› Foros › Retro y descatalogado › Consolas clásicas
Tijuet escribió:@glotelo ¿Has probado de grabar más partidas en diferentes juegos de diferentes consolas? Graba unos cuantos para asegurar. Luego ya los borras.
Si solo te falla en ese juego y el resto guarda, el problema seria del juego
¿Quantos cores tienes instalados? Piensa que algunos fba ocupan bastante....
¿Lo tienes en carpetas?¿Sin carpetas?
Socket not connected to, message=Not connected
at ArxOne.Ftp.FtpSession.InitializeTransport(TimeSpan connectTimeout, TimeSpan readWriteTimeout, Boolean ssl)
at ArxOne.Ftp.FtpSession.ProcessConnect(TimeSpan connectTimeout, TimeSpan readWriteTimeout)
at ArxOne.Ftp.FtpSession.<>c__DisplayClass16_0.<Connect>b__0()
at ArxOne.Ftp.FtpSession.Process[TResult](Func`1 func, String commandDescription, String requestCommand, String[] requestParameters)
--- DEBUGLOG.TXT content ---
Base directory: D:\Hackchi2\hakchi2_CE SD (portable mode)
Loading configuration
Starting, version: 3.5.2
Loading libretro core info files
Building libretro core cross index
Loading D:\Hackchi2\hakchi2_CE SD\data\nescarts.xml
Loading D:\Hackchi2\hakchi2_CE SD\data\snescarts.xml
SNES XML loading done, 786 roms total
[Upgrade] No upgrade action needed
NES XML loading done, 2150 roms total
...Executing task: LoadGamesTask.LoadGames
Executing task: LoadGamesTask.CreateListViewGroups
Executing task: LoadGamesTask.LoadGamesFromFiles
Loading original games data
Executing task: LoadGamesTask.AssignGroupsToGames
Executing task: LoadGamesTask.AssignListViewGroups
Executing task: LoadGamesTask.UpdateListView
Tasker completed all tasks, conclusion: Success
Local hakchi.hmod version info: boot 1.0.2, kernel, script v1.0.4-123
DNS Resolution returned IPs:
Attempting to connect to
Service added:
Instance: hakchi
Type: _ssh._tcp
Port: 22
Txt: hwid=0461872a 87248188 9cb7e967 6c118000, type=snes, region=eur
Attempting to connect to
SSH shell connected
IP Address:
Encryption: aes256-ctr
source /hakchi/config; [ "$cf_memboot" = "y" ] # exit code 2
hakchi hwid # exit code 0
Detected device unique ID: 0461872a872481889cb7e9676c118000
[ -f /var/version ] && echo "yes" # exit code 0
source /var/version && echo "$bootVersion $kernelVersion $hakchiVersion" # exit code 0
Detected versions: boot 1.0.2, kernel, script v1.0.4-123
hakchi eval 'echo "$sftype-$sfregion"' # exit code 0
hakchi currentFirmware # exit code 0
hakchi findGameSyncStorage # exit code 0
hakchi get gamepath # exit code 0
hakchi get rootfs # exit code 0
hakchi get squashfs # exit code 0
Reading p0000_config file
cat /etc/preinit.d/p0000_config # exit code 0
df "$(hakchi findGameSyncStorage)" | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2 " | " $3 " | " $4 }' # exit code 0
mount | grep /var/lib/clover/profiles # exit code 1
du -s "$(readlink /var/saves)" | awk '{ print $1 }' # exit code 0
du -d 1 "/media/hakchi/games" | head -n -1 | awk '{ print $2 " | " $1 }' # exit code 0
Storage size: 15243,0MB, used: 2299,8MB, free: 12943,2MB
Used by all games: 1956,8MB
Used by non multi-boot games: 1956,8MB
Used by current games collection: 1956,8MB
Used by save-states: 10,6MB
Used by other files (mods, configs, etc.): 332,4MB
Reserved memory: 30,0MB
Available for games: 14869,9MB
..Executing task: GameCacheTask.UpdateLocal
hakchi eval 'echo "$squashfs$gamepath"' # exit code 0
[ -d "/var/squashfs/usr/share/games" ] && echo YES || echo NO # exit code 0
ls "/var/squashfs/usr/share/games" -p -1 | grep '/' # exit code 0
Tasker completed all tasks, conclusion: Success
Done refreshing local original games cache.
..Executing task: <>c__DisplayClass0_0.<DownloadFile>b__0
Tasker completed all tasks, conclusion: Success
.......Executing task: MembootTasks.WaitForFelOrMembootableShell
[ -f /proc/atags ] # exit code 0
Executing task: <>c__DisplayClass69_0.<TaskIf>b__0
uistop # exit code 0
mkdir -p /tmp/kexec/ # exit code 0
cat > "/tmp/kexec/kexec" && chmod +x "/tmp/kexec/kexec" # exit code 0
cat > "/tmp/kexec/detached-fallback" && chmod +x "/tmp/kexec/detached-fallback" # exit code 0
cat > "/tmp/kexec/boot.img" # exit code 0
Executing task: MembootTasks.WaitForShellCycle
SSH shell disconnected
A service was removed:
Instance: hakchi
Type: _ssh._tcp
Port: 22
Txt: hwid=0461872a 87248188 9cb7e967 6c118000, type=snes, region=eur
Service added:
Instance: hakchi
Type: _ssh._tcp
Port: 22
Txt: hwid=0461872a 87248188 9cb7e967 6c118000, type=, region=
DNS Resolution returned IPs:
Attempting to connect to
Attempting to connect to
SSH shell connected
IP Address:
Encryption: aes256-ctr
source /hakchi/config; [ "$cf_memboot" = "y" ] # exit code 0
hakchi hwid # exit code 0
Detected device unique ID: 0461872a872481889cb7e9676c118000
Executing task: ShellTasks.ShowSplashScreen
uistop # exit code 0
gunzip -c - > /dev/fb0 # exit code 0
Executing task: ShellTasks.MountBase
hakchi mount_base # exit code 0
Executing task: ShellTasks.ShowSplashScreen
uistop # exit code 0
gunzip -c - > /dev/fb0 # exit code 0
Executing task: <>c__DisplayClass3_0.<TransferHmod>b__0
mkdir -p \/tmp\/hmods\/CORE\_fbalpha\.hmod # exit code 0
tar -xzvC \/tmp\/hmods\/CORE\_fbalpha\.hmod # exit code 0
Executing task: <>c__DisplayClass4_0.<InstallHmods>b__0
installing CORE_fbalpha...
creating uninstall for CORE_fbalpha...
