[Debate] Hablemos de la New-Gen...

eloskuro está baneado del subforo por "flames"
Igual Turn10 solo en licencias se han gastado mas que lo que se han gastado en el desarrollo de Driveclub xD , y no, lo que digo no es malo :P , pero para ser Triple A se necesita poner mucha panoja.
Natsu escribió:Si lo quieres es tuyo, con tal de deshacerme de él te pago hasta los gastos de envio xD

[qmparto] [qmparto] [plas]

Igual Turn10 solo en licencias se han gastado mas que lo que se han gastado en el desarrollo de Driveclub xD , y no, lo que digo no es malo :P , pero para ser Triple A se necesita poner mucha panoja.

que se hayan gastado el triple que en drive club , no quiere decir que drive club no sea un AAA.
eloskuro escribió:Igual Turn10 solo en licencias se han gastado mas que lo que se han gastado en el desarrollo de Driveclub xD , y no, lo que digo no es malo :P , pero para ser Triple A se necesita poner mucha panoja.

Y se lo ha ahorrado en Iluminacion de carton XD

Modo troll Off U_U
Joder el Haze ... madre mia ... os gusta comprar juegos malos eh??
dshadow21 escribió:
Natsu escribió:A Too Human también XD



Pues lo dicho cada uno decide lo que es un AAA, por que si nos tenemos que guiar por lo que nos "venden" mal vamos [lapota]

LoL siempre diré que esa caratula tiene cara de "Please Kill Me" XD

No se si el juego iba de aliens o eran humanos los de las máscaras amarillas, pero por la posición del ojo que se le ve por la rotura... ¿cuanta separación tiene ese tio entre ojo y ojo?

Deber ser brutal el espacio entre los dos. [+risas]
lherre escribió:Joder el Haze ... madre mia ... os gusta comprar juegos malos eh??

Me va la marcha XD

He el termino iluminación de cartón piedra en forza 5 lo he acuñado yo, a ver si os voy a tener que pedir los pagos por derechos de autor. [carcajad]
Natsu escribió:
lherre escribió:Joder el Haze ... madre mia ... os gusta comprar juegos malos eh??

Me va la marcha XD

He el termino iluminación de cartón piedra en forza 5 lo he acuñado yo, a ver si os voy a tener que pedir los pagos por derechos de autor. [carcajad]

Jajajaja, y no nos hemos metido aún con el poder del cloud que hace que forza 5 tenga IA cojonuda XD.
Natsu escribió:
lherre escribió:Joder el Haze ... madre mia ... os gusta comprar juegos malos eh??

Me va la marcha XD

He el termino iluminación de cartón piedra en forza 5 lo he acuñado yo, a ver si os voy a tener que pedir los pagos por derechos de autor. [carcajad]

dshadow21 escribió:Y se lo ha ahorrado en Iluminacion de carton® XD

Modo troll Off U_U

Mejor? [poraki]
El humo y los espejos de infamous: second son.

Stace Harman talks to Sucker Punch’s Nate Fox about the choices and consequences of its Sony-exclusive inFamous franchise and finds out whether or not great power comes a great deal of fun.
At the end of inFamous 2 you have to make a choice that leads to two radically different outcomes. For the sake of those that intend to play through Sucker Punch’s action-adventure sequel prior to the release of inFamous: Second Son, I won’t go into the detail of that choice here but, suffice to say, one option leads to the good, altruistic ending and the other offers a grim and self-serving conclusion.

Whichever choice you make directly affects protagonist Cole MacGrath but it also impacts the world around him to such a degree that only one of these endings can be considered canon. Admittedly, the Evil Cole in me is disappointed that Sucker Punch has chosen to run with the “good” ending of inFamous 2 as the setting of its PS4-exclusive follow-up, but while it might seem like the obvious and safe choice I’m assured that it wasn’t a decision that was taken lightly.

Instead, Sucker Punch gathered the available trophy data and found that the majority of you that completed the game chose the path of the righteous. While that earns you a karmic pat on the back, it also raises the question of whether the developer would have been willing to embrace the darker narrative setting had the player data decreed it.

“I’ll be frank, I kind of wanted to make a game like that,” admits game director Nate Fox. “[One] filled with more people with powers and humanity set up to be really angry with those people. That’s an easier game [to make] but the truth is people were really high-minded and heroic.

“When you set out to make these games you’re kind of just intuiting your way through things, so if you have real hard information to help you make decisions, particularly early on in the process, then that is just a gift.”

So it is that inFamous: Second Son is set in a world where Conduits are not only shunned for the powers they wield but are branded a menace and actively hunted by the Department of Unified Protection.

Cue protagonist Delsin Rowe, a seemingly regular guy who obtains his own suite of smoke-based superpowers after rushing to aid the victims of an accident. Finding he suddenly has the means to effectively challenge the totalitarian authority that he’s railed against for years, Delsin sets about pitting his powers against the DUP to drive it out of the city, one section at a time.

It’s the powers that make the inFamous franchise and that are arguably more memorable than any of its characters. There’s something liberating about treating an entire city as your own personal playground and wielding elemental-style powers in as chaotic or ordered a fashion as you like.

What’s more, the franchises’ visual identity is heavily influenced by the nature of these powers and basing Delsin’s around smoke serves multiple purposes. Not only does it help to differentiate Delsin’s abilities from the familiar triumvirate of fire, ice and electricity, but his smoke and particle effects also happen to be an excellent way for this Sony-owned studio to show off the enhanced graphics processing power of the PS4.

