12/01/06 -Recopilación Homebrews más usados por la SCENE-

Pues como solo tenemos SCENE para nuestras queridas 1.50 que es para la que actualmente sale todo o casi... (todabía saldrá algo para 1.0), pretendo que aquí pongamos los Homebrews que utilicemos normalmente y así de paso demos ideas a la nueva peña

Actualizado a 25/02/2006



- MPH_Loader_v1.0_FULL + DecryptPRX 1.0.2: Por fin!! carga tus juegos que requieran FW2.0+ en tu FW1.50 (no todos)

- PSP_Device_Hook_Launcher_v0.22: Sirve para cargar backups y UMDs originales que superiores a la 1.50

- UMD_Emulator_V0.8C: Como el anterior, pero con una interface más atractiva

- FastLoader_v0.7: otro cargador


- PSP_OSS_v0.2b: Nuevo mini-Sistema operativo con una buena interface (hasta con "start menu" xD) con muchas utilidades de audio, imagen, explorador de ms, cargador de eboot

- PSP_Personalize_v1.0: Cambia tus fondos de pantalla con esta aplicación

- PSP_Set_v0.9: En castellano, para "tunear" y modificar opciones de el FW así que esto escribe en flash

- File_Assistant_v1.0: Gestión de la MS parecido a un Explorer de Windows

- MPH Firmware Launcher v1.4.0: emula y carga otros FW que no sea el 1.50

- PSP_VNC_v1.1: Controla el PC remotamente desde la red WIFI


- PSP_Genesis_ESP / Dgen V1.30: Emuladores de MegaDrive

- Snes9xTYL v0.4 Wireless Teaser: Emulador SNES

- NeoGeo_CDZ_Emulator_v0.1.7_Beta_2: Emulador de NeoGeoCD

- PSPSOne Alpha Build: Por fin nuestra querida PSX/ONE tiene un hueco

- ScummVM v0.8.2 Emulator for PSP Firmware 1.50/1.00: Emulador de PC (algunos juegos claro...)

== VARIOS ==

- PSP PDA_1.2_ESP: Una magnifica utilidad que sirve como su porpio nombre indica como PDA: agenda, calendario, citas, fotos, MP3s...

- PSP_Radio v0.38.05bl: Para escuchar la radio streaming por el WIFI

- PSPPDF v0.2u1: Lee todo tipo de documentos con formato PDF, esta versión corrige la carga de PDFs largos

- PMP Mod v1.02-M4g3 + Network Support: Estupendo reproductor de archivos .avi, que tiene como novedad el soporte de alta resolución en los videos, y la última versión incorpora zoom

- Jview_v0.53: estupendo visor de imagenes (ideal para leer manga), con una interface agradable.

- Tokes_PS2_Remote: Homebrew que nos permite a través de nuestro IrDa de PSP, controlar las funciones de mando adistancia del DVD de PS2

- PSP_Universal_Remote_v1.2: Escelente utilidad que también a través de IrDa, puede controlar la mayoría de TVs, DVDs, Mimi-cadenas...

== PARA EL PC ==

- PSickoPortableV0.2: Para ordenar las aplicaciones en la PSP, y quitar el dichoso "archivo dañado"

- StaxRip v0.9.3.2 PMP: Ripea tus videos en formato soportado por la PSP

- PSPVideo9: Pasar los videos a formato de PSP

- Tight VNC: El servidor de VNC para PSP

- UMDGen_v2.0: Extrae y modica imagenes ISO (ideal para el MPH_Loader...)

- PBP_Umpaker_v0.94: Personaliza tus eboot.pbp agregando: música, iconos y fondos

PD: Vuestras sugerencias en el hilo se agregarán a esta lista

PD1: La SCENE de PSP 2.xx está también "despegando", no estoy demasiado puesto en los "homebrew", así que mejor no pongo lista de momento

Salu2 y espero que os sirva
GoldFran escribió:PD: Que programa tenemos para explorar archivos?

File Assistant ++, el mejor de muy lejos.
Abismo escribió:
File Assistant ++, el mejor de muy lejos.

Si ya veo, pero ocupa 6Mb, mi MS de 32 no puede con eso xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
-portable vnc:

Es el programa que mas uso y la verdad eske es realmente util y es kasi para lo que mas uso mi psp, merece la pena probarlo si teneis red wifi en casa.
Excelente hilo, buena idea.
tienes una version d del emulador de snes???? donde esta eso?? cuando ha slauido??? [uzi]
tRepaMuros escribió:tienes una version d del emulador de snes???? donde esta eso?? cuando ha slauido??? [uzi]

Está en un hilo de por aqui que es algo así como de "programas traducidos por EOL" en español
Creo que te falta el NEOCD PSP, emulador de NEO GEO CD y para mi es muy bueno.

Un saludo
y no hay algun prog para cargar umd video de otras regiones???
OK agregados el emu de NeoGeo y el File Assistant
PSP-OSS, que aun estando en beta para mi es uno de los predilectos.
y en video PMP MOD.
DrGenetic escribió:PSP-OSS, que aun estando en beta para mi es uno de los predilectos.
y en video PMP MOD.

No me queda ami muy claro para que sirve el PMP MOD...
Yo quitaria de la lista el PSPVideo9 ese de PC, me parece muy malo, pero claro, es una opinion personal, pondria como alternativa X-OOM (Creo que se escribe asi).
Yo quitaria de la lista el PSPVideo9 ese de PC, me parece muy malo, pero claro, es una opinion personal, pondria como alternativa X-OOM (Creo que se escribe asi).