package CORE_fbalpha installed
hakchi packs_install \/tmp\/hmods # exit code 0
Executing final task: MembootTasks.BootHakchi
hakchi init script version: 1.0.2
loading hakchi
usbMode: device
waiting for timeout ... 3
waiting for timeout ... 2
waiting for timeout ... 1
overmounting /bin
overmounting /etc
overmounting /root
overmounting /etc/init.d/S92rndis on /etc/init.d/S90usb-gadget
menu code: 003
jumping to switch_root...
boot # exit code 0
Tasker completed all tasks, conclusion: Success
A service was removed:
Instance: hakchi
Type: _ssh._tcp
Port: 22
Txt: hwid=0461872a 87248188 9cb7e967 6c118000, type=, region=
SSH shell disconnected
Service added:
Instance: hakchi
Type: _ssh._tcp
Port: 22
Txt: hwid=0461872a 87248188 9cb7e967 6c118000, type=snes, region=eur
Attempting to connect to
SSH shell connected
IP Address:
Encryption: aes256-ctr
source /hakchi/config; [ "$cf_memboot" = "y" ] # exit code 2
hakchi hwid # exit code 0
Detected device unique ID: 0461872a872481889cb7e9676c118000
[ -f /var/version ] && echo "yes" # exit code 0
source /var/version && echo "$bootVersion $kernelVersion $hakchiVersion" # exit code 0
Detected versions: boot 1.0.2, kernel, script v1.0.4-123
hakchi eval 'echo "$sftype-$sfregion"' # exit code 0
hakchi currentFirmware # exit code 0
hakchi findGameSyncStorage # exit code 0
hakchi get gamepath # exit code 0
hakchi get rootfs # exit code 0
hakchi get squashfs # exit code 0
Reading p0000_config file
cat /etc/preinit.d/p0000_config # exit code 0
df "$(hakchi findGameSyncStorage)" | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2 " | " $3 " | " $4 }' # exit code 0
mount | grep /var/lib/clover/profiles # exit code 1
du -s "$(readlink /var/saves)" | awk '{ print $1 }' # exit code 0
du -d 1 "/media/hakchi/games" | head -n -1 | awk '{ print $2 " | " $1 }' # exit code 0
Storage size: 15243,0MB, used: 2299,8MB, free: 12943,2MB
Used by all games: 1956,8MB
Used by non multi-boot games: 1956,8MB
Used by current games collection: 1956,8MB
Used by save-states: 10,6MB
Used by other files (mods, configs, etc.): 332,4MB
Reserved memory: 30,0MB
Available for games: 14869,9MB
.Executing task: GameCacheTask.UpdateLocal
hakchi eval 'echo "$squashfs$gamepath"' # exit code 0
[ -d "/var/squashfs/usr/share/games" ] && echo YES || echo NO # exit code 0
ls "/var/squashfs/usr/share/games" -p -1 | grep '/' # exit code 0
Tasker completed all tasks, conclusion: Success
Done refreshing local original games cache.
Saving selected games
Saving configuration
Saving application "Cadillac And Dinosaurs" as CLV-Z-FFWIX
Saving application "moomesa" as CLV-Z-SHDCW
Saving application "Power Instinc" as CLV-Z-IYUXN
Saving application "snowbroswb" as CLV-Z-STQCQ
Saving selected games
Saving configuration
.......Executing task: LoadGamesTask.LoadGames
Executing task: LoadGamesTask.CreateListViewGroups
Executing task: LoadGamesTask.LoadGamesFromList
Executing task: LoadGamesTask.AssignGroupsToGames
Executing task: LoadGamesTask.AssignListViewGroups
Executing task: LoadGamesTask.UpdateListView
Tasker completed all tasks, conclusion: Success
Saving selected games
Saving configuration
.......Executing task: SyncTask.UploadGames
Executing task: SyncTask.BuildMenu
Saving configuration
Executing task: SyncTask.BuildFiles
Processing CLV-F-NPCCN ('The Amazing Spiderman Vs Kingpin'), size: 302044KB
Processing CLV-F-QYTQM ('Eternal Champions CD'), size: 272056KB
Processing CLV-F-WNHDB ('Final Fight CD'), size: 251512KB
Processing CLV-F-SAJXM ('Jurassic Park'), size: 245220KB
Processing CLV-F-DMMZE ('Road Advenger'), size: 137548KB
Processing CLV-F-SDEKT ('Snatcher'), size: 327044KB
Processing CLV-F-DQTJG ('Sonic CD'), size: 326572KB
"folder_back.png" did not need resizing, no processing done
Processed folder CLV-S-00000 ('Back'), size: 52KB
Processed folder CLV-S-00001 ('Mega CD'), size: 28KB
Processing CLV-G-QTVHV ('Asterix and the Great Rescue'), size: 888KB
Processing CLV-G-XQYRP ('Bare Knuckle - Ikari no Tetsuken ~ Streets of Rage'), size: 376KB
Processing CLV-G-HPLKE ('Batman'), size: 300KB
Processing CLV-G-NTGBT ('Comix Zone'), size: 1496KB
Processing CLV-G-FWQHB ('Disney Collection, The - QuackShot Starring Donald Duck + Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse'), size: 776KB
Processing CLV-G-JPHHV ('Dragon Ball Z - L'Appel du Destin'), size: 1376KB
Processing CLV-G-PDWVD ('Dynamite Headdy'), size: 1272KB
Processing CLV-G-JGBXJ ('Earthworm Jim'), size: 1648KB
Processing CLV-G-XHSHJ ('Earthworm Jim 2'), size: 1548KB
Processing CLV-G-SUUHT ('Ecco - The Tides of Time'), size: 1092KB
Processing CLV-G-SWMGR ('Ecco the Dolphin'), size: 468KB
Processing CLV-G-QJXLX ('Eternal Champions'), size: 1320KB
Processing CLV-G-NLVUZ ('Golden Axe'), size: 344KB
Processing CLV-G-QQAEJ ('Golden Axe II'), size: 332KB
Processing CLV-G-LVRZV ('Jurassic Park'), size: 976KB
Processing CLV-G-NCCDZ ('Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition'), size: 848KB
Processing CLV-G-PFVCY ('Light Crusader'), size: 1068KB
Processing CLV-G-MTBDH ('Lion King, The'), size: 1320KB
Processing CLV-G-HDFRB ('Mega Games 2'), size: 1028KB
Processing CLV-G-QPEQB ('Mega Games I'), size: 464KB
Processing CLV-G-TNGWZ ('Mick & Mack as the Global Gladiators'), size: 636KB
Processing CLV-G-AKSXF ('OutRun'), size: 460KB
Processing CLV-G-DBSDV ('Pac-Attack'), size: 180KB
Processing CLV-G-XISTV ('Pac-Mania'), size: 96KB
Processing CLV-G-QHZFD ('Pac-Panic'), size: 176KB
Processing CLV-G-VMLQR ('Pier Solar and the Great Architects'), size: 3660KB
Processing CLV-G-JQZXY ('Primal Rage'), size: 2192KB
Processing CLV-G-SEQCR ('Revenge of Shinobi, The'), size: 372KB
Processing CLV-G-NWISD ('Rise of the Robots'), size: 1608KB
Processing CLV-G-XUDJS ('Rocket Knight Adventures'), size: 612KB
Processing CLV-G-SNRIH ('Shaq-Fu'), size: 1888KB