“That’s an astute observation,” acknowledges Fox, when I put this last point to him. “We absolutely are looking for ways to harness the hardware to produce spectacular graphics. We chose lightning for Cole and part of that was because it was a kick-ass fireworks display every time you use a power. Smoke is no different and nor are any of the other powers that Delsin gets along the way. They absolutely are eye-candy.”

The “other powers” to which Fox is referring are obtained by Delsin’s ability to absorb those wielded by other Conduits. The game’s most recent trailer saw Deslin gaining the power to manipulate neon from fellow Conduit Abigail ‘Fetch’ Walker.

Sucker Punch is currently tight-lipped about the nature of further powers, but Fox did confirm that not all of them will be smoke-based. He also hints that there’s an opportunity to acquire any of the powers that are used against you by your enemies, albeit in a modified form in order to be “the most fun for the player”.
Gleeful destruction
Watching some gameplay, we saw Delsin go off at the deep end when he infiltrated a DUP compound and caused a gratifying amount of carnage through use of his unique abilities and a mix of ranged and melee attacks. While it certainly made for an impressive spectacle, for me it also set some alarm bells ringing. Environmental destruction is a familiar concept and where it’s jarred with me in the past is in its inconsistency of application.

Technical constraints and game play considerations have often made it necessary to restrict such destruction to certain areas or to render certain surfaces invulnerable to attack. My primary concern for Second Son – and next gen titles in general – is whether developers can ensure that this kind of managed freedom makes sense from a narrative perspective, so as not to interrupt the suspension of disbelief.

“We’re absolutely looking to let people create total havoc and we want to let people walk on the wild side, but also we don’t want to let people level the city to a flat parking lot because that’s not fun,” Fox warns.
For this reason, Fox openly admits that there are times when game-world rules have to be bent or broken in order to ensure the experience remains enjoyable, even at the expense of consistency.

“For instance, we don’t want to level a certain building, even if it might be a very rickety looking building, if levelling it means there’s nothing to climb on or no cover to hide behind,” Fox explained, and added, “In general though, our contract with the player is if they think they should be able to do something we try to let them do it, so anything you think you can climb on we let you climb on, so that we maintain trust, and if something seems to you that you should be able to destroy it we try to let you destroy it.”

Further gameplay showcases and perhaps even a hands-on will be required to see how this aim works in practice. In the meantime however, I’ll have to get used to the idea that for the world that constitutes Delsin’s playground to exist, the choices that I made as Cole MacGrath have to be considered null and void. Here’s hoping that both Sucker Punch and Delsin can more than make up for that anomaly.

inFamous: Second Son is a PlayStation 4 exclusive that’s expected to launch in early 2014

http://www.vg247.com/2013/09/09/the-smo ... econd-son/
Por cierto mocolos, recuerda como se veia en mi casa la alpha del mojonstorm 3 (aka apocalypse) XD y lo que salió al final.
lherre escribió:Por cierto mocolos, recuerda como se veia en mi casa la alpha del mojonstorm 3 (aka apocalypse) XD y lo que salió al final.

No utilices el Motorstorm como moneda de cambio.

Un ex diseñador de 343 industries se une a visceral games.


los de visceral estaban con un juego de star wars no?

trailer de the evil within.


Veo que el ambiente está un poco caldeado... Voy a poner un toque de humor (del malo, [ginyo] ).

Dejaros de tonterias en definir que es un juego triple A i leches! La realidad es la siguiente:

Juego triple A:
Es ese juego del que te hablan, pero no recuerdas bien... hasta que... "AAAH era ese!!!"

Juego triple O:
Es ese juego que conoces poco, pero cuando ves un gif, un teaser o una imagen... "OOOH"

Juego triple I:
Es ese juego que ya has visto un montón de tráilers, imágenes, demos, etc. Y estás que trinas para que salga... "IIIH!!!"

Juego YAA (versión extendida del triple I):
Es el juego triple I, pero del que se anuncia un retraso... "lo quiero YAA!!!!"


P.D.: Disculpad el offtopic y el humor malo, pero creo que escuchar a Ana Botella hablar en inglés a "los niños del COI" me ha matado la última neurona...
xavijan escribió:
P.D.: Disculpad el offtopic y el humor malo, pero creo que escuchar a Ana Botella hablar en inglés a "los niños del COI" me ha matado la última neurona...

joder... [qmparto] lo acabo de ver y me ha dado verguenza ajena [qmparto] [tadoramo]
Natsu escribió:Si lo quieres es tuyo, con tal de deshacerme de él te pago hasta los gastos de envio xD

Juan pero es que entonces Haze es un AAA, y lo que es, un VVV, de triple vomito xD

Adjudicado! XD Aún no he probado semejante "delicatessen"... [tomaaa]

P.D Por Dios, no quoteeis más el post de dicanio!
Comparaciones "directas" de trailers de Deep Down...



juan19 escribió:Requisitos de Battlefield 4 revelados.


http://battlefieldo.com/threads/bf4-pc- ... sed.10826/

Básicamente los mismos que battlefield 3.

Es sorprendente ver como los requerimientos mínimos basicos seguramente será para ver el battlefield como PS360 y como los requerimientos recomendados sería para ver el battlefield como PS4/ONE (esperemos).