Hombre... Por supuesto es cuestión de opiniones claro está, pero bueno yo pongo los que utilizamos todos, ese en concreto no lo encuentro será porque no se escribirá así:

PD: Lista actualizada [oki]

Edito: Nueva versión de NeoGeo PSP v0.71
Refused escribió:File Description
Zelurker has been busy! He has released v0.7 and v0.7.1 of NeoCD PSP, the Neo CD emulator for the PSP. The v0.7.1 release was just a small bug fix to the v0.7 version that caused several games to crash. Due to prompt error reporting, this issue was identified and resolved in a matter of hours. The big list of changes came with the v0.7 release, and there were a LOT of changes. Check them out:

Less bugs, better sound quality, a few little additions, and a loooong list of changes :

Fixed crash in breakers : this is once again related to the upload area, so I can just hope it won't break other games
Try harder to recognise game files from ipl.txt : some originals have weird filenames in the ipl.txt (a double dragon version is in this case). Now if I can't find the file type in the extension, I look for it in the whole filename, which seems to work for this double dragon version, at least.
Fixed sound effects : they are now much clearer, and in real stereo. The difference is especially noticeable in bust a move.
Fixed a last possible corruption of the memcard.bin file if quiting with the home key. Now it should be safe to use the home key to quit at any time, and there should be no way left to corrupt any file (mp3 or other) If you use fw 2.0, be sure to use the Exit command from the gui though, or do otherwise at your own risk (I am not testing neocdpsp with fw 2.0)
The sound effects do not stop anymore after 3 or 4 games (finally !)
Added some game messages at the bottom of the screen (now you know when an mp3 track is starting to play, if it didn't find it, if there was an error decoding it, and so on...)
In previous version, if an mp3 had some id3 tags it couldn't be played in neocdpsp. This is fixed now, sorry for those who encountered this problem.
Now you can also place your mp3s in PSP/MUSIC. Example :
say you have a game in a directory mslug. The you can put its mp3s as previously in mslug/neocd.mp3/ but now you can also put them in /PSP/MUSIC/mslug/ if you prefer. After all these are mp3s, so you should be able to play them from the psp interface if you want to ! The directory in music where you put the mp3 must be named exactly like the directory of the game for neocdpsp.
The mp3 decoder is a little more resistant to crashes, that is if you have an mp3 file at 0 or 1 byte after you have filled your memory card, it won't crash anymore. I don't say it will not every crash again though, there are probably files which can make it crash !
Fixed sound and music in top players golf
Fixed Art of Fighting 3 freezing at start of gameplay
The loading of zipped games is even faster than in 0.6.2 !
The ingame sound effects of samurai spirits rpg work now, the game is still very long to load, but it was already long on the original hardware and is now limited by the access speed of the memory card.
Now the memory card is writen only when you quit the game, not everytime the game tries to write to it.\
Added "Select lock" option to the gui. When enabled the controls become:
Select + LTrigger instead of LTrigger for the gui
Select + RTrigger instead of RTrigger for snapshots
and Select + Cross instead of Select alone (pause in most games).
This for those who press the triggers by accident !
el pspvideo9 es muy bueno! no se porke decis ke es tan malo, comprime de maravilla, tiene una interfaz sencilla es gratuito y esta en castellano ke mas pediis?????? ningun programa es una mierda, los sceners se pasan muchas horas trabajando para ke gente como nosotros tengamos las mejores utilidades en nuestra psp!

A ver, ya he dicho de antemano que es una opinion personal mia sobre ese programa, tienes razon, es gratis, pero aun asi es licito criticarlo, no? De todas maneras si a vosotros os funciona bien y os gusta, perfecto. Para nada me gustaria desmerecer a gente que trabaja, intentando hacer algo util para la gente,y sin pedir nada a cambio, no estoy diciendo eso, solo que ese pragrama a mi me ha funcionado una sola vez... y lo he intentado muchas...

Ale saludos!
donde puedo conseguir el PSickoPortableV0.2 ? gracias [agggtt]

Editado : Ya lo encontre gracias xDD
Refused escribió:A ver, ya he dicho de antemano que es una opinion personal mia sobre ese programa, tienes razon, es gratis, pero aun asi es licito criticarlo, no? De todas maneras si a vosotros os funciona bien y os gusta, perfecto. Para nada me gustaria desmerecer a gente que trabaja, intentando hacer algo util para la gente,y sin pedir nada a cambio, no estoy diciendo eso, solo que ese pragrama a mi me ha funcionado una sola vez... y lo he intentado muchas...

Ale saludos!

Ni mucho menos que crear polémica, cada uno elige lo que hay o lo que le biene mejor, a unos le biene mejor ese y a otros el otro...

