› Foros › PC › Steam Deck
Game Settings: {
"autoInstallDxvk": true,
"autoInstallVkd3d": true,
"preferSystemLibs": false,
"enableEsync": true,
"enableFsync": true,
"nvidiaPrime": false,
"offlineMode": true,
"enviromentOptions": [],
"wrapperOptions": [],
"showFps": false,
"useGameMode": false,
"language": "",
"wineVersion": {
"bin": "/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/compatibilitytools.d/GE-Proton7-55/proton",
"name": "Proton - GE-Proton7-55",
"type": "proton"
"winePrefix": "/home/deck/Games/Heroic/Prefixes/default/8Doors Arums Afterlife Adventure",
"wineCrossoverBottle": "",
"eacRuntime": false
Game launched at: Tue Jul 25 2023 12:22:10 GMT+0200 (hora de verano de Europa central)
System Info:
Heroic Version: 2.9.0 Boa Hancock
Legendary Version: 0.20.32 Dark Energy (hotfix #6)
GOGdl Version: 0.7.3
Nile Version: 1.0.0 Jonathan Joestar
Electron Version: 24.4.1
Chrome Version: 112.0.5615.204
NodeJS Version: 18.14.0
OS: Freedesktop SDK KERNEL: 5.13.0-valve36-1-neptune ARCH: x64
CPU: AMD Custom APU 0405 @3.41 GOVERNOR: schedutil
RAM: Total: 14.47 GiB Available: 9.67 GiB
GRAPHICS: GPU0: VanGogh [AMD Custom GPU 0405] VRAM: 512MB
Launch Command: STEAM_COMPAT_CLIENT_INSTALL_PATH=/home/deck/.var/app/com.heroicgameslauncher.hgl/.steam/steam STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH="/home/deck/Games/Heroic/Prefixes/default/8Doors Arums Afterlife Adventure" STEAM_COMPAT_INSTALL_PATH="/home/deck/Games/Heroic/8Doors Arum's Afterlife Adventure" WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR=0 STEAM_COMPAT_APP_ID=0 SteamAppId=0 SteamGameId="heroic-8Doors: Arum's Afterlife Adventure" PROTON_LOG_DIR=/home/deck/.var/app/com.heroicgameslauncher.hgl /app/bin/heroic/resources/app.asar.unpacked/build/bin/linux/nile launch --no-wine --wrapper " '/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/compatibilitytools.d/GE-Proton7-55/proton' run" --wine-prefix "/home/deck/Games/Heroic/Prefixes/default/8Doors Arums Afterlife Adventure" amzn1.adg.product.c82d2124-433c-4d90-beba-e1ea3f57ffd9
Game Log:
INFO [CLI]: Searching for amzn1.adg.product.c82d2124-433c-4d90-beba-e1ea3f57ffd9
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "nile/cli.py", line 343, in <module>
File "nile/cli.py", line 328, in main
File "nile/cli.py", line 241, in handle_launch
File "nile/utils/launch.py", line 143, in start
File "nile/utils/launch.py", line 81, in get_scummvm_command
File "subprocess.py", line 505, in run
File "subprocess.py", line 951, in init
File "subprocess.py", line 1837, in _execute_child
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'flatpak'
[2061] Failed to execute script 'cli' due to unhandled exception!
Game Settings: {
"autoInstallDxvk": true,
"autoInstallVkd3d": true,
"preferSystemLibs": false,
"enableEsync": false,
"enableFsync": false,
"nvidiaPrime": false,
"offlineMode": true,
"enviromentOptions": [],
"wrapperOptions": [],
"showFps": false,
"useGameMode": false,
"language": "",
"wineVersion": {
"bin": "/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/compatibilitytools.d/GE-Proton8-4/proton",
"name": "Proton - GE-Proton8-4",
"type": "proton"
"winePrefix": "/home/deck/Games/Heroic/Prefixes/default/American Fugitive",
"wineCrossoverBottle": ""
Game launched at: Tue Jul 25 2023 12:49:40 GMT+0200 (hora de verano de Europa central)
System Info:
Heroic Version: 2.9.0 Boa Hancock
Legendary Version: 0.20.32 Dark Energy (hotfix #6)
GOGdl Version: 0.7.3
Nile Version: 1.0.0 Jonathan Joestar
Electron Version: 24.4.1
Chrome Version: 112.0.5615.204
NodeJS Version: 18.14.0
OS: Freedesktop SDK KERNEL: 5.13.0-valve36-1-neptune ARCH: x64
CPU: AMD Custom APU 0405 @2.97 GOVERNOR: schedutil
RAM: Total: 14.47 GiB Available: 8.55 GiB
GRAPHICS: GPU0: VanGogh [AMD Custom GPU 0405] VRAM: 512MB
Launch Command: STEAM_COMPAT_CLIENT_INSTALL_PATH=/home/deck/.var/app/com.heroicgameslauncher.hgl/.steam/steam STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH="/home/deck/Games/Heroic/Prefixes/default/American Fugitive" STEAM_COMPAT_INSTALL_PATH="/home/deck/Games/Heroic/American Fugitive" WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR=0 PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 STEAM_COMPAT_APP_ID=0 SteamAppId=0 SteamGameId="heroic-American Fugitive" PROTON_LOG_DIR=/home/deck/.var/app/com.heroicgameslauncher.hgl /app/bin/heroic/resources/app.asar.unpacked/build/bin/linux/nile launch --no-wine --wrapper " '/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/compatibilitytools.d/GE-Proton8-4/proton' run" --wine-prefix "/home/deck/Games/Heroic/Prefixes/default/American Fugitive" b0ebeed0-6964-4096-b99b-9f726f794e89