Edit: dios, en deep down no hay downgrade, hay lo siguiente.
El juego se ve brutal, eso sí cualquiera que tenga ojos en la cara y no botones ve que está lejos de la peli de pixar que presentaron en un primer momento, iluminación, texturas, fuego.... sobre todo el fuego....

Igualmente como era obvio que era la proxima peli de pixar, la verdad se ve mejor de lo que esperaba el resultado actual.

Dicho esto, es un juego que requiere estar online no? pues como todo lo que requiere esto, en mi opinión se lo pueden meter por el orto.

Fijándome en los requisitos de BF veo que ni Juan ni Pley llegan a los requisitos recomendados en tema de GPU, wellcome to the next gen, please follow me :o
PilaDePetaca escribió:Básicamente los mismos que battlefield 3.

Es sorprendente ver como los requerimientos mínimos basicos seguramente será para ver el battlefield como PS360 y como los requerimientos recomendados sería para ver el battlefield como PS4/ONE (esperemos).

Edit: dios, en deep down no hay downgrade, hay lo siguiente.

Hombre los mismo los mismos... en los minimos solo
Requisitos mínimos:

Sistema Operativo: Windows Vista (Service Pack 2) 32-Bits
Procesador: 2 Ghz Dual Core (Core 2 Duo 2.4 Ghz o Athlon X2 2.7 Ghz)
Memoria: 2 GB
Disco Duro: 20 GB
Tarjeta de Vídeo (AMD): Compatible con DirectX 10.1 con 512 MB de RAM (ATI Radeon Serie 3000, 4000, 5000 o 6000, ATI Radeon 3870 o mejor)
Tarjeta de Vídeo (NVIDIA): Compatible con DirectX 10.0 con 512 MB de RAM (NVIDIA GeForce Serie 8, 9, 200, 300, 400 o 500, serie NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT o mejor)
Tarjeta de Audio: Compatible con DirectX
Teclado y Mouse

Requisitos recomendados:

Windows 7 64-Bits
Procesador: Quad Core
Memoria: 4 GB
Disco Duro: 20 GB
Tarjeta de Vídeo: Compatible con DirectX 11 con 1024 MB de RAM (ATI Radeon 6950 o NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560)
Tarjeta de Audio: Compatible con DirectX
Teclado y Mouse

Y si hay un downgrade importante del reveal al lo de hoy, cosa que ya esperaba ya que en el reveal trailer era bestial lo que se veia. Eso si pinta bastante mejor que lo poco que se vió del ultimo trailer, que daba vergüenza ajena.
PilaDePetaca escribió:
juan19 escribió:Requisitos de Battlefield 4 revelados.


http://battlefieldo.com/threads/bf4-pc- ... sed.10826/

Básicamente los mismos que battlefield 3.

Es sorprendente ver como los requerimientos mínimos basicos seguramente será para ver el battlefield como PS360 y como los requerimientos recomendados sería para ver el battlefield como PS4/ONE (esperemos).

Edit: dios, en deep down no hay downgrade, hay lo siguiente.

Con los recomendados, debería verse bastante mejor que PS4/XBO. Ya solo por el detalle de recomendar una 660 con 3gb mas los 8 del sistema da que pensar que esta generación de consolas nace ya a remolque del PC.
silenius escribió:Y si hay un downgrade importante del reveal al lo de hoy, cosa que ya esperaba ya que en el reveal trailer era bestial lo que se veia. Eso si pinta bastante mejor que lo poco que se vió del ultimo trailer, que daba vergüenza ajena.

Es que el trailer "Wii Edition" metió mucho miedo/pavor en el cuerpo... [mad]


... eso no hay por donde cogerlo! [reojillo] De todos modos, a este título le queda un laaaaargo desarrollo hasta Navidades del 2014 por lo que tengo entendido, por lo que puede mejorar ostensiblemente. No creo que llegue al "target render", pero puede que consigan "que se acerque" al menos. Just wait & see.
Monohime Akashi está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
Me parece un poco absurdo comparar gif de lo que han mostrado hoy del Deep Down con lo que se mostro en el trailer principal para decir que no se ve igual, por una sencilla razón. Deep Down es un juego al que aun le quedan muchos pero muchos meses antes de estar a la venta en las tiendas. Dicho de otro modo, lo que hemos visto es algo igual que otros trailers prematuros, que aunque se vea muy bien no muestran el resultado final, hay juegos en los que solo en los tres o dos últimos meses dan un subidon gráfico muy alto, así que mejor comparar con el juego terminado al 100% para hacer una comparativa bastante má real que las que se están haciendo. Sobre los juegos AAA yo el único juego de lanzamiento que veo realmente como un triple AAA, para lo que yo entiendo como tal, se llama Kill Zone Shadow Fall.
Yo no se porque la gente tergiversa el temino de AAA, mira que mi opinion sobre eloskuro no es precisamente la mejor pero lo ha dicho correctamente. Un AAA es un juego de gran presupuesto, fin de la historia, si luego sale o no mierda ya sera otro asunto, si emplea unas u otras tecnicas idem, lo unico que implica o ha implicado siempre el termino de AAA es saber que lleva un gran presupuesto detras.
Franky_el_Punky escribió:Imagen

Mucho para un pad.
PilaDePetaca escribió:
Franky_el_Punky escribió:Imagen

Mucho para un pad.

Que eso es el Psvita tv. [+risas]
Por si quedaba alguna duda de que el rumor de la dgpu no tenia mucho sentido, aquí está la confirmación.


xufeitor escribió:Por si quedaba alguna duda de que el rumor de la dgpu no tenia mucho sentido, aquí está la confirmación.



