Entrevista a Bungie acerca de HALO2

Dicen cosas como que habrá mas de 2 equipos en multiplayer
May 10, 2004 - It is great. That's right. It is great, it is awesome, it is a whole lot better than the already stellar original Halo multiplayer. I played for an hour recently -- one map, one mode, a whole lot of Bungie employees. It is great. Before getting into the meat of this meat-a-licious hands-on, I figured the record should be set straight: Halo 2 multiplayer is gonna own you all on November 9. If you want to judge for yourself, Check out our direct-feed movies and read our interview with Pete Parsons.

Last year at its pre-E3 press conference, Microsoft unveiled an eight-minute demo of Halo 2 single-player. We didn't play it, but boy did we want to. This year, Microsoft changed things up, showing off multiplayer for the most anticipated game of the year. While everyone else in the theatre -- we're talking hundreds of people -- sat in awe, hoping desperately for a chance to play, I was sitting comfortably, my only desire to play it again. That's because earlier myself, Fran Mirabella III (a noted Nintendo whore), and two GameSpy editors spent an hour playing the game with the folks from Bungie. There was a good five minutes where I was staring at the menu screen, waiting to go in. It was like sitting in a roller coaster waiting for it to start moving -- you know what's coming is gonna rock, you just want it to get started already. Then we played for an hour. That hour was a reminder of why I love my job, why I love games, and why I'm so happy that what my mother told me about my youthful "activities" and blindness weren't true at all.
For Halo 2 multiplayer, Bungie wanted to focus on the social aspects of gaming. That means you can expect full use of Xbox Live 3.0, but in ways no one else has yet conceived. While those details have not yet been revealed, most of our questions about standard Live 3.0 fare was met with "Oh, we're doing something infinitely cooler." For those who truly want to sit on a couch with a buddy, split-screen and System Link will still be there. The new addition, of course, is Live play. Though no number has been finalized, a recent internal Alpha test had 16 players going at it online. So that would likely be a base, with possibly an increase in the limit to boot.

Capture the Flag
The four of us (whom I will nickname KillHil, FrancisCube, Sluggo, and "That Other Guy"), played a single map called Zanzabar, located in Africa in the year 2552. The outer human colonies have fallen and the Covenant are making their move to conquer Earth. Though Zanzabar is not a part of the single-player game, it is connected somehow through the story (Bungie's pretty secretive, so the how's of it are unknown). Zanabar's edges are well-defined. There's a beach on one end and a crumbling, decommissioned reactor station at the other. It's a medium-sized map, but the perfect size for four-on-four Capture the Flag.

This time out, Capture the Flag is a bit different. There's one flag, located in the heart of the facility. One team protects the flag, the other spawns on the beach, with a Warthog and two Ghosts at their disposal, and tries to break in, snatch the flag, and return it to their spawn point. Each round lasts three minutes and if time runs out before the offense can retrieve and return the flag, the round ends with no points given. Sides switch, so that those trying to get the flag last time are now trying to defend it. Play goes until one team earns three points. Sounds simple and it is, but the level design is so good on Zanzabar that there are tons of strategic elements that surface after just a few rounds of play.

Tricks of the Trade
Before getting into the subtleties of the map, let's talk about control. Anyone who's played Halo will have no troubles with picking the sequel up and owning right off the bat. The game feels like a natural extension of the original, with exactly the right tweaks and improvements. I wasn't certain of how much better Halo 2 multiplayer was compared to the first, so afterwards a few IGN editors got together to play the original and man, it's hard to believe how much tighter, smarter, and more impressive the new map is compared to some of the classics.

There are some new tricks to learn, however. Remember the single-player demo from last year? Everything cool in that is in the multiplayer. Dual-wielding is easy. With one single-handed gun in tow (an SMG, for example), stand over another single-handed weapon (like the Needler). You can hold X to switch weapons, as usual, but you can do dual-wielding by holding Y. It's that simple. With two guns in hand, you can't throw grenades or perform melee attacks (both a vital part of my game), but you can shoot two friggin' guns at once, so it balances out. The Left Trigger fires the gun in your left hand and the Right Trigger does the same for the one in your right hand. Squeeze both and you'll get dual fire. The trick is, your aim becomes total crap when firing two guns and the recoil will force your aim upwards until you stop shooting. Sucks, sure, but start at the feet of a fleeing foe and they'll be dead before you ever get up to their noggin.
Yeah, I should get on to some of the other aspects of multiplayer, but you know what, how often do I get to be the first person to devote a lot of words to dual-wielding. This is gonna be the cool thing to do. Fran's take is to use all his grenades, then go for a second weapon, but I found that when you have the chance, take a second weapon. You can reload them as if you were using a single gun and you can put one away by pressing Y. Dual-wielding will be a favorite of meatheads who love to run in and shoot everything in sight without any hope of using skill, but it's also a choice for skilled players. After all, you don't have to fire them both at the same time and there are advantages to firing an energy weapon instead of an SMG, so with one in each hand, you have the choice of which to shoot.

Die Shooting
Speaking of Covenant weapons, there were only two for this demo. The Needler, which was a cool-looking but suck-ass weapon in the first Halo has been tweaked. It now actually has some muscle behind it and is as effective as an SMG. The other weapon is one that will make melee combat much more effective than ever before. The Elite's Plasma Sword can be used by Master Chief and his cloned crew or by the Elite's themselves. Oh yeah, you can play as Elite's in multiplayer, but don't worry, I will get to that soon enough. There's so much to get to, so lets stay focused on the weapons.

The Plasma Sword is not easy to get to. See, the maps in Halo 2 feature interactive elements. There are two interactive pieces in Zanzabar. The first is a gate, which opens into the compound to allow vehicles direct access to the flag. Problem is, the switch to lift the gate is on the second floor inside the complex, where all of the opposition spawns. The enemy will almost always send someone to guard the switch, if not, they are stupid, as getting the gate up is quite important. If you have the flag, you can't use a weapon, but you can hop into the passenger seat of a Warthog. And once you have the hog, you can be gone.

The other point, perhaps the more important one from a "holy sh*$ I want to play with that!" standpoint, is the maneuvering it takes to get the Plasma Sword. The Sword can be clearly seen after passing under the massive sea wall and into the courtyard of the facility. Perched inside a console in the center of a massive rotating wheel, many people will never even realize how to get to this gem. Describing it is a bit tough, but essentially, you need to find a small opening, drop down, move through, wait for the lift to appear, go up, shoot a lynchpin that drops a bridge, cross the bridge and grab the Sword. It's easy once you know how, but it's not easy to learn how.

With the Plasma Sword in hand, you have a normal attack with the Right Trigger and one of the new lock-on attacks. A few of the weapons, including the Plasma Sword and the Rocket Launcher have a new lock-on feature. Keep an enemy in your reticule for a few seconds and the reticule turns a more solid red. Fire the Rocket Launcher at this point and it will track the enemy, making it a lot easier to nail fleeing enemies from a high spot (and the fortress you defend has several sniper points). Lock-on with the Plasma Sword and you'll do very cool lunging attack that covers a decent amount of ground and is a surefire instant kill. Plus, it's fun.
The map had a variety of weapons (SMG, Sniper Rifle, Assault Gun, Mounted Machinegun, Rocket Launcher, Needler, Shotgun, Frag Grenade, Sticky Grenade). Notable omissions were a flamethrower (sorry!) and the single-shot pistol, which was easily the deadliest weapon in multiplayer from the original game. That's not to say those won't be included, in fact, there are numerous other weapons yet to be unveiled, but those remain to be seen. Each has some visual and slight game tweaks and all of them felt better, especially the Needler. The shotgun is only effective up close, but at close range it's pretty deadly.

Beware Walls, Your Days Are Numbered
My favorite weapon quickly became the mounted machinegun, which is positioned on one of the balconies overlooking the courtyard. What's cool is that you can go onto one balcony and grab the Rocket Launcher, then jump to the other balcony (just barely) and hop onto the Mounted Machinegun. It's just like in last year's single-player demo. An easy to use mounted gun that is just an absolutely blast to rip people with. But it's not often you can use it for long, because the offense knows that that's a trouble spot and will often blow up the balcony before it can be used (or, worse for a defender, when it's being used).

Sometimes the support columns inside the facility are untouched and other times you'll see them whittled down to a sliver. If there's any doubt they are being shot at, you can hear bullets whiz past your ear and yes, you can hear the ricochet off the wall. If you destroy the support walls it does not bring down the building, I'm sorry to say, but then that would also pretty much end the game since you wouldn't be able to get the flag. Bungie wants to make it cool, but wants every game to still be functional.

