Cuánto vale vuestra biblioteca de Steam?

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Over the last 4 years, you've spent 1442.3 hours playing this selection, which includes 287 items, is valued at $4340.94, and requires 1116.8 GB

mmm que de tiempo perdido xD.... por suerte yo diria que ni la mitad de la mitad es lo que me he gastado.....
Over the last 6 years, you've spent 364.8 hours playing this selection, which includes 120 items, is valued at $2258.89, and requires 729.4 GB
"Over the last 4 years, you've spent 837.2 hours playing this selection, which includes 144 items, is valued at $2080.76, and requires 673.1 GB"

La mitad de los juegos ni los he jugado, tengo el síndrome de Diógenes virtual [carcajad]
"Over the last 4 years, you've spent 1200.3 hours playing this selection, which includes 696 items, is valued at $8571.85, and requires 2177.8 GB"

Over the last 5 years, you've spent 2270 hours playing this selection, which includes 187 items, is valued at $2267.48, and requires 683.5 GB

Y eso que solo llevo 2 años comprando de buena manera. Oju con mis 1500 horas entre css, garrymod y tf2 LOL!
Over the last 5 years, you've spent 318 hours playing this selection, which includes 115 items, is valued at $1277.07, and requires 367.2 GB
Over the last 10 years, you've spent 464.4 hours playing this selection, which includes 292 items, is valued at $3771.39, and requires 1056.5 GB
Over the last 4 years, you've spent 1553.3 hours playing this selection, which includes 450 items, is valued at $6119.84, and requires 1719.1 GB

Yo llevo poquito en steam.

Over the last 2 years, you've spent 263.2 hours playing this selection, which includes 131 items, is valued at $1691.82, and requires 633.6 GB
108 respuestas
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