No se, alguien en su sano juicio pensaba que podría haber una dGPU?? si ya se que soñar es gratis, pero vamos, no lo veo como una decepción, lo veo como algo normal (lo de que no iba a haber una dGPU).

Ahora sólo queda ver de donde se saca mas zumo, de una castaña o de una nuez.
AAA es juego sobresaliente de alta factura. Y retail es version final a la venta, sea indie o gtaV. Ambos terminos se estan malutilizando por el tema de lo que ha generado el catalogo launch de ps4.

Y entonces deep down es un mmo de esos sin campaña? Ya podrian haberlo dicho el primer dia y nos habriamos ahorrado muchas discusiones...
LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooL XD

¿PeloDePetaca eres clon de algún usuario malandrín?
Joeru_15 escribió:¿PeloDePetaca eres clon de algún usuario malandrín?

Si hubiese un clon mio, el universo colapsaría sobre si mismo reventando el provencio y parte de murcia.

No, le he robado el gif y lo he puesto en el foro de XONE, porque aparte de que me hacia gracia, por lo menos en él dicen que se dejen de chorradas de specs y se fijen en los juegos, que es lo que realmente importa (por dios, que shadow warrior no salga sólo en PS4!!).

Edit: Sorry dshadow21 por mangarte el gif.
xufeitor escribió:Por si quedaba alguna duda de que el rumor de la dgpu no tenia mucho sentido, aquí está la confirmación.



Seguro que surgen nuevos rumores; porque claro, en la XBOX One no hay doble dgpu, pero... ¿por qué el Kinect es tan grande y encarece tanto la consola? ¿por qué dijo MS que Kinect 2.0 forma parte de ONE? ¿no será que el Kinect tiene en sus entrañas una sixGpu? ¿Será Kinect una nube offline?

xufeitor escribió:Por si quedaba alguna duda de que el rumor de la dgpu no tenia mucho sentido, aquí está la confirmación.



Dito, me da una lastima con esos que se hicieron muchas pajas mentales a base de eso, se veian tan ilusionados y mira ahora los han tirado de su propia nube. Que triste.
jean316 escribió:
xufeitor escribió:Por si quedaba alguna duda de que el rumor de la dgpu no tenia mucho sentido, aquí está la confirmación.



Dito, me da una lastima con esos que se hicieron muchas pajas mentales a base de eso, se veian tan ilusionados y mira ahora los han tirado de su propia nube. Que triste.

Yo los calificaria de otra forma pero acarrearía expulsion definitiva mi comentario y mas viendo que quien era participe en parte de esos comentarios de dichos rumores era un mod del foro pero bueno, viendo los antecedente de la moderacion en las foros de las consolas de MS tampoco sorprende demasiado.... solo plantearse meterse en el hilo generalde la Xbox One y tener un debateserio sobre aspectos del hard con la gent de alli es un ejercicio de masoquismo.
xufeitor escribió:Por si quedaba alguna duda de que el rumor de la dgpu no tenia mucho sentido, aquí está la confirmación.



¡Mentira! la segunda GPU está en la nube [sonrisa]
Por cierto, que el menda ( el Albert Penello) ha intentado justificar algunas cosas por NeoGaf y le estan dando hostias hasta en el DNI, no aprenden, es que no aprenden.........

http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.ph ... tcount=195

I see my statements the other day caused more of a stir than I had intended. I saw threads locking down as fast as they pop up, so I apologize for the delayed response.

I was hoping my comments would lead the discussion to be more about the games (and the fact that games on both systems look great) as a sign of my point about performance, but unfortunately I saw more discussion of my credibility.

So I thought I would add more detail to what I said the other day, that perhaps people can debate those individual merits instead of making personal attacks. This should hopefully dismiss the notion I'm simply creating FUD or spin.

I do want to be super clear: I'm not disparaging Sony. I'm not trying to diminish them, or their launch or what they have said. But I do need to draw comparisons since I am trying to explain that the way people are calculating the differences between the two machines isn't completely accurate. I think I've been upfront I have nothing but respect for those guys, but I'm not a fan of the mis-information about our performance.

So, here are couple of points about some of the individual parts for people to consider:

• 18 CU's vs. 12 CU's =/= 50% more performance. Multi-core processors have inherent inefficiency with more CU's, so it's simply incorrect to say 50% more GPU.
• Adding to that, each of our CU's is running 6% faster. It's not simply a 6% clock speed increase overall.
• We have more memory bandwidth. 176gb/sec is peak on paper for GDDR5. Our peak on paper is 272gb/sec. (68gb/sec DDR3 + 204gb/sec on ESRAM). ESRAM can do read/write cycles simultaneously so I see this number mis-quoted.
• We have at least 10% more CPU. Not only a faster processor, but a better audio chip also offloading CPU cycles.
• We understand GPGPU and its importance very well. Microsoft invented Direct Compute, and have been using GPGPU in a shipping product since 2010 - it's called Kinect.
• Speaking of GPGPU - we have 3X the coherent bandwidth for GPGPU at 30gb/sec which significantly improves our ability for the CPU to efficiently read data generated by the GPU.

Hopefully with some of those more specific points people will understand where we have reduced bottlenecks in the system. I'm sure this will get debated endlessly but at least you can see I'm backing up my points.

