› Foros › Multiplataforma › General
endreides escribió:04/01 - Machinarium (PC)
22/01 – Assassin´s Creed (Xbox 360)
25/01 – Mirrors Edge (Xbox 360)
21/02 - Call of Duty 4 (Xbox 360)
10/03 - Batman: Arkham Assylum (PS3)
22/05 – Uncharted(PS3)
25/05 – Dead Space(Xbox 360)
20/07 - God of War:Chains of Olimpus (PSP)
31/08 - Assassin´s Creed 2 (PS3)
24/10 - Bioshock 2 (Xbox 360)
07/11 - Bayonetta (XBOX 360)
23/11 - Assassin´s Creed 2: La Batalla de Forli (PS3)
3/01 - Final Fantasy I (Game Boy Advance)
24/01 - Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World (Game Boy Advance)
01/02 - Golden Sun (Game Boy Advance)
10/02 - ChuChu Rocket! (Game Boy Advance)
01/03 - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations (Nintendo DS)
15/03 - Sonic Advance (Game Boy Advance)
01/04 - Metal Slug 3 (Neo Geo)
01/04 - Metal Slug 4 (Neo Geo)
05/04 - Metal Slug 5 (Neo Geo)
09/05 - Cave Story (PC)
10/05 - Pokemon HeartGold (Nintendo DS)
31/05 - Sonic Advance 3 (Game Boy Advance)
03/06 - World Of Goo (PC)
16/06 - Portal (PC)
18/06 - Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Nintendo Wii)
11/07 - Disgaea (Nintendo DS)
21/07 - Blazing Star (Neo Geo)
29/07 - Touhou 8 (PC)
01/09 - Metroid: Other M (Nintendo Wii)
14/09 - Super Monkey Ball - Banana Blitz (Nintendo Wii)
05/10 - Taiko no Tatsujin (Nintendo Wii)
19/11 - Sonic 4 (WiiWare)
22/11 - F-Zero (SNES (VC de Wii))
10/12 - Professor Layton and the Pandora's Box
10/12 - Maestro! Jump in Music (NDS)
15/12 - Call Of Duty: Black Ops (PC)
27/12 - Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai 2 (PSP)
Total: 27
2/01 Alice Mcgee (PC)
08/01 Bayonetta (Xbox 360)
29/01 Mass Effect 2 (Xbox 360)
09/02 Bioshock 2 (Xbox 360)
25/02 Heavy Rain (PlayStation 3)
25/02 White Knight Chronicles (PlayStation 3)
25/02 Silent Hill Shattered Memories (PSP)
26/02 Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing (Wii)
01/03 Half Minute Zero (PSP)
09/03 Final Fantasy XIII (X360)
30/04 Fragile (Wii)
14/05 Alan Wake (Xbox 360)
28/05 No More Heroes 2 (Wii)
11/06 Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii)
20/08 Kane and Lynch 2 (Xbox 360)
09/09 Ninety Nine Nights II (Xbox 360)
10/09 Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep (PSP)
14/09 Halo Reach (Xbox 360)
15/09 Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition (PlayStation 3)
17/09 Last Window: El Secreto de Cape West (Nintendo DS)
23/09 F1 2010 (Xbox 360)
30/09 Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 (Xbox 360)
02/10 Blood Drive (Xbox 360)
07/10 Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow (Xbox 360)
08/10 Enslaved: Odyssey To The West (Xbox 360)
09/10 Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (Nintendo DS)
28/10 SAW II (Xbox 360)
28/10 Star Wars: El Poder de la Fuerza II (Xbox 360)
29/10 Fable III (Xbox 360)
