Tambien ha salido un proggie que hace lo mismo desarrollado por otra peña. Se llama el

ongle. Os pego lo que sale en xboxhacker.net
A Software soluction to Muti region on the xbox.
It can be run from the HD useing evo x or from a boot cd.
It will allow muti region on any region Xbox with a fitted dongle.
E.g -
USA dongle Fitted will play Regions 1,2,3,4,0
PAL dongle Fitted will play Regions 1,2,3,4,0
No need to buy sevral dongles for sevral regions.
Beta testing.
we have so far managed to get the PAL version working 99% we have found a few small gliches with the beta Mod chips but are working on this problem.
There will be two versions of the software 1 x NSTC and 1 X PAL depending on wich dongle you have fitted.
Oyes Alejo esta bien visto esto de pegar noticias a si a capon? si no va con alguna norma no escrita decidmelo..