I still I believe that we get little credit for the fact that, as a SW company, the people designing our system are some of the smartest graphics engineers around – they understand how to architect and balance a system for graphics performance. Each company has their strengths, and I feel that our strength is overlooked when evaluating both boxes.

Given this continued belief of a significant gap, we're working with our most senior graphics and silicon engineers to get into more depth on this topic. They will be more credible then I am, and can talk in detail about some of the benchmarking we've done and how we balanced our system.

Thanks again for letting my participate. Hope this gives people more background on my claims.

Éste y el MajorNelson no sabe donde se han metido al postear por GAF me da la impresion.
Hombre, la diferencia es que a este le pagan por eso XD
triki1 escribió:Por cierto, que el menda ( el Albert Penello) ha intentado justificar algunas cosas por NeoGaf y le estan dando hostias hasta en el DNI, no aprenden, es que no aprenden.........

http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.ph ... tcount=195

I see my statements the other day caused more of a stir than I had intended. I saw threads locking down as fast as they pop up, so I apologize for the delayed response.

I was hoping my comments would lead the discussion to be more about the games (and the fact that games on both systems look great) as a sign of my point about performance, but unfortunately I saw more discussion of my credibility.

So I thought I would add more detail to what I said the other day, that perhaps people can debate those individual merits instead of making personal attacks. This should hopefully dismiss the notion I'm simply creating FUD or spin.

I do want to be super clear: I'm not disparaging Sony. I'm not trying to diminish them, or their launch or what they have said. But I do need to draw comparisons since I am trying to explain that the way people are calculating the differences between the two machines isn't completely accurate. I think I've been upfront I have nothing but respect for those guys, but I'm not a fan of the mis-information about our performance.

So, here are couple of points about some of the individual parts for people to consider:

• 18 CU's vs. 12 CU's =/= 50% more performance. Multi-core processors have inherent inefficiency with more CU's, so it's simply incorrect to say 50% more GPU.
• Adding to that, each of our CU's is running 6% faster. It's not simply a 6% clock speed increase overall.
• We have more memory bandwidth. 176gb/sec is peak on paper for GDDR5. Our peak on paper is 272gb/sec. (68gb/sec DDR3 + 204gb/sec on ESRAM). ESRAM can do read/write cycles simultaneously so I see this number mis-quoted.
• We have at least 10% more CPU. Not only a faster processor, but a better audio chip also offloading CPU cycles.
• We understand GPGPU and its importance very well. Microsoft invented Direct Compute, and have been using GPGPU in a shipping product since 2010 - it's called Kinect.
• Speaking of GPGPU - we have 3X the coherent bandwidth for GPGPU at 30gb/sec which significantly improves our ability for the CPU to efficiently read data generated by the GPU.

Hopefully with some of those more specific points people will understand where we have reduced bottlenecks in the system. I'm sure this will get debated endlessly but at least you can see I'm backing up my points.

I still I believe that we get little credit for the fact that, as a SW company, the people designing our system are some of the smartest graphics engineers around – they understand how to architect and balance a system for graphics performance. Each company has their strengths, and I feel that our strength is overlooked when evaluating both boxes.

Given this continued belief of a significant gap, we're working with our most senior graphics and silicon engineers to get into more depth on this topic. They will be more credible then I am, and can talk in detail about some of the benchmarking we've done and how we balanced our system.

Thanks again for letting my participate. Hope this gives people more background on my claims.

Éste y el MajorNelson no sabe donde se han metido al postear por GAF me da la impresion.

se nota a leguas que han comenzado una campaña de lavado de imagen bestial , penello que nunca posteaba , y ahora lo hace siempre , y el otro recien registrado diciendo que hara comparativas de specs [carcajad]
Monohime Akashi está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
triki1 escribió:Yo los calificaria de otra forma pero acarrearía expulsion definitiva mi comentario y mas viendo que quien era participe en parte de esos comentarios de dichos rumores era un mod del foro pero bueno, viendo los antecedente de la moderacion en las foros de las consolas de MS tampoco sorprende demasiado.... solo plantearse meterse en el hilo generalde la Xbox One y tener un debateserio sobre aspectos del hard con la gent de alli es un ejercicio de masoquismo.

Lo que comentas lo he visto más de una vez también en otros foros, el moderador cojea aun más que el más fanboy de todo el foro, me refiero a que mete hasta la oreja en el charco con la cojera y no hace nada para disimularlo. Eso dice mucho de la calidad del foro en cuestión, más bien lo dice todo para mi opinión.

triki1 escribió:Por cierto, que el menda ( el Albert Penello) ha intentado justificar algunas cosas por NeoGaf y le estan dando hostias hasta en el DNI, no aprenden, es que no aprenden.........

http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.ph ... tcount=195

I see my statements the other day caused more of a stir than I had intended. I saw threads locking down as fast as they pop up, so I apologize for the delayed response.

I was hoping my comments would lead the discussion to be more about the games (and the fact that games on both systems look great) as a sign of my point about performance, but unfortunately I saw more discussion of my credibility.

So I thought I would add more detail to what I said the other day, that perhaps people can debate those individual merits instead of making personal attacks. This should hopefully dismiss the notion I'm simply creating FUD or spin.

I do want to be super clear: I'm not disparaging Sony. I'm not trying to diminish them, or their launch or what they have said. But I do need to draw comparisons since I am trying to explain that the way people are calculating the differences between the two machines isn't completely accurate. I think I've been upfront I have nothing but respect for those guys, but I'm not a fan of the mis-information about our performance.