Rush Hour Traffic
More impressive than the environmental damage is the fact that the vehicles are now fully modeled in every possible area. You can shoot the hubcaps off of the Warthog or destroy the bumper -- even the engine in modeled. At one point, one of the Bungie gang was fleeing on a Warthog with the flag. I lit him up with the Rocket Launcher and blew him sky high. Parts went everywhere. I switch to my SMG and shoot at the tire, rolling it down a hill. Bad ass? What do you think?

Vehicles also feature slightly tighter control. I'm sorry, but as cool as the Warthog might have been in the first Halo the first few hours driving it seemed worthy of a CHP "Red Asphalt" video. It was fun, but it was not as functional as it could have been. It is now. And the Warthog also has a rocket launcher, making it much more effective in Zanzabar.

Fran and I eventually locked onto a strategy (originally suggested by Bungie's own Pete Parsons). When starting on the beach (and therefore needing to bust into the facility and steal the flag) I hopped in the gunner seat and Fran went about driving. Okay, so maybe having a woman drive was a bad idea, but eventually we got it down pat. Once we hit the entrance through the stone seawall, I had to aim to the right and try and take out anyone who might be manning the Rocket Launcher on the balcony. Then we go left and as we do so, I destroy the Mounted Machinegun, just in case. Meanwhile our other two buddies are inside trying to get the gate open. Once they do, we let them come out and we stand our ground and waste any enemies that come outside. It's quite effective so long as none of them get hold of a Ghost.

should mention, before hopping off of the topic of vehicles, that they have two levels of destruction. The first basically toasts the vehicle, making it basically worthless. It smokes and electricity sparks. If you're driving and this happens while you have your energy shield up, you'll be temporarily KO'd and will slump against the dash. If your shield is down, you die and respawn a few seconds later. The second level forces the vehicle to vibrate violently before exploding in mini-nuke fashion, killing everyone within about a ten foot radius. KaBOOM.

Be Elite
As I said a bit ago, we played the entire game as Elite. From what I could tell, there wasn't anything but a cosmetic difference between playing as an Elite or as Master Chief. No special vision, no secret attack, just the cool look of it. Though we were red team, the other blue, there are plenty of other colors. In fact, there will be fully customizable colors, though it's unclear if that means you can create war paint or anything like that or if you can simply choose from a hundred different shades of pink. One thing you can definitely create on your own are the symbols that appear above your head during play. Yes, you will have your clan colors, but individuals can create their own symbols, sort of like flags, that appear above a player's head above their name in multiplayer. Now people can know you not only in name, but in symbol. Should be cool and may have some extra functionality yet to be revealed.

Because the Elites and Master Chief have no real differences, the game is pretty balanced. And, oddly enough, there are no power-ups in Zanzabar. That doesn't mean they don't exist, but to be honest, I really hope they are gone. Yeah, it was very fun to go camo in Halo, but the experience of Zanzabar was truly about as good as I could possibly have expected and part of that is because those power-ups sort of cheapen the tactics in some ways. Okay, yes, it can be strategic to know where an overshield power-up is and find a shortcut to it, but the hour we played getting our nuts handed to us by Bungie was made all the better because it was based on pure skill. And that meant that when I smoked one of them, it was me and him, even grounds and no-holds-barred with nothing but our skill determining who won out. That's how it should be.

I have to say that if there was one thing I could complain about -- other than the fact that most of our questions were met with cryptic answers -- is that the Elite really has nothing to separate it from Master Chief. Why not some sort of different visual mode or something, to have nothing, well, I had to look at my teammates to make certain we were still Elites when we started a new match.
Pretty Pictures and Loud Bangs
Visuals are a big part of Halo. The original set the standard with some outstanding textures and a lot of cinematic flare. Most Xbox Live games suffer a little bit graphically and Halo 2 is no different. While the multiplayer looks great, it's a step below what was shown of the single-player at last E3. The textures don't seem quite as robust, the bump-mapping also seems a little toned down, and the lighting isn't particularly spectacular compared to the single-player. Still, there was only one spot with any slowdown (the same spot too, so that's likely something that will be fixed), very minimal aliasing, and a ton of carnage. The graphics are striking, but I honestly forgot all about them five minutes into the game. This thing could look like ass and play great and I wouldn't care. The beauty is just a bonus.

Compared to the original, Zanzabar is worlds ahead in terms of level design and the textures. Seeing walls chunk, being able to have an instant sense of placement on the maps, and having a furious gunbattle without framerate hitches -- oh the joys. Truly, after playing Halo 2 multiplayer, I'm gonna have trouble playing Halo again.

Another boost is the upgrade to sound, which is clear the moment the game starts. While the music and sound from the first was great, everything has been taken up a notch this time out. Like I said, you really can hear bullets ricochet and when a rocket zips overhead you can hear it whoosh past with full Doppler effect. The one thing I wish we could have tried was some voice chat, but since the four of use were only separated by a glass wall from the four rotating Bungie and Microsoft employees, it seemed kind of silly to suggest. Instead, I decided to make the mistake of antagonizing everyone when anything went our way. "I thought you guys had played this game before!" I might have shouted at one point -- I won't confirm this, as it would sully my reputation -- but if I did, I promise I paid for it dearly.

Hear me now or hear me later, Halo 2 is looking damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn fine. It would take monumental effort for this game to suck, unless, somehow, this is the only map and only game mode that's good. That doesn't seem likely, so if I were you, I'd expect this to be a serious competitor for Game of the Year. The first Halo was woefully low on IGN's list of the Top 100 Games of All Time (somewhere in the low 30s, I believe), but I do have that feeling that Halo 2 would not be so misrepresented on that list. Only time will tell. Until then, I'll be spending my nights dreaming of my one hour with Halo 2, basking in the envy of millions of gamers, and looking forward to the day when I can play the single-player campaign -- I only hope it's online with a buddy.

Expect an interview with Pete Parson on Tuesday and more hands-on impressions from Fran, Doug Perry, and perhaps even Mister Aaron Boulding.

Remember, no matter what else you see or hear or think: It is awesome and it is coming this year.


Vamos PAYOMALO a Traducir Todo Este Texto Para los que no sabemos INGLES [oki]
Me he leído todo eso de arriba a abajo... halo 2 será increible O.O'
RubénGM escribió:Me he leído todo eso de arriba a abajo... halo 2 será increible O.O'

una traduccion por favor [+furioso]
Habrá que esperar al traductor oficial de Bungie, PAYOMALO [beer]
Aunque resumiendo un poco bastaria.
Despues de leerme toda esta entrevista solo me keda una cosa por decir..... [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] y no sigo por noser demasiao pesao!!!!

Madre mia la ke nos espera este noviembre,caguendiez , yo cumplo los años el 18 de noviembre(mas vale ke me adelanten los regalos, bueno EL regalo xD)
Pos eso ke el tio ke ha jugado, ahora mismo el tio mas odiado por mi [bad], dice ke..... bueno basicamente ke es la rehostia el multiplayer, entornos destructibles, los coches destructibles, secretos, una accion dela hostia, y ,creo, ke dice ke todo con un framerate mu bueno y sin ningun bajon!!!

Bueno pos a la espera de el "traductor oficial" solo deciros ke el tio flipo cuando estuvo jugando y hasta se emoziono gritando a los de Bungie "Pero tios! yo crey ke ya habiais jugado a este juego!!"

Yo desde aki reivindiko una cosilla...."UNA DEMOoO ,aunke "solo" sea ese multiplayer,YAAA!!! ke no puedo dormiir leñe!!!!! XDD
Que jodío the_master, como pides a PAYOMALO XD
Esto es muuuy largo hasta para un currante como él.
eso si, por si lo traduce no me lio a leerlo en inglés que me cuesta un huevo [ayay]
Esto no es la entrevista!!! esto que ha posteado Brushers_neto es el hands on (El cual he resumido yo mismo en el hilo solo fanáticos de HALO)
Esta es la entrevista

Esto también es nuevo:
E3 2004: Halo 2 Hands On Vol. 2
This time, we take a look at the little things that will make multiplayer great.

Y esto:
E3 2004: Halo 2 Hands-on, Vol. 3
Confessions of a PlayStation 2 convert: How Halo 2 stole my brain


Sal12 [oki]

ENTREVISTA escribió:
IGN: It seems like just about every weapon on the map we played has some tweaks to it. What considerations do you take when choosing to alter all of these familiar weapons?

Pete Parsons: Other than tweaks, no new weapons on the map [you played], but certainly new weapons in the mix. We're making weapons that really make sense and are really balanced and are really interesting to play, both in single-player and multiplayer. We spent so much time thinking about how being on foot with the weapons you have or how dual-wielding interacts or what you can do with dual-wielding and what you can't do and how weapons should work when you're in a Warthog and what are some of the advantages. So, making sure all those elements on the battlefield, whether it's single-player or multiplayer, are really well-balanced and force you to use strategy.