PD: os dejo una página para descargaros fondos gratuitos para la PSP, son muy buenos http://www.mafiosis-wallpaper.com/v/PSP+Wallpaper/
Lo que tenéis que hacer es editarlos y cambiarles la resolución para la 1.50 a 300x170, lo de las 2.xx lo dejais tal cual

PD: Nueva versión del últimamente popular MPH Fiirmware Launcher:
File Description
Miemt11 has released his last patch for MPH firmware launcher v1.3.7, version 1.3.7u5u1 for the PSP. From now on, he will wait for MPH¡¯s newer version to work on. Here's the information for the new version:

u5 version:

1: Include a new special mode for FIRMWARE 2.50 only (Should inprove stability)
2: Triangle + SELECT to toggle the mode status (Only can be set before emulation start)
3: Default special mode status is "OFF"
4: Fix some driver.c and patch.c conflict to minimize hang (Only tested on FIRMWARE 2.50 and little bit stable)
5: What is the special mode? It is a background thread to minitoring the sceIO.. API and to prevent hang
6: Patch the ICON :)
7: The last U version for MPH 1.3.7 series and now wait for MPH 1.3.8
8: Final note: Always remember to support the original software company

miemt11: Bye bye everyone and see you all next year

Note: Real Author is MPH and all credit will go to him
Patch by miemt11 date 01 Jan 2006
Any feedback are welcome

v1.3.7u5u1 now supports Japanese PSP with 1.00 Firmware

Que alguien me explique el uso exacto de este, que no estoy yo demasiado puesto en este homebrew. Saludos
no hay un reproductor de audio, q pueda reproducir .wma, .mp3??

o simplemete un programilla mas chulo pa reproducir mp3 aunq sea??
No he visto nada de WMA, pero seguro que por ahí lo hay... Esta ultima versión del PSPRadio, si mal no recuerdo, puede reproducir MP3s Actualización de Software:

PSPRadio v0.38 Pre1

File Description
A new pre-release version of one of the greatest PSP homebrew programs, PSPRadio. With this program, you can listen to ShoutCAST internet radio stations wherever you have WiFi access!

What's New for PSPRadio

0.38-Pre1 (r726) (2006-01-20)
(sandberg) Core/3DUI: Merged the new TextUI3D into the main branch. (r712)
(sandberg) Core: Support for USB enabled/disabled events to the UIs has been added. (r712)
(raf) Core: Added code to sort all lists (localfiles/playlists/SHOUTcast listings) alphabetically in ascending order (r713)
(sandberg) 3DUI: Made the graphics in the new UI configurable, to allow new skins to be made. (r716)
(raf) Core Now duplicates are eliminated from SHOUTcast listing genres. Duplicates are looked for in case insensitive mode. (r717)
(raf) Core: Top 600 listing is now left unsorted (so it stays sorted by popularity). (r718)
(raf) TextUI: Clock format (12/24) is now retrieved from the system settings, and the config option is not used anymore. (r719)
(sandberg) 3DUI: New graphics from Semtex integrated. (r720)
(raf) Core: Now SHOUTcast Titles are parsed and corrected to display & instead of #amp; and the correct character for
Os pego nuevos programas y sus mejoras, y os invito a que me ayudeis a completar la lista.

ScummVM v0.8.0 Emulator for PSP Firmware 2.00 1.50/1.00

This emulator runs on PSPs with Firmware versions 1.50 or 1.00

ScummVM emulates old PC games including extremely popular Lucas Arts games such as: Digg, Sam and Max, Day of the Tenticle, Broken Sword, Monkey Island, and much much more.

Joost, Thomas, and Paolo have just emailed us about their newest release of the ScummVM port to the PSP, developed using free open source tools and SDK's. Here is what they had to say:

"We are pleased to announce a long-awaited ScummVM 0.8.0 release. We, the ScummVM Team, have prepared a big pack of new features for you. Most outstanding amongst these are:

New improved launcher and in-game GUI
Support for Inherit the Earth and Gobliiins
Playstation Portable, Playstation 2 and EPOC/SymbianOS ports
CGA and Hercules rendering modes for some games
Preliminary support for NES and C64 LucasArts games"

Firmware Eboot Loader v0.9
EBOOT loader v0.9 by Fanjita

Official Homepage: http://www.fanjita.org/psp.html
Official Forum: http://forums.qj.net/forumdisplay.php?f=187

(based on excellent groundwork by Saotome)


This program builds on the work done by Saotome to load homebrew EBOOT.PBPs
into PSPs with v2.0 firmware, using the TIFF exploit. It will not work
on any other firmware version - including v2.01.

It currently cannot run all known homebrew, but it uses a number of tricks
to get substantially further than ever before. Known limitations are:

- Can't run kernel-mode applications.
- That means anything that uses wi-fi or USB access, or emulates ISOs/UMDs.
- Some minor system calls are still unsupported.

It's also still very much in development, so you should expect a few bugs,
and for not every EBOOT to run perfectly. A common problem is a load buzzing
noise when starting up some emulators, so you may want to play with your PSP
volume turned down.

To use:

- Extract all the files into the root folder (e.g. "F:") of your memory
stick. You need these files to be in the right place:

- Copy the homebrew you want to run to your memory stick. Usually, this
means unzipping a directory that contains an EBOOT.PBP file to somewhere
under PSPGAME. The exact location and folder name usually doesn't matter,
but for best compatibility you should try to use the same names as
originally shown in the homebrew ZIP file.

If the instructions with the homebrew contain separate steps for v1.0 and
v1.5 firmwares, then usually you'll get best results by following the
v1.0 instructions.

NOTE: If the homebrew is written in LUA, you need to copy it to a subdirectory

- Make sure you have a custom wallpaper set. Any image will do.

- Use the PSP's built-in photo viewer to open the "EBOOT loader 09" folder,
this will cause the loader to start. If your PSP hangs at this point,
then try the following:
- check your firmware version. This loader is for v2.0 ONLY.
- check that you have the loader files in the correct place (see above)
- turn your PSP completely off, then back on again. The loader works
best on a freshly-rebooted PSP.
- try setting a custom background - some people have reported that it
works better if you use a custom wallpaper (any image).
- try 'touching' the TIF image file : see 'fixing up the file times'

- The loader displays a list of files in PSPGAME. Use the up and down
buttons to change the current selection (highlighted in red), and X to
open an EBOOT.PBP file or browse into a folder.