Game Log:
INFO [CLI]: Searching for b0ebeed0-6964-4096-b99b-9f726f794e89
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "nile/cli.py", line 343, in <module>
File "nile/cli.py", line 328, in main
File "nile/cli.py", line 241, in handle_launch
File "nile/utils/launch.py", line 143, in start
File "nile/utils/launch.py", line 81, in get_scummvm_command
File "subprocess.py", line 505, in run
File "subprocess.py", line 951, in __init__
File "subprocess.py", line 1837, in _execute_child
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'flatpak'
[576] Failed to execute script 'cli' due to unhandled exception!
En este segundo informe de error, nuevamente se muestra un problema relacionado con el comando "flatpak". El mensaje de error específico es el siguiente:
Copy code
Game Log:
INFO [CLI]: Searching for b0ebeed0-6964-4096-b99b-9f726f794e89
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "nile/cli.py", line 343, in <module>
File "nile/cli.py", line 328, in main
File "nile/cli.py", line 241, in handle_launch
File "nile/utils/launch.py", line 143, in start
File "nile/utils/launch.py", line 81, in get_scummvm_command
File "subprocess.py", line 505, in run
File "subprocess.py", line 951, in __init__
File "subprocess.py", line 1837, in _execute_child
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'flatpak'
[576] Failed to execute script 'cli' due to unhandled exception!
El error específico en este caso se produce cuando se intenta buscar un archivo o directorio llamado 'flatpak', pero no se encuentra. Esto puede deberse nuevamente a que la ubicación del comando "flatpak" no está incluida en la variable de entorno PATH o a algún problema en la configuración de Heroic con respecto a Flatpak.
Para resolver este problema, te recomendaría seguir los mismos pasos mencionados anteriormente:
Verifica que tienes Flatpak instalado en tu sistema y que la ubicación del comando "flatpak" está incluida en la variable de entorno PATH.
Si la ubicación de Flatpak no está incluida en la variable de entorno PATH, puedes agregarla manualmente con el siguiente comando:
Copy code
export PATH="$PATH:/ruta/de/flatpak"
Reemplaza "/ruta/de/flatpak" con la ubicación real de Flatpak en tu sistema.
Reinicia Heroic para asegurarte de que detecte los cambios realizados en la variable de entorno.
Intenta lanzar el juego nuevamente desde Heroic para ver si el problema se ha resuelto.
Si el problema persiste, también puedes revisar la configuración de Heroic relacionada con Flatpak para verificar si hay opciones que necesiten ajustes o para obtener más información sobre el error.
Recuerda que siempre es recomendable consultar la documentación de Heroic o su comunidad de soporte para obtener orientación específica sobre problemas y errores en la aplicación.
2.9.1 HOTFIX #1
This is the first Hotfix for the latest Heroic release. It addresses some critical issues like Heroic not launching games due to an incorrect --wrapper option. It also fixes several issues with the Amazon Games integration.
What's Changed
[Fix] Specify --wrapper only if there are wrappers by @CommandMC in https://github.com/Heroic-Games-Launcher/HeroicGamesLauncher/pull/2893
[FIX]: Multiple Amazon Games bugs by @imLinguin in https://github.com/Heroic-Games-Launcher/HeroicGamesLauncher/pull/2897
Mouser0 escribió:@eguren yo estoy igual, habrá que esperar a la update?
2.9.1 HOTFIX #1
This is the first Hotfix for the latest Heroic release. It addresses some critical issues like Heroic not launching games due to an incorrect --wrapper option. It also fixes several issues with the Amazon Games integration.
What's Changed
[Fix] Specify --wrapper only if there are wrappers by @CommandMC in https://github.com/Heroic-Games-Launcher/HeroicGamesLauncher/pull/2893
[FIX]: Multiple Amazon Games bugs by @imLinguin in https://github.com/Heroic-Games-Launcher/HeroicGamesLauncher/pull/2897