-JR- escribió:Si alguien pudiera traducir esto podriamos tener los fatalities... aber si me echais una mano....
Ahí van las posibilidades de movimientos para hacer en el Fatality
Normal Character Fatalities
STANDING (facing you)
To facing Away - Transition - Remote: Upper Half Circle Toward Opponent
To Kneeling - Transition - Remote: Up, Down
To Kneeling - Transition - Nunchuck: Up, Down
To Facedown - Transition - Remote & Nunchuck: Both Up, Down
Knee To The Head - Attack - Remote & Nunchuck: Both Poke, Pull
Punch 1 - Attack - Remote: Away, Toward
Punch 2 - Attack - Remote: Pull, Poke
Kick 1 - Attack - Remote: Toward, Away
Kick Low - Attack - Remote: Lower Half Circle Toward Opponent
Heart Rip - Attack - Remote: Poke, Pull
Brain Rip - Attack - Remote: Poke, Twist Counter Clockwise
Rip Out Both Ribs - Attack - Remote & Nunchuck: Both Poke 45 Degree Down, Pull 45 Degree Up
Rip Out Thigh Bone - Attack - Nunchuck: Poke, Pull
Rip Off Arm - Attack - Remote: Poke, Down
Hit With Arm - Attack - Remote: Poke, Toward
Rip Off Both Arms - Attack - Remote & Nunchuck: Both Poke, Remote Toward and Nunchuck Away
Hit With Both Arms - Attack - Remote & Nunchuck: Toward, Away
Armbreak - Attack - Remote: Upper Half Circle Away from Opponent
Head Rip Finisher - Finisher - Remote: Poke, Up
Neck Break Finisher - Finisher - Remote Pull and Nunchuck Poke, then Remote Poke and Nunchuck Pull
Spine Rip Finisher - Finisher - Remote: Poke, Twist Clockwise
Head Smash Finisher - Finisher - Remote and Nunchuck: Away then Toward Each Other (Clap)
Torso Rip Finisher - Finisher - Remote and Nunchuck: Poke, Up
1 Arm Finisher - Finisher - Nunchuck: Away, Toward
Both Arms Finisher - Finisher - Remote & Nunchuck: Both Away, Toward
Draw Sword - Remote: Poke 45 Degree Down, Pull 45 Degree Up
Slice Left Arm - Attack - Sword - Nunchuck: Down, Up
Slice Right Arm - Attack - Sword - Nunchuck: Up, Down
Impale - Attack - Sword - Nunchuck: Pull, Poke
Gut Strike - Attack - Sword - Remote: Twist Clockwise, Poke
Decapitation Finisher - Finisher - Sword - Remote: Lower Half Circle Away from Opponent
Draw Short Sword - Remote: Poke 45 Degree Down, Pull 45 Degree Up
Stab Head - Attack - Short SwdRemote: Up, Poke
Stab Gut - Attack - Short SwdRemote: Pull, poke
Slice Left Arm - Attack - Short SwdNunchuck: Up, Down
Slice Right Arm - Attack - Short SwdNunchuck: Down, Up
Impale Gut - Attack - Short SwdRemote: Lower Half Circle Toward Opponent
Impale Head - Attack - Short SwdNunchuck: Pull, Poke
Decapitation Finisher - Finisher - Short SwdRemote: Lower Half Circle Away from Opponent
STANDING (facing away)
To Facing You - Transition - Remote: Upper Half Circle Toward Opponent
To Facing You Punch - Transition - Remote: Toward, Away
To Face Up - Transition - Remote: Up, Down
Back Breaker 1 - Attack - Remote: Pull, Poke
Back Breaker 2 - Attack - Remote: Poke, Up
Arm Break - Attack - Remote: Poke, Twist Counter Clockwise
Neck Break - Attack - Remote: Lower Half Circle Away from Opponent
Brain Rip - Attack - Remote: Poke, Twist Clockwise
Heart Rip - Attack - Remote: Poke, Pull
Kick Low - Attack - Remote: Down, Up
HeadSmash Finisher 1 - Finisher - Remote & Nunchuck: Away then Toward Each Other (Clap)
HeadSmash Finisher 2 Finisher -. Nunchuck: Up, Down
Shish-Ka-Bob - Finisher - Remote & Nunchuck: Both Down, Up (sword required)
KNEELING (facing you)
To Facing You (Stand) - Transition - Remote: Down, Up
To Facedown - Transition - Nunchuck: Up, Down
Neck Break - Attack - Remote: Upper Half Circle Away
from Opponent
Head Kick - Attack - Remote: Pull, Poke
Knee to the Head - Attack - Remote: Poke, Up
Punch 1 - Attack - Remote: Away, Toward
Punch 2 - Attack - Remote: Toward, Away
Face Kick - Attack - Remote: Lower Half Circle Toward Opponent
Impale - Attack - Remote: Down, Poke (sword req'd)
Neck Break Finisher - Finisher - Remote Pull and Nunchuck Poke, then Remote Poke and Nunchuck Pull
