ps3 "carga ya backups." aun esta con pinzas el tema xD

buenas, esta mañana e leido la noticia comentando de que podian cargar ya backups en la web que todos conocemos por un abujero del xmb os dejo la info.

BREAKiNG NEWS: PS3 XMB Hole found; Blu-ray Back-Ups Bootable!!! - Jun 07, 2007 - 6:37 PM - by PS3News

Update #2: The GODS @ Paradox have released Pirates_of_the_Carribbean_At_Worlds_End_USA_PS3-PARADOX today according to Those interested can view the NFO File, and to quote from it:
| Release notes: |
| |
| Man it's a hot day today isn't it |
Update: Here is a brief update for the time being: For starters, as mentioned in our Past News we were going to examine the CELLFTP.self (which allows you to dump the PS3 side of the HDD). Unfortunately through experimenting, no open ports were found after a portscan. As a result, it would only return to the XMB without error... so for now we're passing on this avenue.

Next up, we would like to clarify a few things about the Site News topic as follows: The reason the TITLE is "PS3 XMB Hole found; Blu-ray Back-Ups Bootable!!!" is because the originating media in hacked2123's video was a Blu-ray Disc. As the game he chose happened to fit on a standard DVD-R, he opted to burn it to one (in this case) instead of using a Blu-ray Disc Recordable... which is logical as it saves money too. Not all PS3 games will fit onto a DVD-R, so it's important to NOTE that some will require a BD-R using this 'XMB Hole' Method.

Finally, the way this specific PS3 XMB Hole works is that the OtherOS Installer does not verify the SELF it runs, and can run any properly-signed SELF file. Currently hacked2123 is using a SELF (HDD Formatter) from the recent $DK leak- this wipes the HDD and as a result, puts the PS3 into a 'special' Mode... which in turn authenticates the disc. It will BOOT the PS3 Blu-ray Back-Up (in this case on a DVD-R) fine, however, as stated previously it will not RUN the game... possibly because hacked2123 only tried with a DVD-R versus an actual Blu-ray Disc Recordable (which is the proper media for the PS3's blue laser).

The steps involved were as follows:

1) Make a directory or use your Memory Card- for example: D:\PS3\OTHEROS
2) Copy the OtherOS.self (Mkfs.self via $DK renamed) to D:\PS3\OTHEROS\otheros.self
3) Put it in your PS3 and navigate to "Install OtherOS" along with confirming your selection by pressing "OK"
4) The PS3 screen will go black, and it will erase the entire HDD (there will likely be a way around this, we're only using the HDD Formatter SELF at this time)
5) When it's complete (your PS3 may reboot, don't worry) place an ORIGINAL PS3 game disc in
6) Eject the disc, and place your LEGAL BACK-UP PS3 game disc in the drive
7) Give it a few seconds to read the disc, and it will appear in the XMB
8) Finally, press X and that's it... it will BOOT up but not RUN the PS3 game back-up

Be sure to check back for updates, as this process is likely to change/improve heavily over the next few days.

Just over 24 hours after we reported the PS3 $DK leak, resident Dev'er hacked2123 shared with us in iRC EFnet #PS3News the video below... which shows confirmation of the World's first public PS3 XMB Hole (vulnerability) found!! There are MANY details to report, so please bear with us while we address each throughout the night.

For starters, this specific PS3 XMB Hole is currently present in PS3 v1.00-1.11 Firmware. Jumping ahead briefly... it's now believed the reason why the GODS @ Paradox hinted that v1.60+ Firmware was NOT recommended to update to was simply because there is no OtherOS installer present. Also, at this time it's important to NOTE that PS3 Blu-ray Disc back-ups will boot but not run just yet.

We will cover all of the details on how this is accomplished shortly... until then, you can watch the video below and share your feedback in the Hacked2123's PS3 Back-up Video! Forum thread. w00t!!!

Ahora esperemos que esta noticia sea real no como la que ya sacaron con el loader.....
como no soy un crack en ingles os e puesto un poco a saco el contenido sorry locos xD
(si ya la conocéis lo siento, se me dice y elimino)
Fuente ps3noticias.

Borrar por favor esta en otro hilo
GaL_AzaceL escribió:buenas, esta mañana a salido la noticia comentando de que podian cargar ya backups en la web que todos conocemos por un abujero del xmb os dejo la info.

