Editores de video gratuitos...

Gracias por toda la información @TRASTARO
Mis hijos se han metido a "youtubers" y usan el editor que trae Windows 10.
Probaremos alguno de los que mencionas.
Por nada, esperemos les sriva alguno para iniciar.

Shotcut Version 20.07.11

Para macosx x64
https://www.fosshub.com/Shotcut.html?dw ... 200711.dmg

Para Linux x64
https://www.fosshub.com/Shotcut.html?dw ... 200711.txz

Para windows x64
https://www.fosshub.com/Shotcut.html?dw ... 200711.zip

Notes Release
- Fixed noisy sound playback on some Windows systems.
- Fixed UI layout glitches and default/minimum size of timeline too short.
- Fixed Quick Sync Video hardware encoder (h264_qsv or hevc_qsv with Quality-based VBR) not working on Windows on older Intel chips.
- Fixed Properties > Speed not working correctly on trimmed clip in Source player.
- Fixed Stabilize and Normalize: Two Pass filters not working on trimmed clip in Source player.

ShotCut 20.10.31

Utiliza la version mas reciente de la biblioteca QT5 y quita el soporte al sistema HTML5

- Removed QtWebKit and WebVfx (HTML5 components) from all builds.
- Upgraded Qt to version 5.15.1 on Linux and Windows and version 5.12.9 on macOS. As a result, the minimum macOS version is now 10.12.
- Updated Linux build to a Ubuntu 18.04 base (glibc version 2.27).
- Completely new Windows build based on msys2, and discontinued the 32-bit Windows build.
- Migrated Windows and Linux builds to GitHub Actions, and automated builds of AppImage and snap for Linux.

- Added Invert (reverse polarity) audio filter.
- Added showing the job progress in Windows taskbar icon. (thanks @lolametro!)
- Added Size, Position & Rotate > Zoom now works in any Size mode!
- Added Scroll to Playhead on Zoom to Keyframes menu.
- Added converting Text: HTML filters to Text: Rich. This does not retain full fidelity, but hopefully it retains the text.
- Added using the H.264 hardware encoder if HEVC not available when Proxy > Use Hardware Encoder is on.
- Added Scroll to Playhead on Zoom option to Timeline menu.
- Added ability to change position in Size, Position & Rotate by dragging anywhere inside the rectangle while also holding Shift.
- Added rectangle VUI help tips for various video filters.
- Added keyboard shortcut for Center the Playhead: Ctrl+Shift+P.
- Added keyboard shortcut for Scroll to Playhead on Zoom: Ctrl+Alt+P.
- Added keyboard shortcut for rich text editor Paste Text Only: Ctr+Shift+V
- Added common preset resolutions and aspect ratios to the Add Custom Video Mode dialog.

- Improved image quality when using Size, Position & Rotate.
- Improved Text: Rich filter export on Windows and Linux when display scale is fractional (e.g. 150%).
- Improved the performance of the Fade In Video, Fade Out Video, and Brightness filters on multicore systems.
- Changed Export > Codec > Dual pass to not write a video file for the first pass.
- Removed “Shotcut” as default text in Text: Rich filter.
- Reduced memory usage in Export with many clips.

- Fixed a compatibility issue for some systems by downgrading FFmpeg to version 4.2 (regression in v20.09).
- Improved the Timeline scrolling speed and smoothness (regression in v20.09).
- Fixed time rulers hiding on vertical scroll in Timeline and Keyframes (regression in v20.09).
- Fixed Crop: Rectangle > Corner radius not exactly the same as in version 20.07 (regression in v20.09).
- Fixed Blur: Pad incorrect after splitting clip.
- Fixed moving the cursor in filter fields may move playhead.
- Fixed Filters allowed pasting filters when nothing selected.
- Fixed saving projects to Dropbox on Windows leaves temporary files.
- Fixed saving the current stock layout when switching to a custom layout.
- Fixed progress dialog appears over the convert variable frame rate dialog when dragging to Timeline.
- Fixed dropping file with comma in its name to Timeline.
- Fixed delete keyframe button in Keyframes may remove keyframe for another parameter.
- Fixed convert dialog for variable frame rate never appears if dragged directly to non-empty playlist or timeline.
- Fixed a crash dragging multiple clips to Timeline if some are variable frame rate.
- Fixed the Blur: Pad filter appearing correctly if used that option in slideshow generator.
- Fixed zooming in near end of timeline scrolls timeline backward.
- Fixed deleting all text in Text: Rich filter changes font to very small black.
- Fixed editor toolbar in Text: Rich filter usually overlays the text by default.