IGN: How many people will be able to play online.

Parsons: We're still not talking about it. Right now we've got 16 people in play. The thing we're gonna make sure of is that we have the right amount of people playing online. But not just the amount of people in terms of maximum size, but making sure the maps are great to play, that the weapon placement is great, making sure the game types are really cool and then doing all of that on Xbox Live and making sure that people have a great experience. You guys are aware that we did an Alpha [test] in January --

IGN: I'm really sad that we weren't invited in on that.

Parsons: Yeah, sorry about that, it was Microsoft internal only, but it was really cool. We had over a thousand people playing on Xbox Live, Halo 2 multiplayer. It wasn't a gameplay test, that's not what we were looking for, we were looking to test the underlying networking architecture. It went really well, so I feel like we have a really good head start on how that experience is going to play out on Live, which is so important to us.

IGN: How many people were playing in a single game on the test?

Parsons: Well, in the test, you could play up to sixteen.

IGN: And it ran pretty smoothly?

Parsons: I'd say we were extremely happy with how the test went. One of the great things about working with the Live team and having such a collaborative effort with those guys, is they've been -- you know, they helped us put that test together, we've gotten massive amounts of great data on it, and we got to do it early on, so we have this gigantic head start on how Halo 2 is going to behave online with people from all around the world.

IGN: While playing, I noticed the customizable symbols floating over players. That's obviously got some association with what's going to be available with Xbox Live 3.0. Can you tell us what Bungie is planning on doing with 3.0?

Parsons:I can't. I can just tell you is that we want to make that experience on Xbox Live, instead of being on the couch with you and your friends, now it's you and you're trying to gather this group of friends from around the world. Now it's super important to recreate that essential experience of being on the couch with your buddies. There's a whole bunch of stuff things that play into that. All of the features, we worked really closely with the Live team, and they came up with a lot of great features -- Clans and Voice Messaging and a whole bunch of other really good stuff -- at the end of the day, those are just features. I feel that, at the end of the day, we're going to be able to use our skills and use those features in a way that makes it feel like you're a part of something big and a part of something interesting. We fell like, whether we're side-by-side on the couch or across the country or the globe, that we feel like we're together as part of a team.
IGN: The map we played is a moderate-sized map. Are we going to see maps smaller than that and bigger than that?

Parsons: You're gonna see stuff smaller than that and you're gonna see stuff a lot bigger.

IGN: What types of game modes can we expect?

Parsons: All the same great game modes you had and a whole bunch of new ones.

IGN: (laughs) So vague.

Parsons: (laughs) That's all I can say, I'm sorry.

IGN: Will you limit the types of game modes that can be played on certain maps, so that a small map may not be able to accommodate a game like Capture the Flag?

Parsons: The answer's maybe. We're gonna spend a ton of time banging away on each map to make sure that every gameplay mode available on that map is really worth playing.

IGN: There was a shot, long long ago, of Master Chief with a flamethrower in the first Halo, but it never made it in the game. Will we see a flamethrower in Halo 2?

Parsons: I think fans will be really pleased that the plasma sword will be really excited that the Plasma Sword will be in there and it's really badass to use.

IGN: It really is badass to use.

Parsons: We have a whole bunch of great ideas for weapons and then you end up coming down to what are the weapons that really make sense on the battlefield that people are going to find fun and interesting to play. Having the Plasma Sword and having it interesting to play is major kudos to our design and engineering teams. It's just picking those things that have the right balance, that are most fun to play, and not putting weapons that -- who knows, is the answer.

IGN: Is every map going to have one of these special items, like the Plasma Sword, that you have to work for?

Parsons: I don't know if every map will, but this map does. I think it's really cool. Every battlefield has its secrets and there are places you can go to where there's some really unique weapon or unique thing that you can do in every map and I think we want to make sure we're always doing that. And at the same time, we want to make sure that if you never got the Plasma Sword, or if you never knew that it was there, it would still be a great experience.

IGN: The guys at Bungie must have played a lot of multiplayer from the original Halo. Heading into Halo 2, what were the things you knew, right off the bat, that you wanted fixed or changed?

Parsons: You know, I think the answer from most people on the team, is that most people really liked the maps and really had a lot of fun with them. It was just doing more of that. It was just taking all of that basic stuff and all of that stuff everybody liked about Halo 1 and making sure that we do that really well again and then adding these new things that are really fun and cool. Like that gantry that explodes or using destroyable cover in a really interesting way or not damaging vehicles because you can, but because it makes sense inside of the game or making boarding work really well. The one thing you won't see from us is piling on features, because people can pile on features, it's piling on features because they make sense. Making boarding work and making it cool and making it fun in both single-player and multiplayer is a real challenge, and I think we've been able to do that.
IGN: How many different teams can play a game at one time?

Parsons: More than two.

IGN: But less than 400?

Parsons: Less than 400, yes. That would be a good estimate. I think it's gonna be really exciting for people to play more than just two teams on a map.

IGN: Are all the maps going to be independent of the single-player game?

Parsons: Multiplayer map design, you have to design maps [specifically] for multiplayer to make them really great. We spend as much time making out multiplayer maps and playing our multiplayer maps and iterating on these things over and over again -- these aren't just slapped together maps, there's huge amounts of care that goes into putting them together. Contextually, we were playing in a piece of New Mumbasa. This was one of 49 power stations that was actually brought online in the 23rd century and was then decommissioned. We want to make sure that there's a history there, that there's a sense of place there.

IGN: Are there going to be different types of covenant to play in multiplayer, such as Brutes?

Parsons: I think you'll be playing as Elites.

IGN: How much attention did you pay to designing vehicle damage? Is it smarter to say, shoot a wheel out first? Can you be that specific with damage?

Parsons: What we didn't want to do is we didn't have vehicle damage affect the performance, so when you're driving a Warthog and your Warthog is massively damage, we don't want to have the fact that the tires are wobbling make it go slower or ruin the control. We thought it was important to maintain the control. A huge amount of planning went into how the vehicles were damaged. Not just visually what that looks like, but how that plays in gameplay. There's a primary explosion that knocks you out -- or kills you if your shields are down -- the fact that there's a secondary explosion that can take you out if you are anywhere around it. A ton of time has gone into figuring that out and a ton more work is going to go into figuring out how that works and how that manifests itself in gameplay.

IGN: Are there going to be more vehicles than what we saw?

Parsons: Yes.

IGN: Can you give any examples? One that flies, like a Banshee for example?

Parsons: Well, you never know.

IGN: What types of environments can we expect in multiplayer? Will see urban environments, jungle environments?

Parsons: You will see a multitude of environments and all of them will be representative of the [single-player] game. You saw an Earth one now and I can tell you that there will be many others.

IGN: So there will be a Halo environment?

Parsons: (quickly) Uh, that remains to be seen.

IGN: How does team voice work?

Parsons: I wish you could tell you more about that. We will have voice and it will be cool and we will have a lot more than that is even cooler.

IGN: I wish you could tell us more.

Parsons: I wish I could.

IGN: As far as the move-set is concerned, will what we played in the demo be pretty much what you can do in the game, or are there more moves that we haven't seen yet?

Parsons: There'll be some tweaks and some subtleties. We wanted to make sure that you could pick up and play. That anybody could pick up and play and that it was really easy to learn the new moves. I think once you get the hang of it -- I can get in, play, and have a good time, but the instant I board, that's an awesome feeling. Or when I can pick up dual-wielding and it works and I'm not just holding two sort of random weapons, but they actually have a purpose. I think that's really cool for people and I think it's easy to learn. We want people to just jump in and play. Did you like dual wielding?

IGN: Yeah, I thought it was really nice. In my mind, I was thinking, "I want to get rid of these grenades and then grab a second gun." Honestly, it feels like a natural extension of the first game, but now you can do extra cool stuff.

Parsons: We want you to have that feeling. For a whole bunch of reasons, people loved Halo. Whether it was the story or whether it was playing as Chief or whether it was the controls or the vehicles. We want you to be able to step back into that world and feel like you can be important and that you can kick ass and anything that breaks that experience would suck, I think
IGN: What are the graphical sacrifices you had to make from the single-player to the multiplayer experience?

Parsons: There are changes for performance that you make.

IGN: Would you say that multiplayer looks noticeably different?

Parsons: No. I would say (pause) I think they look pretty darn consistent.

IGN: Is this going to support 480p? 720p?

Parsons: We haven't said anything about that. As all Bungie interviews end up being...

IGN: But you will support widescreen?

Parsons: Yes.

IGN: Can you talk a bit about the sound?

