Adiuvo escribió:[FIELDSET="Working"]War^PSP- Works perfectly.
Description: Scans for a wireless hotspot automatically.
VSHPong- Works perfectly.
Description: Allows you to play pong in the XMB.
Custom Firmware Extender- Works perfectly.
Description: Allows you to do many things in the XMB, such as overclocking, screenshots, etc.
Antiupdate- Works perfectly.
Description: Gets rid of XMB UMD update icon.
MP3 Module4j- Works perfectly.
Description: Allows you to listen to music anywhere in the XMB.
MP3 Module4e- Works perfectly.
Description: Allows you to listen to music anywhere in the XMB.
No link given
Power-PRXv3- Works perfectly.
Description: Allows the use of many different hotkeys in versions 2.71SE and 1.5.
SVCapture v.05- Works perfectly.
Description: Allows you to take screenshots AND animated GIF's of the XMB or game.
OCModule- Works perfectly, but scrambles version number

Description: Allows you to change the CPU speed in-game or in the XMB.
SVCapture v.02- Works perfectly in XMB, untested in game
Desctiption: Allows you to take screenshots AND animated GIF's of the XMB or game.
LinkScreen Brightness Mod- Works perfectly.
Description: Allows you make the screen brightness level at the max, where it was previously only accessible when you used an AC adaptor.
[url=""]Alternative Link.[/url]
2.71 Kernel AUTOBOOT Plugin - Works perfectly
Description: An autoboot PRX, depending on keys held will boot UMD, XMB, 1.50 kernel hb, 2.71 kernel hb
LinkNote: Only put this into vsh.txt
[FIELDSET="Partially Working"]IRShellMP3 Module- Works, but only in the XMB, nothing else.
Description: Allows you to play MP3's in the XMB and has a built in overclocker.
Screenshot Devhook mod- Works perfectly in XMB, but freezes a game. Disable in game mode to fix.
Description: Allows you to take screenshots of the XMB or a game.
[FIELDSET="Doesn't Work"]
CWCheat- Doesn't work.
Description: Allows the use of cheats in all major games.
Quickpower 0.91: Doesn't work
Description: Allows many turn off combinations.
SCEP 1.0 RC: Doesn't work
Description: Firmware Extender
CWCheatv0.1.6: Devhook Version- Works perfectly.
Description: Allows the use of cheats in all major games.
VSHExtender v0.1- Doesn't work
Description- Slow down processor, get battery info, auto-execute a homebrew
LinkSVCapture- Freezes XMB or Game when used, thus making it useless.
Description: Allows you to take screenshots and/or video of the XMB or a game.
Wedge's DLX Mod- Doesn't work
Description: None Given
No link given.
VCSCheatdevice 2.2- Doesn't work.
Description: Allows the use of user-made cheats and offers the ability for a greater variety of cheats then what CWCheat offers.
VCSCheatdevice- Doesn't work.
Description: Allows the use of user-made cheats and offers the ability for a greater variety of cheats then what CWCheat offers.
LCSCheatdevice- Doesn't work.
Description: Allows the use of user-made cheats and offers the ability for a greater variety of cheats then what CWCheat offers.
VSHEX Mod- Doesn't work
Description: A devhook enhancer, streams files.
LinkUSB Plugin by Slasher- Freezes XMB
Description- Activates USB automatically when in XMB.
Socom Imposter Name Maker- Doesn't Work
Description- Creates Socom user name with use of special symbols.
Hello PRX- Doesn't Work
Description- None given.
No link given.
MP3Module- Freezes the Game or XMB.
Description- Allows you to listen to music anywhere in the XMB.
[FIELDSET="How to Install PRX's Manually"]Download the PRX you want. Then, create a folder in the root of your memory stick called SEPlugins. Put the PRX in that folder. Once you do that, create two .txt files in that folder called Game and VSH. Add the address to that prx in both of those files.
They should look like this:
Once you do all that, go into recovery then plugins. Enable them there.
Supposedly, this method offers better success rates then the PRX pack for some people.
*VSH is the XMB, Game is a UMD*[/FIELDSET]
*For people having problems running PRX's in games, go to recovery, advanced, advanced configuration, and enable Plain Modules*