05/11 Deadly Premonition (Xbox 360)
12/11 Sonic Colours (Wii)
26/11 Majin and the Forsaken (Xbox 360)
01/12 Kirby's Epic Yarn (Wii)
02/12 Sonic 4 (Wii)
20/12 Gran Turismo 5 (PlayStation 3)
Total: 35
trane escribió:1/03 - Bayonetta (Xbox 360)
01/03 - Army of Two: The 40th Day (Xbox 360)
01/03 - Darksiders: Wrath of War (Xbox 360)
01/03 - Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony (Xbox 360)
01/03 - Robert Ludlum’s La Conspiración Bourne (Xbox 360)
01/03 - 007: Quantum of Solace (Xbox 360)
01/03 - Mini Ninjas (Xbox 360)
01/03 - 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand (Xbox 360)
13/05 - God of War 3 (PlayStation 3)
15/04 - Splinter Cell: Conviction (Xbox 360)
08/05 - Alan Wake (Xbox 360)
09/08 - Red Dead Redemption (PlayStation 3)
11/08 - Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (PlayStation Portable)
16/08 - Keane & Lynch 2: Dogs Day (Xbox 360)
13/09 - Spiderman Dimensions (Xbox 360)
17/09 - Halo Reach (Xbox 360 Obviamente)
21/09 - Halo: Combat Envolved (Xbox)
30/09 - Mafia II (PlayStation 3)
10/10 - Enslaved Odyssey to the West (Xbox 360)
18/10 - Medal of Honor (Xbox 360)
30/10 - Star Wars: EPDLF 2 Lado Oscuro (Xbox 360)
03/11 - Call of Duty Black Ops (Xbox 360)
08/11 - Call of Duty Black Ops (PlayStation 3)
12/11 - God of War: Ghost of Sparta
13/12 - Uncharted 2: El Reino de los Ladrones (PlayStation 3)
26/12 - Halo 3: ODST (Xbox 360)
28/12 - Halo 2 (Games of Windows)
PLayStation 3: 5 juegos pasados en 2010
Xbox 360: 17 juegos pasados en 2010
PSP: 2 juegos pasados en 2010
Xbox: 1 juego pasado en 2010
Game of Windows: 1 juego pasado en 2010
26 juegos pasados en total.
Psyker escribió:- 08/01 Bayonetta (Xbox 360)
- 02/02 Mass Effect 2 (Xbox 360)
- 20/02 Folklore (PlayStation 3)
- 27/02 S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat (PC)
- 06/03 White Knight Chronicles (PlayStation 3)
- 22/03 Final Fantasy XIII (Xbox 360)
- 17/07 Resonance of Fate (PlayStation 3)
- 26/07 Yakuza (PlayStation 2)
- 03/08 Grandia (PlayStation)
- 04/09 Mafia II (PC)
- 20/09 Magna Carta 2 (Xbox 360)
- 23/10 Final Fantasy XIII (PlayStation 3)
- 29/10 Vanquish (Xbox 360)
- 31/10 Star Wars The Force Unleashed (PC)
- 08/11 Fallout: New Vegas (PC)
- 18/11 Atelier Rorona: Alchemist of Arland (PlayStation 3)
-Dead Space
-Heavy Rain
-God of War III
-Brutal Legend
-Resident evil 5 gold edition
-3D dot game heroes
-Castlevania Lords of shadows
-Assassin's Creed II
-Final Fantasy XIII
-Rachet & Clank tools of destruction
-Mini Ninjas
-Batman Arkham Asylum
-Heavenly Sword
-Prince of Persia
-The Chronicles of Riddick
-Mass Effect
-Mass Effect 2
-Gears of War 2
-Halo Reach
-Red Faction Guerrilla
-Devil May Cry 4
-Half Minute Hero
-Me & My Katamari
-Dante's inferno
Total: 28
bryad escribió:Bueno, acabando el año pongo mi listado......a ver si para el próximo año lo pongo desde el principio.