Processing CLV-G-ADCSX ('Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom'), size: 332KB
Processing CLV-G-XZATT ('Soleil'), size: 1008KB
Processing CLV-G-DCXZX ('Sonic & Knuckles'), size: 1144KB
Processing CLV-G-MOTZI ('Sonic & Knuckles + Sonic The Hedgehog 2'), size: 1840KB
Processing CLV-G-HYLWD ('Sonic & Knuckles + Sonic The Hedgehog 3'), size: 1956KB
Processing CLV-G-WQEPG ('Sonic 3D Blast ~ Sonic 3D Flickies' Island'), size: 2344KB
Processing CLV-G-LEAHO ('Sonic Crackers'), size: 400KB
Processing CLV-G-ZDINV ('Sonic Eraser'), size: 128KB
Processing CLV-G-ZWJUJ ('Sonic The Hedgehog'), size: 392KB
Processing CLV-G-EFFCO ('Sonic The Hedgehog 2'), size: 716KB
Processing CLV-G-SSIFW ('Sonic The Hedgehog 3'), size: 1140KB
Processing CLV-G-NWNCR ('Sonic The Hedgehog Spinball'), size: 472KB
Processing CLV-G-ORYBK ('Space Harrier II'), size: 288KB
Processing CLV-G-BAUHF ('Story of Thor, The'), size: 1596KB
Processing CLV-G-ULJNX ('Streets of Rage 2'), size: 900KB
Processing CLV-G-XEHWN ('Streets of Rage 3'), size: 1516KB
Processing CLV-G-LOPYN ('Sub-Terrania'), size: 808KB
Processing CLV-G-RPPLT ('Super Street Fighter II'), size: 2376KB
Processing CLV-G-TKTHH ('ToeJam & Earl'), size: 560KB
Processing CLV-G-DAIWQ ('ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron'), size: 1200KB
Processing CLV-G-REOHJ ('Toy Story'), size: 2412KB
Processing CLV-G-OMCUE ('Vectorman'), size: 900KB
Processing CLV-G-AQCCE ('Vectorman 2'), size: 1180KB
Processing CLV-G-SFMQB ('VR Troopers'), size: 992KB
"folder_back.png" did not need resizing, no processing done
Processed folder CLV-S-00000 ('Back'), size: 52KB
Processed folder CLV-S-00002 ('Megadrive'), size: 28KB
Processing CLV-U-FQRLG ('Aladdin'), size: 804KB
Processing CLV-U-NBEYG ('Art of Fighting'), size: 1232KB
Processing CLV-U-VHEPZ ('Battletoads in Battlemaniacs'), size: 684KB
Processing CLV-U-JWZAI ('Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf'), size: 640KB
Processing CLV-P-SAALE ('Donkey Kong Country'), size: 8KB
Processing CLV-U-YFENC ('Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest'), size: 2844KB
Processing CLV-U-RQHBE ('Donkey Kong Country 3 - Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!'), size: 3044KB
Processing CLV-U-NTLPT ('Dragon's Lair'), size: 432KB
Processing CLV-P-SAAJE ('EarthBound'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-U-UBICV ('Fatal Fury Special'), size: 2824KB
Processing CLV-P-SABTE ('Final Fantasy III'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-U-HCJFH ('Final Fight 2'), size: 828KB
Processing CLV-U-IAJTB ('Final Fight 3'), size: 1724KB
Processing CLV-P-SAABE ('F-ZERO'), size: 8KB
Processing CLV-U-SGDOL ('Illusion of Time'), size: 1512KB
Processing CLV-U-DTHBR ('Jungle Book, The'), size: 1208KB
Processing CLV-U-DBITD ('Jurassic Park'), size: 1008KB
Processing CLV-U-YKEFW ('Jurassic Park II - The Chaos Continues'), size: 1236KB
Processing CLV-U-QWMFC ('Killer Instinct'), size: 3052KB
Processing CLV-P-SAAQE ('Kirby Super Star'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-P-SAAKE ('Kirby's Dream Course'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-U-ORYJK ('Legend'), size: 804KB
Processing CLV-U-EVAVR ('Lion King, The'), size: 1964KB
Processing CLV-U-IDNME ('Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse, The'), size: 632KB
Processing CLV-P-SABCE ('Mega Man X'), size: 8KB
Processing CLV-U-FGOYJ ('Mega Man X2'), size: 916KB
Processing CLV-U-VFPHW ('Mega Man X3'), size: 1148KB
Processing CLV-U-DWIKG ('Mickey Mania - The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse'), size: 1376KB
Processing CLV-Z-FFWIX ('Cadillac And Dinosaurs'), size: 4060KB
Processing CLV-Z-SHDCW ('moomesa'), size: 4540KB
Processing CLV-Z-IYUXN ('Power Instinc'), size: 13528KB
Processing CLV-Z-STQCQ ('snowbroswb'), size: 324KB
"folder_back.png" did not need resizing, no processing done
Processed folder CLV-S-00000 ('Back'), size: 52KB
Processed folder CLV-S-00003 ('Arcade'), size: 40KB
Processing CLV-U-HOEOG ('Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie'), size: 884KB
Processing CLV-U-QSYCX ('Parodius'), size: 908KB
Processing CLV-U-OAREG ('Power Instinct'), size: 1448KB
Processing CLV-U-QZZNB ('Primal Rage'), size: 2092KB
Processing CLV-U-WICAB ('Rise of the Robots'), size: 2836KB
Processing CLV-U-HYOIO ('Samurai Shodown'), size: 2176KB
Processing CLV-U-ZGOTH ('Secret of Evermore'), size: 2164KB
Processing CLV-P-SABRE ('Secret of Mana'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-P-SADGE ('Star Fox'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-P-SADKE ('Star Fox 2'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-U-PTFXF ('Street Fighter Alpha 2'), size: 6416KB
Processing CLV-P-SABHE ('Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-U-OGBDW ('Sunset Riders'), size: 808KB
Processing CLV-P-SACBE ('Super Castlevania IV'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-P-SABDE ('Super Ghouls'n Ghosts'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-U-TCRSB ('Super Mario All-Stars'), size: 840KB
Processing CLV-P-SAAFE ('Super Mario Kart'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-P-SABQE ('Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-P-SAAAE ('Super Mario World'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-P-SAAHE ('Super Metroid'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-P-SAAXE ('Super Punch-Out!!'), size: 8KB
Processing CLV-U-RXHGO ('Super Street Fighter II'), size: 3356KB
Processing CLV-U-DGAEM ('Syndicate'), size: 916KB
Processing CLV-U-ILJSO ('Terranigma'), size: 2788KB
Processing CLV-U-MFTBQ ('The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past'), size: 676KB
Processing CLV-U-VTWVS ('Toy Story'), size: 2760KB
Processing CLV-U-QINTD ('Wild Guns'), size: 748KB
Processing CLV-P-SADJE ('Yoshi's Island'), size: 8KB
