'CLOSE ENOUGH TO TOUCH 3-D COMES TO HOLLYWOOD'Presentacion de un libro sobre Hollywood y la historia del 3D estereoscopico de la fundacion 3-D Film Archive. Investigacion que abarca mas de 50 años del cine tridimencional de hollywood, donde el autor a buscado en diversas fuentes primarias [archivos, museos, etc.], lo cual hara que este libro sea el mas completo hasta ahora escrito con toda la historia, sus protagonistas e impulsores del cine 3D.
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The complete history of 3-D filmmaking in the English-speaking world from 1950 to 1975--not just dates and events, but behind-the-scenes info on personalities, clashes, and triumphs.
Detailed chapters on 3-D camera rigs, 3-D transmission systems, 3-D projection, 3-D animation, and a very special chapter revealing the untold story of the Polaroid-Technicolor joint venture to develop Vectograph 3-D printing in 1954.
Dedicated entries for each English-language 3-D feature, many containing never-before-published data from original production records.
This book is the result of years of research, including information gleaned from archives in England, Scotland, Canada, and throughout the United States. Plus, my colleagues in the 3-D Film Archive have thrown their many years of careful research, rare documentation, and hard-won expertise into the mix!
Keep watching this space… you will not want to miss Close Enough To Touch: 3-D Comes to Hollywood, coming in 2023!