23/12 - 007: Quantum of Solace (Xbox 360)
23/12 - 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand (Xbox 360)
23/12 - Alan Wake (Xbox 360)
23/12 - Assassin's Creed (Xbox 360)
23/12 - Bioshock (Xbox 360)
23/12 - Call of Duty 2 (Xbox 360)
23/12 - Call of Duty 3 (Xbox 360)
23/12 - Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (PlayStation 3)
23/12 - Conan (Xbox 360)
23/12 - Condemned (Xbox 360)
23/12 - Condemned 2 (Xbox 360)
23/12 - Las Cronicas de Riddick: Fuga de Butcher Bay (Xbox 360)
23/12 - Dante's Inferno (PlayStation 3)
23/12 - Dead Space (Xbox 360)
23/12 - Devil May Cry (PlayStation 2)
23/12 - Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard (Xbox 360)
23/12 - Fifa 09 (Xbox 360)
23/12 - Gangs of London (PlayStation Portable)
23/12 - Gears of War (Xbox 360)
23/12 - God of War: Chains of Olympus (PlayStation Portable)
23/12 - God of War Collection: God of War (PlayStation 3)
23/12 - God of War Collection: God of War II (PlayStation 3)
23/12 - Golden Axe: Beast Rider (Xbox 360)
23/12 - Halo: Combat Evolved (Xbox)
23/12 - Halo 2 (Xbox)
23/12 - Heavenly Sword (PlayStation 3)
23/12 - Heavy Rain (PlayStation 3)
23/12 - The Incredible Hulk (Xbox 360)
23/12 - Infected (PlayStation Portable)
23/12 - Jericho (Xbox 360)
23/12 - Just Cause (Xbox 360)
23/12 - Killzone Liberation (PlayStation Portable)
23/12 - Peter Jackson's King Kong (Xbox 360)
23/12 - Lost: Via Domus (Xbox 360)
23/12 - M.A.C.H. (PlayStation Portable)
23/12 - Mass Effect (Xbox 360)
23/12 - Medievil Resurrection (PlayStation Portable)
23/12 - Miami Vice (PlayStation Portable)
23/12 - Motorstorm (PlayStation 3)
23/12 - Need For Speed Carbono (PlayStation Portable)
23/12 - Ninja Gaiden Sigma (PlayStation 3)
23/12 - Onimusha: Warlords (PlayStation 2)
23/12 - Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising (Xbox 360)
23/12 - Prey (Xbox 360)
23/12 - Red Steel (Wii)
23/12 - Resident Evil 5 (PlayStation 3)
23/12 - Resistance: Fall of Man (PlayStation 3)
23/12 - Saw (PlayStation 3)
23/12 - Sega Rally (PlayStation Portable)
23/12 - Shadow Complex (Xbox 360)
23/12 - SOCOM: U.S. Navy Seals Fireteam Bravo (PlayStation Portable)
23/12 - Stranglehold (Xbox 360)
23/12 - Super Mario Galaxy (Nintendo Wii)
23/12 - The Suffering (PS2)
23/12 - Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas (Xbox 360)
23/12 - Uncharted: El Tesoro de Drake (PlayStation 3)
23/12 - World Rally Championship (PlayStation Portable)
23/12 - X-Men: El Videojuego Oficial (Xbox 360)
23/12 - Yakuza (PlayStation 2)
30/12 - Still Life (PC)
Total: 60
A ver si me acabo los 2 que tengo en curso antes del 31
zackner escribió:Me apunto
8/01 Assasin's Creed II(XBOX 360)
10/01 Return To The Castle: Wolfenstein (Playstation 2)
14/01 Devil May Cry 4(XBOX 360)
3/02 Halo 3(XBOX 360)
9/02 Dissidia: Final Fantasy(Playstation Portable)
14/04 Halo 3: ODST(XBOX 360)
15/04 Resident Evil 5(Completo con sus DLC)(XBOX 360)
16/07 Metal Slug XX (XBLA)
19/07 Dead Rising 2 Case Zero (XBLA)
25/07 Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker (Playstation Portable)
27/07 Resistance (Playstation 3)
01/08 Battlefield: Bad Company (XBOX 360)
12/08 Assasin's Creed (XBOX 360)
01/10 Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep(Playstation Portable)
03/11 Borderland(Con Todas sus dlc)(XBOX 360)
05/11 Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded(Nintendo DS)
07/11 Lara Croft And The guardian Of Light (XBLA)
08/11 Blade Kitten (XBLA)
11/11 Alan Wake (XBOX 360)
15/11 Soul Calibur 4(XBOX 360)
16/11 Splinter Cell Conviction (XBOX 360)