Free Video Editor 6.5.1

Nuevos efectos y usando Inteligencia Artificial.

In the fast-paced era of social media, creators need fast solutions to easily turn everyday footage into stylish videos. To keep up with the trends, VSDC rolls out a set of new visual effects available in one click:
- Raindrops effect
- Lens flare effect
- Bokeh glare effect

Along with this, the VSDC dev team has called on the AI forces, and now you can stylize images using the power of neural networks. Let’s look into all these enhancements in detail.

Lens flare effect
The Lens flare effect has been one of the most popular requests from our YouTube channel subscribers for a while. (By the way, are you our YouTube channel subscriber yet?)

And finally, with version 6.5.1, VSDC delivers. The Lens flare effect is available in the OpenGL category of the Video effects menu.

The Lens flare video effect is perfect for imitating a strong source of light, such as sunlight – located both in the frame or outside of it. It also helps to create a dreamy atmosphere in a video and highlight particular areas or objects in the scene.
- VSDC video editor free, gran actualizacion de find e año.

Version 6.6

Y mabien una videoguia para realizar el efecto SLOW MOTION

ShotCut 21.01.29: AV1 Codec Support
- Added support for AV1 decoding and encoding.
- A lot of people are unexepectedly downloading AV1 from YouTube, and this makes Shotcut comptible with those files.
(Please be aware that AV1 encoding is naturally very slow and that is not a bug.)
- Added an Advanced mode to the Properties > Convert to Edit-friendly dialog with:
- Added detection of a HDR transfer function (ITU-R BT.2020 or SMPTE ST2084) to automatically show Convert dialog.
- Added Convert to BT.709 colorspace that provides HDR-to-SDR tone mapping!
- This helps a lot of people who are recording games in HDR and were surpised by the poor colors when editing in Shotcut.
- Added Deinterlace option (bwdif) that outputs one frame for each field.
- Added Override frame rate and Frame rate conversion with Blend and Motion Compensation options.
(Please be aware that Motion Compensation is very slow and that is not a bug.)
- Added Use Higher Performance Waveforms to Timeline and Keyframes menus (default on).
- Added a red outline around the thumnbail of the currently opened Playlist item.
- Added video filter Reduce Noise: Quantization.
- Added Color space and Color transfer to Properties > Video.

- Improved multi-threaded performance of video track blending and some video filters:
** Alpha Channel: View
** Chroma Key: Advanced
** Chroma Key: Simple
** Elastic Scale
** Key Spill: Advanced
** Key Spill: Simple
** Levels
** Mask: Apply
** Noise: Keyframes
** Posterize
** Saturation
** Unpremultiply
** White Balance
- Improved the playback speeds of fast forward and rewind to not be so fast and more usable.
- Changed Playlist to not automatically start playback when adding to the playlist of an empty project.
- Changed keyframe interpolation Discrete to Hold (simple rename).
- Changed the default option in the Convert to Edit-friendly dialog to MP4 and reduce its output size (crf).
- Finished converting Timeline, Filters, & Keyframes to Qt Quick Controls 2 API.
- Upgraded MLT to version 6.24.0 (+).
- Upgraded Qt to version 5.15.2 for Linux & Windows and 5.12.10 for macOS.