Parsons: The great thing about [the] sound that I love, is that you can really hear bullets fly by now. You can hear the ricochets off walls. When the team got the audio working in the way it was going to work, it was unbelievable. All of a sudden you hear bullets whip-cracking over your head and you're immediately ducking down. When you play it in surround, it's just unbelievable. We pay a lot of attention to sound and I think it's cool when the work that Marty [O'Donnell] and Jay [Weinland] and C Paul [Johnson] have done is awesome, but that the sound effects actually start to play a role in the game. And not just hearing bullet impacts, but when you start hearing stuff whizzing over your head and you know where it's coming from, it's like, alright, this stuff is helping me not only to throw me inside this world that is Halo, but also helps me play the game better.

IGN: The map we played, it seems pretty clear that it's designed to allow people to strategize their moves. Are all of the maps in multiplayer going to be as strategic as this one?

Parsons: I'd like to think that all of the maps, anyone can jump into any of the maps and have a blast, but as you start exploring the map and [learning] the secrets of a map, and how to exploit the maps in the best way possible. The maps on the surface appear very simple, but at the heart they're really complex and that's because as much care is spent on the multiplayer maps as in the single-player game. That map has gone through so many iterations to try to get it so that it plays really well and is really fun.

IGN: Are there more melee weapons than just the Plasma Sword?

Parsons: Yes. Melee's cool.

IGN: I just feel like it might be cool to have a disarm function, like maybe take it to that extreme.

Parsons: I just think that there's a point where you wanna make melee really cool and a point where it starts getting really complex. We want to make sure that it's super balanced and super easy to use, but super important in gameplay.

IGN: Will we see co-op play again, will it have System Link, and will it be online?

Parsons: We will have co-op play and we have said nothing about online.

IGN: But will you have System Link co-op play or is that under guard?

Parsons: Under guard.

IGN: Like so many things. Halo defines the Xbox. With such high expectations, do you ever feel the pressure of having to deliver with Halo 2?

Parsons: Huge amounts of pressure, but the pressure is for ourselves to do great things. I don't want to speak for the entire team, but I think that we all focus on making something that we really like and making something that our fans really like and we don't think about anything else [like] topping Halo 1 or how we feel about DOOM 3 or Half-Life 2. Those look like really great games and I can't wait to play 'em.

IGN: How confident are you that Halo 2 is going to come out this year?

Parsons: This game will ship this fall.

IGN: Absolutely?

Parsons: Absolutely. And I feel great about it. We're just having so much fun and the team is just kicking ass. It's really good to see.

Hands-on Vol. 2 escribió:May 12, 2004 - Rather than rehash everything that Hilary Goldstein had to say about the magnificent multiplayer mode of Halo 2 we decided to take the approach of listing the Top Five Little Things About Halo 2 that Made it Worth the Wait. That's a hell of a lot of words for just one category, but this ain't the Grammys and Halo 2 does so many things well. Yet, the multiplayer game is still greater than the sum of its parts.

Dual-Wielding: Sure John Woo movies and Keanu Reeves made it fashionable to double up on the punishment you can hand out at one time in a videogame, but Halo 2 adds another twist when you wield dual weapons. It's most useful when you're talking about the Needler in one hand and the SMG in the other, but the glowing pinkish purple needle rounds end up serving as tracers so you can see just how far you're missing the target as you track them across the horizon. The smart player will alternate between needle rounds and SMG rounds so you can use the visual indication of the Needler rounds to help guide your death dealing bullets from your submachine gun. It's a subtle thing, but we're giving Bungie the benefit of the doubt here when we assume it's intentional. The Needler isn't the wimpy weapon it was in the original Halo, and for some old habits of aversion will be hard to break, but the using it as a tracer gun is a marvelous touch.

Straight Jackin': Forcibly dismounting enemies from Warthogs and Ghosts is going to be one of everybody's favorites once they get their hands on the multiplayer component of Halo 2. What impressed us the most, was how well this move has been developed. Only vehicles moving slowly enough for the "jack" icon to pop up can be stolen, but approaching the driver/vehicle from most angles works, including descending on them from above. The Ghost and 'hog are both roofless so timing your leaps so that you slowly descend (the jump button gets airborne quickly but you float down) on the unsuspecting pilot will be a handy new skill to have. But it gets better. You can have repeated jackings one after the other if you have two players of similar skills. A typical sequence will work where the warthog driver will be trying to run over an enemy and that enemy will be playing matador to the drivers bull. The guy on foot will be leaping and dodging while also trying to get close enough and hoping the Warthog or Ghost is going slow enough to make jack move. Should you pull off the jack move, the former driver can quickly initiate a jack move of his own to get the vehicle back because you will be going slow enough for him to do so. Of course once the vehicle has been taken back you'll be in position to pull of another move. This repetitive sequence can easily look like a cartoon or something with players pulling each other out of the driver's seat repeatedly. This usually won't last long since the players and the vehicle in question are more or less stationary this whole time, which means somebody somewhere is going to be sending a rocket or grenade their way soon.
Hands-On Vol. 3 escribió:May 12, 2004 - I confess -- I didn't play all that much of Halo. I did play it, but not much. So, in preparation for this year's E3, I took up the s-controller and started a new campaign. I happily trudged through what is without a doubt the world's greatest console first-person shooter, slaughtering Covenant baddies and getting a good handle on the Warthog. I was continually surprised at how smooth and seamless everything was, and how fantastically alive the world looked and felt.

I'm not sure how I missed it so thoroughly, but I suppose running the PlayStation 2 site and playing loads of Grand Theft Auto III, Devil May Cry, ICO and Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty had something to do with it. It could be that, or it could be the same thing that happens to so many gamers. Hype. I was told how great, impressive and fantastic Halo was that it had the reverse effect on me.

But there was nothing holding me back from wanting to play Halo 2, and knowing how badly our own readers want to play it, I felt compelled to represent. At the first meeting on the first day of E3 (10:30 am), I met with the Bungie representatives, Frank O'Conner and Pete Parsons, who gave us the exact same demo we witnessed at the Microsoft pre-E3 event, showing off the high level of destruction; how to wield the Covenant Elite's Plasma Sword; how you can car-jack anyone out of a vehicle; how vehicles exhibit secondary explosions, and how well crafted this Zanibar level actually is. Oh yeah, and the Needler? They made a big point out of saying that this time it's a genuinely good weapon to pick up. Phew.

We sat and watched it happily. As if we knew the game like the back of our hand. The crazy thing is that with Halo 2 is this, if you've played the first, you will instantly get to grips with the second one. The first was admirably easy to pick up and get used to, and the second one provides that same smooth, easy feel instantly. Man, I was sitting there in these white, leaning seats, and watching Frank take a beating as an Elite, and I felt like there was no better place to be.
With Halo so recently familiar, watching the demo and then playing Halo 2 was instant. After the demo ended, we swiveled our chairs around to the eight Xbox Test units behind us, and split up into two teams, the blue Spartans, and the red defenders in a series of three-minute Capture the Flag multiplayer games. The best thing about the game is that there was no, and I mean, no, sense of ever feeling like I was in playing over any kind of wires at all. The LAN connection was seamless, smooth and pretty, i.e. without flaws. Hopefully, the Xbox Live experience is as distinctly good.

Zanzibar turns out to be one well-crafted multiplayer level. The base stands behind broken walls on a beach front, with two to three stories and multiple staircases, walls, paths and manners of getting from one story to another. On offense, players have the Warthog, which controls just like in the first game, and one particularly good strategy is to blast in, close in to a fixed turret and use the fixed rocket launcher attached to the car to permanently blast the metal of that turret across the beach. I experienced the pleasure and pain of it from the attackers and the defenders position. If you're in a defending position, the turrets are an excellent place to toast a warthog. They're powerful, almost too powerful, and against enemies without a vehicle, they're deadly, killing them in two or three shots.

Weapons were strategically placed in prominent positions, so that from a high staircase sections, you might find a sniper weapon or behind a giant circular generator-type wheel, you will find the game's most powerful melee weapon, the Plasma Sword. Along with the Warthog, players can get to grips with several kinds of weapons, one of which was available to play, the Ghost, a small, single-person hovercraft that issues a hefty load of laser shot from its front section. As Bungie pointed out, you could technically just fight over a vehicle over and over again, hurling your opponent out from his seat just to see how he will land -- and if you can get away far enough to shoot him.

Strangely, though I was able to wield dual weapons, I rarely used it. I guess I was just caught up in the moment, but it could be because the opposition just wasn't that good. We lost the first or second flag to the opposition, but we took the match 3-1. We played one last game, and we took that one too. It felt good to beat the competition yet again. Another feature I didn't use was the target tracking system, useable via the rocket launcher. By citing an enemy in your reticule, the cross hairs change to red, indicating the rockets will track. By shooting a tracked enemy, the rocket literally curves around for a long while, tracking the enemy until it's blasted its target. If it's you blasting a warthog with a rocket launcher, the feeling of the direct target is stellar. It rocks the Warthog, knocking it end over end and spinning and crashing into the nearby environment.