NOTE: To load LUA applications, you need to run the EBOOT.PBP that is in
the PSPGAMEUSER_LUA folder, which will launch Lowser and let you
browse to open the application.

- Once you select an EBOOT.PBP to load, after a few moments, the loader
will either display an error message, or give you the option to run
the application.

- To exit the application, you need to reboot your PSP.
The loader contains in-built support for rebooting, by holding the
Left Trigger, Right Trigger and START buttons together for 1 second.
If this doesn't work, then you can also reboot by removing the battery,
or holding the power switch for at least 10 seconds.
Note that sometimes after a software reboot, the loader will hang if you
try to run it again. This seems to be much rarer if you enter USB mode
briefly, before running the loader again.

Using multiple versions of EBOOT loader

Occasionally, some EBOOTs work better with older versions of the loader.
In v0.8.5, it looks like TerraIncognita is broken, but this works fine on 0.7.
Also, LUA can be very unpredictable, working in some loader versions for some
people, and other versions for others.

From 0.8 onwards, the loader uses version numbers in the filenames, so that
you can run multiple versions side-by-side.

After installing v0.9, you can continue to use any previously-installed
versions of the loader, if you have problems with your favourite EBOOTs.

Using the EBOOT loader to run wifi applications

Because Wifi applications normally need kernel-mode to operate, you need to use
a special workaround to load them with the EBOOT loader. You need to have
set up a working wifi connection in the usual way before you can use wifi
homebrew - if you can use the v2.0 web browser, then you're set.

- Go to the PHOTO menu on your PSP, open the 'wifibackground.png' file, and
set it as your PSP's wallpaper.

- Completely reboot your PSP, by holding the power button for 10 seconds
until it powers off. Then switch it back on again.

- Go straight to the PHOTO menu, and open the 'Wifi Loader' folder.

- You'll see an image that says 'wifi loader ready', plus another that says
'Corrupted Data'. If your PSP hasn't frozen at this point, then the
wifi loader has been successfully started, as a background process.

- Now exit the PHOTO menu, and go all the way to the left, and then the
bottom, to the 'Network Settings' menu.

- Select this menu to get a choice of 'Ad Hoc' or 'Infrastructure'. Choose

- Select the connection to use. Note that you won't be able to select a
different connection within the homebrew (any change of connection is
ignored by the EBOOT loader), so highlight the appropriate one now.

- Press Triangle for connection options, and select 'Test Connection'

- The wifi light should come on, and your PSP connects to the network.

- Once the statistics for the connection are shown, the connection is
stable and ready to use. Now press and hold LTrigger+RTrigger+SELECT
for a few seconds. The screen will flicker for a moment, and then the
EBOOT loader menu will start.

- Now the EBOOT loader is ready to use, with full wi-fi support.

Using a different menu

v0.9 of the loader ships with 2 alternative menus:

- loadmenu09.pbp is like the menu in previous versions, but with the
addition of support for program icons.

- loadmenu09sort.pbp is similar, but displays the list of programs in an
alphabetically-sorted, single list.

You can also download a third optional menu, called 'Choice', from this location:


The loader will use the loadmenu09.pbp menu by default. If you want to use
one of the alternatives, then edit the loadmenu09.cfg file (with Notepad, or
any other text editor), and change the following line:





menu=ms0:/psp/photo/choice/choice.pbp (or wherever you placed Choice, if
it is in a different location).


If you have problems with an individual EBOOT getting to the "Press X to
launch the program" screen, but crashing immediately after, here are a
few things to try:

- Check whether it is already on the list of non-working EBOOTs below.
- Make sure you are trying to run it as the first thing you do after a
clean reboot of your PSP
- Use v1.0 EBOOTs in preference to v1.5.
- Make sure that you read any README supplied with the homebrew, and followed
the installation instructions (for v1.0, preferably) carefully.
- Make sure that any support files (e.g. WAV files, graphics files)
contained in the ZIP file are copied into the same place on the memory stick,
relative to the EBOOT file.
- Experiment with the launcher options in the configuration file. (see below)
- Check the forums at pspupdates.com - someone might already have found a
way to make this EBOOT work.
- When starting the EBOOT loader, try pressing the "down" button very quickly
immediately after pressing "X" to open the 'EBOOT loader' photo folder.
This can help the stability of some apps.
- If you see a message during the loading process, saying
"Found suspicious hard path", then this means the loader detected that
the application depends upon being in a specific location on the
memory stick. Usually the path will mention a specific file - try moving the
application folder so that the file is in the place shown.

If you find that one of these steps helps, then please send me details
on what you did to make the EBOOT work - I can build the workarounds
automatically into the next version of the loader.

NOTE: If the EBOOT loader aborted the process before reaching the "press X"
screen, then don't bother trying these steps - there's no way that EBOOT
will currently work, but please remember to send the details of the error
message to me, so that I can attempt to change the code to make it work.

Fixing up the file times:

If you have problems with the PSP freezing as soon as you open the PHOTO
folder, or even if it just starts the EBOOT loader as soon as you open the
PHOTO folder, and you want to be able to view photos normally, then you can
use the enclosed TOUCH.EXE file to help out:

- Copy touch.exe to the pspphoto folder on your memory stick.