"folder_back.png" did not need resizing, no processing done
Processed folder CLV-S-00000 ('Back'), size: 52KB
"folder_0.png" did not need resizing, no processing done
Processed folder CLV-S-00004 ('Siguiente'), size: 52KB
Executing task: SyncTask.CheckRemoteStorageRequirements
df "$(hakchi findGameSyncStorage)" | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2 " | " $3 " | " $4 }' # exit code 0
mount | grep /var/lib/clover/profiles # exit code 1
du -s "$(readlink /var/saves)" | awk '{ print $1 }' # exit code 0
du -d 1 "/media/hakchi/games" | head -n -1 | awk '{ print $2 " | " $1 }' # exit code 0
Storage size: 15243,0MB, used: 2299,8MB, free: 12943,2MB
Used by all games: 1956,8MB
Used by non multi-boot games: 1956,8MB
Used by current games collection: 1956,8MB
Used by save-states: 10,6MB
Used by other files (mods, configs, etc.): 332,4MB
Reserved memory: 30,0MB
Available for games: 14869,9MB
Executing task: SyncTask.PrepareRemoteTransfer
uistop # exit code 0
gunzip -c - > /dev/fb0 # exit code 0
hakchi eval 'umount "$gamepath"' # exit code 0
Executing task: SyncTask.CalculateRemoteDiff
find "/media/hakchi/games/" -maxdepth 1 | tail -n +2 | grep -Ee '(/hvcj-jpn?|/snes(-usa|-eur|-jpn)?|/nes(-usa|-jpn)?|/)$' | while read f; do rm -rf "$f"; done # exit code 0
find "/media/hakchi/games" -type l | while read f; do rm "$f"; done # exit code 0
mkdir -p "/media/hakchi/games"; cd "/media/hakchi/games"; find . -type f -exec sh -c "stat \"{}\" -c \"%n %s %y\"" \; # exit code 0
cat > /tmp/cleanup.sh # exit code 0
chmod +x /tmp/cleanup.sh && /tmp/cleanup.sh # exit code 0
rm /tmp/cleanup.sh # exit code 0
Executing task: SyncTask.SyncRemoteGamesFTP
Uploading through FTP
Upload size: 4,7 KB
--- End of DEBUGLOG.TXT content ---
FJTR escribió:Buenas compis, hice el mod de la SD (tengo el video grabado, pero aún lo tengo que "tunear" un poco y renderizarlo).
Aparentemente todo bien, salvo que en Hakchi2 CE (ultima version) me lanza un error cada vez que intento sincronizar los juegos al rato de dejar encendida, pero una vez dado el error, le vuelvo a dar a sincronizar y todo perfecto. Sigo trabajando y todo bien, pero luego de estar otro rato sin actividad (se me pasa el tiempo buscando carátulas, tutos para configurar Roms del FBA, etc...), sincronizo y me da error.
No hay problemas de lectura aparentes, las soldaduras están perfectas, las fajas de datos bien colocadas, se muestra la capacidad de la SD perfectamente.
¿Puede ser que el ftp (o lo que use Hakchi2) se desconecte pasado un tiempo de inactividad y de ahí el error.... ?, por que ya digo, es volverle a dar a Sincronizar y lo hace todo perfecto, hago unos cambios en el momento y sincroniza bien.
Socket not connected to, message=Not connected
at ArxOne.Ftp.FtpSession.InitializeTransport(TimeSpan connectTimeout, TimeSpan readWriteTimeout, Boolean ssl)
at ArxOne.Ftp.FtpSession.ProcessConnect(TimeSpan connectTimeout, TimeSpan readWriteTimeout)
at ArxOne.Ftp.FtpSession.<>c__DisplayClass16_0.<Connect>b__0()
at ArxOne.Ftp.FtpSession.Process[TResult](Func`1 func, String commandDescription, String requestCommand, String[] requestParameters)
--- DEBUGLOG.TXT content ---
Base directory: D:\Hackchi2\hakchi2_CE SD (portable mode)
Loading configuration
Starting, version: 3.5.2
Loading libretro core info files
Building libretro core cross index
Loading D:\Hackchi2\hakchi2_CE SD\data\nescarts.xml
Loading D:\Hackchi2\hakchi2_CE SD\data\snescarts.xml
SNES XML loading done, 786 roms total
[Upgrade] No upgrade action needed
NES XML loading done, 2150 roms total
...Executing task: LoadGamesTask.LoadGames
Executing task: LoadGamesTask.CreateListViewGroups
Executing task: LoadGamesTask.LoadGamesFromFiles
Loading original games data
Executing task: LoadGamesTask.AssignGroupsToGames
Executing task: LoadGamesTask.AssignListViewGroups
Executing task: LoadGamesTask.UpdateListView
Tasker completed all tasks, conclusion: Success
Local hakchi.hmod version info: boot 1.0.2, kernel, script v1.0.4-123
DNS Resolution returned IPs:
Attempting to connect to
Service added:
Instance: hakchi
Type: _ssh._tcp
Port: 22
Txt: hwid=0461872a 87248188 9cb7e967 6c118000, type=snes, region=eur
Attempting to connect to
SSH shell connected
IP Address:
Encryption: aes256-ctr
source /hakchi/config; [ "$cf_memboot" = "y" ] # exit code 2
hakchi hwid # exit code 0
Detected device unique ID: 0461872a872481889cb7e9676c118000
[ -f /var/version ] && echo "yes" # exit code 0
source /var/version && echo "$bootVersion $kernelVersion $hakchiVersion" # exit code 0
Detected versions: boot 1.0.2, kernel, script v1.0.4-123
hakchi eval 'echo "$sftype-$sfregion"' # exit code 0
hakchi currentFirmware # exit code 0
hakchi findGameSyncStorage # exit code 0
hakchi get gamepath # exit code 0
hakchi get rootfs # exit code 0
hakchi get squashfs # exit code 0
Reading p0000_config file
cat /etc/preinit.d/p0000_config # exit code 0
df "$(hakchi findGameSyncStorage)" | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2 " | " $3 " | " $4 }' # exit code 0
mount | grep /var/lib/clover/profiles # exit code 1
du -s "$(readlink /var/saves)" | awk '{ print $1 }' # exit code 0
du -d 1 "/media/hakchi/games" | head -n -1 | awk '{ print $2 " | " $1 }' # exit code 0
Storage size: 15243,0MB, used: 2299,8MB, free: 12943,2MB
Used by all games: 1956,8MB
Used by non multi-boot games: 1956,8MB
Used by current games collection: 1956,8MB
Used by save-states: 10,6MB
Used by other files (mods, configs, etc.): 332,4MB
Reserved memory: 30,0MB
Available for games: 14869,9MB
..Executing task: GameCacheTask.UpdateLocal
hakchi eval 'echo "$squashfs$gamepath"' # exit code 0
[ -d "/var/squashfs/usr/share/games" ] && echo YES || echo NO # exit code 0
ls "/var/squashfs/usr/share/games" -p -1 | grep '/' # exit code 0
Tasker completed all tasks, conclusion: Success
Done refreshing local original games cache.
