. No afecta al rendimiento.
- Lluvia, efecto de superficies mojadas: afecta ligeramente al rendimiento.
- Oclusión ambiental de espacio de pantalla: efecto de iluminación importante para el juego, pero que por desgracia consume mucha GPU.
- Desenfoque de movimiento: efecto de desenfoque de movimiento al mover la cámara que consume mucha GPU.
- Profundidad de campo cinematográfica: proporciona profundidad de campo tipo película en escenas y secuencias de diálogo. Muy detallado, pero consume mucha potencia. Solo debe activarse en ordenadores equipados con tarjetas gráficas de gama alta.
- Profundidad de campo (escenas): esta opción solo afecta a las escenas y secuencias de diálogo, no al rendimiento del juego.
- Límite de objetos colgantes: limitador de la animación física de componentes de personajes, como el cabello de Geralt. Al desactivar esta opción se consumen más recursos de la CPU.
- Supermuestreo: es un modo de renderización de alta calidad en el que se renderizan las escenas completas varias veces para ofrecer las mejores texturas, detalles de objetos y suavizado de líneas posibles (mejor que el suavizado de líneas y la anisotropía incluso en configuraciones superiores). Utilízalo con precaución, solo en equipos de alta gama (con las mejores GPU y CPU posibles).
- Sincronización vertical: ayuda a eliminar los cortes de fotograma en pantalla que se producen al mover la cámara y el parpadeo que generan las animaciones muy rápidas (por ejemplo, explosiones brillantes), pero puede ralentizar el renderizado y producir leves retrasos de entrada.
- Texturas superpuestas: superponer texturas como polvo o sangre en los personajes afecta al rendimiento de la CPU.
Pruebas de rendimiento en mi equipo (antes del parche 1.1):Equipo:i7 920
Asus p6T
8 Gb RAM
Asus nvidia Gforce gtx 580 DirectCu II 1.5 Gb
Configuración general:1920 x 1080 60 hz
Drivers Nvidia Forceware 275.27 beta
Screens:Todo al maximo con el hiperreal activado:

Todo al maximo sin el hiperreal activado:

Todo al mínimo:
Detalle de diferencias entre Hiperreal activado o no:Hiperreal activado (izquierda) y desactivado (derecha)