- Open a windows command prompt (click "Start", "Run...", and enter "cmd"
in the box that comes up).

- In the command prompt, enter these commands:
> F: (replace 'F' with the drive letter of your memory stick)
> cd "pspphotoeboot loader"
> ..touch run_l.tif
> cd "pspphotoeboot loader 03"
> ..touch run_lalt.tif

Configuration File:
v0.8.5 and beyond of the loader support configuration via a file, LOADER09.CFG.
See inside the file for basic details on what the various options do. For most
purposes, the defaults should be sufficient.

If you want to try to tweak the options for a specific EBOOT, here are some

- Each EBOOT has a special signature that identifies it to the EBOOT loader.
To find out the signature, use the bundled Windows program
"EBOOT_SIGNATURE.EXE". This will tell you the name you need to use for the
config file section header for the EBOOT.

- The following options are the most common ones to change to make a specific
EBOOT work. Often, changing one of these (more-or-less at random) will fix
the more sensitive EBOOTs such as USER_LUA. Try changing these one at a time,
in this order, for best results.

- passparameters : this is the same as the old 'press Square for
alternate parameters' option.
- confirm
- callinit : this is the same as the old 'press L-Trigger' option
- clearscreen
- initbssfull
- initbsspartial

- If you want to suppress screen-spam during loading of a known-good EBOOT,
you can try changing these options. You may find that the EBOOT stops
working after changing an option - if so, just change it back.

- confirm : displays the 'press X to start' menu
- unknownNIDwarning : warns you if some system calls requested by the
EBOOT couldn't be identified.
- patchkernelwarning : warns you if the EBOOT is kernel-mode. For some
EBOOTs, this doesn't matter.
- ignorefixedpath : warns you if the EBOOT contains a suspicious-
looking filename, that implies it might need to be
run from a fixed location on the memory stick.

If you find some new configuration parameters that work well for a specific
EBOOT, please email me at fanjita@fanjita.org, or make a post on the EBOOT
loader forums at pspupdates.com.

Future plans:

- Improve compatibility
- Add wi-fi support - this seems to be possible without kernel-mode.
- Allow loading of EBOOTs from ZIPs

Compatibility Status:

The list of known working applications is now kept up-to-date online, at

New Working applications in this release:
- File Assistant v0.4 (was broken in releases 0.8 - 0.8.5)
- Terra Incognita (working again, was broken from 0.8 - 0.8.5)
- PSPPet's Wifi Sample .03
- Peldet 0.7
- LUA Player 0.14
- 2ch Browser Test 0.13
- PSPPOP v0.6
- Future wifi apps using the new PSPSDK wifi support should work fine

EBOOTs known to have gone from working to broken with this release, compared
to v0.7:
- CNReader 2.0 may be broken

EBOOTs with partial progress made in this release:
- Various kernel mode apps
- Various wifi apps:
Wifi Jukebox
PSP Weather

Please let me know if you test and can confirm compatibility of other EBOOTs.

If you find an EBOOT that doesn't work, then please email me at


with details of:
- the name of the EBOOT that failed, and where to get it from
- the last message that was displayed on the PSP screen
- your firmware version, and PSP region (US, EU, JP).

NOTE: Kernel-mode support is currently not possible on v2.0 firmware, until
someone finds a way to access the kernel memory space.


This app wouldn't have been possible without the toc2rta TIFF exploit code,
or Saotome's hard work on the first beta EBOOT loader, or the support of
the fantastic folks at the ps2dev.org forums (especially Groepaz's list
of NID -> syscall mappings, and Vampyre's continuing efforts to expand that

Thanks to Calum for his customised front-end menu. If you want to know
how to produce a customised menu, email me at fanjita@fanjita.org. Note that
you can change the artwork by replacing /psp/game/loadmenu.tga with another
24-bit uncompressed TGA file, resolution 480x272 pixels.

Thanks also to the many beta testers for their hard work beta testing, as
well as many other individual email contributions with information on which
EBOOTs are working.

If you have found this program useful and want to encourage further
development, please consider donating a small amount via paypal to
fanjita@fanjita.org. To be able to work effectively on it, I need to
buy a second PSP (to understand the v1.5 environment more fully) and more
memory stick storage for testing. As little as a donation would be
enormously helpful. Thanks.

Change history:
v0.9 : Wifi support, stability
- Added wifi support! Now the loader auto-detects if the wifi libraries
are loaded (via the wifi load method above) and offers them to homebrew
for use.
- Added call to application exit callback, to allow RIN etc. to save state
when L+R+START reset is used.
- Added memory reset after running the menu. This should make things
much less sensitive to whatever has been run before them. Can be
turned off in config.
- Added memory reset on exit - this might make it easier to restart the
- Added config option to fake success code from unknown functions
- Added clock-speed option to the config file, to allow automatic
overclocking / underclocking of applications.