..Executing task: <>c__DisplayClass0_0.<DownloadFile>b__0
Tasker completed all tasks, conclusion: Success
.......Executing task: MembootTasks.WaitForFelOrMembootableShell
[ -f /proc/atags ] # exit code 0
Executing task: <>c__DisplayClass69_0.<TaskIf>b__0
uistop # exit code 0
mkdir -p /tmp/kexec/ # exit code 0
cat > "/tmp/kexec/kexec" && chmod +x "/tmp/kexec/kexec" # exit code 0
cat > "/tmp/kexec/detached-fallback" && chmod +x "/tmp/kexec/detached-fallback" # exit code 0
cat > "/tmp/kexec/boot.img" # exit code 0
Executing task: MembootTasks.WaitForShellCycle
SSH shell disconnected
A service was removed:
Instance: hakchi
Type: _ssh._tcp
Port: 22
Txt: hwid=0461872a 87248188 9cb7e967 6c118000, type=snes, region=eur
Service added:
Instance: hakchi
Type: _ssh._tcp
Port: 22
Txt: hwid=0461872a 87248188 9cb7e967 6c118000, type=, region=
DNS Resolution returned IPs:
Attempting to connect to
Attempting to connect to
SSH shell connected
IP Address:
Encryption: aes256-ctr
source /hakchi/config; [ "$cf_memboot" = "y" ] # exit code 0
hakchi hwid # exit code 0
Detected device unique ID: 0461872a872481889cb7e9676c118000
Executing task: ShellTasks.ShowSplashScreen
uistop # exit code 0
gunzip -c - > /dev/fb0 # exit code 0
Executing task: ShellTasks.MountBase
hakchi mount_base # exit code 0
Executing task: ShellTasks.ShowSplashScreen
uistop # exit code 0
gunzip -c - > /dev/fb0 # exit code 0
Executing task: <>c__DisplayClass3_0.<TransferHmod>b__0
mkdir -p \/tmp\/hmods\/CORE\_fbalpha\.hmod # exit code 0
tar -xzvC \/tmp\/hmods\/CORE\_fbalpha\.hmod # exit code 0
Executing task: <>c__DisplayClass4_0.<InstallHmods>b__0
installing CORE_fbalpha...
creating uninstall for CORE_fbalpha...
package CORE_fbalpha installed
hakchi packs_install \/tmp\/hmods # exit code 0
Executing final task: MembootTasks.BootHakchi
hakchi init script version: 1.0.2
loading hakchi
usbMode: device
waiting for timeout ... 3
waiting for timeout ... 2
waiting for timeout ... 1
overmounting /bin
overmounting /etc
overmounting /root
overmounting /etc/init.d/S92rndis on /etc/init.d/S90usb-gadget
menu code: 003
jumping to switch_root...
boot # exit code 0
Tasker completed all tasks, conclusion: Success
A service was removed:
Instance: hakchi
Type: _ssh._tcp
Port: 22
Txt: hwid=0461872a 87248188 9cb7e967 6c118000, type=, region=
SSH shell disconnected
Service added:
Instance: hakchi
Type: _ssh._tcp
Port: 22
Txt: hwid=0461872a 87248188 9cb7e967 6c118000, type=snes, region=eur
Attempting to connect to
SSH shell connected
IP Address:
Encryption: aes256-ctr
source /hakchi/config; [ "$cf_memboot" = "y" ] # exit code 2
hakchi hwid # exit code 0
Detected device unique ID: 0461872a872481889cb7e9676c118000
[ -f /var/version ] && echo "yes" # exit code 0
source /var/version && echo "$bootVersion $kernelVersion $hakchiVersion" # exit code 0
Detected versions: boot 1.0.2, kernel, script v1.0.4-123
hakchi eval 'echo "$sftype-$sfregion"' # exit code 0
hakchi currentFirmware # exit code 0
hakchi findGameSyncStorage # exit code 0
hakchi get gamepath # exit code 0
hakchi get rootfs # exit code 0
hakchi get squashfs # exit code 0
Reading p0000_config file
cat /etc/preinit.d/p0000_config # exit code 0
df "$(hakchi findGameSyncStorage)" | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2 " | " $3 " | " $4 }' # exit code 0
mount | grep /var/lib/clover/profiles # exit code 1
du -s "$(readlink /var/saves)" | awk '{ print $1 }' # exit code 0
du -d 1 "/media/hakchi/games" | head -n -1 | awk '{ print $2 " | " $1 }' # exit code 0
Storage size: 15243,0MB, used: 2299,8MB, free: 12943,2MB
Used by all games: 1956,8MB
Used by non multi-boot games: 1956,8MB
Used by current games collection: 1956,8MB
Used by save-states: 10,6MB
Used by other files (mods, configs, etc.): 332,4MB
Reserved memory: 30,0MB
Available for games: 14869,9MB
.Executing task: GameCacheTask.UpdateLocal
hakchi eval 'echo "$squashfs$gamepath"' # exit code 0
[ -d "/var/squashfs/usr/share/games" ] && echo YES || echo NO # exit code 0
ls "/var/squashfs/usr/share/games" -p -1 | grep '/' # exit code 0
Tasker completed all tasks, conclusion: Success
Done refreshing local original games cache.
