Noloweltas escribió:Ami por chat en ahora misml me han dixo k a habido mucha demanda y k tienen que reponer, que en principio se cumpliran los plazos de entrega, si no es el caso que podria cancelar el pedido... yo la pedi el 24 y desde ayee la twngo wn dispaching soon
A mi después de hablar por chat con ellos me han mandado este mail al rato:
We've checked your order #206-6424212-4950718 and can see that the availability status for Nintendo Switch - Neon Red/Neon Blue is currently listed as "Temporarily out of stock".
When an item is listed as "Temporarily out of stock. Order now and we will deliver when available" this indicates that the item ordered is a little more difficult to source from our suppliers, so we can’t predict how long it’ll take to arrive. After you place your order, we'll do everything we can to get the item for you.
While we aim to display the most accurate product availability details on our website as possible, occasionally products do go out of stock .
Unfortunately we can't provide a specific date as to when we expect this item to be in stock but rest assured we’re trying our best to obtain more stock to fulfil your order.
As soon as we have more information, we'll e-mail you with an update.
If you find that it takes too long for your order to be fulfilled, you may cancel it at any time before it enters the dispatch process and you won't be charged.
We can see this item is available on our website from a Seller, however because this item is not being sold by Amazon we can't send this item out to fulfil your order. If you’d like to order the item from a Seller, you can do this by visiting the following link:'ll be able to browse comprehensive instructions on how to use our site online, by clicking on the "Help" link at the top of any page or by using the following URL: If you do need to contact us in the future, here's a link to our e-mail form: ... tions.html You don't need to have an account or an order number, or be signed into your account, to send us an e-mail. Simply select the 'Skip sign in' button on our contact form. This allows you to receive your reply to any e-mail address you choose. Please note, we can only send account information to the e-mail address associated with your account.
If you do have an account with us, signing in first allows us to display your most recent orders on the e-mail form. We hope this makes it easier for you to let us know which order you are contacting us about.
Feel free to contact us if you have any other query regarding the same and we would be happy to help you further.
You can reach us by chat or phone from this link: Customer Service can be reached by phone and chat 7 days a week 06.00 to midnight, local UK time.If you need to call us, we can be reached on Freephone (within the UK) 0800 279 7234.
International customers can reach us on +44 207 084 7911.
We look forward to seeing you again soon.
Mi pedido sigue en "not yet dispatched". No se si intentarán cumplir las fechas o no, pero si no tienen stock suficiente que no lo pongan ni den fechas estimadas de entrega.