v0.8.5 : Flexibility, compatibility
- Introduce configuration file, to allow tweaking of EBOOTs by end-users.
See loader085.cfg for details.
- Improved kernel-mode override patching logic.
- Attempt to kill surplus system threads, for stability.
- Run loader from reserved memory for increased stability.
- Tidied up some memory reuse in ELF section header handling
- Bundled graphical menu now filters to only display the names of
EBOOTs for selection - all the surplus fluff is hidden. Also now
handles v1.5 homebrew directory structure.
- Added option to allow L+R+START reset to go back to loader menu,
rather than main menu

v0.8 : Usability, compatibility
- Added capability to reboot the PSP without holding the power button.
During any EBOOT, just hold Left Trigger, Right Trigger and START
buttons for 1 second to exit the loader and reboot back to the PSP
- Separated menu binary from loader binary, to allow custom menu creation.
Included custom menu by Calum.
- Added kernel-mode override facility - allows the loader to attempt
to load apps marked as kernel-mode, that don't really require
kernel access. This doesn't enable a huge number of apps, but it
does enable a few - e.g. ScummVM 0.5, PSPChess, Nethack. Expect more
progress in the future.
- Relax requirement to resolve all NIDs. Now you can choose to ignore
failed NIDs in the hope that they aren't required.
- Improved USER_LUA stability (by incorporating the 0.7 USER_LUA patch)
- Added PowerTick() call to prevent display dimming during play
- Skip calling .init code by default
- Allow easier co-existence of multiple loader versions.
- Improve memory and thread manager semaphoring.
- Added all remaining VSH-mode NIDs, thanks to Vampyre's work.
- Moved working EBOOT list to new web-page.
- Filled in some missing opcodes from the disassembler
- Added syscall dereferencing to disassembler
- Added hook to sceKernelCreateThread, to improve thread monitoring
- Reduced screen spam during loading, by moving it to debug-only build
- Attempt to load more of the ELF sections into RAM if appropriate
- Retired hokey malloc implementation during file load, use proper
memory blocks now.

v0.7 : Compatibility, usability
- Implement simple internal memory manager, hooked onto firmware memory
management, to boost memory pool available to applications.
- Hook thread allocation and exit, to allow for clean return to the
loader from applications that support an Exit option.
- Improve code signature algorithm to distinguish between similar EBOOTs
(fixes mis-identification of Casino Addict as SMS emulator).
- Added overclocking option : use left and right trigger buttons when
choosing file to change CPU speed.
- Add NID resolution for Sircs function : enables PSP IR Remote function.
- Add USB stubs to user-mode LUA, and better debug info in case of script
- Added left and right DPAD support in file-chooser, to go to the start
and end of the list
- Now supports more than 20 files in a directory
- Found pathname hack to run PSP Rhythm Composer.
- Improved cache flushing, should improve reliability
- Added safeguard to prevent PSPSet from being run and bricking 2.0.

v0.6 : Compatibility and stability
- bundle user-mode LUA player.
- only process stringtable section header and .reginfo, all others are unused.
- setup $gp register from .reginfo
- change folder thumbnail to smaller image, improves launch stability.
- added scan for EBOOTs with hard-coded paths.
- clear display RAM before starting some EBOOTs, to clear up some
graphical anomalies.
- added direct seek to ELF header - much much faster file loading.

v0.5 : More compatibility enhancements, bug fixes
- Better argc/argv handling, prevents a common cause of startup
crashes (e.g. PSP Schedule).
- Made the 'return to chooser' function more stable. It now shouldn't
affect how well the next EBOOT loads.
- Improved file scanning speed - large EBOOTs should load much faster.
- Added 'alternate startup parameters', use this to run Sega Master System
emulator which was broken in v0.4.
- Introduced 'EBOOT signatures' : known workarounds for specific
EBOOTs should now be turned on automatically, and install
location can be automatically checked if a specific path is
- Added support for .init sections, should help avoid a few more
startup crashes.
- Added option to return to EBOOT chooser on final confirmation menu.
- Version number shown on screen fixed.
- Lots more info in readme file.
- Various minor bugfixes.

v0.4 : Usability & reliability enhancements
- Return to menu if possible after failed load. NOTE : this is
a bit flaky, and mainly designed for quick checks for kernel-mode
apps, etc. If something crashes after you ran through a few EBOOTs
that wouldn't load, it's worth retrying it immediately after a
- Experimented with exception handlers for extra diagnostics, but this
is not possible in user-mode (and anyway the appropriate syscall code is
unknown for v2.0).
- Fixed overflow with more than 19 directory entries - now apps that
failed just after EBOOT selection will get further.
- Added set up of argv, argc to supply path arguments - helps for
Ghost In The Matrix, possibly others.
- Changed load address to 0x0860000, to allow more headroom for increased
loader complexity. Also begun integrating Abu's loader code with the
TIF file.

v0.3 : Compatibility enhancements
- Allow browsing of multiple EBOOTs
- Change directory to selected EBOOT location
(adds sounds to Attack of the Mutants)
- Restore screen mode before running EBOOT
(improves reliability)
- Allow multiple text segments in ELF

v0.2 : Original version, ported to C from original v0.1 EBOOT loader by

PD: Gracias a Lande por incluirlo en los hilos todo en 1.
PD2: Si sabeis los enlaces de EOL donde se han echo tutoriales para estos programas de la lista de la primera página, por favor ponedlos para agregarlos
El JView es imprescindible, por su interfaz y facilidad, permite reproducir mp3s mientras ves imagenes (genial para leer mangas).

Ademas la ultima version incluia selector de Mhz para mas efectividad, y el reproductor de mp3 incluia opciones de Loop, repeat, etc. Ademas de un preview de las imagenes almacenadas y mucha estabilidad.
Ransec escribió:El JView es imprescindible, por su interfaz y facilidad, permite reproducir mp3s mientras ves imagenes (genial para leer mangas).