- Fixed image skewed with odd width when using certain combinations of filters and transitions (broken in v20.11).
- Fixed being unable to pick transparent black in filters with color pickers (broken in v20.11).
- Fixed some tooltips in Timeline, Filters, & Keyframes not showing on multi-monitor systems (broken in v20.10).
- Fixed Zoom in Scale, Position & Rotate does not always default and undo at 100% (broken in v20.10).
- Fixed crash with files having more than 32 multiplexed streams.
- Fixed quality-based VBR encoding with the VP8 Export > WebM preset.
- Fixed leading zeros for seconds in Timer video filter with MM:SS.SSS or SS.SSS formats.
- Fixed support for explicit fractional high DPI (e.g. --QT_DISPLAY_SCALE 1.5).
- Fixed bad text formatting when File > Open a plain text file in Text: Rich filter.
- Fixed drag-n-drop from Playlist when a project (MLT XML clip) is in Source player.
- Fixed using the numeric keypad for some shortcuts.
- Fixed selecting the same filter Preset again.
- Fixed Export File does not check for missing files.
El VSDC últimamente lo estoy dejando de lado por que falla cuando intentas hacer proyectos grandes descolocando los vídeos en la linea de tiempo y desincronizando el audio del vídeo o si pones dos videos a la par uno se atrasa ligeramente.

TRASTARO escribió:¿Tanto ha mejorado el editor de video de Blender?

Pues la verdad que si, hace dos meses hice una prueba y la verdad que fue genial, mejor de lo esperado aunque un poco complicado de usar, tiene sus limitaciones aún para ciertas cosas pero se están centrando ahora con la versión 2.9x en mejorar otras zonas del programa que no sea el diseño 3D entre ellas el editor de vídeo ya que parece que quieren convertir blender en una herramienta profesional de cara a las grandes producciones, lo cual hará que el programa sea de pago en funciones más extendidas pero la versión gratuita seguiría existiendo para el usuario común sin perder funcionalidades.

Tendré que probar más a fondo el editor propio, pero incluso con el modo diseño 3D puedes hacer vídeos geniales en plano 2D haciendo efectos especiales e integrando modelos 3D por medio y usando EEVEE a un sample con cámara plana te lo renderiza muy rápido, el sonido eso aún está por mejorar por lo que es mejor añadirlo después y como es render casi mejor exportar imágenes y luego con otro editor como es el VSDC lo sacas a la tasa de frames que quieres con el audio, si es que no desincroniza el audio.

La versión 2.93 y posteriores de Blender dejaran de tener soporte en Windows 7, aunque se puede corregir con copiar los DLL de las librerías de Python 3.9 que Win 7 no tiene. No les cuesta nada a los desarrolladores integrarlo pero no interesa seguir dando soporte a un OS de más de 10 años y descontinuado.
Ah, pues mira entonces que si hay cambio en el editor de video.
Yo uso el Wondershare Filmora X

Y les aseguro que aunque tiene cosas de editores profesionales se ve mucho más sencilla de usar que el resto de editores profesionales como Adobe Premiere Pro u otras xD.

Free Video EditorVersion 6.6

Dentro de lo interesante es que da soporte al formato de video AV1

http://downloads.videosoftdev.com/video ... or_x32.exe

Cambios Free Video Editor 6.6
- Background remover effect has been upgraded and now includes three modes:
* By HSL chromakey color (Pro version)
* By YUV chromakey color (Free version)
* By chromakey mask (Free version)
- Face Landmark effect has been added to the Special FX menu. It allows for quickly adding face motion-tracked images and masks.
- Particle effect and its templates have been added to the Nature category of the Video effects menu.
- Optical flow and Blending reframing modes added for a smoother slow-motion effect.
- The standard set of transition effects has been enhanced by the Alpha channel that makes transitions smoother.
- The free shape tool has been improved to achieve faster and more convenient shape drawing.
- Video effect rendering has been optimized to increase speed and reduce memory usage.
- Minor improvements and major bug fixes:
* AV1 video format is now supported
* Whenever you change video playback speed, you’ll be able to change audio tempo as well
* Subpixel resolution is now available in the free version of VSDC
* You can now zoom in on a scene by holding down the Ctrl key and scrolling up on the mouse wheel
* Glitch presets have been fixed
* Reported chart editing issues have been fixed
* Fire effect scaling has been improved
* Audio recorder profile has been brought back
Shotcut 21.05.01 ahora paera procesador M1

La principal novevedad es que esta version sale compilada para los nuevos procesadores apple Silicon [M1] que estan en los ultimos modelos Mac, y tambien que trae un monton de correcciones.


