[Hilo Oficial] James Bond 007: Quantum of Solace

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EOLianos en Sendit lo venden a 9,98 libras con envio y todo incluido se queda por 12,38 euros.
El mio ya esta volando.

Cuando lo tenga nos hechamos unas partidas! :D
calita está baneado por "Clones para trollear y spoilers"
Esmirna escribió:EOLianos en Sendit lo venden a 9,98 libras con envio y todo incluido se queda por 12,38 euros.
El mio ya esta volando.

Cuando lo tenga nos hechamos unas partidas! :D

Pues entre la oferta de Zavvi y esta de Sendit.....veo muchos agentes con licencia para conseguir trofeos al servicio de su Majestad en camino.....

Soy nuevo por aquí... :cool: :cool: Así que hola a todos ...Me llegó ayer el juego..ya lo había jugado en la wii y el online era super viciante...Os dejo mi ID para que me agregueis y nos fustiguemos un poco ratataaaa ratataaaa ratataaaa desde la cordialidad claro [beer]

Nos vemos por ahí!

Siiiii, al fin cosegui el trofeo de operacion trueno que me faltaba y el de platino tambien XD
Cuando os llegue el juego desde Zavvi avisad.
Me ha llegado el 007 de Zavvi por si alguien tiene interés en saberlo, me lo enviaron el lunes, según decía el correo que me llegó.

Un saludo
vuelve a estar en 30 y tantas libras :(
calita está baneado por "Clones para trollear y spoilers"
Me acaba de llegar a la oficina el juego.

La cara que se me ha quedado mientras me ha pillado mi jefe en el despacho desprecintándolo ha tenido que ser para grabarla en video.

Menuda putada.
Invitale a jugar despues del curro y todo arreglado [sonrisa]
ya me a llegado el juego :)
Yo también lo he recibido hoy de Zavvi.

calita escribió:Me acaba de llegar a la oficina el juego.

La cara que se me ha quedado mientras me ha pillado mi jefe en el despacho desprecintándolo ha tenido que ser para grabarla en video.

Menuda putada.


Da igual calita, no hay que avergonzarse.

OFF: de que trabajas ? Creador de hilos oficiales ? [chulito]
Me ha llegado hoy el juego, de zaavi y me he hechado las 3 primeras pantallas y al principio he dicho menudos graficos  [+furioso] , pero a medida que juegas se hace bastante entretenido, y con variedad de situaciones, la verdad esque esta muy logrado y por ese precio es una compra obligada, como pero los graficos, pero en general cumple muy bien, me ha sorprendido gratame :)
calita está baneado por "Clones para trollear y spoilers"
nachobarro escribió:
calita escribió:Me acaba de llegar a la oficina el juego.

La cara que se me ha quedado mientras me ha pillado mi jefe en el despacho desprecintándolo ha tenido que ser para grabarla en video.

Menuda putada.

OFF: de que trabajas ? Creador de hilos oficiales ? [chulito]

Desarrollo cosméticos para multinacionales.
calita escribió:
nachobarro escribió:
calita escribió:Me acaba de llegar a la oficina el juego.

La cara que se me ha quedado mientras me ha pillado mi jefe en el despacho desprecintándolo ha tenido que ser para grabarla en video.

Menuda putada.

OFF: de que trabajas ? Creador de hilos oficiales ? [chulito]

Desarrollo cosméticos para multinacionales.

Osea, Loreal y esas cosas ? pero en laboratorio o eres algo de administrador, esuqe no controlo esto de los trabajos! ajja
A mi tambien me ha llegado el juego. Impresionante la rapidez (sendit), en 2 dias en casa. xDD
calita está baneado por "Clones para trollear y spoilers"
nachobarro escribió:

OFF: de que trabajas ? Creador de hilos oficiales ? [chulito]

Desarrollo cosméticos para multinacionales.[/quote]

Osea, Loreal y esas cosas ? pero en laboratorio o eres algo de administrador, esuqe no controlo esto de los trabajos! ajja[/quote]

Despachito, con secretaria y con becaria. Y sólo 2 personas por encima en la empresa (una de ellas es Dios).

Fin del offtopic.

