Enya - Only Time
Who can say where the road goes,
Where the day flows, only time?
And who can say if your love grows,
As your hearth chose, only time?
Who can say why your heart sights,
As your live flies, only time?
And who can say why your heart cries
when your love lies, only time?
Who can say when the roads meet,
That love might be ,in your heart?
and who can say when the day sleeps,
and the night keeps all your heart?
Night keeps all your heart.....
Who can say if your love groves,
As your heart chose, only time?
And who can say where the road goes
Where the day flows, only time?
Who knows? Only time
Who knows? Only time
Bruce Springsteen - Badlands
Lights out tonight
trouble in the heartland
Got a head-on collision
smashin' in my guts, man
I'm caught in a cross fire
that I don't understand
But there's one thing I know for sure girl
I don't give a damn
For the same old played out scenes
I don't give a damn
For just the in betweens
Honey, I want the heart, I want the soul
I want control right now
talk about a dream
Try to make it real
you wake up in the night
With a fear so real
Spend your life waiting
for a moment that just don't come
Well, don't waste your time waiting
Badlands, you gotta live it everyday
Let the broken hearts stand
As the price you've gotta pay
We'll keep pushin' till it's understood
and these badlands start treating us good
Workin' in the fields
till you get your back burned
Workin' `neath the wheel
till you get your facts learned
Baby I got my facts
learned real good right now
You better get it straight darling
Poor man wanna be rich,
rich man wanna be king
And a king ain't satisfied
till he rules everything
I wanna go out tonight,
I wanna find out what I got
Well I believe in the love that you gave me
I believe in the love that you gave me
I believe in the faith that could save me
I believe in the hope
and I pray that some day
It may raise me above these
mmmmmmmm, mmmmm, mmmmmm
For the ones who had a notion,
a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin
to be glad you're alive
I wanna find one face
that ain't looking through me
I wanna find one place,
I wanna spit in the face of these badlands
Bruce Springsteen - Thunder Road
The screen door slams
Mary's dress waves
Like a vision she dances across the porch
As the radio plays
Roy Orbison singing for the lonely
Hey that's me and I want you only
Don't turn me home again
I just can't face myself alone again
Don't run back inside
darling you know just what I'm here for
So you're scared and you're thinking
That maybe we ain't that young anymore
Show a little faith, there's magic in the night
You ain't a beauty, but hey you're alright
Oh and that's alright with me
You can hide `neath your covers
And study your pain
Make crosses from your lovers
Throw roses in the rain
Waste your summer praying in vain
For a savior to rise from these streets
Well now I'm no hero
That's understood
All the redemption I can offer, girl
Is beneath this dirty hood
With a chance to make it good somehow
Hey what else can we do now
Except roll down the window
And let the wind blow back your hair
Well the night's busting open
These two lanes will take us anywhere
We got one last chance to make it real
To trade in these wings on some wheels
Climb in back
Heaven's waiting on down the tracks
Oh oh come take my hand
Riding out tonight to case the promised land
Oh oh Thunder Road, oh Thunder Road
oh Thunder Road
Lying out there like a killer in the sun
Hey I know it's late we can make it if we run
Oh Thunder Road, sit tight take hold
Thunder Road
Well I got this guitar
And I learned how to make it talk
And my car's out back
If you're ready to take that long walk
>From your front porch to my front seat
The door's open but the ride it ain't free
And I know you're lonely
For words that I ain't spoken
But tonight we'll be free
All the promises'll be broken
There were ghosts in the eyes
Of all the boys you sent away
They haunt this dusty beach road
In the skeleton frames of burned out Chevrolets
They scream your name at night in the street
Your graduation gown lies in rags at their feet
And in the lonely cool before dawn
You hear their engines roaring on
But when you get to the porch they're gone
On the wind, so Mary climb in
It's a town full of losers
And I'm pulling out of here to win.
Bruce Springsteen - Briliant Disguise
I hold you in my arms
as the band plays
What are those words whispered baby
just as you turn away
I saw you last night
out on the edge of town
I wanna read your mind
To know just what I've got in this new thing I've found
So tell me what I see
when I look in your eyes
Is that you baby
or just a brilliant disguise
I heard somebody call your name
from underneath our willow
I saw something tucked in shame
underneath your pillow
Well I've tried so hard baby
but I just can't see
What a woman like you
is doing with me
So tell me who I see
when I look in your eyes
Is that you baby
or just a brilliant disguise
Now look at me baby
struggling to do everything right
And then it all falls apart
when out go the lights
I'm just a lonely pilgrim
I walk this world in wealth
I want to know if it's you I don't trust
'cause I damn sure don't trust myself
Now you play the loving woman
I'll play the faithful man
But just don't look too close
into the palm of my hand
We stood at the alter
the gypsy swore our future was right
But come the wee wee hours
Well maybe baby the gypsy lied
So when you look at me
you better look hard and look twice
Is that me baby
or just a brilliant disguise
Tonight our bed is cold
I'm lost in the darkness of our love
God have mercy on the man
Who doubts what he's sure of
Joaquín Sabina - Pongamos que hablo de Madrid
Allá donde se cruzan los caminos,
donde el mar no se puede concebir,
donde regresa siempre el fugitivo,
pongamos que hablo de Madrid.
Donde el deseo viaja en ascensores,
un agujero queda para mí,
que me dejo la vida en sus rincones,
pongamos que hablo de Madrid.