Added a new filter Time Remap in the new Time category that affects both audio and video.
Added an Apple Silicon build.
Added an option to Ignore missing files in Export > Export File (blocking dialog added in v21.01).
Added a suggested file name to File > Export Frame… and remembers the last chosen format. These changes make this feature more convenient.
Added a button in the Keyframes parameter track header to vertically zoom in to the minimum and maximumn values.
Added a Use Sub-clip checkbox to the Convert to Edit-friendly dialog, under Advanced. This will convert only the trimmed portion of a clip plus up to 15 seconds before the in point and after the out point for a timeline clip. When this is on, only the selected clip is replaced and not every clip based on the same source. This option is especially convenient for use with Time Remap in which case it defaults to on if the clip has been trimmed.
Added a Keep Advanced open checkbox to the Convert to Edit-friendly dialog that remembers your choice between sessions.
Added a status message tip about useful keyboard modifiers to use when dragging keyframes.
Added the display of minimum, maximum, and midpoint values to the vertical axis of curved parameters in Keyframes.

- Improved the sound quality for Properties > Pitch Compensation when Speed is between 0.5 and 2.0.
- Changed Keyframes when trimming a clip or filter to move, delete, or disable full keyframes.
- Upgraded FFmpeg to version 4.3.2
- Upgraded Rubberband (pitch) to version 1.9.1
- Upgraded MLT (engine) to pre-release version 7.0.0
- Improved the color accuracy of the video preview.
- Converted all numeric text fields in filters to spinners.
- Reduced memory in audio resampler per clip.

- Fixed black frames in slideshow (broken in v21.02).
- Fixed Export Frame dialog reappears (broken in v21.02).
- Fixed Opacity filter may misbehave when using all smooth keyframes.
- Fixed Export > Format = flac does not write a file with a duration.
- Fixed using the mouse wheel over zoom sliders in Timeline and Keyframes.
- Fixed an incorrect path to a file in proxy mode when the path starts with the name of a sibling folder.
- Fixed converting non-animated Text: HTML to Text: Rich.
- Fixed filter values do not update when moving keyframes.
- Fixed waveform after adding a transition by drag a clip to the left.
- Fixed showing <tractor> or blank as a missing file.
- Fixed a possible crash on setting Properties > Speed higher than 23x.
- Fixed a possible infinite loop in Pitch audio filter or Properties > Pitch Compensation.
- Fixed disabling Keyframes toolbar buttons for trim and simple keyframes if they are not supported.
- Fixed a custom export preset may not include attributes of the video mode
- Fixed video glitches using multiple Text: Rich filters with Export > Video > Parallel processing.
- Fixed Undo after using the ripple trim in shortcut (broken in v21.03).
- Fixed applying a custom preset for the Contrast video filter.
- Fixed the Timeline ruler may be incorrect after starting a new project in the same session.
- Fixed some filters may get lost after Undo a Split operation.
- Added a context menu to Text: Simple and all numeric spinners (broken in v21.02).
- Fixed changing Properties on a timeline clip moved to another track overwrites Playlist items.
- Fixed Properties > Repeat for an image sequence.
- Fixed a crash changing the Size, Position & Rotate after applying a shake preset.
- Fixed a possible deadlock changing Properties > Speed when Video Mode is NOT Automatic.
- Fixed disabling keyboard shortcuts for disabled filter trimming and simple keyframe actions.
- Do not let a keyframe be placed beyond the end of a clip.
- Fixed PNG and GIF as album art in music or poster image (previously only JPEG).
- Fixed Detach Audio might go to a hidden video track.
- Fixed updating the clip name in Playlist and Timeline with its speed when changing Properties > Speed.
- Fixed a rounding error in aspect ratio of a custom video mode that could cause problems on certain resolutions.
- Fixed showing a non-functional keyboard shortcut X in the context menu for a blank region of the Timeline.

https://github.com/mltframework/shotcut ... 210501.exe

https://github.com/mltframework/shotcut ... 1.AppImage
https://github.com/mltframework/shotcut ... 210501.txz

https://github.com/mltframework/shotcut ... 210501.dmg
https://github.com/mltframework/shotcut ... 210501.dmg
https://github.com/mltframework/shotcut ... 210501.dmg