BREAKiNG NEWS: PS3 XMB Hole found; Blu-ray Back-Ups Bootable!!! - Jun 07, 2007 - 6:37 PM - by PS3News

Update #2: The GODS @ Paradox have released Pirates_of_the_Carribbean_At_Worlds_End_USA_PS3-PARADOX today according to Those interested can view the NFO File, and to quote from it:
| Release notes: |
| |
| Man it's a hot day today isn't it |
Update: Here is a brief update for the time being: For starters, as mentioned in our Past News we were going to examine the CELLFTP.self (which allows you to dump the PS3 side of the HDD). Unfortunately through experimenting, no open ports were found after a portscan. As a result, it would only return to the XMB without error... so for now we're passing on this avenue.

Next up, we would like to clarify a few things about the Site News topic as follows: The reason the TITLE is "PS3 XMB Hole found; Blu-ray Back-Ups Bootable!!!" is because the originating media in hacked2123's video was a Blu-ray Disc. As the game he chose happened to fit on a standard DVD-R, he opted to burn it to one (in this case) instead of using a Blu-ray Disc Recordable... which is logical as it saves money too. Not all PS3 games will fit onto a DVD-R, so it's important to NOTE that some will require a BD-R using this 'XMB Hole' Method.

Finally, the way this specific PS3 XMB Hole works is that the OtherOS Installer does not verify the SELF it runs, and can run any properly-signed SELF file. Currently hacked2123 is using a SELF (HDD Formatter) from the recent $DK leak- this wipes the HDD and as a result, puts the PS3 into a 'special' Mode... which in turn authenticates the disc. It will BOOT the PS3 Blu-ray Back-Up (in this case on a DVD-R) fine, however, as stated previously it will not RUN the game... possibly because hacked2123 only tried with a DVD-R versus an actual Blu-ray Disc Recordable (which is the proper media for the PS3's blue laser).

The steps involved were as follows:

1) Make a directory or use your Memory Card- for example: D:\PS3\OTHEROS
2) Copy the OtherOS.self (Mkfs.self via $DK renamed) to D:\PS3\OTHEROS\otheros.self
3) Put it in your PS3 and navigate to "Install OtherOS" along with confirming your selection by pressing "OK"
4) The PS3 screen will go black, and it will erase the entire HDD (there will likely be a way around this, we're only using the HDD Formatter SELF at this time)
5) When it's complete (your PS3 may reboot, don't worry) place an ORIGINAL PS3 game disc in
6) Eject the disc, and place your LEGAL BACK-UP PS3 game disc in the drive
7) Give it a few seconds to read the disc, and it will appear in the XMB
8) Finally, press X and that's it... it will BOOT up but not RUN the PS3 game back-up

Be sure to check back for updates, as this process is likely to change/improve heavily over the next few days.

Just over 24 hours after we reported the PS3 $DK leak, resident Dev'er hacked2123 shared with us in iRC EFnet #PS3News the video below... which shows confirmation of the World's first public PS3 XMB Hole (vulnerability) found!! There are MANY details to report, so please bear with us while we address each throughout the night.

For starters, this specific PS3 XMB Hole is currently present in PS3 v1.00-1.11 Firmware. Jumping ahead briefly... it's now believed the reason why the GODS @ Paradox hinted that v1.60+ Firmware was NOT recommended to update to was simply because there is no OtherOS installer present. Also, at this time it's important to NOTE that PS3 Blu-ray Disc back-ups will boot but not run just yet.

We will cover all of the details on how this is accomplished shortly... until then, you can watch the video below and share your feedback in the Hacked2123's PS3 Back-up Video! Forum thread. w00t!!!

Ahora esperemos que esta noticia sea real no como la que ya sacaron con el loader.....
como no soy un crack en ingles os e puesto un poco a saco el contenido sorry locos xD
(si ya la conocéis lo siento, se me dice y elimino)
Fuente ps3noticias.

esto se esta ablando en otro foro yA

EDITO: ESTA MÑN????? Jun 07, 2007 - 6:37 PM -
uyy... ok pos Moderador plz cierra este no lo e visto e mirado por encima antes de postear pero no lo e encontrado :S enga igualmente parecen buenas noticias
Edito: si,lo ke pasa que yo no miro kada media hora en los foros y web's
un saludo
Es normal q se haya publicado en un hilo nuevo, xq en el q se esta hablando no tiene q ver con el titulo del hilo.
_XavP_ escribió:Es normal q se haya publicado en un hilo nuevo, xq en el q se esta hablando no tiene q ver con el titulo del hilo.

