Noticias Oficiales de Nintendo e Imagenes de WIIPLAY y MONKEY BALL


FUENTE - GONINTENDO escribió:NoE press release - Now Wii can all play together
November 22nd, 2006

Are you ready to play? No matter what your gaming experience Nintendo has just the game for you to play with your friends and family. Wii Play consists of a selection of nine very different mini-games on one game, which are designed to help you master the unique Wii Remote, whilst also providing hours of entertainment. To ensure you can enjoy Wii Play with your friends, the game comes bundled with a free Wii Remote. Wii Play launches on Nintendo’s new Wii console on the 8th December 2006.

Wii Play consists of a variety of quirky games that can be played either alone or with a friend. This includes Shooting Range, which is the first game unlocked and is reminiscent of the classic Duck Hunt (released on the NES). In order to unlock the next game the player simply needs to complete the previous one (this sequence continues throughout). When all of the games have been unlocked players can start earning medals for their performance.

Find Mii involves picking the right face out of a crowd in an environment that constantly changes - it’s a race against the clock and each other! Pose Mii requires players to make their Mii characters fit into the shapes in the Wii bubbles. To do this they must swing the remote to the right angle to make it fit inside. The psychedelic colours and quirky graphics involved in this puzzle make it instantly addictive.

Other games included are Charge, where players have to hold onto a rampaging bull and try not to fall off! Players steer their bull and make it jump by moving the Wii Remote in the right direction, attempting to knock over scarecrows on the way. Tanks, which also makes use of the Nunchuk controller, tests a player’s strategic skills encouraging them to leave trails of mines for other tanks to stumble across.

Wii Play also features faithful recreations of real sport games demanding precision and skill with the Wii Remote. In Table Tennis players hold the Wii Remote like a bat and use it to move their on-screen character’s hand and return balls. In Fishing players cast their line with similar moves as they would in real life and then wait for a bite before jerking the remote back to hook and reel in a fish. As a pub favourite, Billiards will be an instant hit with older Wii owners. In this game players hold the remote like the back of a snooker cue and use a smooth sliding motion to hit the cue ball. Finally Laser Hockey is a cross between air hockey and ping-pong. Gentle flicks of the wrist are picked-up by the Wii Remote making the pace of the game as relaxed or as frantic as required.

Wii Play takes simple concepts and demonstrates how much fun they can be by using the Wii’s unique control mechanism. The Wii’s unique Mii channel also allows players to build their own customised avatar that can then star as the central character in Wii Play and other games.

Launching across Europe on 8th December 2006, every copy of Wii Play comes with a Wii Remote, at the estimated retail price of around 49 Euros (£34 in the UK).


FUENTE - GONINTENDO escribió:Wii problems to be fixed by Euro launch
November 22nd, 2006

The bad news - some US Wii owners have experienced issues with their Wii after downloading a WiiConnect24 updates. The good news - this only effects a small number of consoles. The best news - Nintendo of Europe is promising that these issues will be smoothed out by the European launch.

I really have to say that Nintendo earned some extra respect (in my book) with this situation. The issue is out there, albeit one that effects a small percentage of owners. Nintendo hasn’t tried to hide the fact that the issue is there…instead they offer to replace defective Wii systems no problem, and promise to sort things out by the next launch. Good for Nintendo for owning up to these issues so early.


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cojonudo ;) [babas]

a ver si traen suficientes wiiplay+wiimotepara todos!!
Perfecto, algo bueno tiene que tener ser un Paleto... :p
biennn entonces nos las traeran todas perfectas???

que wayyyy pero no me lo creo al menos 1 se xascara (espero que no sea la mia)...
algun yankie q probara el wiiplay? merece la pena gastar esos 20€ de mas?
david_82 escribió:algun yankie q probara el wiiplay? merece la pena gastar esos 20€ de mas?

20€de mas? solo son 5€ de mas que yo sepa... ¬_¬
_Kore escribió:20€de mas? solo son 5€ de mas que yo sepa... ¬_¬

Creo que depende del establecimiento, ojeando los catalogos de navidad he visto una diferencia de unos 5€. En uno ponia 49'90 y en otro creo que 44'90€.
En Europa son 10€ de mas es decir 49,90

Y en America no tendran wii play hasta 2007
Balsamo escribió:En Europa son 10€ de mas es decir 49,90

Y en America no tendran wii play hasta 2007

q me cuentas!!! ala ratataaaa no tendréis wiiplay hasta el año q viene.

El precio ofical es de 49,90 y el del wiimote 39,90. usease q redondeando 20€ más
Me encanta como pinta el minijuego de tanques del wiiplay :D


Esta explosión es total Next-gen :Ð
david_82 escribió:El precio ofical es de 49,90 y el del wiimote 39,90. usease q redondeando 20€ más

Um... eso son 10€ más.... o no entiendo lo que quieres decir [+risas]

Y una cosa, en los games, WiiPlay+Wiimote es 46,95€, y los Wiimotes sueltos 41,95€
david_82 escribió:algun yankie q probara el wiiplay? merece la pena gastar esos 20€ de mas?

no son 20 euros y si tienes pensado comprar un mando extra, lo tonto es no comprar wii play.

Yo jugué a los minijuegos de caza y pinpong y la verdad es que el juego es simple pero divertido :D
_Kore escribió:
Um... eso son 10€ más.... o no entiendo lo que quieres decir [+risas]

Y una cosa, en los games, WiiPlay+Wiimote es 46,95€, y los Wiimotes sueltos 41,95€

esos precios que dices son por web, a lo que luego habria que sumarle los envios, asi que salen los wiimotes a 45 y el wiiplay a 50, al menos en game
una pregunta algo absurda,al wii play podremos jugar con el mando asi tipo wii sports?o sea interactuando.
unknown_18 escribió:una pregunta algo absurda,al wii play podremos jugar con el mando asi tipo wii sports?o sea interactuando.
Teoricamente el objetivo del juego es practicamente el mismo, introducir al nuevo jugador a los viedojuegos. Lo que ocurre es que Wii Play ofrece una forma más compleja de ver los juegos, ya hay ping pong, pong, pesca, tanquecitos... :p


Si es que en realidad Nintendo nos quiere: Usa a Japón y Estados Unidos como campo de pruebas para ver cómo petardean las Wiis, y que nos las arreglen para Europa XD

Una excelentísima noticia [oki]
M@tu escribió:

Si es que en realidad Nintendo nos quiere: Usa a Japón y Estados Unidos como campo de pruebas para ver cómo petardean las Wiis, y que nos las arreglen para Europa XD

Una excelentísima noticia [oki]

en realidad, sería solo usa, porque en japón sale el día 2, y aquí el 8/9, por lo que no tienen mucho margen de maniobra. Si te descuidas, entre envíos y tal, las europeas son anteriores a las japonesas.
Bakeroxs escribió:
esos precios que dices son por web, a lo que luego habria que sumarle los envios, asi que salen los wiimotes a 45 y el wiiplay a 50, al menos en game

En el Erosky esta el WiiPlay por 46,90 €
mmm hay un eroski enfrente de donde tengo reservada mi wii, me pasare por si acaso xD
18 respuestas