(mensaje borrado)
Yo hace poco para una cosilla que tenia que hacer intente usar Blender, que habia escuchado que era bastante bueno. Pero fue mala idea [+risas] Al final acabe tirando con el de Windows 10. Supongo que para proyectos mas tochos es una buena solucion gratuita.
@Whispers_v2 Yo lo he usado y está bien, de hecho te da mucha libertad. Lo que claro, yo no uso el editor en sí, eso aún está muy verde, lo que hago es usar el editor 3D y poner planos con los vídeos e imágenes a usar, lleva un tiempo pero funciona, luego es solo ajustar la cámara que sea plano 2D y ajustar las opciones de render con eevee con 1 sample y eso lo renderiza rápido y como es un vídeo no pierde calidad (no hay ruido). Aunque solo lo use una vez para un vídeo ya que editores gratuitos que hagan la función de desplazar y animar cosas como que si no pagas no te dejan, una pena.

Estos dos vídeo los hice con Blender (aunque el segundo es más 3D):

El que interesa es el primer vídeo, son varios planos de vídeos e imágenes que se mueven en las coordenadas X Y con alpha para hacer aparecer y desaparecer cada plano. El VSCD Video Editor está bien pero solo deja ajustes básicos y cuesta mucho de configurar aparte de que si no pagas no te deja hacer casi nada. Y a veces para cosas básicas sigo usando el Movie Maker de Windows 7 xD
Free Video EditorVersion 6.9
New Transition Effects, Group Object Editing, Bezier Curves, and More

https://downloads.videosoftdev.com/vide ... or_x64.exe
https://downloads.videosoftdev.com/vide ... or_x32.exe


Clipchamp, el sucesor legitimo de Movie Maker

Clipchamp, Este editor de video gratuito tiene las mismas funcionalidades de Movie Maker mas algunas otras, ademas de las mejoras que se espera de un software para el siglo XXI, con linea de tiempo para cortar/copia/pegar, agregar titulos con sus efectos, colocar efectos visuales en el video, agrear mas pistas de audio y video en la edicion. Y algo que no tiene Movie Maker es un generador de texto a voz, para poder meter una liocucion al video y una sincronizacion nativa con OneDrive para guardar o abrier videos desde este disco en la nube. Cuenta con plantillas prediseñadas las cuales podemos ir personalizando para ajustarse al proycto que estems realizando.

Clipchamp es el sucesor oficial de movie maker, porque microsoft hace poco compro a la compañia que lo desarrolla, asi que dentro de poco aparecera en forma de actualizacion de windows 11, pero si quieren pueden bajarlo desde ahora para usarlo en win10 o win11


https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/clipc ... 1j8s7ccwwt

Shotcut 22.01.30

Portable win64
https://github.com/mltframework/shotcut ... 220130.zip
Apple M1
https://github.com/mltframework/shotcut ... 220130.dmg
https://github.com/mltframework/shotcut ... 0.AppImage

3 New Equalizers!
- Added an Equalizer: 15-band (graphic) audio filter.
- Added an Equalizer: 3-Band (Bass & Treble) audio filter.
(Removed the old Bass & Treble audio filter.)
- Added an Equalizer: Parametric audio filter.

More New Stuff
- Added Segments parameter to the following video filters:
** Audio Level Visualization
** Audio Spectrum Visualization
** Audio Waveform Visualization
- Added Settings > Job Priority to the main menu with a Normal option to improve performance on Intel 12th generation CPUs with E-cores. Low priority is the default as it has always been and is generally recommended.
- Added Wayland compatibility to Flatpak for Linux.

- Reduced audio distortion in Properties > Reverse for the best/MKV option.
- Removed Use Higher Performance Waveforms (default is on but still in configuration).
- Added a warning dialog when trying to use simple keyframes when advanced keyframes are being used.
- Changed to remove full keyframes when switching to simple keyframes.
- Added a warning dialog when trying to use advanced keyframes when simple keyframes are being used.
- Changed to convert simple keyframes to advanced keyframes.
- Changed tooltips on the Timeline and Keyframes toolbar to simplify and remove shortcuts from translated strings.
- Improved compatibility of VA-API hardware encoding on Linux, particularly on Wayland.
- Updated AV1, VP8, and VP9 encoders to latest releases.
- Updated Rubberband (audio pitch library) to latest release.