hombre claro! pero al star ablandose en el otro, qe menos ke mencionarselo XD

Un saludo
chrispro escribió:
hombre claro! pero al star ablandose en el otro, qe menos ke mencionarselo XD

Un saludo

Si, si no te contestaba a ti jejejj queria decirlo antes de q apareciera un aluvion de usuarios diciendo, "repe!!", "mama aparezco en un hilo cerrado"... XD
Eso que pone en el titulo de carga ya backups..... me da a mi que es pronto para decirlo
.ubo. está baneado por ""todos los que tiene xbox tiene amigos pleiperos y medio tontos" y después clon..."
pues si, por que al dia de hoy los unicos backups que carga son los de ps2.los de psx presuntamente se puede con el bug ese del save y la foto, y los de ps3 del xmb no pasan.
Los de PSX no se podía con el Swap?

PD: se sabe algo mas del metodo ese del save?
EL LUNES sacan noticias!!

Realmente es el domingo a no se ke hora, qe para nosotros es lunes segun tengo entendido

La verda eske no me fiaria de mis palabras jejeje peroooo..... tengo el presentimiento qe este lunes tiene qe salir arguna noveda por ke sa estancao al fina esto un pooco
Pero aun k esto sea verdad, sigue siendo imposible para muchos usuarios por el hecho de grabar un BR en una tostadora BR :S

Salu2 [triston]
ya, aunque pasara lo de siempre que, alfinal como paso con las doble capa bajara de precio hasta un punto "asequible" al igual que el soporte vamos les interesara y mas porque venderan mas su formato consiguiendo asi que gane blue ray y no hd.
amos eso espero yo xD
.ubo. está baneado por ""todos los que tiene xbox tiene amigos pleiperos y medio tontos" y después clon..."
maxo asi con la editada del topic lo pones mas confuso todavia, es que la ps3 NO carga backups de ps3, no te digo dentro de 1 hora o 1 minuto, pero ahora mismo no hay nada de nada.
por eso lo e puesto entre comillas para que no se vea como algo "seguro"

Darme ideas para el titulo del hilo XD otra cosa no se que poner weno nens ahora después miro a ver que me decís para poner el titulo al tema ;)
.ubo. está baneado por ""todos los que tiene xbox tiene amigos pleiperos y medio tontos" y después clon..."
GaL_AzaceL escribió:
Darme ideas para el titulo del hilo XD otra cosa no se que poner weno nens ahora después miro a ver que me decís para poner el titulo al tema ;)

oye con que pongas la verdad es suficiente xD, a ver si asi lo dejan abierto y se puede hablar, por que si miras un poco mas abajo hay 2 hilos como este cerrado, y en el ultimo da Ferdopa la explicacion de por que lo cierran, si lo lees entenderas por que te decia lo del topic.

Cuando dicen que daran noticias? mañana lunes? o el que viene?
supuestamente era el domingo por la tarde hora americana asi que sera por la noche
Ojala saquen algo en claro ya. aunque lo veo precipitado pero... nunca se sabe weno nens si veo algo nuevo lo diré, si vosotros lo veis postearlo aquí por favor ;)
Si mal no recuerdo así empezó la scene de 360, no?, con un sdk?. Me corrigen si me lo estoy inventando.

Por cierto, no he visto donde dice que van a dar noticias hoy, está en el mensaje? o es un supuesto?.
esta en el hilo de ps3news sobre el bug de saves ps1
GaL_AzaceL escribió:Blu-ray Back-Ups Bootable!!!

it will BOOT up but not RUN the PS3 game back-up

mmm... contradictorio???
que aparezca el simbolo de PS3 como si fuera un juego original, no quiere decir que el sea booteable.

Si BOOT, entonces RUN!!!!

No puede ser BOOt sí, y RUN no!

si puede ser,boot es cuando sale el logo de ps3 y run es cuando cargaria el juego pero se queda en negro
Como se podria utilizar?
Pues a ver que nos dicen, hoy o mañana [bye]

Como comentaba en esos hilos ya cerrados, nadie ha demostrado que vayan copias de seguridad en PS3.

Se han hecho avances (está en la portada de EOL), pero no se cargan copias de seguridad.

Cuando se consiga, se demostrará con pruebas.

Un saludo.
24 respuestas