Saving selected games
Saving configuration
Saving application "Cadillac And Dinosaurs" as CLV-Z-FFWIX
Saving application "moomesa" as CLV-Z-SHDCW
Saving application "Power Instinc" as CLV-Z-IYUXN
Saving application "snowbroswb" as CLV-Z-STQCQ
Saving selected games
Saving configuration
.......Executing task: LoadGamesTask.LoadGames
Executing task: LoadGamesTask.CreateListViewGroups
Executing task: LoadGamesTask.LoadGamesFromList
Executing task: LoadGamesTask.AssignGroupsToGames
Executing task: LoadGamesTask.AssignListViewGroups
Executing task: LoadGamesTask.UpdateListView
Tasker completed all tasks, conclusion: Success
Saving selected games
Saving configuration
.......Executing task: SyncTask.UploadGames
Executing task: SyncTask.BuildMenu
Saving configuration
Executing task: SyncTask.BuildFiles
Processing CLV-F-NPCCN ('The Amazing Spiderman Vs Kingpin'), size: 302044KB
Processing CLV-F-QYTQM ('Eternal Champions CD'), size: 272056KB
Processing CLV-F-WNHDB ('Final Fight CD'), size: 251512KB
Processing CLV-F-SAJXM ('Jurassic Park'), size: 245220KB
Processing CLV-F-DMMZE ('Road Advenger'), size: 137548KB
Processing CLV-F-SDEKT ('Snatcher'), size: 327044KB
Processing CLV-F-DQTJG ('Sonic CD'), size: 326572KB
"folder_back.png" did not need resizing, no processing done
Processed folder CLV-S-00000 ('Back'), size: 52KB
Processed folder CLV-S-00001 ('Mega CD'), size: 28KB
Processing CLV-G-QTVHV ('Asterix and the Great Rescue'), size: 888KB
Processing CLV-G-XQYRP ('Bare Knuckle - Ikari no Tetsuken ~ Streets of Rage'), size: 376KB
Processing CLV-G-HPLKE ('Batman'), size: 300KB
Processing CLV-G-NTGBT ('Comix Zone'), size: 1496KB
Processing CLV-G-FWQHB ('Disney Collection, The - QuackShot Starring Donald Duck + Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse'), size: 776KB
Processing CLV-G-JPHHV ('Dragon Ball Z - L'Appel du Destin'), size: 1376KB
Processing CLV-G-PDWVD ('Dynamite Headdy'), size: 1272KB
Processing CLV-G-JGBXJ ('Earthworm Jim'), size: 1648KB
Processing CLV-G-XHSHJ ('Earthworm Jim 2'), size: 1548KB
Processing CLV-G-SUUHT ('Ecco - The Tides of Time'), size: 1092KB
Processing CLV-G-SWMGR ('Ecco the Dolphin'), size: 468KB
Processing CLV-G-QJXLX ('Eternal Champions'), size: 1320KB
Processing CLV-G-NLVUZ ('Golden Axe'), size: 344KB
Processing CLV-G-QQAEJ ('Golden Axe II'), size: 332KB
Processing CLV-G-LVRZV ('Jurassic Park'), size: 976KB
Processing CLV-G-NCCDZ ('Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition'), size: 848KB
Processing CLV-G-PFVCY ('Light Crusader'), size: 1068KB
Processing CLV-G-MTBDH ('Lion King, The'), size: 1320KB
Processing CLV-G-HDFRB ('Mega Games 2'), size: 1028KB
Processing CLV-G-QPEQB ('Mega Games I'), size: 464KB
Processing CLV-G-TNGWZ ('Mick & Mack as the Global Gladiators'), size: 636KB
Processing CLV-G-AKSXF ('OutRun'), size: 460KB
Processing CLV-G-DBSDV ('Pac-Attack'), size: 180KB
Processing CLV-G-XISTV ('Pac-Mania'), size: 96KB
Processing CLV-G-QHZFD ('Pac-Panic'), size: 176KB
Processing CLV-G-VMLQR ('Pier Solar and the Great Architects'), size: 3660KB
Processing CLV-G-JQZXY ('Primal Rage'), size: 2192KB
Processing CLV-G-SEQCR ('Revenge of Shinobi, The'), size: 372KB
Processing CLV-G-NWISD ('Rise of the Robots'), size: 1608KB
Processing CLV-G-XUDJS ('Rocket Knight Adventures'), size: 612KB
Processing CLV-G-SNRIH ('Shaq-Fu'), size: 1888KB
Processing CLV-G-ADCSX ('Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom'), size: 332KB
Processing CLV-G-XZATT ('Soleil'), size: 1008KB
Processing CLV-G-DCXZX ('Sonic & Knuckles'), size: 1144KB
Processing CLV-G-MOTZI ('Sonic & Knuckles + Sonic The Hedgehog 2'), size: 1840KB
Processing CLV-G-HYLWD ('Sonic & Knuckles + Sonic The Hedgehog 3'), size: 1956KB
Processing CLV-G-WQEPG ('Sonic 3D Blast ~ Sonic 3D Flickies' Island'), size: 2344KB
Processing CLV-G-LEAHO ('Sonic Crackers'), size: 400KB
Processing CLV-G-ZDINV ('Sonic Eraser'), size: 128KB
Processing CLV-G-ZWJUJ ('Sonic The Hedgehog'), size: 392KB
Processing CLV-G-EFFCO ('Sonic The Hedgehog 2'), size: 716KB
Processing CLV-G-SSIFW ('Sonic The Hedgehog 3'), size: 1140KB
Processing CLV-G-NWNCR ('Sonic The Hedgehog Spinball'), size: 472KB
Processing CLV-G-ORYBK ('Space Harrier II'), size: 288KB
Processing CLV-G-BAUHF ('Story of Thor, The'), size: 1596KB
Processing CLV-G-ULJNX ('Streets of Rage 2'), size: 900KB
Processing CLV-G-XEHWN ('Streets of Rage 3'), size: 1516KB
Processing CLV-G-LOPYN ('Sub-Terrania'), size: 808KB
Processing CLV-G-RPPLT ('Super Street Fighter II'), size: 2376KB
Processing CLV-G-TKTHH ('ToeJam & Earl'), size: 560KB
Processing CLV-G-DAIWQ ('ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron'), size: 1200KB
Processing CLV-G-REOHJ ('Toy Story'), size: 2412KB
Processing CLV-G-OMCUE ('Vectorman'), size: 900KB
Processing CLV-G-AQCCE ('Vectorman 2'), size: 1180KB
Processing CLV-G-SFMQB ('VR Troopers'), size: 992KB
"folder_back.png" did not need resizing, no processing done
Processed folder CLV-S-00000 ('Back'), size: 52KB
Processed folder CLV-S-00002 ('Megadrive'), size: 28KB
Processing CLV-U-FQRLG ('Aladdin'), size: 804KB
Processing CLV-U-NBEYG ('Art of Fighting'), size: 1232KB
Processing CLV-U-VHEPZ ('Battletoads in Battlemaniacs'), size: 684KB
Processing CLV-U-JWZAI ('Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf'), size: 640KB
Processing CLV-P-SAALE ('Donkey Kong Country'), size: 8KB
Processing CLV-U-YFENC ('Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest'), size: 2844KB
Processing CLV-U-RQHBE ('Donkey Kong Country 3 - Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!'), size: 3044KB