Voy a desprecintar el juego, necesito trofeos.
Bueno, esta mañana me ha llegado de Zavvi y esta noche ya me lo he pasado del tiron. Entre 5-6 horillas me ha durado el modo historia, con 25% de trofeos. No es un must have, pero por 11 euros que vale pillarlo de importacion merece la pena, y eso que aun no he probado el multijugador. Si lo vais a empezar, os recomiendo empezar en dificil, ya que en normal es MUY asequible (igual porque ayer me pasé el Killzone 2 en Elite [sonrisa] ) y los enemigos con 3 tiros ya caen solos. Ademas el punto de mira siempre está, hasta cuando estás cubriendote, con lo que los tiroteos son bastante faciles.
En fin, es un buen juego (y mas por 11 euros), espero que lo disfruteis ^^
calita está baneado por "Clones para trollear y spoilers"
Hiro escribió:Bueno, esta mañana me ha llegado de Zavvi y esta noche ya me lo he pasado del tiron. Entre 5-6 horillas me ha durado el modo historia, con 25% de trofeos. No es un must have, pero por 11 euros que vale pillarlo de importacion merece la pena, y eso que aun no he probado el multijugador. Si lo vais a empezar, os recomiendo empezar en dificil, ya que en normal es MUY asequible (igual porque ayer me pasé el Killzone 2 en Elite [sonrisa] ) y los enemigos con 3 tiros ya caen solos. Ademas el punto de mira siempre está, hasta cuando estás cubriendote, con lo que los tiroteos son bastante faciles.
En fin, es un buen juego (y mas por 11 euros), espero que lo disfruteis ^^

Ya se había posteado que el juego no era largo.

Por ese motivo he ido directamente a dificultad 007.

El juego sobretodo es muy entretenido.

Tiene gráficos aceptables, pero falla en texturas, nivel de detalle, modelados, etc.....es corriente.

La BSO es impresionante. 100% oficial Bond y el tema de la intro es acojonante.

Los menús del juego son como los de un Bluray, muy cinematográfico.

La acción es intensa, pero nada novedosa.

En definitiva un juego de 7, con muchos detalles por pulir, pero que divierte.

Por los 11 euros que hemos pagado, no sólo está bien, está de muerte (yo con trofeos).
A mi me llegó ayer de zaavi y la verdad es que me está gustando bastante,ya me lo he pasado y voy a por la segunda para intentar pillar todos los trofeos.

Agregadme para el online que lo he intentado varias veces y nunca hay gente...

Id : bottlejohn [uzi]
Otro que le ha llegado de Zavvi.

PD: sin embargo, los dos que me enviaron el 28 todavía no han llegado...
Siii! Hoy me a llegado de SendIt.. en 6 dias.
Esta muy muy bien el juego, los graficos no son lo mejor, pero son aceptables.
Esta superbien porque te enchanchas en seguida..

calita escribió:
nachobarro escribió:
calita escribió:Me acaba de llegar a la oficina el juego.

La cara que se me ha quedado mientras me ha pillado mi jefe en el despacho desprecintándolo ha tenido que ser para grabarla en video.

Menuda putada.

OFF: de que trabajas ? Creador de hilos oficiales ? [chulito]

Desarrollo cosméticos para multinacionales.

Ahora entiendo tu avatar [ginyo]
Weno pues ya tengo el juego, esta muy wapo sobretodo la intro con el coche xD eso no sale en la peli y weno si alguien me kiere agregar k lo haga sin miedo mi ID es Plage88 eso si poned k sois de EOL o algo x el estilo
Acabo de terminar el modo historia y la verdad es que esta muy bien, compra recomendada, he terminado mi primera pasada con un 32% de los trofeos, aunque una gran parte son online y que offline solo me faltan 4.
La verdad esque por 10 euros que costo o 11 ya no recuerdo bien, es un gran juego, muy variado, y engancha
De los juegos que salieron el dia 4, alguien más como yo todavía no lo ha recibido? [buuuaaaa] (de zavvi, claro)

A mi me ha llegado hoy,tb me lo mandaron el 3 o el 4 no lo recuerdo muy bien..he empezado el juego en 007...si me lo paso en esta dificultad te dan los de menor nivel tb¿? como en el Uncharted?? anotad mi Id hay nuevo agente 00X en la agencia [chulito]
Yo también lo he recibido hoy de zavvi (que c*br0nes, 15 días).
Me pongo al vicio ahora mismo.
calita está baneado por "Clones para trollear y spoilers"
Acabo de terminármelo en 007, ha sido un gustazo ver como iban cayendo los trofeos de las dificultades inferiores ;)

En esta dificultad se puede pasar en 8-10 horas, en los demás niveles en 5-6 horas hasta las 8.

