yo tengo el problema con la controladora, instalé el CFW 4.50, luego actualize el core al 3.1.1, cree la carpeta llamada "flags" en la raíz, luego cree un archivo de texto llamado "bdemu",, luego instale iris manager y multiman, y nada la ps3 sigue igual y se queda en negro cuando entro en las aplicaciones, me he fijado que no me sale ésto:
Core: Welcome to the CORE v3.3.1 for 4.50 CFW
Core: bd drive reset result = (0x8001050f)
Core: bd drive authenticate result = (0x80010510)
Core: Seeking for updates in usb drive......
Core: Mount dev-rewrite Result (0x00000000)
Core: BdEmulator Called!!! Init subsystem
Core: BdEmulator Modify lv1 to spoof original drive to the core
Core: BdEmulator Spoofing drive INQUIRY to SONY PS-SYSTEM 308R
Core: BdEmulator Stoping all dma / mmio transfers and redirect to the core
Core: BdEmulator Checking all the last job's about BdEmulator , all seems fine!
Core: BdEmulator Started and alive!
Core: Installing lv1 peek / poke driver
mount /dev_bdvd(ret = 0x00000000)
Core: BdEmulator Still working on background..
Core: All tasks done
Core: Changing led and continue boot
Core: Still running on background , see you later :-D
Core: Launching Estwald system manager for CFW MLT 4.50 with fan control enabled
sino ésto:
Core: Welcome to the CORE v3.3.1 for 4.50 CFW
Core: bd drive reset result = (0x8001050f)
Core: bd drive authenticate result = (0x80010510)
Core: Seeking for updates in usb drive......
Core: Mount dev-rewrite Result (0x00000000)
Core: All tasks done
Core: Changing led and continue boot
Core: Still running on background , see you later :-D
Core: Launching Estwald system manager for CFW MLT 4.50 with fan control enabled
alguna solución amigos¿??¿