Processing CLV-U-NTLPT ('Dragon's Lair'), size: 432KB
Processing CLV-P-SAAJE ('EarthBound'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-U-UBICV ('Fatal Fury Special'), size: 2824KB
Processing CLV-P-SABTE ('Final Fantasy III'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-U-HCJFH ('Final Fight 2'), size: 828KB
Processing CLV-U-IAJTB ('Final Fight 3'), size: 1724KB
Processing CLV-P-SAABE ('F-ZERO'), size: 8KB
Processing CLV-U-SGDOL ('Illusion of Time'), size: 1512KB
Processing CLV-U-DTHBR ('Jungle Book, The'), size: 1208KB
Processing CLV-U-DBITD ('Jurassic Park'), size: 1008KB
Processing CLV-U-YKEFW ('Jurassic Park II - The Chaos Continues'), size: 1236KB
Processing CLV-U-QWMFC ('Killer Instinct'), size: 3052KB
Processing CLV-P-SAAQE ('Kirby Super Star'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-P-SAAKE ('Kirby's Dream Course'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-U-ORYJK ('Legend'), size: 804KB
Processing CLV-U-EVAVR ('Lion King, The'), size: 1964KB
Processing CLV-U-IDNME ('Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse, The'), size: 632KB
Processing CLV-P-SABCE ('Mega Man X'), size: 8KB
Processing CLV-U-FGOYJ ('Mega Man X2'), size: 916KB
Processing CLV-U-VFPHW ('Mega Man X3'), size: 1148KB
Processing CLV-U-DWIKG ('Mickey Mania - The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse'), size: 1376KB
Processing CLV-Z-FFWIX ('Cadillac And Dinosaurs'), size: 4060KB
Processing CLV-Z-SHDCW ('moomesa'), size: 4540KB
Processing CLV-Z-IYUXN ('Power Instinc'), size: 13528KB
Processing CLV-Z-STQCQ ('snowbroswb'), size: 324KB
"folder_back.png" did not need resizing, no processing done
Processed folder CLV-S-00000 ('Back'), size: 52KB
Processed folder CLV-S-00003 ('Arcade'), size: 40KB
Processing CLV-U-HOEOG ('Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie'), size: 884KB
Processing CLV-U-QSYCX ('Parodius'), size: 908KB
Processing CLV-U-OAREG ('Power Instinct'), size: 1448KB
Processing CLV-U-QZZNB ('Primal Rage'), size: 2092KB
Processing CLV-U-WICAB ('Rise of the Robots'), size: 2836KB
Processing CLV-U-HYOIO ('Samurai Shodown'), size: 2176KB
Processing CLV-U-ZGOTH ('Secret of Evermore'), size: 2164KB
Processing CLV-P-SABRE ('Secret of Mana'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-P-SADGE ('Star Fox'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-P-SADKE ('Star Fox 2'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-U-PTFXF ('Street Fighter Alpha 2'), size: 6416KB
Processing CLV-P-SABHE ('Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-U-OGBDW ('Sunset Riders'), size: 808KB
Processing CLV-P-SACBE ('Super Castlevania IV'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-P-SABDE ('Super Ghouls'n Ghosts'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-U-TCRSB ('Super Mario All-Stars'), size: 840KB
Processing CLV-P-SAAFE ('Super Mario Kart'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-P-SABQE ('Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-P-SAAAE ('Super Mario World'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-P-SAAHE ('Super Metroid'), size: 4KB
Processing CLV-P-SAAXE ('Super Punch-Out!!'), size: 8KB
Processing CLV-U-RXHGO ('Super Street Fighter II'), size: 3356KB
Processing CLV-U-DGAEM ('Syndicate'), size: 916KB
Processing CLV-U-ILJSO ('Terranigma'), size: 2788KB
Processing CLV-U-MFTBQ ('The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past'), size: 676KB
Processing CLV-U-VTWVS ('Toy Story'), size: 2760KB
Processing CLV-U-QINTD ('Wild Guns'), size: 748KB
Processing CLV-P-SADJE ('Yoshi's Island'), size: 8KB
"folder_back.png" did not need resizing, no processing done
Processed folder CLV-S-00000 ('Back'), size: 52KB
"folder_0.png" did not need resizing, no processing done
Processed folder CLV-S-00004 ('Siguiente'), size: 52KB
Executing task: SyncTask.CheckRemoteStorageRequirements
df "$(hakchi findGameSyncStorage)" | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2 " | " $3 " | " $4 }' # exit code 0
mount | grep /var/lib/clover/profiles # exit code 1
du -s "$(readlink /var/saves)" | awk '{ print $1 }' # exit code 0
du -d 1 "/media/hakchi/games" | head -n -1 | awk '{ print $2 " | " $1 }' # exit code 0
Storage size: 15243,0MB, used: 2299,8MB, free: 12943,2MB
Used by all games: 1956,8MB
Used by non multi-boot games: 1956,8MB
Used by current games collection: 1956,8MB
Used by save-states: 10,6MB
Used by other files (mods, configs, etc.): 332,4MB
Reserved memory: 30,0MB
Available for games: 14869,9MB
Executing task: SyncTask.PrepareRemoteTransfer
uistop # exit code 0
gunzip -c - > /dev/fb0 # exit code 0
hakchi eval 'umount "$gamepath"' # exit code 0
Executing task: SyncTask.CalculateRemoteDiff
find "/media/hakchi/games/" -maxdepth 1 | tail -n +2 | grep -Ee '(/hvcj-jpn?|/snes(-usa|-eur|-jpn)?|/nes(-usa|-jpn)?|/)$' | while read f; do rm -rf "$f"; done # exit code 0
find "/media/hakchi/games" -type l | while read f; do rm "$f"; done # exit code 0
mkdir -p "/media/hakchi/games"; cd "/media/hakchi/games"; find . -type f -exec sh -c "stat \"{}\" -c \"%n %s %y\"" \; # exit code 0
cat > /tmp/cleanup.sh # exit code 0
chmod +x /tmp/cleanup.sh && /tmp/cleanup.sh # exit code 0
rm /tmp/cleanup.sh # exit code 0
Executing task: SyncTask.SyncRemoteGamesFTP
Uploading through FTP
Upload size: 4,7 KB
--- End of DEBUGLOG.TXT content ---
ibrahimovic_28 escribió:Ayer me pusé a probar el tales of phantasia y me acabó funcionando después de probar unas cuantas versiones del rom del juego pero funcionó en retroarch. No todas las versiones de este juego funcionan bien en snes mini.
