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Dead Or Alive Steps Up
When the first Xbox was released, a big earner was Dead Or Alive 3, which soon spawned 3 other dead or alive themed games on the Xbox system. It looks that way with the Xbox 2. Team Ninja received the first set of development systems back in Spring 04 and have since then, balanced time between Ultimate and their next title, Dead Or Alive 4. Yes, expect another big launch title for the NEXT Xbox to be Dead or Alive 4 and, if the rumors are true, the game is so far ahead graphically that it is better than most CGI sequences in the current-gen games.
Microsoft are Ready - Are You?
We all know that 2005 will be the year of Xbox 2 but it seems that Microsoft have their year planned out as far as trade shows go.
On the 6 th January at CES in Las Vegas, Bill Gates is expected to announce the very first official details of the Xbox 2 to the public. It is likely to be relatively short and sweet but will outline the current state of the platform.
The next big date in the Xbox 2 Calender is expected to be on March 7 at the Games Developers Conference in San Fransisco where Microsoft will debut its first demos of what the next generation console will be able to produce graphically. Following GDC, the next big date will be the 17 th May at E3 2005. This is where all of the games will be debuted and shown to the public. Expect DOA4 and Perfect Dark Zero to be shown here.
After this, 1 st September will be the date where the European details of the Xbox 2 launch will be revealed at the U.K's biggest videogame trade-show, ECTS.
Tokyo Games Show 2005 will be the next stop for Xbox 2 at the end of September where Japanese support for the console will be revealed and Japanese launch details are revealed.
Following this will be the launch of the new console which is believed to happen sometime between October 2005 and December 2005. It is believed that it will only be launched in the U.S at this time, with Euro and Japanese launches to follow in Spring 2006.
foro meristation escribió:Empiezan comentado con algo realmente alentador y es que dan casi por hecho el apoyo incondicional de nuevo por parte del Team Ninja..parece que recibieron los kits de desarrollo de Xenon en Primavera de este año que termina y que DOA4 hará acto de presentación como juego de lanzamiento de Xenon.Los resultados del juego serían realmente increibles(como jugar a cinemáticas ...EMPIEZA EL HYPE )
Como sabeis, el 6 de Enero Bill Gates hará la presentación oficial en el CES en Las Vegas....datos tecnicos ná mas.
La siguiente fecha clave será el 07 de marzo en la Games Developers Conference en San Fransisco: aqui veremos las demos tecnicas...yuhuuuuuu!!!
La siguiente cita será ya en el E3 de mayo: aqui parece que DOA 4 y sobre todo Perfect Dark Zero serán jugables en la feria.
Y os preguntareis...¿Pero en Europa? pos la cita para conocer datos concretos sobre el lanzamiento en territorio de Morodor será en la feria londinenese del ECTS el dia 01 de Septiembre.
De igual forma en el Tokyo Games Show 2005 se dará a conocer todo lo relativo al lanzamiento japones....
¿Y cuando saldrá al mercado? pues espera que en USA la veamos entre septiembre y diciembre y en Europa y Japón en primavera del 2006........más o menos el mismo calendario que su antecesora....
Tambien ha puesto Astrako unas impresiones de Beyon3dD, pero no me entero de nada, aqui hace falta que aparezca Shadow o alguno otro por el estilo para aclarar estos temas :
The Xenon patent is the most interesting, imho. It shows a multicore cpu being able to lock a portion of its (shared between cores) L2 cache. One CPU can fill this cache portion with data to be consumed by the GPU. AFter a fill the CPU kick a DMA transaction to the GPU and the GPU, at the same time, tells the CPU how many data are left to fetch. The CPU(s) have also a modified instruction set with special instructions to perform dot products and compressione/decompression of geometry data. I believe these compression/decompression instructions are very simple and fast inctructions to convert 1/2/3/4 components vectors from fp to various integer representations (signed and unsigned bytes, shorts and longs) and back to fp. Obviously all this machinery is best suited when the CPU generates procedural subdivision surfaces or any other kind of high order surface that has to be tesselated (dynamic lodded characters? Wink ), there are infinite possibilites anyway. A very good sign of the things that will come..
Yep Xenon patent is neat, and it confirms a few things I already suggested before, like the L2 cache locking - it's a feature IBM has been using in their CPUs for quite awhile already, (including in Gekko, although in that case it was L1 cache that was lockeable in that manner).
nAo wrote: I believe these compression/decompression instructions are very simple and fast inctructions to convert 1/2/3/4 components vectors from fp to various integer representations (signed and unsigned bytes, shorts and longs) and back to fp.
If we look back at Gekko again, it uses composite load/store+conversion instructions for this, it's a neat way to make compression/decompression free, unlike most other instruction sets which require you to execute an extra op or two to convert. I guess chances are good that Xenon ISA adopts these also. Smile
Quote: like subdivision surfaces or any other kind of high order surface that has to be tesselated (dynamic lodded characters?
C'mon Marco, no need to hide it, we all know you're thinking about multiresolution representations Very Happy
Por mi que me dejen disfrutar de mi caja X, que cada día está mejor. Como empiecen a presentarla ya pocos juegos grandes veremos ya en la X, ya que los grandes proyectos irán a Xenon.
Por mi hasta el 2008 la podrian tener guardita, ahora que es cuando se le empieza a sacar el jugo a la X y se la cargan, pero bueno se tendra que ver si realmente va haber un salto tecnico o va a ser una Xbox 1,5
hoy lo comentaba con un colega, que me parecia que en 2006 saldria, pero no me imaginaba (si estan en lo cierto) que seria en primavera. A estas fechas me parece que nos hen sumado los atrasos tipicos de estas cosas de mas de medio año
Ojala los de mocosoft se estiren un poco y la saquen en europa para las navidades del 2005... y ya puestos a pedir, que no se pasen con el precio de salida