- Fixed the appearance of Shotcut’s description in Windows Task Manager (broke in v21.12).
- Fixed filters when Export > From is Source or Each Playlist Item (broke in v21.05).
- Fixed File > Export > Markers as Chapters if project contains transitions.
- Fixed a possible crash moving clip inside blank on same track.
- Fixed a crash when dropping a .mlt MLX XML file from a file manager to Playlist and then Timeline.
- Fixed a crash on undo insert/overwrite after undo add transition.
- Fixed Hold undo in Noise Gate audio filter.
- Fixed audio mutes after setting an in or out point when playing not 1x forward in Source.
- Fixed the Segment Gap goes to zero when reloading an Audio Spectrum Visualization filter.
- Fixed Mask: Simple Shape > Rotate not working in presets.
- Fixed page up/down incorrect when Current position (timecode) spin box has focus.
- Fixed extra blanks being removed when drag moving a clip right with Ripple turned on.
- Fixed paths to additional files used by some filters not saved as relative on Windows.
- Fixed tiny clips created when trimming on the Timeline with Ripple All Tracks turned on.
- Fixed removing simple keyframes.
- Fixed the Text: Rich video filter shows the editor when playhead is not over selected clip.
- Fixed Properties > Menu > Measure Video Quality (VMAF) not working on Windows.
- Fixed a possible crash in Glitch video filter.
- Fixed a crash changing Properties > Video > Rotation when the clip has a transition.
- Fixed the Mask: From File video filter’s Reverse option not working as intended.
- Fixed broadcast standard non-integer frame rates (e.g. 30000/1001) for Matrosk and WebM files.
- Fixed a bad job percentage complete when making a proxy or running a convert job on a GoPro video file.
Buen hilo!!!

Andaba buscando alguna alternativa al Sony Vegas que usaba hace años y probando algunos, me he decantado por el VSDC.
Es menos intuitivo que otros pero me ha gustado su interfaz y la cantidad de opciones.
VSDC 7.1

Descarga Oficial: downloads.videosoftdev.com/video_tools/video_editor_x64.exe

Mejoras esteticas y de funcionalidad en la GUI, asi como en los efectos visuales junto con personalizar los comandos.

VSDC 7.1 Upgrades GUI and LUT Editor, Adds New Effects and Custom Shortcuts


Free Video EditorVersion 7.1
Actualizacion de la interfaz y agregaron nuevos efectos visuales.

https://downloads.videosoftdev.com/vide ... or_x64.exe


Tambien cuenta con la version para los procesadores ARM M1 de apple
ShotCut 22.11.25
https://www.fosshub.com/Shotcut-old.htm ... 221125.zip
https://www.fosshub.com/Shotcut-old.htm ... 221125.txz
https://www.fosshub.com/Shotcut-old.htm ... 221125.dmg
https://www.fosshub.com/Shotcut-old.htm ... 221125.dmg

- Fixed translations not updated.
- Fixed crash in Size, Position & Rotate filter when size approaches zero, for example when editing a size numeric field.
- Fixed bitrate in some Export presets such as VP8, VP9, D10, and XDCAM.
- Fixed Timeline > Lift and Delete not working with no clip selected.
- Fixed Transition > Properties resets the Invert and Softness options.

Old Bugs
- Fixed an incorrect timecode appears at 2 minutes in 24 or 23.98 fps.
- Fixed Timeline > Select Clip Above and Select Clip Below not working with no clip selected.
- Fixed incorrect resulting aspect ratio when changing Export > Video > Resolution and pixel aspect ratio is not square.
- Fixed Properties > Measure Video Quality on Windows.
- Fixed Fade Out Video filter not working after trimming the in point.
- Fixed updating an animation Properties > Duration after changed in Glaxnimate.
- Fixed ripple trim on the in point of a clip that is at the very beginning (00:00:00:00) of the Timeline.
- Fixed adjusting keyframes of the second clip when a trimming the in point of a transition.
- Fixed Keyframes UI when using Timeline > Trim Clip In menu-item/action/shortcut (not interactive trim).
- Fixed opening a MLT XML file with a % in its path or name.
- Fixed keyframes after an undo and redo upon making a transition while trimming the in point of a clip.