17/11 Star Wars The Force Unleashed(XBOX 360)
27/11 Assasin's Creed La Hermandad(XBOX 360)
Total 23
Me voy acordando de algunos por momentos viendo vuestras listas
Edito: no tengo ps3pero en la lista tengo el resistance que de horas pase en cas de un amigo pasandonos el juego haciendo gilipolleces
03/01 - Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles (Nintendo Wii)
07/01 - Tale Of A Hero (PC)
18/01 - Sherlock Holmes vs Arsène Lupin (PC)
22/01 - Criminology (NDS)
28/01 - Darksiders: Wrath of War (360)
30/01 - Assassin's Creed II: La Batalla de Forli (360)
01/02 - Tales Of Monkey Island: Episodio 1 (PC)
03/02 - Dark Void (360)
04/02 - Tales Of Monkey Island: Episodio 2 (PC)
09/02 - Tales Of Monkey Island: Episodio 3 (PC)
09/02 - CSI: Determinación Mortal - Casos Ocultos (NDS)
11/02 - Tales Of Monkey Island: Episodio 4 (PC)
14/02 - Mass Effect 2 (360)
21/02 - Tales Of Monkey Island: Episodio 5 (PC)
25/02 - NIKOPOL (PC)
28/02 - Heavy Rain (PS3)
07/03 - Heavy Rain Chronicles: El taxidermista (Ps3)
13/03 - Dante´s Inferno (360)
20/03 - Bayonetta (360)
29/03 - Machinarium (PC)
02/04 - Runaway 3: A Twist Of Fate (PC)
05/04 - Dead Mountaineer's Hotel (PC)
18/04 - Yakuza 3 (PS3)
27/04 - God Of War Collection - God Of War I (PS3)
01/05 - God Of War Collection - God Of War II (PS3)
04/05 - God Of War III (PS3)
04/05 - Keepsake (PC)
10/05 - Alan Wake (360)
13/06 - Red Dead Redemption (360)
13/06 - Splinter Cell: Conviction (360)
29/06 - Dracula Origins (PC)
01/07 - Shutter Island: The Adventure Game (PC)
04/07 - The Whispered World (PC)
08/07 - Sherlock Holmes y el Secreto de la Reina (NDS)
15/07 - 3 Cards To Dead Time (PC)
19/07 - Black Mirror II (PC)
24/07 - Mortimer Beckett And The Time Paradox (PC)
26/07 - MYSTERY CASE FILES 01 - Huntsville (PC)
29/07 - Margrave Manor 2: El Barco Perdido (PC)
30/07 - Penny Dreadful´s Sweeny Todd (PC)
31/07 - Insider Tales: The Stolen Venus (PC)
01/08 - Escape Museum 2 (PC)
17/08 - Viaje al Centro de la Tierra (PC)
27/08 - Singularity (360)
06/09 - MYSTERY CASE FILES 02: Prime Suspects (PC)
07/09 - Liberty City Stories: The Ballad Of Gay Tony (Xbox 360)
09/09 - MYSTERY CASE FILES 03: Ravenhearts (PC)
14/09 - Mafia II (Xbox 360)
15/09 - MYSTERY CASE FILES 04 - Madame Fate (PC)
16/09 - The Mirror Mysteries (PC)
16/09 - The Stone Of destiny (PC)
20/09 - SAM & MAX - Temporada 1-EPISODIO 1: Choque de Cultura (PC)
20/09 - SAM & MAX - Temporada 1-EPISODIO 2: Situación Comedia (PC)
20/09 - SAM & MAX - Temporada 1-EPISODIO 3: El Topo, La Mafia y La Albóndiga (PC)
21/09 - SAM & MAX - Temporada 1-EPISODIO 4: Abraham Lincoln Debe Morir (PC)
21/09 - SAM & MAX - Temporada 1-EPISODIO 5: Realidad 2.0 (PC)
24/09 - SAM & MAX - Temporada 1-EPISODIO 6: La Cara Amable de la Luna (PC)
25/09 - SAM & MAX - Temporada 2-EPISODIO 1: Estación de Hielo Santa (PC)
26/09 - SAM & MAX - Temporada 2-EPISODIO 2: El Blues de Los Moais (PC)
26/09 - SAM & MAX - Temporada 2-EPISODIO 3: La Noche de los Muertos Locos (PC)
03/10 - SAM & MAX - Temporada 2-EPISODIO 4: Carros de los Perros (PC)
05/10 - SAM & MAX - Temporada 2-EPISODIO 5: ¿Qué hay de nuevo, Belcebú? (PC)
12/10 - Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow (Xbox 360)
15/10 - Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep (PSP)17/10 - Enslaved: Odyssey To The West (Xbox 360)
17/10 - Nelson Tethers - Puzzle Agent (PC)
20/10 - Real Crimes: Jack El Destripador (NDS)
27/10 - Last Window: El Secreto de Cape West (NDS)
30/10 - Lost Horizon (PC)
14/11 - Fable III (360)
23/11 - El Profesor Layton Y El Futuro Perdido (NDS)
