order confirmation
Thank you for shopping with us. Here is your PayPal receipt number. Please keep it in a safe place as you will need it to track and confirm your order.
Receipt#: 5******2V5****3** (e ocultao los numeros aunq no se si sirven pa algo

A detailed order confirmation e-mail will be sent to you as soon as your payment clears. Should you have any questions, please contact our friendly staffs at
http://support.dealextreme.com/.If you have opened a paypal account, we strongly recommend that you visit
http://www.paypal.com and manually log yourself out for added security. Please type in this address:
http://www.paypal.com in your address bar.
Please double check your shipping address
Please double check your shipping address as you have entered in your PayPal account by visiting our order tracking site. After your item is shipped we will be unable to recall it from the Post Office. You can change your shipping address using our account manager right now so please check it.
Ensure our e-mail is not in your SPAM/JUNK folder
E-mail readers such as Hotmail and Outlook frequently (and mistakenly!) classify our order updates as spams. To ensure timely delivery of order update e-mail sent from us, please add our e-mail address
sales@dealextreme.com to your address book or spam filter's white list and ensure that our e-mail is not treated as SPAM.
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