So, here are couple of points about some of the individual parts for people to consider:

• 18 CU's vs. 12 CU's =/= 50% more performance. Multi-core processors have inherent inefficiency with more CU's, so it's simply incorrect to say 50% more GPU.
• Adding to that, each of our CU's is running 6% faster. It's not simply a 6% clock speed increase overall.
• We have more memory bandwidth. 176gb/sec is peak on paper for GDDR5. Our peak on paper is 272gb/sec. (68gb/sec DDR3 + 204gb/sec on ESRAM). ESRAM can do read/write cycles simultaneously so I see this number mis-quoted.
• We have at least 10% more CPU. Not only a faster processor, but a better audio chip also offloading CPU cycles.
• We understand GPGPU and its importance very well. Microsoft invented Direct Compute, and have been using GPGPU in a shipping product since 2010 - it's called Kinect.
• Speaking of GPGPU - we have 3X the coherent bandwidth for GPGPU at 30gb/sec which significantly improves our ability for the CPU to efficiently read data generated by the GPU.

Hopefully with some of those more specific points people will understand where we have reduced bottlenecks in the system. I'm sure this will get debated endlessly but at least you can see I'm backing up my points.

I still I believe that we get little credit for the fact that, as a SW company, the people designing our system are some of the smartest graphics engineers around – they understand how to architect and balance a system for graphics performance. Each company has their strengths, and I feel that our strength is overlooked when evaluating both boxes.

Given this continued belief of a significant gap, we're working with our most senior graphics and silicon engineers to get into more depth on this topic. They will be more credible then I am, and can talk in detail about some of the benchmarking we've done and how we balanced our system.

Thanks again for letting my participate. Hope this gives people more background on my claims.

Éste y el MajorNelson no sabe donde se han metido al postear por GAF me da la impresion.

Y si no lo saben ya saldrán escocidos. A MS le hace falta a la de ya una voz única que hable por todos y no 10 pollos sin cabeza diciendo tonterías nuevas cada día.
xufeitor escribió:Por si quedaba alguna duda de que el rumor de la dgpu no tenia mucho sentido, aquí está la confirmación.



Es que había que ser muy iluso para creer semejante "rumor" (que mas que rumor eran deseos).

Algun dia van a tener que asimilar que la PS4 es ostensiblemente superior a Xbox One en potencia.
dshadow21 escribió:LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooL XD


Sony hara otra conferencia de pensa el 19 de septiembre.

C'est confirmé!
Sony vient en effet d'annoncer qu'ils tiendront bel et bien une deuxième conférence PlayStation à l'ouverture du Tokyo Games Show jeudi 19 septembre au matin.

Après l'annonce de plusieurs jeux ce matin, du nouveau modèle de PS Vita et de la PS Vita TV, il semblerait donc que Sony ait encore quelques cartes à jouer lors de ce TGS!
http://www.playvita-live.com/news-psvit ... elle-confe


esto ha dicho penello en GAF

I see my statements the other day caused more of a stir than I had intended. I saw threads locking down as fast as they pop up, so I apologize for the delayed response.

I was hoping my comments would lead the discussion to be more about the games (and the fact that games on both systems look great) as a sign of my point about performance, but unfortunately I saw more discussion of my credibility.

So I thought I would add more detail to what I said the other day, that perhaps people can debate those individual merits instead of making personal attacks. This should hopefully dismiss the notion I'm simply creating FUD or spin.

I do want to be super clear: I'm not disparaging Sony. I'm not trying to diminish them, or their launch or what they have said. But I do need to draw comparisons since I am trying to explain that the way people are calculating the differences between the two machines isn't completely accurate. I think I've been upfront I have nothing but respect for those guys, but I'm not a fan of the mis-information about our performance.

So, here are couple of points about some of the individual parts for people to consider:

• 18 CU's vs. 12 CU's =/= 50% more performance. Multi-core processors have inherent inefficiency with more CU's, so it's simply incorrect to say 50% more GPU.
• Adding to that, each of our CU's is running 6% faster. It's not simply a 6% clock speed increase overall.
• We have more memory bandwidth. 176gb/sec is peak on paper for GDDR5. Our peak on paper is 272gb/sec. (68gb/sec DDR3 + 204gb/sec on ESRAM). ESRAM can do read/write cycles simultaneously so I see this number mis-quoted.
• We have at least 10% more CPU. Not only a faster processor, but a better audio chip also offloading CPU cycles.
• We understand GPGPU and its importance very well. Microsoft invented Direct Compute, and have been using GPGPU in a shipping product since 2010 - it's called Kinect.
• Speaking of GPGPU - we have 3X the coherent bandwidth for GPGPU at 30gb/sec which significantly improves our ability for the CPU to efficiently read data generated by the GPU.

Hopefully with some of those more specific points people will understand where we have reduced bottlenecks in the system. I'm sure this will get debated endlessly but at least you can see I'm backing up my points.

I still I believe that we get little credit for the fact that, as a SW company, the people designing our system are some of the smartest graphics engineers around – they understand how to architect and balance a system for graphics performance. Each company has their strengths, and I feel that our strength is overlooked when evaluating both boxes.

Given this continued belief of a significant gap, we're working with our most senior graphics and silicon engineers to get into more depth on this topic. They will be more credible then I am, and can talk in detail about some of the benchmarking we've done and how we balanced our system.