El juego es muy divertido, sin grandes pretensiones. Me ha recordado a lo mucho que disfruté el Stranglehold en su momento, básicamente este es parecido, con hordas de enemigos saliendo por todos lados.

La conexión entre ambas películas, Casino Royale y Quantum of Solace, está bien hilvanada y creando secuencias que no aparecen en las películas para darles solidez.

Muy recomendable a bajo coste.
calita escribió:Acabo de terminármelo en 007, ha sido un gustazo ver como iban cayendo los trofeos de las dificultades inferiores ;)

En esta dificultad se puede pasar en 8-10 horas, en los demás niveles en 5-6 horas hasta las 8.

El juego es muy divertido, sin grandes pretensiones. Me ha recordado a lo mucho que disfruté el Stranglehold en su momento, básicamente este es parecido, con hordas de enemigos saliendo por todos lados.

La conexión entre ambas películas, Casino Royale y Quantum of Solace, está bien hilvanada y creando secuencias que no aparecen en las películas para darles solidez.

Muy recomendable a bajo coste.

entonces si te lo pasas en 007 te da los trofeos de pasartelo en las otras??? es por confirmar mas que nada por que lo he empezado en agente... y estoy a tiempo de cambiar.
calita está baneado por "Clones para trollear y spoilers"
Sí, te llevas el oro del 007 y el resto de platas de los niveles más bajos.
Yo he jugado bastante en casa de un amigo y es un COD al que le han puesto cosas de 007
calita escribió:Sí, te llevas el oro del 007 y el resto de platas de los niveles más bajos.

gracias!! ya creía que me lo tenía que pasar 4 veces... ufff [360º]
calita está baneado por "Clones para trollear y spoilers"
Localizaciones de las armas potentes, teléfonos, antenas en Siena, los desbloqueables y todas las cámaras.


QOS features cell phones scattered around the levels of which you can pick up and gain additional information.The phones omit a tone when you are close and flash. You simply highlight them press X or Square and you'll see what details it has given you - often being helpful for the mission you're on. The cell phones info is ordered from earliest to latest. So if you pick one up and there's a gap in the list, you've come too far and need to go back if you can and find the missing phone. You can press the Back button at any time to to see what cell phones info you have gathered.


1.After going through the boathouse and your first greenhouse, directly on the wall where you shoot the helicopter (opposite greenhouse), there is a phone on the wall.

2.Moving towards the mansion on the left side. There is a table and chairs. The phone is on the table.

3.As you enter the mansion via the cellar, just as you enter the cellar by the steps is a phone.

4.After you move through the wine cellar, you'll come to an area with black and white floor tiles. Directly ahead of you on a table is a cell phone.

5.You'll work your way through a kitchen and dining room area inside the mansion. In the next room, you'll come to some stairs. On the raised area at the base of the stairs, there is a cell phone between two vases.


1.As soon as the mission begins on the streets, to the left there are some metal tables and chairs, a phone is on one of the tables.

2.As soon as you climb through the house window and enter the bedroom there is a cell phone next to a bedside lamp.

3.making your way across the rooftops, you'll drop down onto a lower roof and there is an ammo crate on your left. Follow the only route possible and into the building - directly in front of you is a phone.

4.You'll be required to jump across a gap and enter into a house - though some green doors (already opened). In the next room is a large staircase. Simply head to the top, and the phone is on the ground before the hole.


1.as soon as the mission starts and you bypass the camera, proceed and you'll come to a step ladder with a phone on it just before crossing the water.

2.As you enter the backstage area, you'll climb some red steps with Black and Yellow markings. To your left is a phone.

3.After the sniper section you'll follow the only route possible and eventually have to walk across a beam without falling off. Just as you've crossed the beam, a phone is on the right.