Ademas la ultima version incluia selector de Mhz para mas efectividad, y el reproductor de mp3 incluia opciones de Loop, repeat, etc. Ademas de un preview de las imagenes almacenadas y mucha estabilidad.

imagino que para 1.50 xDDD

Si me das más info o el enlace para ver la versión y tal, lo pongo...

PD: recuerdo que si sabeis si usuarios de EOL han posteado hilos con tutoriales de los programas que menciono, mandarme un MP con los enlaces para mencionarlos también
La ultima version del Jview es la 0.53, fue realizado por MAMAN y solo funciona en 1.50.



Aunque salio hace ya algun tiempo, esta utilidad es la mejor para ver imagenes.
Ransec escribió:La ultima version del Jview es la 0.53, fue realizado por MAMAN y solo funciona en 1.50.



Aunque salio hace ya algun tiempo, esta utilidad es la mejor para ver imagenes.

OK, Gracias, ya está editado :p
Añade esto:
Here NeoCDPSP v0.5u4 26th July 2005 (Smiths)

Feedback and discussion here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=8312

+ Added separate-key rapid-fire support (read below)
+ Added cute Battery Meter to menus
+ Cleaned up menu browsing minutely
+ Goes without saying: No P$PUpdate$ posting por favor

Creo que es la única versión del emu de neogeo cd que permite cambiar la configuración de las teclas y guardar en todos los juegos.

Las demás que he probado no dejan cambiar las teclas y no se puede guardar la partida, pero lo malo de esta es que le cuesta mucho cargar los roms y es un poco lenta, pero se puede jugar.


Acaba de salir una nueva versión del NeoGeo CDZ que permite lo de las teclas, y guardar, aparte de que es más rápido que el que había puesto arriba, la web es esta:

En este hilo, también nos hacemos eco de la gran noticia (ultimamente escasito de ellas) del MPH_Loader_v1.0_FULL que nos facilita a los que tenemos 1.50, la carga de los backups que requerían la versión FW2.00+, aquí hos dejo el HILO de EOL donde podéis aclarar vuestras dudas.

PD: si conoceis los hilos oficiales o no-oficiales de los programas que voy agregando decilo, así como si sabéis más programas
Saludos y a leer.

- NeoGeo_CDZ_Emulator_v0.1.7_Beta_2

NJ has released a test version of his NeoGeo CDZ Emulator for PSP, version 0.1.7 beta 2. This beta version is a test for the save and load state function, which you may have been waiting for so long. Information of the new version:

¨C 0.1.7 Beta 2

Changelog 0.1.7 Beta2

This is a test version for save/load state functions.
Press L/R trigger to flip among different pages.
Select a slot, left/right to select between save or load, then circle to perform.
Each game can have up to 10 slots for statesaves.
*The data structure for statesaves is still a prototype. The official version will use a different one. Please don¡¯t use them in the official version in the future.
*The size of the savedata is big (around 300KB ¨C 1MB).
According to the system specifications of NeoGeo CD, the savedata could not be smaller. It should take a while to write to the memory stick.
When writing to the memory stick, please wait until the access light goes out before turning off your PSP. Otherwise, files may get corrupted on your PSP. You may need to run disk scanner program or even format it to fix the problem.

- StaxRip v0.9.3.2 PMP

Stax has released StaxRip version StaxRip is a universal video converter which also supports PSP formats. In this new version, the author has officially added PMP support for PMP Mod. (2006-02-21)

Added preparer that decodes using DirectShow and defaults for WMV and RMVB.
'Auto crop until proper aspect ratio is found'. This option is useful for devices like PlayStation Portable. It's known as smart crop and the used algorithm was improved.
PMP Muxer and PlayStation Portable template.
Option to define percentage to use for compressibility check.

- Snes9xTYL v0.4 Wireless Teaser

Yoyofr has posted some information about the new version his SNES emulator, Snes9x TYL.

According to his update, the sound emulation processing will be put into the media engine in the new version. The feature is nearly ready now.

And there is another new feature for the new version ¨C wireless multiplayer!! Yoyofr said on his website, that the game is able to run at 60fps when playing a vs battle on Street Fighter (Cheers!). He has also released a teaser video of the function in action.

- PSPRadio v0.38.05bl

A big personal thanks to Raf and the PSPRadio Team for all their continued hard work on the best piece of PSP homebrew out there!


Core: Added exception handler. This will display some useful information (for the developers) if/when PSPRadio crashes. (r804,805)

3DUI: Rewrote the textrendering of lists and options so only one event is sent, to make it more stable (r798)
3DUI: Removed the layer between the UI and the WindowManager, since it was redundant. (r799)
3DUI: Rewrote several event handlers to reduce context switches and make it more stable. (r800)
3DUI: Last event stuff (for now) cleaned up. The 3DUI seems quite more stable now. (r801)
3DUI: Reordered the initialization, to remove reset while switching UIs. (r802)

- MPH Firmware Launcher v1.4.0

MPH has just updated his firmware launcher to version 1.3.7. This version includes the following additions. Using this program on a PSP with 1.0 or 1.50 Firmware, you can “emulate” a higher firmware version from your memory stick and gain access to some of the features 2.0+ Firmware has to offer, such as AVC video playback and limited browser functionality. This program will not allow you to play games that require 2.0+ to play, such as Grand Theft Auto. Here are the new additions and instructions to this interesting piece of homebrew:

New graphic interface
Install / Uninstall firmware with interface from an eboot.pbp or a flash0 folder
Copy flash1 files automatically
Language support
Corrected some bugs
- For 1.00 firmware : copy MPHFL (in 1.00 folder) to PSP/GAME folder of your memory stick
- For 1.50 firmware : copy MPHFL and MPHFL% (in 1.50 folder) to PSP/GAME of your memory stick

Put files of flash0 (data, dic, font, kd et vsh) and flash1 (dic, registry et vsh) in ms0:/ (folder of your choice, default : ms0:/flash0 and ms0:/flash1) (see Firmware convert tutorial.txt in zip)

Run MPH Firmware Launcher.


