Details from today's Gainax's live commentary [todas las semanas comentan el último episodio emitido a través de ustream]:
-The production for final episode is completed.
-Sushio, Animation Director of the final episode, is really fucking exhausted; he hasn't bathed in a week, they say. However, he says that he is really proud of his work and that he is expecting to WOW people in the same in which he WOW-ed people with Gurren episode 15.
-They flat out called the Demon Sisters' scene 百合.
-To make up for the recap episode, they're going to add a BD/DVD-exclusive episode on the final BD release.
-The DJ at the Rock Foundation party is Taku Takahashi drawn in P&S style.
-Brief's VA said that while playing Brief in episode 12B, he made sure to feel like if he was "piloting a Gundam".
-The staff actually checks out Pixiv's fanart; they were happy when they saw today's top 10.
-To make sure to draw Panty's feelings accuratedly, all the scenes with Briefers and Panty were left to the female animators.
-They're releasing an art-book at the Talk Live Animated event.
-Wakabayashi and Nishigori are looking forward to the doujinshi fans come up with for C79: "Please work hard, everyone!"