Spine Rip Finisher - Finisher - Remote & Nunchuck: Both Down, Up
Decap Finisher - Finisher Remote: Lower Half Circle Away from Opponent (sword required)
KNEELING (facing away)
Punch - Transition - Remote: Away, Toward
To Facing Away (Stand) - Transition - Remote: Down, Up
Impale - Attack - Remote: Pull, Poke (sword required)
Head Rip Finisher - Finisher - Remote & Nunchuck: Both Down, Up
LAYING DOWN (face down)
To Facing You (Stand) - Transition - Remote: Upper Half Circle Toward Opponent
To Kneeling - Transition - Remote: Upper Half Circle Away from Opponent
Knee Drop - Attack - Remote: Poke, Down
Back Stomp - Attack - Remote & Nunchuck: Both Up, Down
Punch - Attack - Remote: Up, Down
Spine Rip Finisher - Finisher - Nunchuck: Down, Up
Head Stab Finisher - Finisher Remote: Poke 45 Degree Down, Pull 45 Degree Up (sword required)
LAYING DOWN (face up)
To Facing Away (Stand) - Transition - Remote: Down, Up
To Kneeling (Facing Away) - Transition - Remote: Poke, Up
Punch - Attack - Remote: Up, Down
Head Stomp 1 - Finisher - Remote & Nunchuck: Both Up, Down
Head Stomp 2 - Finisher - Remote & Nunchuck: Both Poke, Down
Decapitation Finisher - Finisher Nunchuck: Toward, Away (sword required)
Head Stab Finisher - Finisher Remote: Poke 45 Degree Down, Pull 45 Degree Up (sword req'd)
Boss Fatalities
STANDING (facing you)
To Facing Away - Transition - Remote: Upper Half Circle Toward Opponent
To Kneeling - Transition - Remote: Up, Down
To Facedown - Transition - Remote: Poke, Down
Crush - Attack - Remote: Toward, Away
Kick - Attack - Remote: Lower Half Circle Toward Opponent
Spin Punch - Attack - Remote: Away, Toward
Gut Punch - Attack - Remote: Pull, Poke
Knee to Chest - Attack - Remote: Poke, Up
2 Fisted Hammer - Attack - Remote & Nunchuck: Both Up, Down
Chest Punch Finisher - Finisher - Nunchuck: Pull, Poke
Uppercut Finisher - Finisher - Nunchuck: Down, Up
Head Crush Finisher - Finisher - Remote & Nunchuck: Away then Toward Each Other (Clap)
Head Kick Finisher - Finisher - Nunchuck: Poke, Up
Exploding Punch - Finisher - Remote Pull and Nunchuck Poke, then Remote Poke and Nunchuck Pull
STANDING (facing away)
To Facing You - Transition - Remote: Upper Half Circle Toward Opponent
To Face Up - Transition - Remote: Up, Down
Knee Strike - Attack - Remote: Pull, Poke
Head Pound Finisher - Finisher - Nunchuck: Up, Down
Kick Finisher - Finisher - Nunchuck: Poke, Up
Head Crush Finisher - Finisher - Remote & Nunchuck: Away then Toward Each Other (Clap)
KNEELING (facing you)
To Facing You (Stand) - Transition - Remote: Down, Up
Kick - Attack - Remote: Lower Half Circle Toward Opponent
Kick 2 - Attack - Remote: Upper Half Circle Toward Opponent
Exploding Punch Finisher - Finisher - Remote Pull and Nunchuck Poke, then Remote Poke and Nunchuck Pull
Head Crush Finisher - Finisher - Remote & Nunchuck: Away then Toward Each Other (Clap)
Head Kick Finisher - Finisher - Remote: Pull, Poke
KNEELING (facing away)
Too Facing Away (Stand) - Transition - Remote: Down, Up
Kick - Attack - Remote: Pull, Poke
Head Crush Finisher - Finisher - Remote & Nunchuck: Away then Toward Each Other (Clap)
LAYING DOWN (face down)
To Kneeling - Transition - Remote: Lower Half Circle Toward Opponent
Head Punch - Attack - Remote: Up, Down
Head Pop Finisher - Finisher - Nunchuck: Up, Down
Torso Explosion Finisher - Finisher - Remote & Nunchuck: Both Up, Down
LAYING DOWN (face up)
To Facing Away (Stand) - Transition - Remote: Down, Up
To Kneeling (Facing Away) - Transition - Remote: Lower Half Circle Toward Opponent
Knee Strike - Attack - Remote: Upper Half Circle Toward Opponent
Head Punch Finisher - Finisher - Remote: Up, Down
Both Arm Finisher - Finisher - Remote & Nunchuck: Both Up, Down
y aquí el documento original de Midway (en realidad era un PDF) que he transformado en 4 jpgs muy ligeritos.

Siento no tenerlo en español pero por más que he buscado...