El cable viene en una bolsa aparte, es un cable usb estándar con clavija mini-usb del estilo que suelen llevar los MP3,s y las cámaras digitales.
Ya he preguntado lo del EZflash 3 in 1, espero que respondan igual de rápido que han solucionado lo del 1541 Chessmaster - The Art of Learning (EU)(M6).nds, con la nueva actualización 4.03 se solucionan los problemas con este juego, parece que la 4.02 tenia un bug, ademas se añaden los cheats de los anteriores AK.
El texto del readme:
What's New
* Support ActionReplay Code.
o How to use it. Create a file as the same as rom's name and a suffix name ".cc". Put this "cc" file in the same directory of rom. Copy AR code into this cc file. Add a "@" at the begin of line of the description of code to enable this code. Add a "#" at the begin of line of description of code to disable this code. For example:
@Infinite Lives--------Enable this code.
020973ec 00000063
# Infinite Health------Disable this code.
1208fce4 00000880
1210679c 00000008
o Please open Cheating System at the "Special" of AK start menu.
o Use "Start+Select+UP" to enable Cheating System in game. Use "Start+Select+Down" to disable Cheating System in game.
o You can find some AR code at here:
http://us.codejunkies.com/codes.asp?c=US&cr=USD&cs=$&r=0&l=1&p=17. And we support all code of AR format. Be ware to make sure the code is meet the version of your game.
* Fix bug in menu 4.02 that some game can't run normally.
Known Issues
* Can't support enable or disable a code at the menu for now.
* The prompt strings of new feature are only in Simple Chinese, Traditional Chinese and English. The other languages are not translated now. If you wann help you can translate these strings and email to us. Thanks.
Other features are developing now and everything is going well.