En el foro oficial del juego encontre esta lista con los desafios web y lo que hay ke hacer para completarlos.
Pido perdon por no traducirlo
All your base - complete location
Chosen one - choose your character/class in the profile details
Fastest thing alive - post on news update within 2 hours of it going up
First!!1!lol!1imho -
Fully loaded - completed your profile
Girl power - User search 'Alchitect'
Got your number - added your friend code to profile
Headphones on - comment on five podcast related posts
Howdy neighbour - commented on a profile
Ignis vulpes - Log in from Mozilla (although it didn't seem to work for me

Intervention - commented on 10 profiles
It all makes sense! - comment on the news about XP (very first article IIRC)
It's off deschain - User search 'gunslinger'
Jukebox jury - view one of the articles on ruincasts
Marvel Captain - Comment on the news article on Adi Granov
Motormouth - comment on 10 news stories
My liege - User search 'Ataraxis'
No keyboards... - User search 'Vindicator'
Old faithful - log in from Internet Explorer
Ooooo yeah! - User search 'savage'
Primma donna - Log in from Opera
Roooolling start! - register for site
Social butterfly - Commented on five profiles
Spambot - You commented on 10 news stories and 10 profiles
Speak up! - comment on five news stories
Super combo - completed 10 challenges
Welcome to the jungle - Log in from Safari
You have been watching... - "You took an interest in the people making the game. Good for you!" I think this is from viewing certain news articles
You what!? - added information on yourself