Otro juego que probé es el Star Ocean 1 traducido a español por magno y va de lujo. Juegazo.
Si.lito69 escribió:ibrahimovic_28 escribió:Ayer me pusé a probar el tales of phantasia y me acabó funcionando después de probar unas cuantas versiones del rom del juego pero funcionó en retroarch. No todas las versiones de este juego funcionan bien en snes mini.
Otro juego que probé es el Star Ocean 1 traducido a español por magno y va de lujo. Juegazo.
Star ocean con retroarch supongo
ibrahimovic_28 escribió:Ayer me pusé a probar el tales of phantasia y me acabó funcionando después de probar unas cuantas versiones del rom del juego pero funcionó en retroarch. No todas las versiones de este juego funcionan bien en snes mini.
Otro juego que probé es el Star Ocean 1 traducido a español por magno y va de lujo. Juegazo.
Voy por el principio del juego. Por ahora me va bien. ¿Que problemas daba?.Galdergalder escribió:ibrahimovic_28 escribió:Ayer me pusé a probar el tales of phantasia y me acabó funcionando después de probar unas cuantas versiones del rom del juego pero funcionó en retroarch. No todas las versiones de este juego funcionan bien en snes mini.
Otro juego que probé es el Star Ocean 1 traducido a español por magno y va de lujo. Juegazo.
¿No decian que ese juego daba problemas? ¿es la version final?
Stibi666 escribió:EDITO. Nada, solucionado.
Solo me queda averiguar lo del Secret of Evemore a ver qué puede ser lo del petardeo en el sonido ...
Galdergalder escribió:Stibi666 escribió:EDITO. Nada, solucionado.
Solo me queda averiguar lo del Secret of Evemore a ver qué puede ser lo del petardeo en el sonido ...
A mi el secret of Evemore se me cuelga en el primer video y el petardeo de Sonido me lo hace en el Seineken Denetsu 3 a veces y en el Final Fantasy VI con retroarch
czt escribió:Con que core os pasa???
Abrams escribió:Uno que se acaba de comprar la NES Mini.
Para ir empezando, es posible meter el A Link to the Past traducido en una NES, ¿verdad?
FJTR escribió:Abrams escribió:Uno que se acaba de comprar la NES Mini.
Para ir empezando, es posible meter el A Link to the Past traducido en una NES, ¿verdad?
Sip y además compatible con canoe.
josete2k escribió:FJTR escribió:Abrams escribió:Uno que se acaba de comprar la NES Mini.
Para ir empezando, es posible meter el A Link to the Past traducido en una NES, ¿verdad?
Sip y además compatible con canoe.
¿La nes mini reproduce los juegos de snes de forma nativa? Pregunto eh...
Stibi666 escribió:czt escribió:Con que core os pasa???
SNES9X .. La verdad es que no he probado los otros SNES9X que hay ... No habia caido leches... Voy a ello.
Gracias compañero.
¿qué core usais vosotros?
FJTR escribió:Abrams escribió:Uno que se acaba de comprar la NES Mini.
Para ir empezando, es posible meter el A Link to the Past traducido en una NES, ¿verdad?
Sip y además compatible con canoe.
FJTR escribió:Gromber escribió:el emulador oficial.
De la Snes Mini
Stibi666 escribió:EDITO. Nada, solucionado.
Solo me queda averiguar lo del Secret of Evemore a ver qué puede ser lo del petardeo en el sonido ...
FJTR escribió:Buenas compis, ya me llegó el kit mod Micro SD de Echo10!!
En breve os pasaré del tinglado montado. Estoy deseando meterle mano ya a esto![]()
FJTR escribió:FJTR escribió:Buenas compis, ya me llegó el kit mod Micro SD de Echo10!!
En breve os pasaré del tinglado montado. Estoy deseando meterle mano ya a esto![]()
Buenas compañeros, ya lo tengo instalado y funciona perfecto. Chapó por Echo10.
He grabado un video soldando la placa, como lo subiré a mi canal youtube, prefiero preguntar si a los moderadores les molesta que se comparta.
Por si acaso no se puede, dejo un par de fotos de la placa montada:
Quedo a la espera de la respuesta por parte del Staff para subir el video.
lito69 escribió:Una cosita, estoy leyendo que un parche cnp se puede abrir con winrar, también lei que el parche de star ocean para canoe funcionaba en la traduccion al español de star ocean en un excel, intenté aplicar el parche y no pude, sabeis si abriendo ese cnp con winrar y aplicando manualmente el ips de dentro a la rom star ocean de magno funcionará con canoe?
Abrams escribió:Los que habéis jugado al A Link to the Past traducido, ¿qué ROM habéis usado? Yo en una búsqueda rápida he encontrado la de la traducción de Sayans Traductions, ¿cómo de fiable es esta versión? ¿Existen más?
luffyelx escribió:@FJTR y donde se consige ese adaptador para sd?
Gente por cierto yo tengo nes mini. Pero el emulador de la nes mini los filtros son muy malos y decidid dejarlo todo con retroarch pues se ve muchísimo mejor.
o hay alguna forma de mejorar esos filtros de la nes mini?
FJTR escribió:luffyelx escribió:@FJTR y donde se consige ese adaptador para sd?
Gente por cierto yo tengo nes mini. Pero el emulador de la nes mini los filtros son muy malos y decidid dejarlo todo con retroarch pues se ve muchísimo mejor.
o hay alguna forma de mejorar esos filtros de la nes mini?
Aquí compañero:
Un saludo