Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition Cheat Plugin Trainer by [ioritree]
Special thanks goes to "Cell9" for his NTR CFW and trainer plugin.
(1) 「Player 1 - Inf Health」
(2) 「Player 1 - Inf Super」
(3) 「Player 1 - Inf Ultra Super」
*You Must have a 4.1~ 4.5 3DS console to use this trainer!*
Before you try this trainer, please use another SD memory card for it and here is the reason.
This trainer will ONLY work in lolanv's NTR CFW.
"NTR CFW Launcher.dat" is modified from "GW v2.2 Launcher.dat", which means you can’t get update to GW EmuNAND 9.x.
Therefore, you should prepare 2 SD cards.
One is for GW v2.7 Launcher.dat (GW EmuNand 9.x) for playing latest games.
One is for NTR CFW Launcher.dat (Only use this SD for playing games with trainers.)
Step 1: Put the new SD card in your 3DS console.
Step 2: Get into the Gateway menu.
Step 3: Make the v.4.1~v4.5 EmuNAND
Step 4: Turn off your 3DS, take out the SD card, put it in your PC, and extract the RAR files into the SD card. (p.s. Don't rename any files or it won't work.)
Step 5: Copy the rom "Super Street Fighter IV 3D [3DS0037] USA version" into the Gateway Red Card---TF memory card.
Step 6: Now, put both SD card and TF card back to your 3DS and load the game.
Step 7: It’s normal to see green flash when you enter GW 4.x EmuNAND and when you load the game.
Step 8: In game, press [Start] + [Select] buttons together to turn on the trainer.
press [Start] + [Select] buttons again to turn off the trainer.
Step 9: enjoy !
Thanks to "Cell9", this won't be possible without his NTR CFW and trainer plugin.
Especially Thank baga99,optantic,eco95