In the end, Halo is what you think it is, more great Halo, with enhanced everything, graphics, weapons, vehicles, and most notably, online multiplayer online gaming. It feels good to cover some serious first-person shooters for a change, and Halo, well, on the console, Halo hasn't been beaten. And based on this E3, nothing even comes close to its sequel. If there is one Xbox game you're going to buy this fall, you've to be pretty crazy -- or the editor-in-chief of IGN's PS2 site -- not to put Halo 2 at the top of your list.
-- Douglass C. Perry

Quedaos con esto:
IGN: Are there more melee weapons than just the Plasma Sword?

Parsons: Yes. Melee's cool.
mierda me tendre q apuntar a clases d ingles porke NUMENTEROOOOOOOOO XD
PAYOMALO WEEEEEEEEEEEE AREEEEEEEEEEE YOUUUUUUUUU???????????????????????????????????????? [decaio]
_MoeB_ está baneado por "Troll brutal"
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[babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas]
Decidme que traduzco que me he perdido un rato largo, además vengo de comprarme un reproducto de mp3 y estoy como un marine con un tanque scorpion pisando elites [babas]
PAYOMALO escribió:Decidme que traduzco que me he perdido un rato largo, además vengo de comprarme un reproducto de mp3 y estoy como un marine con un tanque scorpion pisando elites [babas]

[mad] Traduce la Pagina Anterior [buuuaaaa] por favor [mamaaaaa]
Voy a ir traduciendo por partes, ya que es un poco pestiño, aqui van 2 paginas de las 9 que ocupa, voy a ir lo más rápido que pueda ok? un saludo tios

IGN: Parece que cada arma en el mapa que hemos jugado tiene algunos tweak (literalmente pellizco). Que consideraciones tomáis al elegir alternar todas de estas armas tan familiares?

Pete Parsons: Menos que abruptas, no hay nuevas armas en el mapa [en el que habéis jugado] pero por supuesto habrá nuevas armas. Estamos haciendo armas que parezcan de verdad, que estén balanceadas y que sean interesantes a la hora de jugar, tanto en un jugador como en multijugador. Hemos pasado mucho tiempo pensando como seria el ir a pie con las armas que llevas o como interactuaría con armas duales o lo que no podrías hacer, y como las armas funcionarían las armas mientras estuvieses en el jabalí y cuales son sus ventajas para de esta manera, asegurarse de que estos elementos están bien balanceados y forzarte a usar estrategias

IGN: Cuanta gente podrá jugar online?

Parsons: Todavía no hemos hablado de eso. En estos momentos tenemos a 16 jugadores. De lo que queremos asegurarnos es que tenemos la suficiente cantidad de personas jugando online. Pero no solo la cantidad en términos de tamaño máximo, sino asegurarnos de que los mapas buenísimos para su juego, de que la ubicación de las armas sea genial, asegurarnos de que los tipos de juegos son una pasada, hacerlo todo para Xbox Live y asegurarnos de que la gente tenga una gran experiencia. Ya sabéis que hicimos una Alpha en enero.

IGN: Estoy muy apenado de que no estuviésemos invitados.

Parsons: Si, lo siento por eso, solo era para los internos de Microsoft, pero fue genial (ahí ahí poniendo los dientes largos XDD). Tuvimos mas de 1000 personas jugando en Xbox live al multiplayer de Halo2. No fue un test de prueba del juego, eso no es lo que estábamos buscando, queríamos probar la arquitectura de red subyacente. Fue muy bien, así que pienso que tuvimos un buen comienzo en como esa experiencia va a funcionar en el Live, lo cual es importante para nosotros

IGN:? Cuanta gente estaba jugando en un único juego en la prueba?

Parsons: Bueno, en la prueba, hasta 16

IGN: Iba fluido?

Parsons: Ya he dicho que estábamos extremadamente contentos de como fue la prueba. Una de las mejores cosas de trabajar con el equipo del Live y tener un esfuerzo colectivo con esos chicos ha sido – ya sabes, ellos nos han ayudado a realizar ese test, hemos conseguido cantidades masivas de valiosos datos sobre el, y la hemos conseguido en una etapa muy temprana, de esta manera hemos tenido este comienzo tan bueno de cómo Halo 2 se comportara online con personas de todo el mundo.

IGN: Mientras jugaba, había algunos símbolos que se podían cambiar flotando sobre los jugadores. Eso obviamente tiene que tener alguna asociación que estará disponible para Xbox Live 3.0. Puedes decirnos que está planeando bungie hacer con el 3.0?

Parsons:No puedo, solo puedo decirte que queremos hacer esa experiencia en Xbox Live, en lugar de estar tumbado contigo y con tus amigos, ahora es cuando tú intentas reunir un grupo de amigos de todo el mundo. Ahora es súper importante recrear esa experiencia esencial de estar en ese sofá con tus colegas. Hay un montón de cosas que toman juego en eso. Todas los aspectos, en los que hemos trabajado muy cercanamente con el equipo del Live y ellos han puesto un porrón de ventajas –Clanes y mensajes de voz y otro porrón de buenas características – al final del DIA, eso son solo características. Pero presiento que, al final, seremos capaces de usar nuestras habilidades y esas características de una manera en la que se sienta de que eres parte de algo mayor y parte de algo interesante. Sentimos que, tanto si estamos lado a lado en el sofá o con gente del país o de alrededor del globo, creeremos que estamos juntos como parte de un equipo.

IGN: El mapa que jugamos es de tamaño moderado. Veremos mapas mas pequeños que ese, y mayores??

Parsons: Veréis mapas más pequeños que ese y veréis mapas mayores que ese

IGN:? Que tipo de modos de juegos podemos esperar?

Parsons: Todos los grandes modos anteriores y nuevos modos

IGN: (risas) que impreciso

Parsons:.(risas) es todo lo que puedo decir, lo siento

IGN: Limitareis los tipos de juegos a los que se podrán jugar en determinados mapas, de tal manera en la que en un mapa pequeño no se pueda jugar un juego del tipo “Captura la bandera”

Parsons: La respuesta es quizás. Pasaremos un montón de tiempo pensando en cada mapa para asegurarnos de que todos los juegos disponibles en ese mapa merezcan la pena

IGN: Hubo una captura, hace mucho tiempo, del Jefe Maestro con un lanzallamas en el primer Halo, pero nunca se vio en el juego. Veremos un lanzallamas en Halo 2?

Parsons: Creo que los fans estarán muy contentos de que la espada de plasma este disponible y que cuesta un huevo usar.

IGN: IDe veras será un coñazo?
[ginyo] Buena Traducion Espero por la proxima parte
GraCIAS !!!!!!! [ginyo]
Tenemos un montón de grandes ideas para las armas y al final llegamos a la conclusión de que hay armas que realmente tienen sentido en un campo de batalla y que la gente encontrará esto interesante de jugar. Tener una espada de plasma y hacerla interesante para jugar con ella es nuestro mayor objetivo para nuestro diseño y desarrollo de equipos. Es simplemente escoger esas cosas que estén equilibradas, que son más divertidas para jugar y no poner armas que –quien sabe, es la respuesta. (aquí lo deja como en el aire para poner los dientes largos)

IGN : Va a tener cada mapa esos ítems especiales, como la espada de plasma, en la que tenéis que trabajar?

Parsons: No se si todos los mapas tendrán, pero este mapa si que lo tiene. Pienso que es muy divertido. Cada campo de batalla tiene sus secretos y hay lugares a los que puedes ir donde hay un arma única o algo único que puedes hacer en cada mapa y creo que queremos asegurarnos de que se pueda hacer eso siempre. Y al mismo tiempo, queremos asegurarnos de que si nunca coges la espada de plasma, o nunca supiste que estaba allí, será una gran experiencia

IGN : Los chicos en Bungie deben de haber jugado mucho al multijudador del Halo original. Dirigiéndonos a Halo 2, que cosas son las que sabes, rigth off the bat (no conozco esa expresión) esas que querías arreglar o cambiar?

Parsons : Tu sabes, creo que la respuesta de la mayor parte del equipo, es que a la mayoría le gustaban los mapas y que se lo pasaban en grande con ellos. Era mucho más que hacer eso. Era tomar todo los elementos básicos y todo esas cosas que le gustaban a todo el mundo de Halo 1 y asegurarnos de que lo hacíamos igual de bien y luego añadir esas cosas nuevas que son tan divertidas y molonas. Como ese portalón/estructura que explota o usar cobertura que se puede destruir de una manera realmente interesante o no dañar los vehículos porque tu puedes, pero porque tiene sentido dentro del juego, o subirse a un vehículo funciona muy bien. La única cosa que no nos veréis hacer añadir características por añadirlas, las personas pueden añadir características, nosotros las añadimos por que tienen sentido. Abordar funciona y hacerlo chulo y hacerlo divertido en un solo jugador y multijugador es un verdadero reto, y creo que hemos sido capaces de hacerlo.