Don't use logfile with browser else browser will freeze (maybe because browser call sceIoCloseAll and file descriptor of Log file is close also, sceIoWrite failed and psp freeze).

Video file:

The AVC video must be stored in :

{memory stick letter}:/MP_ROOT/100ANV01/MAQxxxxx.MP4

where xxxxx is number (example MAQ00001.MP4).

The MPEG4 video must be stored in :

{memory stick letter}:/MP_ROOT/100MNV01/M4Vxxxxx.MP4

where xxxxx is number (example M4V00001.MP4).
Si pones los enlaces a los programas en la primera pagina voto por chincheta ya

Tremendamente util a los que tenemos poco tiempo.
Pues hombre, no se yo si se podrá poner los enlaces, porque son todos programas homebrew freeware y no me he leido las normas, si se pueden poner los enlaces los pongo, aclaradme ese punto xD

Tambien voy en busca y captura de los hilos oficiales o no-oficiales de estos programas.
Pasate por estos dos hilos que creé hace tiempo y mira la de emuladores que han salido para PSP.



Por cierto, puedes pillar todo lo que quieras de ese post para ponerlo aquí.

Un saludo.
NEO escribió:Pasate por estos dos hilos que creé hace tiempo y mira la de emuladores que han salido para PSP.



Por cierto, puedes pillar todo lo que quieras de ese post para ponerlo aquí.

Un saludo.

OK, se agradece [tadoramo]
Y el de GBA?
GoldFran escribió:Y el de GBA?

Es que ese hilo lo creé hace casi 1 año, mucho antes de que la PSP saliera en Europa, y por lo tanto aún no habían salido emus como el de GBA ni otros como los recientes NeoGeoCDZ PSP, PLynx -Atari Lynx emulator-, PSPectrum, PSPSONE Alpha, Succum V0.9.0-CVS, PSPVice-Commodores 64-, o ports de juegos como Pang, Jazz Jack Rabbit, BombJack Remake, PSPacman, Supercobra, Beats Of Rage v005...
Al final dejé de actualizar ese hilo recopilatorio porque la peña pasaba mucho de los emuladores, sólo les interesaba cargar isos o backups. Luego salió la PSP en Europa, después estuvo la scene un poco parada y ahora parece que ha vuelto a despegar y parece que la peña se ha vuelto a interesar por el tema de los emuladores, ports de juegos y programas caseros ( y ojalá siga así y sigan saliendo buenos emuladores, porque potencia tiene la consolita)

Un saludo. [bye]
== Actualización ==

- UMDGen_v2.0 y - PBP_Umpaker_v0.94
gasbi escribió:como me puedo bajar homebrew de la lista

Buscando el el google el nombre de cada uno (o en pspupdates), pero ten en cuenta que la mayoría habrán sacado versiones nuevas.
gasbi escribió:
Gasbi, mal empiezas. Leete las normas anda

Snif snif, y mi ir shell 2.2¿? Oooh
Toll a la vista [qmparto] [qmparto]

Y encima haciendo bump de un post de principios de año nada más para preguntar cómo se baja homebrew...

Y yo que creía haberlo visto todo ya [qmparto]
joer por lo menos se ve que el chaval ha usado la buskeda porke para enkontrar un post de hace 8 meses ya me diras xDDDDDD
Pues para el autor de este hilo:
No creo que sea una recopilacion, creo que esa lista del principio es solo de los programas que tu usas.

Donde esta el iRShell el cps2 cps1 neogeo?
Y como puedes no usar esos tan famos homebrew?
Usas cosas que ni la caso, y solo pones las mas usadas de eol por ti.

De verdad no es con la intecion de molestar pero da coraje que digas basica y literalmente que estos programas que acabo de poner no son tan usados.

gasbi escribió:CMO AS PUESTO LA FOTO??
Pues mira, primero ha escrito en minúsculas.

Luego se ha leido las normas.

Luego los hilos importantes.

Luego ha usado la búsqueda.

Luego ha hecho el juramento del forero (No responderé a hilos que tengan como título "es urgente" "plisss" "ayudaa". Me reiré de los trolls, y luego los reportaré inmediatamente. ... etc etc)

Y, por fin, ha copiado la imagen tras abrir un hilo nuevo.

ps. sigo insistiendo, y mi ir shell? xD!
paco herte el c escribió:Pues para el autor de este hilo:
No creo que sea una recopilacion, creo que esa lista del principio es solo de los programas que tu usas.

Donde esta el iRShell el cps2 cps1 neogeo?
Y como puedes no usar esos tan famos homebrew?
Usas cosas que ni la caso, y solo pones las mas usadas de eol por ti.

De verdad no es con la intecion de molestar pero da coraje que digas basica y literalmente que estos programas que acabo de poner no son tan usados.


No están porque cuando se hizo esta lista aún no existían, y hace bastante que no se actualiza, además el creador de este hilo posteo aqui por última vez el "12-05-2006 16:16" según dice su perfil, asi que hace bastante que no se pasa.
42 respuestas