1.As you make your way upwards, you'll walk up a spiral like slope just passed the area you defended with the crashed copter. Keep looking left as you walk up this slope and you'll see the phone - this is just before you need to defend Camile.


1.Just after you make your way across the entrance, there is a bar, on the counter is a cell phone.

2.Once you walk across the beach, you'll enter a building. As you follow the path, the phone is on your right on a table.

3.Once you exit the building where you found the phone described above, you'll see a ladder in front of you. Climb this to grab the cell phone.


1.As the mission begins turn around and a phone is behind you near the ammo crate.

2.In the alley with the parked trailer. Go inside the trailer and a phone is on a crate.

3.After the alleyway with the parked trailer, you'll unlock a door. A phone is on your left as you enter.

4.You'll enter an outdoors car park with a white lorry with two trailers parked. Inside one of the trailers is a cell phone.

5.Once you enter the rooftop area if you walk to the left side there is a phone next to some red pipes.


1.Follow the route and on the left of the first guard is a cell phone.

2.After clearing the area with the two guards, you'll come to a walkway that leads to two locked doors. The phone is on the walkway between the two doors.

3.Inside the office area, follow the only route possible and a phone lies on the desk on your left.

4.Inside the room where the Access Elevator switch is (where there are monitors at a desk). The phone is in the enclosed office next to this on the desk.

5.As soon as you exit the falling elevator, on your right on a crate is a phone.

6.From the floor you climb out of the elevator from, if you follow the stairs to the next floor below, there is a phone at the base of the stairs.


1.As soon as the mission begins, exit the room and enter the doorway opposite. The cell phone is on the desk next to the dead body.

2.After uploading to the second computer you'll enter a darkened office. Near the end of the office next to the third server room is a phone in a unit.

3.After being ambushed in the server room, move through to the dark area with the white van. To your right is a cell phone.

If you followed the guide until now you should have MOONRAKER ACHIEVEMENT.

4.As you enter the baggage area if you walk to the end of the room in the left hand corner, on the ground floor, there is a cell phone.

5.You'll enter a second baggage area after having the door shut on you, you'll have to climb a ladder. As soon as you enter this area, on your right is a staircase leading up to an office. A cell phone is in here.


1.As soon as the mission begins go into the next compartment on your right.

2.Once you drop down into the carriage from the roof there is a ladder and a cell phone on the right of the ladder (your left if you used the ladder to enter the carriage).

3.You'll be required to jump across to a freight train, as you move through the carriages on your right next to the first ladder you will climb is a cell phone.

4.Once you re-enter the passenger train you'll work your way through the carriages. There is a cell phone on a crate directly in your path (2nd carriage).

5.You'll climb onto the roof of the train again and then drop down by a ladder. The phone is behind you here.


1.As soon as the mission starts, move into the room on the right, there is a cell phone next to the TV.

2.When you enter the apartment room, head to the bedroom on the left, as there is a cell phone there.

3.You'll enter the second apartment room from the outside after the spar. Follow the path until you come to a double doors on your left and a single door on the right. There is a cell phone in the room on right.


1.As soon as the mission begins there is a hut with a TV inside on the right, a cell phone is in there too.

2.After rescuing the Vespa you'll come down some stairs. There is a cell phone on the right next to a lathe - this is just before going outside.

3.Once you are outside, head directly to the left and at the far end is a cell phone on a crate next to some stairs leading onto the barge.

4.Once you get onto the barge, directly opposite the gangway you just used at the far end of the barge is a large container. Go inside to find a cell phone.

5.On the right side of the ship (the only way to go) there is a doorway, go through here and then take the 2nd door on the right. The cell phone is on some shelves.

6.As you make your way up to the top deck of the barge, there is a control room just before some walkways.The cell phone is inside.


1.Follow the only route possible and you'll enter a small alleyway with clothing hung up around it. Directly in front of you is a walled area with a seat and cell phone on the seat. This is before going up the stairs.

2.Once you clear the courtyard the gates will open. Go through and turn left and then take the first right, there is a cell phone on the ground next to the door.

3.After the courtyard you'll follow Vespa and come to a balance beam to walk across, as soon as you cross the beam there is a cell phone on a chair.

4.After killing the mercs you'll cross the courtyard and come to some stone stairs/bridge. The cell phone is on the left of the stairs/bridge in the flower bedding.