IGN : equipos pueden jugar en un juego?

Parsons : Mas de dos

IGN : Pero menos de 400?

Parsons : Menos de 400, si. Sería una buena estimación. Creo que será muy entretenido para la gente que se pueda jugar con más de 2 equipos en un mapa

IGN : Serán todos los mapas independientes del modo de un único jugador?

Parsons : En el diseño de los mapas multijugadores, tienes que diseñar los mapas [específicamente para multijugador para hacerlos espectaculares. Pasamos muchísimo tiempo haciendo y jugando estos mapas una y otra vez --No son meros mapas solapados, hay un montón de proceso y cuidado en hacerlos. Contextualmente, hemos estados jugando en un trozo de New Mumbasa. Esta fue una de las 48 plantas de energía que se puso en funcionamiento en el siglo 23 y luego fue desconectada/liberada de servicio. Queremos asegurarnos que hay historia ahí, de que hay una sensación de lugar ahí

IGN : Habrá diferentes tipos de soldados del pacto para jugar en el modo multijugador, como los Brutes?

Parsons : Creo que jugareis en el papel de los elites

IGN : Cuanta atención habéis puesto en el diseño del daño a los vehículos? Es inteligente decir, dispara a la rueda primero? Puede ser tan específico el daño?

Parsons: Lo que no queremos hacer es que el daño en el vehículo afecte al rendimiento, de tal manera cuando conduzcas el jabalí y este totalmente dañado, no quereos que esto afecte a que las ruedas estén chungas y lo hagan ir más lento o fastidien el control. Creemos que es importante mantener el control. Una gran cantidad de nuestro planteamiento fue hacia como los vehículos eran dañados. No simplemente como se veían visualmente, también como afectaba al juego. Hay una explosión primaria que te lanza fuera – o te mata si tu escudo esta bajo – de hecho es que hay una explosión secundaria que te pueda matar si estas en algún lugar cerca. Se ha empleado mucho tiempo pensando en como esto funcionaria y como aparecería/manifestaría durante el juego.

IGN: Habrá más vehículos de los que ya hemos visto?

Parsons: Si

IGN : Puedes dar algún ejemplo? Uno que vuele, como una Banshee por ejemplo

Parsons: Bueno, nunca lo sabrás

IGN : Que tipo de entornos nos podemos esperar en multijugador? Veremos entornos urbanos, entornos en la jungla?
Gracias por este nuevo pedazo de traduicon PAYOMALO [beer]
Por hoy no voy a traducir mas, mañana desde el tuto traducire ya el resto, para que lo podais leer, aqui va otro trozo más. espero que os guste nenas ;)

Parsons : Veréis multitud de entornos y todos de ellos serán representativos del modo [un jugador. Ya visteis uno en la tierra y ahora os puedo decir de que habrá otros

IGN : Habrá un entorno en un Halo?

Parsons: (rápidamente) Uh, eso esta por ver.

IGN : Como funciona el sistema de voz por equipos

Parsons : Me encantaría poder decirte más sobre eso. Tendremos voz y será espectacular y tendremos más que será incluso mejor.

IGN : Me encantaría que nos pudieses contar mas

Parsons : Me encantaría poder.

IGN : Tal y como la acción atañe, será lo que hemos jugado en la demo lo que se pueda hacer en el juego, o habrá mas movimientos que no hemos visto aún?

Parsons : Habrá algunas cosas mas y algunas sutilezas. Queremos asegurarnos de que puedes recoger y jugar (pick up es recoger pero no le encuentro mucho significado). Que todo el mundo pueda recogerlo y jugar y que sea fácil aprender los nuevos movimientos. Creo que una vez que te enganches a el –puedo cogerlo, jugarlo y pasar un buen rato, pero el instante en el que me monto (en un vehículo) , es un sentimiento sobrecogedor. O cuando recojo armas duales y funciona y no simplemente estoy sosteniendo dos tipos de armas al azar, que en el fondo tienen un propósito. Creo que eso es lo realmente grande para la gente y creo que es fácil de aprender. Queremos que la gente simplemente llegue y juegue. Te gusta el manejo doble?

IGN : Si, creo que se veía muy bien. Para mi, estaba pensando, “Quiero deshacerme de estas granadas y coger otra arma.” Honestamente, se ve como si fuera una extensión natural del primer juego, pero ahora puedes hacer cosas espectaculares

Parsons : Queremos que tengas esa sensación. Por un buen puñado de razones, a la gente le encantó Halo. Quizás fue la historia o quizás fue jugar como el Jefe o puede que fuese el control o los vehículos. Queremos que seas capaz de poner un pie en ese mundo y sentirte que eres importante y que puedes partirte la cara, y todo lo que rompa esa experiencia sería una mierda, eso creo

IGN: Cuales son los sacrificios gráficos que habéis hecho del modo un jugador al modo multijugador?

Parsons:. Hay cambios de rendimiento que se notaran

IGN: Quieres decir que el multijugador se verá notablemente diferente?

Parsons: No. yo diría (pausa) creo que se ve condenadamente bien.

IGN: Soportará 480p? 720p?

Parsons : No hemos dicho nada sobre eso. Y todas las entrevistas a bungie terminan...

IGN: Pero soportara widescreen (pantalla ancha/amplia)?

Parsons: .Si

IGN: Puede hablar un poco del sonido?

Parsons : Lo que mas me gusta del sonido es que puede escuchar las balas silbando ahora. Puedes escuchar los impactos en las paredes. Cuando el equipo vio como funcionaba el trabajo en el audio era increíble. De repente oías las balas silbando sobre tu cabeza e inmediatamente te agachabas. Cuando juegas con sonido envolvente, es simplemente increíble. Hemos puesto mucha atención al sonido y creo que es genial el trabajo que Marty O’donnell, Jay Weinland y C Paul Jonson han hecho, de echo ahora es cuando los efectos de sonido empiezan a tomar parte en el juego. Y no es simplemente escuchar impactos de bala, cuando empiezas a escuchar cosas silbando sobre tu cabeza y no sabes de donde viene, es como, esto me está ayudando a me está ayudando no solo a meterme en este mundo que es Halo, también me ayuda a jugar el juego mejor

IGN : El mapa al que hemos jugado, se ve muy claramente que ha sido diseñado para permitir a la gente hacer estrategia con sus movimientos. Serán todos los mapas multijugadores tan estratégicos como este?

Parsons : Me gustaría pensar que todos los mapas, cualquiera puede jugar uno de los mapas y arrollar, pero mientras comienzas a explorar el mapa y [aprender] los secretos del mapa, y de cómo explotar el mapa en tu beneficio. Los mapas en la superficie parecen muy simples, pero en el fondo son muy complejos y eso es por que se ha puesto mucho cuidado en los mapas multijugador y en los de un solo jugador. Ese mapa ha pasado por muchas iteraciones para probar de que se juega bien y que además es divertido

IGN : Habrá más armas cuerpo a cuerpo aparte de la espada de plasma?

Parsons: Si, el cuerpo a cuerpo mola ( 0e0e0e0e0e0e)

IGN : Tengo la sensación de que puede ser divertido tener una función de desarmar, como quizás llevarlo a ese extremo.

Parsons : Creo que hay un punto en el que se quiere que el cuerpo a cuerpo sea realmente divertido y un punto donde comienza s ser muy complejo. Queremos estar seguro de que está súper equilibrado, de que es súper fácil de usar, pero además súper importante en el desarrollo del juego

IGN : Veremos un juego cooperativo de nuevo, será un system link, y será online?

Parsons : Tendremos un modo cooperativo y no hemos dicho nada sobre online.

IGN: tendréis un sistem link para jugar cooperativo o esta under guard (no se que significa esa expresión, literalmente es como que esta bajo guardia, o puede ser bajo la manga. A ver si a medida que traduzco saco algo mas )

Parsons: Under guard.

IGN: Me gustan muchas cosas. Halo define la Xbox. Con esas grandes expectativas, sientes la presión de tener que dejar Halo 2??

Parsons : Grandes cantidades de presión, pero la presión nos sirve a nosotros para hacer grandes cosas. No quiero hablar por todo el equipo, pero creo que todos estamos enfocados en hacer algo que a todos nos gusta y hacer algo que a todos nuestros fans le guste y no pensamos en otra cosa [como por ejemplo] superar Halo 1 o como nos sentimos con Doom 3 o Half-life 2. Realmente son grandes juegos y no puedo esperar a poder jugar con ellos

IGN : Cuan seguro estas de que Halo 2 saldrá este año

Parsons : El juego saldrá a la venta este otoño

IGN : De verdad?