Improvements and Changes
- Finished the menu technology updates (marker context, rich text editor) that were mostly done in v22.09.23.
- Added icons for the 360 video filters.
- Disallow allow adding Filters to a device or live input since this is not working and could interfere with integrity of capture.
- Increased the maximum values in the Mask: Simple Shape > Horizontal and Vertical video filter.
- Changing Timeline > Zoom no longer pauses playback.
(mensaje borrado)
@firstergatacook @TRASTARO ¿por qué no escribís en castellano o al menos usáis un traductor?

Id a un foro en inglés y escribid en castellano a ver lo que tardan en borraros los posts, o incluso banearos...
La verdad es que no se donde poner la pregunta y no me mola abrir hilos nuevos...

En el curro tengo mucho tiempo libre, y busco editar vídeos allí con el DaVinci Resolve o uno de los softwares que habéis nombrado en el hilo. Pero claro, si tengo que estar carreteando con el aparato en cuestión la verdad es que no quiero estar cargando con mi portátil. De ahí mi duda, cuál es el aparato más económico y portable para poder hacer edición de vídeo?? Una tablet me serviría?? Busco algo pequeño que no pese mucho y eso, que pueda editar bien, porque el PC de mi curro es una castaña, me meto en el clipchamp y no puedo editar bien porque los vídeos van a saltos, no le da la RAM, de hecho no me deja ni instalar el DaVinci Resolve, el propio programa me dice que es tan baja la RAM que ni lo instala XD. Gracias!!!
Pues si son clips [videos de corta duracion y de no muy alta resolucion] y en MPEG-4 AVC una tablet podria servir... mas o menos

Es que todo depende de que resoluciones y duraciones sean esos videos que vas a editra y entonces sera ver la laptop o miniPC que te pueda servir

Hola amigo,
Siendo totalmente novato, queriendo un software muy sencillo, open source, que no deje marca de agua, y para que lo voy a usar sería prácticamente para introducir textos en los videos, cuál me recomiendas???
Teniendo en cuenta que serían grabaciones de mi escritorio, supongo que para hacer el video me aconsejas OBS Studio.

P.D.: no quiero influenciarte en el consejo, pero lo poco poquísimo que usé en su día fue el Windows Movie Maker (lo digo porque creo que has puesto un sucesor)

Agradecido de antemano. [oki]
Podria ser OpenShot -->openshot.org
O VidCutter -->github.com/ozmartian/vidcutter

Este esnuevo e igualle puedes dar una mirada
Olive -->olivevideoeditor.org

Gracias a tus consejos y una vez descartado el davinci por incompatibilidad me he hecho con VSDC estudiando miles te tutorials y más o menos manejo bien
Te pregunto por si tuvieras alguna experiencia más profunda con el programa o si sabes de algún foro donde preguntar( que no lo he encontrado en la World Wide...)

Tan simple que coger una foto 4k del espacio durante 8 segundos hacer un zom in/Out al 105% y exportar . En la preview me sale bien el video exportado sin embargo esta quieto, sin efecto..... idea?
Shotcut 23.11.29
https://sourceforge.net/projects/shotcu ... p/download

This highlight of this version is the addition of easing for keyframes: ease in, ease out, and ease in/out with different levels of acceleration and tricks like elastic and bounce. See the Easing Functions Cheat Sheet web page for an animated graphical overview of these behavior options.