1.As soon as you avoid the car at the beginning, check in front of the burnt out car for the cell phone.

2.As soon as you enter the underground car park there is an office on your left. There is a cell phone inside.

3.In the underground car park, at the back and right there is another office with a cell phone.

4.As you exit the car park area, you need to hack a door. Once inside there is a cell phone in the kitchen area on the right.

5.As you exit the burning kitchen area you'll enter a dining room. At the far end on the right is a closet with a cell phone inside


There are two camera states in game which are green and red/orange. If you see a camera with a green light, then by all means you can shoot it, but it it makes no difference as these camera do not detect you. You can hack into the green camera system to see parts of the level ahead of you. Which is good for recon purposes.

The cameras with the red/orange light are hostile and if you shoot them, then elite guards will come and investigate. Located near these cameras is a box which enables you to bypass the camera so it enters green status and no longer can detect you. You need to find the box without being seen by the camera, and then simply press X or Square to bypass it. There are 10 cameras to bypass to gain the associated achievement.


1.As soon as the mission begins you need to bypass a camera before moving on.

2.Once you are requested to gain a vantage point, turn to your right under the steps and you'll see a camera. Hack it first (box is under camera).

3.The next camera is by the storage area doorway, as you walk through the storage area near the camera described above you'll come to a desk with a TV on it. Above the window (on the outside) next to the TV is a camera, the hack box is right next to it.

4.There is another camera a few meters away from the camera described above. The hack box is directly beneath it under the walkways.


1.As the mission begins and you enter the first walkways area, there is a camera, the hack box is further down the corridor facing the camera.

2.As you slide down the rope and make your way through the corridors you'll go through the workshop and there will be a camera on your right, the hack box is right in front of you.

3.Once inside the office area, there is a camera at the far corridor. The hack box is to the right of the camera.


1.As soon as the mission starts there is a camera on your right down the steps. Sneak behind it to find the hack box.

2.In the first server room there is a camera and a hack box beneath and to the left of it.

3.Once you've accessed the second PC in the server rooms, you'll enter a darkened office. The camera is directly in front of you and the hack box on the left of the camera.

4.In the same darkened office area as you move through the office there is another camera near the exit. The hack box is on the same pillar as the camera on the right.


1.As the mission begins there is a camera in front of you, the hack box is below it.

2.Just before entering the warehouse there is a camera above the entrance, the hack box is on the right.

If you followed the guide you should have all 10 cameras and the FOR YOUR EYES ONLY ACHIEVEMENT.


On the SIENA level when you enter the street section, you are required to shoot down 7 Sat dishes from the rooftops to gain the We have people everywhere achievement.

1.As soon as the mission begins, clear the area and then look up to the building on the left and on top is the first Sat dish.

2.As soon as you enter the roof area courtyard with the steps there is a dish here. It's just after you have gone through the woman's house.

3.In the same courtyard, climb the steps and turn to your left and you'll see another dish.

4 & 5.From the top of the stairs if you have a scoped weapon you can see two more dishes in the distance - you can get these now or as you get closer by progressing onwards.

6.As soon as you have jumped onto the tiled roof and then auto jumped to the other side. There is a dish on the rooftops on your right. It's quite hard to spot unless you move forward a little.

7.As soon as you enter the market area in front of the church (before jumping on the yellow coach roof). To your left is the last Dish.


On most levels there is a case containing a special weapon which can certainly turn the tables against troublesome foes. The case is golden in colour and requires you to interact with to gain the weapon. You do not need to physically take the weapon, just open the case if you're after the THUNDERBALL achievement.


Just as you enter the cellar area of the mansion, if you follow the path and in the first alcove on your left is a case with a Hutchinson A3 shotgun.


As soon as you climb through the window and into the house, in the bedroom on your left is a case with a LTK Super Magnum.


As you finish the sniper section and need to escape when a timer counts down. If you jump down and head to your right, at the end is a case with a TLD 22s.


As you make your way upwards, you'll walk up a spiral like slope just passed the area you defended with the crashed copter. just after you defend Camile walk to your left to the end and you'll see a case with a D.A.D. System grenade launcher.