Parsons : Absolutamente. Y me siento bien por ello. Estamos disfrutando mucho y el equipo esta partiéndose la cara. Es realmente bueno de ver
PAYOMALO eres enorme, que paciencia. Muchas gracias por el trabajo.
Parece mentira lo que cuesta sacarle información al tal Parsons. Tal vez si le pellizcan la bolsa escrotal con unas pinzas conectadas a la batería del coche..... [666]. Hay que joderse que bien entrenado está.

IGN : Me encantaría que nos pudieses contar mas

Parsons : Me encantaría poder.

Me encanta que te encante Mr. Parsons X-D

En serio, para lo de este juego no tengo palabras, cada día me flipo más y más [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas]

Un saludo.-
clyde escribió:Me encanta que te encante Mr. Parsons
[carcajad] [carcajad] [carcajad]

a la vez me encanta que le encante que me encante.

La parte contratante de la primera parte es igual a la parte contratante de la primera parte [tadoramo] los hermanos marx powah

Buena Traducion PAYOMALO [sonrisa] THANKS
PAYOMALO, eres un crack [uzi]

Supongo que entre las demás armas de melee deve estar el escudo [fies]


Mayo 12 2004, mejor que pisar todo lo que Hilary Goldstein tiene que decir sobre el magnifico modo multijugador de Halo 2 hemos decidido aproximarnos listando las mejores 5 cosas de Halo 2 que lo hacen merecer la espera. Son un huevo de palabras para una sola categoría, pero estos no son los Grammys y Halo 2 tiene muchas cosas buenas. Aunque, el modo multijugador es aun mayor que la suma de todas las partes

Doble-manejo: Seguro que las películas de John Woo y Keanu Reeves lo han hecho mas fashion para doblar el castigo que puedes inflingir de una sola vez en un videojuego, pero Halo 2 añade otro giro de tuerca cuando llevas armas duales. Es más útil cuando tienes el aguijón en una mano y el SMG (fusil de asalto) en la otra, pero la munición púrpura y brillante del aguijón puede servirte como marcas de tal manera que puedas ver por cuanto fallas el blanco mientras las ves a través del horizonte. El jugador inteligente intercambiara entre ráfagas del aguijón y ráfagas del SMG para usar de esta manera la indicación visual del aguijón para ayudarte a enviar las letales balas de tu subfusil. Es una cosa sutil, pero le estamos dando a Bungie el beneficio de la duda aquí cuando asumimos que esta hecho adrede. El aguijón no es el arma tonta que era en el primer Halo, y por algunos viejos hábitos de aversión será difícil de romperlos, pero usarlo como una pistola para marcar es un toque maravilloso.

going to be sending a rocket or grenade their way soon. Golpe directo: Bajar por la fuerza a enemigos de los jabalís y los ghosts va a ser algo de lo preferido de todo el mundo una vez que pongan sus manos en el componente multijugador de Halo 2. Lo que más nos impresionó fue como de bien el video/película fue desarrollado. Solo vehículos moviéndose suficientemente lentos para que apareciese el icono “jack” (jack es como levantar con un gato, en este caso sería abordar) y que este pudiese ser robado, pero aproximarse al conductor/vehículo desde la mayoría de los ángulos funciona, incluso descendiendo sobre ellos desde arriba. Tanto los ghosts como los jabalís no tienen techo así que hay que ajustar el salto de tal manera que desciendas lentamente (el botón de salto te aerotransporta rápidamente pero flotas hacia abajo) sobre el piloto confiado, esto será una nueva utilidad muy útil que tendrás. Pero se pone aún mejor. Puedes hacer el jack repetidas veces una detrás de otra si tienes dos jugadores de habilidades similares. Una secuencia típica funcionara cuando el piloto del jabalí intente atropellar a un enemigo y el enemigo este jugando a lo matador con el conductor (jugar a lo matador es hacerle quiebros y tal, como haría un torero) El chico que vaya a pie estará saltando y esquivando mientras intente acercarse lo suficiente para saltar al jabalí y al ghost cuando este vaya lento para realizar el movimiento “jack”. Para contrarrestar el movimiento “jack” el conductor especializado puede iniciar rápidamente un movimiento “jack” por su cuenta para recuperar el vehículo ya que irá lo suficientemente lento para que se pueda hacer. Por supuesto una vez que el vehículo haya sido retomado estarás en posición de realizar otro movimiento. Esta secuencia repetitiva puede parecerse fácilmente a una de dibujos animados o algo con jugadores echando a otros jugadores del asiento repetidamente. Esto usualmente no durará mucho ya que los jugadores y el vehículo en cuestión son más o menos estacionarios la mayoría del tiempo, lo cual significa que alguien en algún lugar lanzará un misil o una granada en esa dirección tarde o temprano.

cita de Hands-On Vol. 3:

Mayo 12, 2004 – Confieso—No he jugado tanto a Halo. Lo jugué, pero no mucho. Así que para preparar el E3 de este año, agarré el controller s y empecé una nueva campaña. Con mucha alegría me pase lo que es sin ninguna duda el mejor shooter para consola del mundo, masacrar a los malos del pacto y conseguir un buen manejo del jabalí. Me estaba sorprendiendo continuamente de cómo iba todo de suave y seamless (sin costuras) iba todo, y cuan fantásticamente se veía y se sentía que el mundo estaba vivo

No me había dado cuenta cuanto lo echaba de menos, pero supongo que haciendo funcionar la web de Ps2 y jugando un montón al GTA 3, Devil May Cry, Ico y al MGS2 tenia algo que ver. Podría ser eso, o puede ser lo mismo que le ocurre a muchos jugadores .hype (es una exageración usada en términos comerciales) Me dijeron lo grande, impresionante y fantástico que Halo era que esto tuvo el efecto contrario en mi.

Pero ya no había nada que me retuviese de querer jugar a Halo 2, y de saber de que manera nuestros lectores lo quieren jugar, me vi. obligado a representarlos. En la primera reunión del primer día del E3 (10:30 am) conocí a los representantes de Bungie, Frank O’conner y Pete Parsons, los cuales nos dieron exactamente la mismo demo que vimos en el pre evento de Microsoft del E3, mostrando el gran nivel de destrucción; como manejar la espada de plasma de los Elites del pacto (ya se que suena feo, pero es lo que dicen); o como puedes expulsar a alguien fuera de un vehículo; como los vehículos tenían explosiones secundarias, y que bien hecho estaba el nivel de Zanibar. Ah si, y el aguijón? Ellos hicieron hincapié diciendo que esta vez es una buena arma para coger. (vamos que se creen que somos unos pardillos ….)

Nos sentamos y lo vimos alegremente. Como si conociésemos el juego como la palma de nuestra mano. Lo que se sale con Halo 2 es esto, si has jugado al primero, directamente pillarás el segundo. El primero fue admirablemente fácil de jugar y de acostumbrarse a el, y el segundo provee la misma suavidad, la sensación de facilidad. Tío, estaba sentado en esos asientos blancos, y mirando a Frank cascándose a un elite, y pensé que no había lugar mejor para mi que estar allí.

Habiendo jugado a Halo tan recientemente, viendo la demo y luego jugando a Halo 2 fue instantáneo. Cuando acabó la demo, le dimos la vuelta a nuestros asientos y nos pusimos con las 8 Xbox de prueba que había detrás nuestra y nos dividimos en 2 grupos, los Espartanos Azules y los defensores rojos en el modo multijugador de Captura la Bandera en series de 3 minutos. La mejor cosa del juego era que no había, y digo NO, había sensación de que estaba jugando entre ningún tipo de cable. La conexión Lan era directa, suave y buena, i.3 sin flaws. Afortunadamente, la experiencia en Xbox Live es claramente buena

Zanbibar se volvió uno de los mejor creados niveles para multijugador. La base está detrás de muros rotos en una playa, con dos o tres pisos y múltiples escaleras, muros, caminos y diferentes maneras de ir de un piso a otro. En ofensa, los jugadores tienen el jabalí, su control es prácticamente el mismo que en el primer juego, y una estrategia particularmente buena es entrar a saco, lo suficientemente cerca a una torreta y usar el lanzacohetes acoplado al coche para machacar el metal de esa torreta a través de la playa. Experimenté el placer y el dolor estando en ambos bandos. Si estas en la posición de los defensores, la torretas son un lugar excelente para freír un jabalí. Son muy poderosas, casi demasiado poderosas, y contra enemigos sin vehículos son mortíferas, los matas en 2 o 3 disparos