Thanks again for letting my participate. Hope this gives people more background on my claims.

http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.ph ... tcount=195
dshadow21 escribió:LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooL XD


Jajajajajaja MEGALOL!!!! [qmparto] [qmparto] [qmparto]

triki1 escribió:Por cierto, que el menda ( el Albert Penello) ha intentado justificar algunas cosas por NeoGaf y le estan dando hostias hasta en el DNI, no aprenden, es que no aprenden.........

http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.ph ... tcount=195

I see my statements the other day caused more of a stir than I had intended. I saw threads locking down as fast as they pop up, so I apologize for the delayed response.

I was hoping my comments would lead the discussion to be more about the games (and the fact that games on both systems look great) as a sign of my point about performance, but unfortunately I saw more discussion of my credibility.

So I thought I would add more detail to what I said the other day, that perhaps people can debate those individual merits instead of making personal attacks. This should hopefully dismiss the notion I'm simply creating FUD or spin.

I do want to be super clear: I'm not disparaging Sony. I'm not trying to diminish them, or their launch or what they have said. But I do need to draw comparisons since I am trying to explain that the way people are calculating the differences between the two machines isn't completely accurate. I think I've been upfront I have nothing but respect for those guys, but I'm not a fan of the mis-information about our performance.

So, here are couple of points about some of the individual parts for people to consider:

• 18 CU's vs. 12 CU's =/= 50% more performance. Multi-core processors have inherent inefficiency with more CU's, so it's simply incorrect to say 50% more GPU.
• Adding to that, each of our CU's is running 6% faster. It's not simply a 6% clock speed increase overall.
• We have more memory bandwidth. 176gb/sec is peak on paper for GDDR5. Our peak on paper is 272gb/sec. (68gb/sec DDR3 + 204gb/sec on ESRAM). ESRAM can do read/write cycles simultaneously so I see this number mis-quoted.
• We have at least 10% more CPU. Not only a faster processor, but a better audio chip also offloading CPU cycles.
• We understand GPGPU and its importance very well. Microsoft invented Direct Compute, and have been using GPGPU in a shipping product since 2010 - it's called Kinect.
• Speaking of GPGPU - we have 3X the coherent bandwidth for GPGPU at 30gb/sec which significantly improves our ability for the CPU to efficiently read data generated by the GPU.

Hopefully with some of those more specific points people will understand where we have reduced bottlenecks in the system. I'm sure this will get debated endlessly but at least you can see I'm backing up my points.

I still I believe that we get little credit for the fact that, as a SW company, the people designing our system are some of the smartest graphics engineers around – they understand how to architect and balance a system for graphics performance. Each company has their strengths, and I feel that our strength is overlooked when evaluating both boxes.

Given this continued belief of a significant gap, we're working with our most senior graphics and silicon engineers to get into more depth on this topic. They will be more credible then I am, and can talk in detail about some of the benchmarking we've done and how we balanced our system.

Thanks again for letting my participate. Hope this gives people more background on my claims.

Éste y el MajorNelson no sabe donde se han metido al postear por GAF me da la impresion.

Es cosa mía o está confirmando por fin las specs filtradas de la ONE que todos tenemos pero "no son oficiales"??

Pues yo tenía una remota esperanza en que la ONE al final fuese un pepino y cambiar la reserva...me da que esta gen se nos va a hacer muy larga a los consoleros...
eloskuro está baneado del subforo por "flames"
juan19 escribió:Sony hara otra conferencia de pensa el 19 de septiembre.

C'est confirmé!
Sony vient en effet d'annoncer qu'ils tiendront bel et bien une deuxième conférence PlayStation à l'ouverture du Tokyo Games Show jeudi 19 septembre au matin.

Après l'annonce de plusieurs jeux ce matin, du nouveau modèle de PS Vita et de la PS Vita TV, il semblerait donc que Sony ait encore quelques cartes à jouer lors de ce TGS!
http://www.playvita-live.com/news-psvit ... elle-confe


esto ha dicho penello en GAF

I see my statements the other day caused more of a stir than I had intended. I saw threads locking down as fast as they pop up, so I apologize for the delayed response.

I was hoping my comments would lead the discussion to be more about the games (and the fact that games on both systems look great) as a sign of my point about performance, but unfortunately I saw more discussion of my credibility.

So I thought I would add more detail to what I said the other day, that perhaps people can debate those individual merits instead of making personal attacks. This should hopefully dismiss the notion I'm simply creating FUD or spin.

I do want to be super clear: I'm not disparaging Sony. I'm not trying to diminish them, or their launch or what they have said. But I do need to draw comparisons since I am trying to explain that the way people are calculating the differences between the two machines isn't completely accurate. I think I've been upfront I have nothing but respect for those guys, but I'm not a fan of the mis-information about our performance.

So, here are couple of points about some of the individual parts for people to consider:

• 18 CU's vs. 12 CU's =/= 50% more performance. Multi-core processors have inherent inefficiency with more CU's, so it's simply incorrect to say 50% more GPU.
• Adding to that, each of our CU's is running 6% faster. It's not simply a 6% clock speed increase overall.
• We have more memory bandwidth. 176gb/sec is peak on paper for GDDR5. Our peak on paper is 272gb/sec. (68gb/sec DDR3 + 204gb/sec on ESRAM). ESRAM can do read/write cycles simultaneously so I see this number mis-quoted.
• We have at least 10% more CPU. Not only a faster processor, but a better audio chip also offloading CPU cycles.
• We understand GPGPU and its importance very well. Microsoft invented Direct Compute, and have been using GPGPU in a shipping product since 2010 - it's called Kinect.
• Speaking of GPGPU - we have 3X the coherent bandwidth for GPGPU at 30gb/sec which significantly improves our ability for the CPU to efficiently read data generated by the GPU.