As you make your way through the shanty town, you'll come to a shack you have to defend. A case directly in front of you. This contains an 8-CAT


Making your way through the car park you'll come to some stairs, a door should open and inside is a case with a DAD System. It's before they fire up the searchlights.


As soon as you exit the falling lift, follow the path to the right and you'll come to a case with a TLD 22 inside.


Making your way through the last of three server rooms - you'll get ambushed. As you follow the only route possible, you'll come to a dark area with a white van parked. Go up the stairs and enter the doorway on the right to get a DAD System.


As you drop down into the next carriage from the start of mission, in this carriage is a bar area, to the side of the bar is a case containing a LTK Super Magnum


After sniping the guards around Vespa, you'll make your way onto the barge itself. Once on board you'll be required to shoot some canisters to unlock a door to the interior of the ship. Once you've entered this doorway the case is behind a table in the second room on your right. go through the second doorway to grab the TLD 22. thanks to LyRiK for heads up.


As you follow Vespa you'll come to an area after the balance beam where you must kill the mercenaries. Looking out the window here, turn around as a case behind you contains a LTK Super Magnum.


In the underground car park 2nd area, there is an office at the back next to a loading area. Inside the loading area is a case with a 8-CAT. MG


Playing through the single player game unlocks various debriefing rooms, which allow you to enter and view character models, weapons and concept artworks. You unlock these by completing

White's Estate - Lake Como
Siena, Opera House, Sink Hole - Quantum Part 1
Shanty Town, Construction site - Madagascar
Science Center Interior/exterior and Miami Airport - Miami
Montenegro train, Casino Royale, Casino Poison - Montenegro
Barge, Venice - Vespa
Eco Hotel - Quantum Part 2.
Ya tengo el platino! si tenéis alguna consulta no dudeis en preguntarme,salu2!!

Hola frikis!
He mirado las dos paginas donde cometais que lo habeis pillado por 11 o 10 euritos y estan agotados...y de precios, lo ponian a 39 libras...
Alguien sabe donde lo puedo pillar en plan chollo?
A ese precio va a ser dificil pillarlo otra vez...
Alguien me lo vende de segunda mano?
ion80 escribió:Hola frikis!
He mirado las dos paginas donde cometais que lo habeis pillado por 11 o 10 euritos y estan agotados...y de precios, lo ponian a 39 libras...
Alguien sabe donde lo puedo pillar en plan chollo?

Chollo,chollo no,pero en Blahdvd lo puedes pillar a 15.99£+1£ de gastos.

No está nada mal.
Podríamos hacer una quedada para jugar online no?
saiyan10 escribió:Podríamos hacer una quedada para jugar online no?

Apunta mi Id q yo estoy jugando [oki]

PD: enhorabuena Frytheman
Gracias Mr. Siniestro, ya me lo acabo de comprar. Si te enteras donde puedo pillar un dualshock 3 white ceramic baratito te pongo un pedestal. A ver si tarda poco...

Gracias de nuevo!
calita está baneado por "Clones para trollear y spoilers"
Nueva cabecera!!!
saiyan10 escribió:Podríamos hacer una quedada para jugar online no?

Pues casi que si, por que los trofeos del duelo bond y escapar como bond se me resisten. A ver si quedamos una noche y llenamos una sala entera...
Yo me apunto a una quedada, sobre todo a una de las de Bond vs Organización, que nunca hay nadie, yo quiero el trofeo!!
Contad conmigo, aunk el juego lo tengo muy abandonado
Hidalgo jr escribió:Yo me apunto a una quedada, sobre todo a una de las de Bond vs Organización, que nunca hay nadie, yo quiero el trofeo!!

agregame que yo estoy casi todas las noches con alguno de eol...ese trofeo cual es, el de evasion o el de desactivar las bombas?...
OK, te agrego.

¿Hacemos una quedada eoliana el jueves para el trofeo del modo "Evasión de Bond"?
Hidalgo jr escribió:OK, te agrego.

¿Hacemos una quedada eoliana el jueves para el trofeo del modo "Evasión de Bond"?

A k hora???
Plage escribió:
Hidalgo jr escribió:OK, te agrego.

¿Hacemos una quedada eoliana el jueves para el trofeo del modo "Evasión de Bond"?

A k hora???

A la q nos viniera bien a todos
349 respuestas
1, 2, 3, 4, 57