29/11 - MYSTERY CASE FILES 05: Retorno a Ravenhearts (PC)
07/12 - Assassin's Creed: La Hermandad (Xbox 360)
14/12 - Gray Matter (PC)
17/12 - Lost Secrets: El Triángulo de las Bermúdas (PC)
18/12 - Mortimer Beckett And The Lost King (PC)
19/12 - Mortimer Beckett DeLuxe (PC)
22/12 - Majin And The Forsaken Kingdom (Xbox 360)
29/12 - Mortadelo y Filemón: Una Aventura de Cine (PC)
30/12 - Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World (PC)
31/12 - Haunted Hotel: Lonely Dream (PC)
Psyker escribió:- 08/01 Bayonetta (Xbox 360)
- 02/02 Mass Effect 2 (Xbox 360)
- 20/02 Folklore (PlayStation 3)
- 27/02 S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat (PC)
- 06/03 White Knight Chronicles (PlayStation 3)
- 22/03 Final Fantasy XIII (Xbox 360)
- 17/07 Resonance of Fate (PlayStation 3)
- 26/07 Yakuza (PlayStation 2)
- 03/08 Grandia (PlayStation)
- 04/09 Mafia II (PC)
- 20/09 Magna Carta 2 (Xbox 360)
- 23/10 Final Fantasy XIII (PlayStation 3)
- 29/10 Vanquish (Xbox 360)
- 31/10 Star Wars The Force Unleashed (PC)
- 08/11 Fallout: New Vegas (PC)
- 18/11 Atelier Rorona: Alchemist of Arland (PlayStation 3)
- 29/12 Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (Xbox 360)
Total: 17
16/02 - Final Fantasy (Nintendo)
20/02 - Ninja Blade (Xbox 360)
18/04 - Fuerza de Defensa Terrestre 2017 (Xbox 360)
24/04 - 'Splosion Man (Xbox 360)
09/05 - South Park: Let's Go Tower Defense Play (Xbox 360)
16/05 - Red Faction: Guerrilla (Xbox 360)
29/05 - Lost Planet 2 (Xbox 360)
05/07 - 0 Day Attack on Earth (Xbox 360)
12/07 - Rocket Knight (Xbox 360)
22/07 - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PlayStation)
23/07 - Ikaruga (DreamCast)
26/07 - Lost Odyssey (Xbox 360)
02/08 - Crystal Defenders (Xbox 360)
03/08 - Bayonetta (Xbox 360)
06/08 - Castle Crashers (Xbox 360)
11/08 - TriggerHeart Exelica (DreamCast)
26/08 - Zombie Apocalypse (Xbox 360)
31/08 - Metal Slug 3 (Neo Geo)
03/09 - Metal Slug XX (Xbox 360)
04/10 - Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (Nintendo DS)
11/10 - Final Fantasy XIII (Xbox 360)
05/12 - Castlevania: Harmony of Despair (Xbox 360)
07/01 - Killzone 2 (PlayStation 3)
02/03 - Uncharted: El Tesoro de Drake (PlayStation 3)
02/03 - Uncharted 2: El Reino de los Ladrones (PlayStation 3)
02/03 - Resident Evil 5 (Xbox 360)
02/03 - Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles (Nintendo Wii)
02/03 - New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo Wii)
02/03 - Dead Space (Xbox 360)
02/03 - Tekken 6 (Xbox 360)
25/08 - Batman Arkham Asylum (PlayStation 3)
25/08 - BioShock 2 (PlayStation 3)
25/08 - Final Fantasy XIII (PlayStation 3)
25/08 - Mirror´s Edge (Xbox 360)
25/08 - Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Nintendo Wii)
25/08 - Super Mario Galaxy (Nintendo Wii)
25/08 - Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story (Nintendo DS)
25/08 - Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (Nintendo DS)
08/10 - Mass Effect 2 (Xbox 360)
08/10 - Metroid: Other M (Nintendo Wii)
08/10 - Ninja Gaiden II (Xbox 360)
15/01 - Ratchet & Clank: Atrapados en el Tiempo (PlayStation 3)
03/03 - Final Fantasy IV (Nintendo DS)
20/03 - Final Fantasy XIII (PlayStation 3)
03/04 - Pokemon SoulSilver Version (Nintendo DS)
16/04 - Dark Chronicle (PS2)
10/07 - Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2(NDS)
17/07 - Tekken 6 (PS3)
23/07 - Castlevania:OOC (NDS)
Agosto (No me acuerdo ^^)Prof.Layton y la caja de pandora (NDS)
Agosto (No me acuerdo ^^)Prof. Layton y la villa misteriosa (NDS)
14/11 Golden Sun 2 (GBA)
12/12 Golden sun Dark Dawn (NDS)
28/12 Assasins Creed 2 (PS3)