Las niñas ya no quieren ser princesas,
y a los niños les da por perseguir
el mar dentro de un vaso de ginebra,
pongamos que hablo de Madrid.
Los pájaros visitan al psiquiatra,
las estrellas se olvidan de salir,
la muerte viaja en ambulancias blancas,
pongamos que hablo de Madrid.
El sol es una estufa de butano,
la vida un metro a punto de partir,
hay una jeringuilla en el lavabo,
pongamos que hablo de Madrid.
Cuando la muerte venga a visitarme,
que me lleven al sur donde nací,
aquí no queda sitio para nadie,
pongamos que hablo de Madrid
Habeas Corpus - Basta ya
Hace dos días caía muerto un policia,
tres iban a ser los disparos que acabaran con su vida.
Hace dos días mataron a un policía,
ejemplar trabajador, esposo, y padre de familia.
Al día siguiente nadie hablaba de otra cosa,
al día siguiente no existía otra noticia,
al día siguiente asistimos a su entierro,
y lloramos cuando dijeron: llorad;
obedientes lloramos.
Dolidos por la pérdida de ese gran hombre,
hicimos nuestro el dolor de aquella familia,
calificamos de inútil aquella última muerte,
y exijimos y rogamos, suplicamos que así fuese.
Sentimos nustro cada pésame enviado,
con él, dijeron, nos han matado a todos.
Guardamos luto y un minuto de silencio,
junto a las autoridades de cualquier color y signo.
Fuimos testigos de todo ese gran teatro,
de los comunicados de condena y de repulsa,
de las banderas que ondeaban a media asta,
de esa inmensa mayoría,
de los gritos de ya basta. (x2)
Asistimos a todas las concentracones,
fuimos a las mil y una manifestaciones,
vestimos lazos de todos los colores,
sus palabras permitieron que no dijesemos nada.
Aquellos días nos vestimos de tolerancia,
cerramos filas en torno a la democracia,
ciudadanos bien, ciudadanos de bien,
acusando a no se qué, acusando a no se quién.
El mismo día hubo una muerte sin noticia,
una de tantas que no se rentabilizan,
una de tantas en las que es un obrero
que al igual que cae al vacío cae también en el olvido.
Qué valor tiene la muerte de un desgraciado,
el mismo valor que tiene su nacimiento,
y dónde están sus viudas, dónde dónde están sus hijos,
donde las condolencias, y dónde tanto tanto grito.
Fuimos testigos de todo ese gran teatro,
de los comunicados de condena y de repulsa,
de las banderas que ondeaban a media asta,
de esa inmensa mayoría,
de los gritos de ya basta. (x2)
Basta ya, basta ya.
Basta ya, basta ya.
Basta ya, basta ya.
Basta ya, basta ya.
Ni sus manos son tan blancas,
ni son blancas sus palomas,
ni es tan blanca su bandera,
ni tampoco sus entrañas. (x4)
Fuimos testigos de todo ese gran teatro,
de los comunicados de condena y de repulsa,
de las banderas que ondeaban a media asta,
de esa inmensa mayoría,
de los gritos de ya basta. (x2)
Status Quo - Whatever you want
Whatever you want
Whatever you like
You pay your money
You take your choice
Whatever you need
Whatever you use
Whatever you win
Whatever you loose
You`re showing off
You`re showing out
You look for trouble
Turn around, give me a shout
I take it all
You squeeze me dry
And now today
You couldn`t even say goodbye
I could take you home
On the midnight train again
I could make an offer you can`t refuse
Whatever you want
Whatever you like
You pay your money
You take your choice
Whatever you need
Whatever you use
Whatever you win
Whatever you loose
You`re showing off
You`re showing out
You look for trouble
Turn around, give me a shout
I take it all
You squeeze me dry
And now today
You couldn`t even say goodbye
I could take you home
On the midnight train again
I could make an offer you can`t refuse
Whatever you want
Whatever you like
You pay your money
You take your choice
Whatever you need
Whatever you use
Whatever you win
Whatever you loose
Whatever you want
The Bouncing Souls - Kid
You're a good kid
Play the game to break your heart
You've gotta get back to where you started
Pay attention now or it'll slip by
It's your heart don't let it die
Leave it all behind whoooaaaa
Is it true when we get old our hearts die?
I heard it in a movie once and i think i know
why life it sucks so bad it makes you wanna die
But you get by
Life goes by
Life goes by
Life goes by
You're a good kid you've still got the power in you
Hangin' around you don't know what to do
Don't think too much
Just let it loose
Get up now's your chance w
e are here and we make you dance
you are not alone this is our home
Life goes by
Life goes by
Life goes by
The Specials - Gangsters
Bernie Rhodes knows Don't Argue
Why must you record my phone calls?
Are you planning a bootleg LP?
Said you've been threatened by gangsters
Now it's you, that's threatening me
Can't fight corruption with con tricks
They use the law to commit crime
And I dread, dread to think what the future will bring
When we're living in gangster time
Don't call me scar face
Can't interrupt while I'm talking
Or they'll confiscate all your guitars
and catch 22 says if I sing the truth
they won't make me an overnight star
Don't offer us legal protection
They use the law to commit crime
I dread to think what the future will bring
When we're living in gangster time
Bernie Rhodes knows Don't Argue
Casi lo dejo aquí

Coincido también con la de Punk Rock Song