Hopefully with some of those more specific points people will understand where we have reduced bottlenecks in the system. I'm sure this will get debated endlessly but at least you can see I'm backing up my points.

I still I believe that we get little credit for the fact that, as a SW company, the people designing our system are some of the smartest graphics engineers around – they understand how to architect and balance a system for graphics performance. Each company has their strengths, and I feel that our strength is overlooked when evaluating both boxes.

Given this continued belief of a significant gap, we're working with our most senior graphics and silicon engineers to get into more depth on this topic. They will be more credible then I am, and can talk in detail about some of the benchmarking we've done and how we balanced our system.

Thanks again for letting my participate. Hope this gives people more background on my claims.

http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.ph ... tcount=195

Juan, tiku, fuera aparte de que no lleve dGPU, que eso ya dije hasta yo que no me lo creia y que era ciencia ficción, yo creo que en este, y el anterior comentario no ha idcho nada raro. En este post, ya ha dicho que el solo está dejando algunos datos que el estima(segun la información que le habrán pasado) que se deberian comparar de otra manera, pero tambien dice que los ingenieros ya saldrán a hablar sobre el tema en algun momento dado, para aclarar dudas a la gente. Yo creo que están siendo muy transparentes en esto. Estan hablando con los aficionados, aún a riesgo de recibir palos.

Obviamente, todo esto solo hace suponer que hay diferencia real palpable entre las dos consolas y que Microsoft solo puede hablar de rendimiento y cuellos de botella a su favor.
Yo por mi parte, me esperaré a los videos in-game multis de la eurogamer expo, pero lo dicho, antes de el rollo este de la dGPU por juegos ingame mostrados hasta ahora, mi elección de momento es Xbox One.

PD: El misterxmedia este ahora dice que ya lo sabia, que lo que tiene la xbox one son 3 igpu [+risas]
Que alguien acabe con el anda [carcajad] Que solo sabe Hypear [toctoc] [buaaj]
La confirmación por parte de Penello (vaya apellido, por cierto... ¿por qué todavía no hemos hecho un chiste con eso?... ¿demasiado fácil?) de que XBO no tiene dGPU es sólo para los fanboys más xboxers. Los demás ya lo sabíamos. [qmparto]

Deep Down ha sufrido claramente una bajada de calidad gráfica del espectacular vídeo de febrero al de ayer, aunque tiene unos gráficos muy buenos y los personajes se mueven bastante bien. Hay detalles que se han perdido por el camino. Lo del fuego ha empeorado, pero al fin y al cabo es un efecto que puede mejorar de aquí a que salga. Me molesta más que haya detalles como los colgajos de los lados de la cara del dragón que ya no se muevan tan guay. Pero sin duda tiene unos gráficos next-gen y aún falta una burrada para que salga. Se decía que iba a ser MMO, pero al confirmarse que será para como mucho tres jugadores simultáneos, pues como que muy masivo no es que sea. Yo creo que va a ser un Dark Souls con mazmorras random para jugar partidas y partidas con los colegas (orientado a online, vamos) sin que puedas aprenderte de memoria el mapa. Si le meten un buen bestiario (jodería tropezarte a los mismos cinco bichos todo el rato) y se curran la historia, lo mismo no está tan mal como creía en principio. Aún así, tampoco me quita el sueño.

Yo de CAPCOM no me fío, salvo por Yoshinori Ono. Con lo que esa gente llegó a ser. Este tío es lo único bueno que ha entrado en la empresa últimamente (vamos, entró hace un huevo, pero ya me entendéis). Al resto de su staff le pueden dar. A CAPCOM se le fue todo el mundo. El de Resident Evil (Shinji Mikami) ahora hace The Evil Within con su nueva empresa Tango Gameworks (después de haber pasado por Platinum y hacer Vanquish), los de Devil May Cry (Hideki Kamija) y Ôkami (Atsushi Inaba), están en Platinum Games con The Wonderful 101 (Kamija) y Bayonetta 2 (Inaba), Yoshiki Okamoto (Street Fighter II, Final Fight) fundó Game Republic, mientras que Keiji Inafune (MegaMan, Onimusha, Dead Rising) está ahora con Soul Sacrifice y Mighty No.9.

Es ésa la principal razón de por qué las sagas de CAPCOM se están yendo a por pan y tabaco.
Una cosa no quita la otra.

Lo de la dgpu era algo taaaan obvio, mira que lo he dicho veces, a dicanio, aquí y en el hilo de la One.

Que no se puede vender la piel del oso antes de cazarlo, ahora está medio foro de la One en depresión profunda, pero ellos se lo han buscado por montarse películas, el que avisa no es traidor.

Me recuerdan a sony y sus fanboys del 2005- :p

Por otra parte también es trending topic echar mierda a MS, haga lo que haga, ahora intentan acercarse al consumidor y da igual lo que digan o hagan reciben palos por los 4 costados. Penello a mi me parece un tio coherente dentro de que es un relaciones públicas de MS, claro.

Echar mierda a ms y a relaxing cup of cafe con leche están de moda xD


Lo siento no lo he podido evitar xD
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