Las armas fueron colocadas estratégicamente en posiciones prominentes, de tal manera que en esos lugares altos puedes encontrar un fusil de francotirador o detrás de un generador circular puedes encontrar el arma más poderosa cuerpo a cuerpo, la espada de plasma-. Además con el jabalí, los jugadores pueden pillar multitud de armas, una de las cuales estaba disponible era el ghost, un hovercraft para una persona que envía una cantidad ingente de láser desde su parte frontal. Como Bungie anotó, puedes luchar por un vehículo una y otra vez, quitando a tu oponente de su asiento simplemente para ver como aterriza—y si puedes irte lo suficientemente lejos , dispararle

De una manera extraña, fui capaz de manejar armas duales, raramente las usé. Pienso que simplemente cogí el momento, o pude ser que fuese por que la oposición no era demasiado buena. Perdimos la primera o la segunda bandera en la oposición, pero ganamos la partida 3-1. Jugamos un último juego, y ganamos ese también. Se sentía cojonudamente bien ganar a los competidores otra vez. Otra característica que no usé fue el sistema de apunte automático, este se puede usar a través del lanzacohetes. Fijando a un enemigo en tu retícula, el punto de mira cambia a rojo, indicando que el cohete perseguirá. Disparando a un enemigo apuntado, el cohete literalmente se dobla durante un rato, persiguiendo al enemigo hasta que este es reventado. Si eres tú el que revientas un jabalí con un lanzacohetes, la sensación del blanco directo es estelar. Revienta el jabalí, tumbándolo, haciéndolo girar y chocándolo contra el entorno cercano.

El comentario final del tío me lo salto, ya os podéis imaginar que aún sigue echando caldillo por el culo después de ver ese pedazo de juego, y mejor que ver…..PROBARLO….que ganitas dios mío
[chulito] Gracias Otra Vez PAYOMALO
Otro hands on:

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By Dan Hsu

Halo 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, Metroid Prime 2, Doom 3, Half-Life 2. Sound familiar? It's a typical list of what every gamer is excited to see at the 2004 Electronic Entertainment Expo. Unfortunately, all of these games were on the same list back in 2003. The only difference is, now we get to see these games much further along in the development cycle as they prepare for their fall and winter releases—assuming they don't get delayed again.

With Halo 2, we got to play one multiplayer level in its entirety. That may only be a speck in the Halo 2 universe, but it's a pretty significant speck considering what little info is out there right now. Here's a closer look at what our hands-on time has revealed.


Halo, nice to meet you

The level Bungie's allowing the press to play is called Zanzibar, and it represents a contested African beachfront between the human race and the alien Covenants. (Yes, the multiplayer action now has a backstory.) The game of choice was four-on-four Capture the Flag. In Halo 2's version of this mode, one team's on offense, trying to capture the enemy's flag while the other team defends. After three minutes, the sides switch.

The very first impression we got is how floaty Halo 2 feels. Remember those early screenshots, featuring multi-hued Master Chiefs jumping way up into the air? Those pics were no exaggeration. A simple press of the A button sends you flying high, prompting us to ask two different product managers whether we were playing on a low-gravity stage (we weren't). It felt so airy that we tried fidgeting with the look sensitivity to adjust for the seemingly sluggish movement. But after a few rounds, we got used to the air up there and were able to use it to our advantage, jumping over walls you wouldn't think you'd be able to jump over. The developers attributed the new vertical leap on the Spartans (the armored-warrior unit of which main protagonist Master Chief is a member) to their "improved Mark VI suits."

Halo... have we met before?

Next, we see some reminders that we're still in Halo's world. Except for the new submachine gun in our right hands, it all looks very familiar. On offense, we see a Warthog jeep and two Ghost single-pilot hovercrafts on the beach, waiting to take us into the enemy base. After we climb in, we see all the changes. The Ghost, for example, now has a turbo boost, activated by the left trigger. Hit it and you'll go zoom-zoom -- but you can say goodbye to quick handling, or your forward-firing lasers, while boosting. If you hop on the back of the Warthog, you'll see that the mounted gun is no longer a machine gun -- it's a slow-firing rocket launcher that's useful for knocking out the guys on turrets guarding the defensive team's base.

On the way to the flag, we pick up some familiar old weapons, like the needler pistol (which one developer said was much more useful now), the sniper rifle, the shotgun, frag and plasma grenades, and so forth. We also find the new but not necessarily improved assault rifle -- as you may have heard, it now features a scope for some simple but relatively weak single-shot sniping. Definitely more versatile, yes but if you're zoomed out, you're no longer fully automatic -- you fire in three-bullet bursts. You don't get to burn full clips as quickly as you do with the SMG, but you get better accuracy at medium to long ranges, thus saving the SMG for short-range skirmishes. The defenders get immediate access to the rocket launcher, which can now track vehicles on a limited basis. "It's not fire-and-forget," according to Bungie studio head Pete Parsons, but it will follow moving vehicles for a while if you locked on to them while zoomed in.

During the fighting, we see some examples of the new physics that govern Halo 2's Earth. For example, you can destroy individual parts of all vehicles -- clip a wing of the Ghost or shoot out a Warthog tire, and you'll see the damage and notice the affect it has on handling. Launch a rocket at a base turret, and you can demolish the walls surrounding the fixture. Everything has this new layer of detail, making the already immersive environments seem all the more lifelike.

The levels also have interactive bits that affect strategy. The enemy base's second floor in Zanzibar hosts a control panel that, when activated, raises a large gate on the ground floor -- like lowering the front gate over the moat to let your army storm a castle. This allowed us to move in en masse, or even drive our Ghosts right into the base, causing a lot of havoc that sometimes hurt us more than it hurt them.

On the way to the base, we noticed a shiny plasma sword up in the axle of a giant, Ferris-sized mechanical wheel outside the defenders' base. There's no immediately obvious way to get to it, so a producer showed us a windy path up to a seemingly innocuous metal fixture. When you shoot it, it lets loose a giant metal bridge that leads to the top of the wheel's axle -- once up there, if you wait till the right moment, you can find an opening to jump into to reach the sword. It's another example of the interactive spots dotted around the map, and it also reminded us of games like the Quake series, where you'll see those valuable Quad Damage pickups just out of reach and you need to find the not-so-obvious path to get to them.

There are two major gameplay moments in Halo 2 that will get fans riled up, and one of them is wielding this plasma sword, last seen in the hands of the Covenant Elite in the first Halo. You can use your normal melee attack with this blade, but if you line up an enemy and get close enough (indicated by the reticule turning red), you can pull the R trigger to do a lunging uppercut attack for an instant one-hit kill.

The other moment is when you pull off your first "carjacking". In last year's E3 Halo 2 demo, Bungie showed Master Chief hopping onto a moving Ghost, kicking the Covenant pilot out, and taking the ride over for himself. This time, we got to try that ourselves in multiplayer. If an enemy riding a Ghost approaches you slowly enough, you can hit X to jump on and kick him off. It's funny, though -- no matter how many times we pulled this off, we couldn't help but yell out an "aw yeah!" like it was our first. A Microsoft product manager told us that you can also kick people out of the mounted turret position from the back of the Warthog, but we didn't get to see this for ourselves.

You had me at Halo

Halo 1's multiplayer was incredibly fun, and plenty of fans would've been happy for some online Xbox Live support for the old game. But Bungie's going all out to make Halo 2 a great online experience that blows away what the original did for networked and split-screen play. Here's a bullet list of what we know so far, but naturally, everything's subject to change before the November 9 release:

* 16-player support, possibly more, with many different combinations of team play. Instead of two teams of eight, you can divide players into four teams of four, or even eight teams of two.

* When a host drops out, the game won't stop -- host duties will simply transfer to another player.

* You can play as the Covenant in multiplayer. Depending on whom you ask, this will or won't make a difference in actual play. Once producer said the Covenant player model is different from the Spartan player model in looks only. Another said that there will be slight variances in speed, armor, or jumping height -- for example, a Covenant player may jump more quickly, but will have a slight pause when landing due to his heavier weight. Yet another said it's all up in the air, which seems to be the proper answer for the time being.

* Covenant and Spartan players can mix and match. It doesn't really matter, as the armor color will change to reflect the right teams.

* Players will have icons over their heads to help represent teams, clans, personalities...whatever the players want. These also change color depending on whether your teammate is near or engaging an enemy.

Other helpful icons will appear on-screen as needed, like a low-ammo symbol or different colored flags. In the game we played, a red flag icon meant the enemy is currently running away with your flag, and a yellow one meant he dropped it and it's free at the moment (but not yet returned to the base). This not only tells you what's going on in areas that you can't see for yourself, but it'll help cut down on unnecessary shouting. Now, a bunch of excitable teammates won't need to scream out "They got the flag! They got the flag!" because this persistent icon (not just a one-time message) will be telling everyone that.

Even though we only played one mode on one map, we know we're going to like the game very, very much.
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