- Added Crop:Rectangle > Apply to Source button. This button is only enabled when the aspect ratio of the source media matches your project’s Video Mode because it is impossible to include the black padding that Shotcut adds to a source. This feature is the primary way to simply “crop a video.” You do not need to use the timeline for this. You can simply:
* set Settings > Video Mode to Automatic,
* open a video file,
* add the Crop: Rectangle video filter,
* adjust the rectangle control in the player,
* click Apply to Source in the Filters panel,
* choose Yes in the dialog asking to change the Video Mode, and
* Export.
- Added Opacity to GPS Text, Text: Simple, and Timer filters.
- Improved performance of Timeline > Zoom.
- Added rectangular selection to Timeline.
- Added Settings > Timeline > Rectangle Select.
- This is on by default, and scrubbing with the mouse on the timeline requires clicking near the play head. When this is on, hold Shift to turn it off temporarily. When this is off, hold Shift to temporarily turn it on.
- Changed the Smooth keyframe type to avoid overshoots and cusps.
- This only applies to new projects made with this and future versions. Thus, the behavior of smooth keyframes made with an earlier version remains the same for compatibility reasons.
- Added Ease In, Ease Out, and Ease In/Out to Keyframes.
- This also changes the appearance of keyframes in the timeline view of Keyframes to make it more clear where the behavior applies - between keyframes. Remember this: when thinking about “in” or “out”, for Shotcut “in” refers to the beginning of something - a clip, filter, or parameter between keyframes. And “out” refers to the end of something. So, this is not easing into a keyframe and easing out of a keyframe. Rather, it is easing into or out of the change/segment/span/tween of a parameter between keyframes.
- Added Properties > View Bitrate….
Pues flexclip.com; el servicio de editor Online, ahora ofrece herramientas con IA, no ofrece mucha informacion, pero por si quieren probarlo

Uy, y PANZOID; otro editor de video Online, parace que ya esta descontinuado.

New Stuff
- Added SVT-AV1 encoder (faster non-hardware AV1 encoder).
- Added support for AVIF (AV1) images.
- Added a Drop Shadow video filter that uses the input alpha channel. (This means that it will not work as expected when used after a text filter on a video clip; rather, you must use a text clip on an upper track.)
- Added a Vibrance video filter. This is similar to Saturation, but Vibrance is sensitive to the current saturation instead of adjusting all values equally as in saturation. This is especially helpful to prevent affecting skin tones.
- Added the Mid-Side Matrix audio filter for processing these kinds of microphones into proper stereo sound.
- Added Keyframes > Scrub While Dragging.
- Added Playlist > menu > Columns.
- Added support for DJI LRF (MP4) files as a proxy.

Fixes and Changes
- Upgraded Qt to version 6.7 on macOS, Windows, and Flatpak.
- Upgraded dav1d to version 1.4.2.
- Upgraded FFmpeg to version 7.0.
- Upgraded OpenCV to version 4.9.0.
- Upgraded VMAF to version 3.0.0.
- Added Ambisonic Encoder audio filter.
- Added View > Scopes > Audio Vector.
- Added View > Scopes > Audio Surround.
- Added Settings > Time Format to affect everywhere that timecode is displayed or editable.
- Added a indication to the on-video control for the Ambisonic Decoder audio filter.
- Added Edit > Undo and Redo support for adding, removing, and changing Keyframes (work in progress) for the following filters:
> Fade In Audio
> Fade Out Audio
> Gain / Volume
> Brightness
> Color Grading
> Contrast
> Fade In Video
> Fade Out Video
> Text: Rich
> Size, Position & Rotate
> White Balance
- Added Apply Copied Filters to Timeline > menu > Edit and context menu that works with multiple selected clips.
- Improved handling for some variable frame rate videos. Now, Properties tries to show the file's target frame rate and extends the variable detection logic to include strange average frame rate values (what previous versions showed in Properties).
- Changed Playlist Tiles view mode to show Date instead of In/Start.
- Fixed using graphics (text, image, etc.) on upper video track with GPU Effects.
- Fixed an off-by-one frame bug in the duration for Glaxnimate animations.
- Fixed Undo does not work for time filters.
- Fixed spamming (Undo) History when using the timeline fade controls.
- Fixed preview color with GPU Effecs is inaccurate.
- Fixed Timeline > Select None does not clear the Filters panel or VUI.
- Fixed single click does not reset a multi-selection.
- Fixed Export > Codec > Quality hint not updated after changing Rate control.
- Fixed Properties > Proxy > Make does not regenerate if already exists.
VSDC 9.3

Descarga Oficial: videosoftdev.com/services/download.aspx?ProductID=1

Añade uso de IA [muy interesante lo que permite hacer], agrega mas de 100 nuevas plantillas, efectos de transformacion del texto, nueva GUI [otra vez], guardadr proyectos en la nube de la empresa, mas efectos dpara subtitulos y }mas opciones de velocidad de cuadro [FPS]

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