Assassin's Creed guys (Nicholas Cantin and Alex Drouin). It's in Dutch, so translation mine:
OPM: How's your experience with the storage media of the PS3, the HDD and the BluRay disc? And do you have any comparable experience with HD-DVD technology?
M.M.: Our focus is 100% BluRay, so I cannot compare with HD-DVD. I can only say that the new BluRay disc format is truly awesome. The capacity is immense, and the Data Transfer Rate is way beyond what we are used to. And that's really important, because Data Streaming (OPMED: where the console constantly loads new data from disc) is truly the only way to push next-gen games to the limit. The Playstation 3 HDD is something that we have so far given less attention to, because it hasn't been certain all that long yet that it will be standard on every console. Decreasing load-times by copying a part of the game to the HDD is one possibility, though it doesn't matter all that much for a streaming game like ours. But there are tons of other applications, such as the possibility to as it were record your whole game, to be able to watch a replay of it later on. We intend to use the HD optimally, but how, I can't tell yet currently.
Also interesting is this question:
OPM: What do you think about the performance of the graphics chip, the Nvidea RSX?
M.M.: The RSX-chip is also a beast. Not only is it incredibly fast, but just like in the PS2 you can have each Cell-core cooperate with the RSX independently. Other graphics chips also have decent Noraml Mapping- and Shader-capabilities, but RSX adds a lot of additional specialised filters and possibilities, leading to fabulous results in the graphics department. And what is really convenient is that Nvidia has been a market-leader for years, and everyone knows the technology and way of thinking through-and-through. This decreases the learning process considerably.
cosas a destacar, GRACIAS AL BLU-RAY , los chicos de ubi podran reducir los tiempos de carga, y las ralentizaciones debido a su gran capacidad de almacenamiento, y podran yevar los juegos hasta unas cuotas nunca vistas antes, todo esto sin utilizar el hdd de serie de la ps3 ( yo creo que ya lo estan haciendo con este juego )
el rsx es una bestia, super eficaz y muy bueno , y el tiempo de aprendizaje sera mucho menor gracias a que es de n-vidia, una marca que a sido lider durante años, y una referente en el mercado
su concentracion esta 100% en el BLU-RAY, asi que no pueden comparalo con el hd-dvd
gracias al hdd podremos grabar videos del juego y luego verlos
pd: los chicios de ubi estan que se sale con ps3, entre esto y el mando, apoyo masivo , me encanta ^^
pd2: en esta entrevista con lo del blu-ray y demas practicamente parecen confirmar la exclusividad de assains
saludos de un troll